Sharon's Getting Ready for Swimsuit Season challenge



  • silverlil
    silverlil Posts: 70 Member
    I did not do CE, probably will start tomorrow, but I did run 4.7 miles for 49.30 minutes and my HRM said 572 cals, i have New balance N4 for women with chest strap... Do I have to follow diet plan or it can be my own, I am tring to eat more healthy , and it will be long process :) and also I do not use shakeology,(trying to get more vegetables and fruit) I use muscle milk protein w milk....My weight is 174 and i am 5'6
  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    Hi Everyone,

    Boot camp and then a spin class after work today. It was very hot outside so I'm working on drinking lots of water right now. I can't believe how much I sweat compared to the other people in class. Wonder why?

  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I'd love to be in too!! I've already boughten some swimsuits to motivate me:) Hoping by July when I go on vacation to look good in them. My name is Sharon also!! Any one feel free to add me:)
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Was able to get some exercise in. Did Week 1 Day 1 of C25K.

    Question...those with HRMs, do you adjust those calories for BMR (deduct the cals you'd normally burn in that amount of time)? Or do you log exactly what your HRM says? I've been deducting those cals, so I'm curious. But I guess I'd rather under estimate the cal burn than over. But curious because I think I'm hitting a plateau & maybe I need to eat more.

    Have a good night!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Hi Everyone,

    Boot camp and then a spin class after work today. It was very hot outside so I'm working on drinking lots of water right now. I can't believe how much I sweat compared to the other people in class. Wonder why?


    I sweat so much when I work out as well!!!!!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Still at 127.5. Been there for over a month. Goal weight:123. Definitely hit a plateau. I did loose 5lbs pretty quick but now haven't lost any. I am in week 8 of P90X. Pre P90X I always did cardio about 5 times a week and added in weights when I could. So I think with P90x I am gaining muscle which is not making the scale go down. I do feel a little bit more toned but I need to loose these 5lbs and keep them off. I stay within my calories usually about 6 days a week so I think I just need to add in more cardio...P90x isn't enough for me. Today it was nice out so I was finally able to take a run. Looking forward to meeting my goal by June. Good luck to all.
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 60 and ABS 10, burned 630 cals, sharon i have a question , i have been having pain in my butt, and when i try to do the ab exercises from turbo fire , i can't do it , i think it is my tail bone giving me problems, i tried putting pillows, towel, and nothing seems to help, i will get a yoga mat in the mean time, have any tips for me, thanks, hope everyone is having a great evening :flowerforyou:

    I noticed on I think its the p90x's abs they have you make a triangle with your thumbs and pointer fingers under your back for some of the abd exercises, so you may want to try that. I even do mine on a yoga mat, but it still bothers my tailbone sometimes.

    As for the HRM.. I put into MFP exactly what my monitor says when I'm done working out. I don't wear my HRM throughout the day as I don't think that;s really calories burnt from exercise, but that's just me. (and I don't seem to be losing much lol)
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Today is my rest day...but tomorrow morning I'm hitting it hard with a treadmill run and P90X chest and back. I'm going to run first, then get in as much chest and back as possible...I really love that darn routine so hopefully will be able to finish it out before hitting the shower at 7:30 so I can be to work by 8am! I'm changing things up with my diet this week (well starting Thursday once my work schedule will allow me to get to the grocery store) to try to jump start this weight loss again! At least I haven't gained any weight so I've been holding steady which is a plus in itself. But now that Sharon and I are going to meet up in August, I definitely have to get my butt in gear! I'm going to make you proud!!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Evening all my lovely friends! Sounds like everyone had a great day 1 so yay us! :bigsmile:

    Anita I log whatever my HRM says but I don't eat all those exercise calories so for me it's more about achieving a daily burn of 500 calories rather than worrying about how many more I get to eat. I tend to stick to about 1500 - 1600 calories per day.

    Britt - you make me proud already just because of your energy and spirit.

    Becky - I sweat A TON and I love it! The drippier I get the happier I am!

    Dyiaane - when I was just doing strength training w/o intense cardio I didn't lose anything. Now I'm going ChaLEAN Extreme for heavy lifting and Turbo Fire for cardio and my body is leaning out like crazy! Definitely amp up your cardio if you don't feel challenged enough with Cardio X and Kenpo. I don't think you'll be sorry if you do.

    Feel free to invite your friends to join us here. There's no official start date to this challenge so anyone can join at any time. How cool would it be to have like 100 people posting daily in a single thread???? Big dreams, right!

    Have a fantastic night!
  • Laurieannfanelli
    Laurieannfanelli Posts: 36 Member
    This is a great challege I would love to be in!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Laurie! GUESS WHAT...YOU'RE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Treadmill run and P90X chest/back this morning! Was up early and got it done! Now time to shower and get to work! Going to have to stop on my way in to grab some healthy treats for the day...not 100% sure yet but I'm thinking an egg white omelette for lunch today!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Good morning! Got up and did TF 45EZ & Abs 10. I was dripping with sweat! That 45EZ always kills me! Anyway, time to got make something to eat. I'm starving after that.

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Good morning! Got up and did TF 45EZ & Abs 10. I was dripping with sweat! That 45EZ always kills me! Anyway, time to got make something to eat. I'm starving after that.

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning Peeps! ChaLEAN Extreme day today...Push Circuit 3. How many 42 year old women can bench press 50 lbs????:laugh:

    Nice workouts today Anita and Brittany! Thanks for checking in.

    Make it a great day everyone.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Gang - if it's not too big of an imposition would you please message me with your contact information? Provide me with your name, email address, and what you're doing for exercise so I can keep track. Also, if you already have a BB coach please let me know that as well.

  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Afternoon all, got in Chalean Extreme Lean 1 today and a few leg exercises for my hip for a 295 calorie burn!

    Nice burn Sharon, Anita and Brittney. Sharon, I'm 42 for another 2 months minus a day lol but not sure how much I can press... would have to find a gym for that!

    Seems no matter how much I work out.. my energy level by mid afternoon is shot, I feel like I need a nap and I'm still hungry, going to see what else I can eat lol
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Well, today is a rough day. I am an emotional wreck which means I want to eat everything chocolate in sight, but I am working hard to resist. Anyway, yesterday I felt successful. I drank 13 glasses of water, and got my shred in (level 3, day 5). Today is the same routine for me. I have on my 9th glass of water already. Lunch wasn't very filling, so I am looking forward to my 3 pm snack of yogurt probably. I had about 1400 cal yesterday when I usully get 1500. I am trying to zig-zag my calories hoping I will see a move in the scale tomorrow. I will be doing my 30-day shred, level 3, day 6 with 3 lbs weights about 7:30 tonight after my babies to go bed. I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I'd like to join! I still have 18.4 pounds to lose for my first goal weight. (lost 30 total so far since Dec 28, 2010). I am also a BB Coach and am doing TurboFIre. Just did Fire 45 last night (my favorite!) today I will be doing Hiit 20 and if time allows adding in Tone 30 (not on my schedule...but I always want to do more afer a Hiit workout!)
    If I can drop this 18.4 by the end of June....I will definitely feel ready for swimsuit season! :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome katcena! Happy to have you join us!!!! :bigsmile: