Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Havent commented on this post in awhile. Started my own group with the shred on the 22nd but all except me and about 3 others have kept at it so Im back to this post as well! I figure the more support the better! So heres an update. L2D8 Done, as of day 10 i had lost 3lbs and about 5 inchs. I have been taking pics, before and at day 10. Wednesday is the last day of level 2 for me so thursday morning i will post my new measurements. Great work ladies!!!

    Nice work. Glad your back.
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    Thanks ladies. Reading your reply picked me up :)
    I feel like 7" loss is huge but no one is even noticing!!! I dont get it. Oh well, I know it takes time.
    Plus this weigh in came on a bad day.... monday!!! I usually have my cheat day on saturday and sunday recovering from the wine I had the night before. Thats why my NORMAL weigh in is Fridays. So maybe I will weigh this friday too. LOL.

    @kristynstephens1 - I figured people would drop out and a lot have on this thread as well. We are just lucky we have a handfull left that are doing the best they can. I have missed a couple days due to time management but I am not letting a day here and there ruin the progress made so far.

    Thanks so much girls for sticking with this with me. I am so proud of us all!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    L3D2 done
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Just finished Level 2 Day 2 plus, I roller skated for 36 minutes. Today was a good day.
  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    Hey guys. So I kinda fell off this weekend. I was supposed to start level 3 on Saturday but my body wanted a rest. Sunday, just felt lazy all day, plus some fam came over so I didnt want to be bouncing around making mini earthquakes while they were here lol. So did L3D1 today. Not as bad as I expected, but as someone had posted, my thighs killed me! My legs in general for that matter. yeesh.
    I took some progress pics today but forgot to take measurements so ill do that tomorrow. Not a big change from day 10 to day 20. Very minimal actually. I had to really look to see a difference, and in some pics, some day 10 pics looked better! Still, a whole lot better than day 1 so that's all that matters lol.
    As for future plans for my next work out, I signed up for a C25K support group thread that started today but I am doing my first day tomorrow. I wanted to do the biggest loser power sculpt on days I run, and the biggest loser cardio max dvd on the days I don't. I'm not sure how my body will take to that plan, but I guess ill have to try it out and see. I also wanted to incorporate some pilates so maybe do that also on the day I do cardio max, but still have to find a good pilates program. I think they have some on Comcast ondemand so I'll check that out. Anyone try these?
    Well I'm very proud of us that we are almost at the end! Great job for sticking with it guys!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Monring Everyone,

    Glad to see everyone pushing through.... I love reading all the updates..although I know I am way behind I am still gonna keep at it... I plan on doing Day 8 today, missed the past two days due to some cramps since TOM is in town.... Hope everyone has a superd day today...and Keep Shredding ladies
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    lynenz - I also skipped this weekend. No biggie. I figure as long as I dont quit. So as for the other workouts, i was thinking about doing the couch to 5k too. maybe after the shred? i haven't tried any of the biggest loser workouts. My go to workouts are a couple of the p90x workouts, Torbo Jam and my pilates video i LOVE Crunch pick your spot pilates. It is so good. it's 10 minutes each on your abs, butt and thighs. it's a great combo of stretch and strength. i lost my dvd a long time ago so I just do it from Youtube. I make a playlist of all the videos in order. I tried others but i always go back to this one.
  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    @StephanieJ82- thanks! i will have to check out those crunch pilates workouts on youtube. I used to do windsor pilates waaaayy back in '03 but even if i found it in my garage somewhere, they are VHS tapes lol. i dont even know where i can access a tape player lmao!

    anyway, i measured myself this morning and actuallly saw some results in terms of inches. I was fairly surprised since i cant really see them in the mirror or pictures.

    Chest- 35.5
    Bust- 37.5
    Upper waist- 32
    Lower waist- 36
    Hips- 37
    Right arm-13
    Right thigh- 22.25
    Right calf- 14

    Wed 4/27
    Chest: 35 (.5 loss)
    Bust: 37.5 (same)
    Upper waist: 31 (1in loss)
    Lower waist: 33.25 (2.75 loss!!)
    Hips: 36.5 (.5 loss)
    Right arm: 11.75 ( 1.25 loss!!)
    Right thigh: 22.25 (same)
    Right calf: 13.75 (.25 loss)

    Tues 5/10
    Chest: 34.5 (0.5 loss fr D10)
    Bust: 36.5 (1in loss fr D10)
    Upper waist: 30.5 (0.5 loss f D10)
    Lower waist: 33 (0.25 loss fr D10)
    Hips: 36.25 (0.25 loss fr D10)
    Right arm: 11.75 (same as D10)
    Right thigh: 22.25 (same since D1!)
    Right calf: 13.5 (0.25 loss fr D10)

    2.75 inches lost from level 2.
    9 total inches lost since Day1! I'll take it! lol. can't wait for the shred to be over. 8 more days!
  • fayella
    fayella Posts: 10 Member
    I was going to ask people what else they plan on doing after the shred, im still deciding whether i want to do any of her other dvds or just go hardcore with insanity and px90. I just finished day 19 day 20 tomorrow and then level 3 eeeekkk, great job everyone im so glad im here towards the end with you guys!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    L3D3 done and a 3 mile walk this afternoon.
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    lynenz - WOW 9"!!! Thats SO great. Grats to you!. I feel the same as in i cant tell my loss except when i measure.

    fayella - P90X Is some tough stuff. I just do a few of the workouts like the Cardio X and Plyo. It's a GREAT burn! I am also on day 19 today. I have fallen a few days behind the past 20 days. I figured I just finish this lvl before going on to the next too soon.

    donicagalek - You are doing AMAZING!!!!
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Fantastic, lynenz. You are doing great!!!
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Lvl 2 Day 3 done. Boy I was cussing her tonight. I could hear my husband in the other room laughing.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Yes level 2 is not fun... but L2D9 done... after tomorro its onto level 3 for me! eeek!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    L3D4 done

    Anyone else suffering from headaches during the Supermans? I thought after the first few days it wouldn't be an issue, but they're still occurring.

    And this is about ALL I did to get off my *kitten* today. I was filling out local school applications to be a substitute teacher. What a process! Did four schools in seven hours - all from home (online apps printed out). And I'm not even done. I have to go through a fingerprinting process and submit the prints to the state and I still need to get a hold of a couple more references and a few people that are kindly enough to write letters of recommendation. All to be a sub. A once in a while gig that pays about $60 a day.

    Did I mention that *I* pay to get the fingerprints processed. It costs $95. Ouch. Oh well. It will be worth it to get out of the house and do something I enjoy. Yes, I enjoy working with the public. Even when they're little and don't listen to a word I say. It's not like the big people listen, either. :-D
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    And since I've been expecting TOM for a week (with bloat and cravings and cattiness...) I'm not EVEN checking my measurements or weight. This month is a TOTAL doozy as far as my cycle and body go. REALLY bad pollen counts. My oldest was sent home with allergy-triggered pink eye today (we took him to the doctor to clear him to go back to school and she confirmed allergies), I have a swollen lymph node on my neck from a handful of black fly bites that itch like crazy. My first sunburn of the season is now, a week later, turning into hundreds of pin-sized blisters that are peeling...it's madness. I hate how it sounds when I write it because I'm not bed bound or anything, but I know that even though I'm up and at-em I definitely won't have anything incredible to report as far as numbers go. :-D I'm going to be realistic.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I kind of feel like I'm calling it in, but I'm calling it in from my cell phone at the office parking lot. :-D

    I follow Natalie for a VERY short period of time and then rush to Anita before I fall on my face.
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Lvl 2 is just killing me. I don't think I am strong enough for the planks and they make my neck hurt. I also get headaches from them. My husband suggested I go back to Lvl 1 for a bit more. I think he's right. I miss the abs form Lvl 1. (I can't beleive I actually miss abs...)
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Lvl 2 is just killing me. I don't think I am strong enough for the planks and they make my neck hurt. I also get headaches from them. My husband suggested I go back to Lvl 1 for a bit more. I think he's right. I miss the abs form Lvl 1. (I can't beleive I actually miss abs...)

    Have you tried slowing your leg movement and working your way up to full speed?

    And that single swollen lymph node? Try clusters on both sides of my neck now. Grrrr...black fly fever.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I was going to ask people what else they plan on doing after the shred, im still deciding whether i want to do any of her other dvds or just go hardcore with insanity and px90. I just finished day 19 day 20 tomorrow and then level 3 eeeekkk, great job everyone im so glad im here towards the end with you guys!

    Sounds like your on track with me. Just did L2D10 today starting level 3 tomorrow.... big eeeek!!! =]