Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Just did Level 1 Day 7....

    I'm still not 100% but I told myself I have to start back today...I will do as much as I can even if not all....so I am glad to report that I did the entire workout....all the jumping jacks to my surprise and most of the push ups...I'm sweating in places I didnt even know sweat......Damn that was an awesome burn....

    I plan on doing Level 1 untill I think I'm ready to move on so I might do it for a couple extra day...Will keep you guys posted...
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Just did Level 1 Day 7....

    I'm still not 100% but I told myself I have to start back today...I will do as much as I can even if not all....so I am glad to report that I did the entire workout....all the jumping jacks to my surprise and most of the push ups...I'm sweating in places I didnt even know sweat......Damn that was an awesome burn....

    I plan on doing Level 1 untill I think I'm ready to move on so I might do it for a couple extra day...Will keep you guys posted...

    So glad you're feeling better and getting back to it. I think it's wise to stay at each level until you are ready to move on. I think the 30 day title is just for marketing. I feel like I could easily have stayed on Level 1 longer. I'm ready to move on to Level 3 on Monday, but I may come back and do all the levels again and mix them up, depending on what I feel I need each day.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    L2D10 - Done

    Level 3 tomorrow. Let's hope I live. :-/
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Just did Level 1 Day 7....

    I'm still not 100% but I told myself I have to start back today...I will do as much as I can even if not all....so I am glad to report that I did the entire workout....all the jumping jacks to my surprise and most of the push ups...I'm sweating in places I didnt even know sweat......Damn that was an awesome burn....

    I plan on doing Level 1 untill I think I'm ready to move on so I might do it for a couple extra day...Will keep you guys posted...

    So glad you're feeling better and getting back to it. I think it's wise to stay at each level until you are ready to move on. I think the 30 day title is just for marketing. I feel like I could easily have stayed on Level 1 longer. I'm ready to move on to Level 3 on Monday, but I may come back and do all the levels again and mix them up, depending on what I feel I need each day.

    I agree with you....I saw someone posted that she did each level for a month and she lost lots of weight so I guess you can do the levels for as long as you need....
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Ok, I'm going to post the most recent pictures of my progress, or lack of progress, at the end of Level 2. I really am having a hard time deciding if I want to go on to level 3 or if I should try something new.




    The top pictures are my starting picture, second is at the end of level 1 and third picture is today at the end of Level 2.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    You have definitely toned! Well done :)
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Aack! I'm a month behind to join in the fun!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    You look alot more toned....I understand what you mean about seeing results I took some photos Saturday and I swear it looks like I'm getting no where....but You know what we can do this...just keep pressing on....
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    L3D1 - Done

    My thighs felt like they were going to die.

    I get the feeling that this whole shred thing isn't for women that want to look more like svelte yoga instructors or ballet dancers. Not so much of a feeling as what I see with my own eyes. Every day I look in the mirror and am greeted by someone who looks more and more like a woman you don't want to see in a dark alley. o_O
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    L3D1 - Done

    My thighs felt like they were going to die.

    I get the feeling that this whole shred thing isn't for women that want to look more like svelte yoga instructors or ballet dancers. Not so much of a feeling as what I see with my own eyes. Every day I look in the mirror and am greeted by someone who looks more and more like a woman you don't want to see in a dark alley. o_O

    I'll do day 1 tomorrow, thanks for the warning. I agree about the "look". I tend to be more muscular looking anyway, with broad shoulders, big arms, muscular calves and small hips. One of the few changes I've seen seems to be my back and shoulders getting more toned but bigger at the same time. I'm still trying to decide if I want to do Level 3.
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Come on now ladies, don't quit. As Jillian says in level 1, we don't get to the end of a race and quit.

    You set out to do 30 days, you need to do it! You may not see the results you wanted, but there are results non the less. Setting goals and acheiving them is a result in itself. After you have worked your 30 days then you can move onto something else.

    You are getting stronger... your mind, body and heart are getting stronger. You will be better for this triumph of finsihing. This is not a waste of time...We are in this to the end. Stay positive and focus on the finish line.
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    Come on now ladies, don't quit. As Jillian says in level 1, we don't get to the end of a race and quit.

    You set out to do 30 days, you need to do it! You may not see the results you wanted, but there are results non the less. Setting goals and acheiving them is a result in itself. After you have worked your 30 days then you can move onto something else.

    You are getting stronger... your mind, body and heart are getting stronger. You will be better for this triumph of finsihing. This is not a waste of time...We are in this to the end. Stay positive and focus on the finish line.

    Well said. Just completing this does something to you mentlly. We need to finish. No point in quitting when we are so close.

    On a side note, i didnt work out today because I got only 2 hours sleep last night and there was NO way I could put any energy into it. My rash and my kids nightmares kept me up :( tomorrow I think i will do the shred AND head to the gym.
    Happy Shredding ladies :)
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    L3D1 - Done

    My thighs felt like they were going to die.

    I get the feeling that this whole shred thing isn't for women that want to look more like svelte yoga instructors or ballet dancers. Not so much of a feeling as what I see with my own eyes. Every day I look in the mirror and am greeted by someone who looks more and more like a woman you don't want to see in a dark alley. o_O

    I'll do day 1 tomorrow, thanks for the warning. I agree about the "look". I tend to be more muscular looking anyway, with broad shoulders, big arms, muscular calves and small hips. One of the few changes I've seen seems to be my back and shoulders getting more toned but bigger at the same time. I'm still trying to decide if I want to do Level 3.

    I'm just going to do it because if I don't then I'd have to think about how I want to work out everyday. X-) Which, actually, I'll have to do soon anyway since level 3 only has a bit more than a week left. Uhr. :-)
  • hgranger
    hgranger Posts: 6 Member
    L1 day 6 today. Ditto with both of you. Gotta just finish it! Learning alot about how my body works. When you guys do that cardio on the side, do intervals. It'll burn the fat more efficiently and in less time. Worked very well for me in the past.
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    so even though I am going to keep going a couple more days with lvl 2 I still took my measurements

    weight - 159lbs day 1 - 158lbs day 10 - 157lbs day 20 total - 2 lbs

    neck - 13.5" day 1 - 13" day 10 - 13" day 20 total - .5"
    arm - 12" day 1 - 11.75" day 10 - 11.5" day 20 tatal - .5"
    bust - 39" day 1 - 38" day 10 - 37" day 20 total - 2"
    upper waist 33" day 1 - 32.5" day 10 - 31" day 20 total - 2"
    lower waist 37" day 1 - 36" day 10 - 35.5" day 20 total - 1.5"
    hips 42" day 1 - 41.5" day 10 - 41.5 day 20 total - .5"
    thigh 26" day 1 - 25.5" day 10 - 25.5" day 20 total - .5"

    A total loss of 7.5 inches in 20 days ( I am only counting 1 arm and 1 thigh though)
    So far I am happy-ish....

    I can do 15 knee push ups (before i had a hard time doing 1)
    my balance is getting better
    I am much more flexible
    I like the inches lost in my chest/back (I can notice my back getting leaner and my bras fit better)

    I get bored with the routine
    I just don't think 25 minutes a day is enough.
    I hoped i would lose more weight. not happy with just the 2 lbs in 20 days.
    really not happy i am not losing inches from hips down :(
    These results came with adding a 45 minute cardio workout every couple days.
    And finally, I really wish this video came with a meal plan? i don't know I think it would help.

    I am going to finish this video but I don't know if I will go back to it unless I only have time for a quick workout.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Stephanie you are doing great.....You are losing major inches....I know we all want the scale to move but so many things affect that like salt intake, water etc. Just keep exercising and keep eating healthy and eventually it will move....
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I didn't get started on Level 3 today, thanks to being a bit ill. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and I'll be back on track tomorrow. I'm not going to push it though. If not tomorrow, then Wednesday. I'm so glad that I found this thread out of all the Shred threads out there. It almost seems like blasphemy to say anything less than glowing about this workout. It's like it is ok to hate Jillian on a personal level, but not the workout itself. Here I can be honest about my results and my feelings. I thank you all for that.
    I am going to continue with level 3. I'm not a quitter and I can't even imagine not going on. A little obsessive I guess, but that's just part of my charm, lol.

    I realized this weekend that I have shared things with you all that I wouldn't even share with members of my own family. I can't imagine posting pictures of myself in a sports bra and shorts any place else in the world. I don't even like my husband to see me like that. To realize that I have "bared" myself to that degree caused me a moment of true reflection.

    Thank you for your support, encouragement and making me feel safe here. You all are such a blessing to me.

    Now, on to Level 3 and whatever Ms. Jillian has in store for me...
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Havent commented on this post in awhile. Started my own group with the shred on the 22nd but all except me and about 3 others have kept at it so Im back to this post as well! I figure the more support the better! So heres an update. L2D8 Done, as of day 10 i had lost 3lbs and about 5 inchs. I have been taking pics, before and at day 10. Wednesday is the last day of level 2 for me so thursday morning i will post my new measurements. Great work ladies!!!
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    so even though I am going to keep going a couple more days with lvl 2 I still took my measurements

    weight - 159lbs day 1 - 158lbs day 10 - 157lbs day 20 total - 2 lbs

    neck - 13.5" day 1 - 13" day 10 - 13" day 20 total - .5"
    arm - 12" day 1 - 11.75" day 10 - 11.5" day 20 tatal - .5"
    bust - 39" day 1 - 38" day 10 - 37" day 20 total - 2"
    upper waist 33" day 1 - 32.5" day 10 - 31" day 20 total - 2"
    lower waist 37" day 1 - 36" day 10 - 35.5" day 20 total - 1.5"
    hips 42" day 1 - 41.5" day 10 - 41.5 day 20 total - .5"
    thigh 26" day 1 - 25.5" day 10 - 25.5" day 20 total - .5"

    A total loss of 7.5 inches in 20 days ( I am only counting 1 arm and 1 thigh though)
    So far I am happy-ish....

    I can do 15 knee push ups (before i had a hard time doing 1)
    my balance is getting better
    I am much more flexible
    I like the inches lost in my chest/back (I can notice my back getting leaner and my bras fit better)

    I get bored with the routine
    I just don't think 25 minutes a day is enough.
    I hoped i would lose more weight. not happy with just the 2 lbs in 20 days.
    really not happy i am not losing inches from hips down :(
    These results came with adding a 45 minute cardio workout every couple days.
    And finally, I really wish this video came with a meal plan? i don't know I think it would help.

    I am going to finish this video but I don't know if I will go back to it unless I only have time for a quick workout.

    You are doing great. 7.5" is some serious loss. The scale probably isn't moving because you are building muscle. I know it sounds redundant, but it's true.

    Like you, I am able to do more knee push ups and before I couldn't do 1.

    You will loose inches from you hips down, it will just take a more time. I was surprised that I wasn't loosing from my legs, but I guess I store most of my fat in my mid section and arms. Stick with it and you will be pleased.

    After about the 4th day of the level, I get annoyed with Jillian, but i can just turn the volume down lower. I think she's great and have even downloaded the Jillian Michaels Slim Down app on my iphone. She gives daily tips and I find them very helpful. They seem to be just what I need to hear at the time. She also has some recommended recipes that are good.

    Be please with yourself, because you have worked hard.
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    I didn't get started on Level 3 today, thanks to being a bit ill. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and I'll be back on track tomorrow. I'm not going to push it though. If not tomorrow, then Wednesday. I'm so glad that I found this thread out of all the Shred threads out there. It almost seems like blasphemy to say anything less than glowing about this workout. It's like it is ok to hate Jillian on a personal level, but not the workout itself. Here I can be honest about my results and my feelings. I thank you all for that.
    I am going to continue with level 3. I'm not a quitter and I can't even imagine not going on. A little obsessive I guess, but that's just part of my charm, lol.

    I realized this weekend that I have shared things with you all that I wouldn't even share with members of my own family. I can't imagine posting pictures of myself in a sports bra and shorts any place else in the world. I don't even like my husband to see me like that. To realize that I have "bared" myself to that degree caused me a moment of true reflection.

    Thank you for your support, encouragement and making me feel safe here. You all are such a blessing to me.

    Now, on to Level 3 and whatever Ms. Jillian has in store for me...

    Hope you feel better soon. I agree with what you said about the people here. Everyone is great.