20 lbs in a year - Gonna pick it up now to the finish - Anyo



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey Mollie, I know how difficult it can be to afford extra things sometimes. That's too bad, but it will still be there for you later. It is a legitimate thing right? Do they have a track record of success? The price is really steep, so just make sure your money will be well spent when you go, and that you a) get what you want and b) pay only for what you get. :wink: Hope the insurance pulls through!

    Spending all this time at home is finally getting to me! I need to go for a walk tomorrow just to get away from my siblings, who are now off school... Coincidence? :laugh: I've had 1 day of good eating out of the past 4. Few workouts... Trying to get it back together for good again still. At least I'm making dinner a healthy one.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    It is a wonderful program believe me. They are top notch. I have enjoyed talking to every person I have talked to so far. They are very similar to program I was in when I was your age. That is how I was spoiled too. After having the best I was spoiled. The guy who headed up the facility in the 1990's was world renowned for his work in weight loss with famous athletes. I read his book twice. I let someone use it and it was never returned to me. I know you are reader. The name of the book is Weight loss through persistence: making science work for you by Daniel S. Kirschenbaum.

    His most current book is The Wellspring Weight Loss Plan. Anyways, 2 of the people who used to work under him are head of this program.

    Today, the said if I go twice a week they should be able to get me approved. It is going to be presented like a type of out patient program for morbibly obese with a food addiction. Which is better for me all the way around. So we are shooting for after labor day so I can get everything in order by then. Meanwhile the lead person is looking for me a therpist to start with just in case I am not approved or just to be my point person thru the whole program.

    I have a meeting with the dietian next Thursday and that is an hour session and it is not covered by my insurance. The cost of the one visit is $170!! She said follow ups would be $90. I told her there would be no follow ups! lol! She completely understood. The co-pay for the individual sessions with a therpist is $15. The out patient thing may not have a copay. Not sure but needless say I am in good hands for sure. Regardless if I am doing individual or group or both I am going to get the help I need to make permanent lifestyle changes.

    I can't believe just one blog by one of my buddies got me on this road!! As you know I have been looking for a therpist for about 2 months now. Really before than, I just did not feel like doing the shopping for a good therpist. Well I know these folks get it. Hopefully they put me with someone good because I will know if they don't have a clue.

    btw - I was good over the weekend but Mon-Wed so off point. today was good food wise but no exercise. I have only exercise once this week and that was Tuesday if you count from Monday to Sunday. So to get in 4 workouts I have to work out everday the rest of the week.......:-) So don't feel bad about being out of touch. You are not the only one babe! :tongue: :tongue:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    That's great news Mollie! I'm glad you found them! Thanks for sharing the book. I found it at a super good price for the first one online, and will probably order it in Sept. (I just made a super huge payment to my student loan...).

    170 for a first visit sounds ok. I paid 185 for the first visit to my natural path, ad over 110 for each additional visit!! :noway: (NOT INCLUDING THE SUPPLEMENTS, which usually came to about $60-80!!!)

    I love that a blog got you this far! It's totally meant to be! For a while now, I've been searching for a person with a certain set of skills. I pretty much thought that I would never meet anyone like that, but lo and behold, that person contacted me, and now I have that connection. :happy: Things just work like that sometimes.

    Over here, I've been using my phone to make sure I take at least 3 hours between meals and snacks, so I'm not boredom eating. It worked for me last time. I set my timer, and forget about food for a while. No working out for the past 2 days, but I wanted to ride my bike last night, I just put it off too long, so I only had time for dinner (which was healthy, yay!).
  • paronomasha
    Mollie, I'm glad you've found this program and that they seem flexible with payment options. I really hope you get approved! The connection between your original program and this one is great... hopefully that means this one will help you as well!

    Please keep us updated :)
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    Hope you ladies haven't given up on me....It's been a struggle lately and I'm sorry for not being a good supporter:frown: ....You ladies keep up the great work!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Hope you ladies haven't given up on me....It's been a struggle lately and I'm sorry for not being a good supporter:frown: ....You ladies keep up the great work!:flowerforyou:

    I think we are all struggling Rainbow........:-) How is the wedding stuff coming along?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Is it hot where you live? We are baking here in Chicago! I have been swamped at work.

    I saw the dietican last week and what a total waste of money if I have to pay the whole thing. I think she knows I am not coming back. I guess I am just too knowledgeable on nutrition and I really know how to eat healthy now if they came up with something to MAKE me eat healthy then someone would be a wealthy person indeed! :laugh: I asked her for a food plan and she said I had to come back for the food plan and that this was just an evaluation!!! I was appauled!!
    I told her I would wait to see if insurance pays for the evaluation 1st and if they do I will follow up. What she does not know is if I come back it will be only the one time and that is to get the food plan. I am thinking now that I can probably get that from some of the members of the groups if I am approved for that and get to know them. Between now and September I am getting all evaluations out the way.

    Exercise person said I do not need to see him! YAY!! $$$ saved! :happy:

    I have to see my primary care doctor in order to get EKG that is required set up and she needs to sign consent form, etc. I may wait on EKG to see if I am approved 1st. They are having issues with finding a therpist for individual sessions. The dietican explained this since most of therpists work with groups they are limited to day time ours for individual sessions. I said OK well I know there must be working people in the groups, right? Or does everyone do groups? Either way I was disappointed that it seems their focus is group therphy which I may need approval for. I believe they should be able to get me approved. We will see. I am not going to push any further. I am going to be patient and sit tight and do as much of the prilimanary stuff they are requiring as I can.

    My Mom is doing OK. Her next chemo treatment is July 25th. She will be having every other Monday.

    I did a little shopping myself 2 weeks ago and I felt FABOULOUS!!! When I went shopping back in January, I was back up to 24/26. This time I was in 20/22''s. I could even fit some 18 tops!

    I wore one of the dresses last week and got so many compliments on weight and dress, etc and so you know I was inspired to keep pushing.

    A lady at the gym wanted to know how much weight I had lost and I told her only about 44 pounds. She said why are you saying ONLY 44 pounds. I said to myself yeah why are you saying ONLY. I don't care if it has taken me since March of last year to do this. 44 pounds is 44 pounds right? So I am going to stop saying ONLY from now on.:blushing:

    Have a wonderful week and let's keep pushing and challenging ourselves! Success is never giving up!:flowerforyou:
  • paronomasha
    Hey Gals,

    Sorry it's been such a long while since my last update. I've really been struggling with motivation these last couple of weeks. I just eat and eat and eat! Surprisingly I've only gained back 3 lbs, and that's the day after a serious binge so I may not even be up that much. I suppose I have been active this whole time, which is probably my only saving grace. I'm debating whether I should update my weight loss counter with that weight or not. I ingested a lot of sodium during my binge last night, so I'm thinking maybe I should wait a couple of days before weighing in again. Then, whatever that weight is, I'll put that in?

    On the plus side, I gave myself a serious look in the mirror yesterday and decided that I really want to do this. Not have to do this, not should do this, but WANT to do this. I owe a huge thank you to Steph who brought this point up!

    I have five weeks left until I officially begin medical school--Yikes!--and that's another 10lbs I can lose. It will happen this time, because I really want it. How awesome would it be to be under 200lbs for the start of school? So great :)

    I've signed up for a gym membership with a friend, and we've been going almost every day. Today we're even going twice, because we want to try out the zumba class!

    How are you ladies doing?

    Sounds like you have a very positive attitude going, Mollie! Good for you! I really hope it all works out :) Shopping for smaller and smaller sizes is such a fantastic feeling! I also want to wish you and your mom all the best with treatment and recovery. It's a terrible thing and I sincerely wish for the best for her, you, and your family.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Thanks Asha!! Have a good workout today too!! working out 2 times is great also. If you have nothing else to do, you might as well. I have did this before too. You can lose 10 pounds!! I am here to cheer you on! I would wait a few days to check in. I never move my ticker back down......:) All of us are different! Have a good day!

    Happy hump day!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hope you ladies haven't given up on me....It's been a struggle lately and I'm sorry for not being a good supporter:frown: ....You ladies keep up the great work!:flowerforyou:
    I think we are all struggling Rainbow........:-) How is the wedding stuff coming along?
    Right there with ya!

    Mollie... It was getting up to 120 outside today!!! In CANADA! It might be a record for here. It was crazy hot. I didn't even go outside. Sorry your dietitian meeting went bad. I stopped going to my naturopath because he was ignoring the topics that I wanted him to help me with. I might go back in the future, but not until I feel confident that I can push my needs before what he thinks I need. I hope you get approved for the groups - sounds like you're on the right track, being patient. Whatever happens is meant to be. CONGRATS on the smaller clothes! :drinker: 44 lbs in AMAZING!! Change that "only" dialog to reflect that! :bigsmile:

    Asha... Do you really just eat and eat? Cause I *REALLY* just eat and eat... As soon as lunch hits, I snack all the way to night time, and I really don't think I take a breath to digest for more than an hour. I think my workouts were probably helping me a lot more when I was doing them, but since stopping and a loss of motivation, everything has fallen to heck. Good for your for keeping active! :drinker: I updated my weight loss counter about an hour ago... :cry: :sad: But since I'm not weighing again until end of August, I figure it's OK (motivation). Sodium might be getting the best of me too, since I've been snacking on a LOT of popcorn, but I'm doubtful it's that anymore. --- And you're right! We do WANT to do this!! I need to take that look in the mirror too. Thanks for reminding me. :blushing: :flowerforyou: All the best in reaching that goal! I want to lose 10 lbs before school too! Let us know how you like the Zumba class!!
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    had to postpone until jAN 2012....THINGS ARE very stress full but i think it's just a part of life as we know it for now....keep me in your prayers please and thanks
  • paronomasha
    Hey Gals,

    Just checking in on how you're all doing!


    That's crazy hot. It's only been 36 celcius max here, probably because we're near the ocean. I remember it getting up into the 40s when I was in Cyprus, and I found that almost unbearable. How is the packing going? Are you getting excited about school? Will you be living on your own, or with roommates? And not weighing in until August might be a nice break from the scale. It'll help you focus on the long-term weight change (which is what's important!) rather than the daily (or even weekly) fluctuations!

    Regarding eating and eating, yes, I do. Sometimes I just can't stop myself from grazing all afternoon/evening. I keep nicking food from the kitchen and it never seems enough. When this happens, I'm probably not eating out of hunger but from some emotion I haven't learned to cope with in a healthy manner. With my parents, emotion is weakness and they always told me to toughen up, grow a thicker skin, etc. Since I couldn't talk to them about how I was feeling because it was always, "Oh, you're just being too sensitive. Grow a pair!" I used food to supress negative emotions. I know better now, but I still find it difficult to identify what I'm feeling because I'm still learning to let myself feel and to think about what it is I'm feeling. Sometimes it's just easier to chow down than dissect what's really going on!

    I find it sometimes helps to visualize a big yummy steak when I want food. If it sounds delicious, I'm hungry and food is OK. If not, I visualize watermelon (or something juicy) and if that sounds good, I'm thirsty and I get water. If neither of those are appetizing, I make myself consciously think about whether or not I will have this cookie, chocolate, sandwich, whatever. I usually do have it, but the process of actively making that decision (instead of just zoning out and stuffing my face) makes me feel more in control of food and adds responsibility. Consequently, it helps control how much I eat. At least a little! Maybe not the best method out there, but it never hurts to have another strategy in the proverbial toolbox!


    Have you heard anything more re: the program? I see you're still steadfastly logging on MFP, good for you! Your dedication and accountability is inspiring :) Have you taken any more trips since your visit in Ohio?


    I hope everything is alright. It sounds like you're going through a tough time right now. I sincerely hope your situation gets better. I noticed you went for a walk the other day, though; that's excellent! I'm glad you're finding time for yourself despite stressful circumstances. Every little bit helps!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for sharing, Asha, and thanks for your tips with the steak and the watermelon. That's cool! I'm going to try that.

    I'll post a longer reply later. :smile:

    Have a great night ladies! :drinker:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Happy Hump Day all!! :flowerforyou:

    I am still here but I cancelled my internet at home for poor reception and service. So today I finally settled on Sprint so now I have to find time to make the switch! I am excited because this will be my 1st computer phone!! YIppee!!! I will have internet for both for under $100 buck plus the cell phone with unlimited text and everything!

    I am too busy at work during the week to keep up with threads. So I will catch up on weekend when I have my new service plan!
  • paronomasha
    Mollie: No worries. It sounds like it might be nice to be internet free for a while. Based on how much time I spend by my computer, I bet you're getting a lot of things done!

    I'm in Halifax this weekend, the city where I go to school, for my friend's wedding + moving things into my apartment. I've been here for two days now and I'm doing better food-wise than I expected. I actually stayed under my calorie goal yesterday (I think, I'm just using generic pad thai calories from the database... who knows how many were actually in my dish!). I haven't been motivated to exercise though (yesterday there was no time at all, I was on the go for 16 hrs before falling into bed) and today I just don't really feel like it. Maybe I can still get my act together before the wedding. It'll be good to have a few extra calories; we all know how delicious and calorie-laden wedding food is!

    Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend!
  • paronomasha

    It's been a little while since this thread has been updated, so I thought I'd check in. I know you don't have home internet access, Mollie, that you have a busy week, Steph, and that you have a lot of things on your plate, Rainbow. When you get a chance, I'd love to hear how you're doing :)

    I've been doing fairly well these past few days; much better than the previous month! Exercise has been consistent and eating has been under control. The wedding had little hors d'ouevre for food, so I was able to pick and choose what I thought was healthiest/lowest calorie and also keep an eye on how much I was eating without people noticing/leaving a bunch of food on my plate! I suspect I probably underestimated the caloric content of what I ate on here, but I still think I did a good job of controlling what went in my mouth!

    The whole weekend away went by fairly well, actually. I didn't exercise, but I did keep my calories under my goal. Now it's back to the regular routine :) I feel like I proved to myself that I can do this, even when I'm on my own in the city where there are many temptations, no witnesses, and loneliness sets in. I'm starting to get excited for school to start, because I'll have almost complete control over food then. I'll really be able to weigh everything to accurately record calories and decide what (and how much) ingredients to use for my suppers. Currently my mom is cooking and while she's certainly a healthy cook, I don't always know what went into the dishes, nor can I weigh the amount of meat that's on my plate without seeming a bit rude. It's not that I think her portions are too large, though sometimes they are, I just really want to be accurate with my food diary.

    Following Steph's lead, I also decided to make some concrete, measurable goals for August. I've posted them on my profile so I can keep track. Basically, I've decided that I want to:

    -Exercise 5 days/week, so 20/30 days in August.
    -Burn 2500 cal/week from exercise
    -Eat under my calorie goal 5 days/week, again 20/30 days in August
    -Have a maintenance day once/week. Important for me because without one I get very fatigued and sore!
    -Drink 8 cups of water every day
    -Stay active on message boards and blogs; MFP is a great resource!
    -Break 200 lbs

    It may seem like a lot of goals, but I've actually got most of them down maybe 75% of the time, so I'm just working on improving them :) Really the big one is incorporting the maintenance day. I still need to get over the idea that it's cheating or a waste of a day. It's not. It's something my body needs and will help in the long run.

    Have any of your goals changed/been modified recently? What are you currently focusing on?

    Sorry for such a long post, I just really enjoy staying in touch with you gals! Happy hump day and I hope you're all well!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    had to postpone until jAN 2012....THINGS ARE very stress full but i think it's just a part of life as we know it for now....keep me in your prayers please and thanks

    Rainbow, you are in our prayers for sure! Hang in there!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member

    It's been a little while since this thread has been updated, so I thought I'd check in. I know you don't have home internet access, Mollie, that you have a busy week, Steph, and that you have a lot of things on your plate, Rainbow. When you get a chance, I'd love to hear how you're doing :)

    I've been doing fairly well these past few days; much better than the previous month! Exercise has been consistent and eating has been under control. The wedding had little hors d'ouevre for food, so I was able to pick and choose what I thought was healthiest/lowest calorie and also keep an eye on how much I was eating without people noticing/leaving a bunch of food on my plate! I suspect I probably underestimated the caloric content of what I ate on here, but I still think I did a good job of controlling what went in my mouth!

    The whole weekend away went by fairly well, actually. I didn't exercise, but I did keep my calories under my goal. Now it's back to the regular routine :) I feel like I proved to myself that I can do this, even when I'm on my own in the city where there are many temptations, no witnesses, and loneliness sets in. I'm starting to get excited for school to start, because I'll have almost complete control over food then. I'll really be able to weigh everything to accurately record calories and decide what (and how much) ingredients to use for my suppers. Currently my mom is cooking and while she's certainly a healthy cook, I don't always know what went into the dishes, nor can I weigh the amount of meat that's on my plate without seeming a bit rude. It's not that I think her portions are too large, though sometimes they are, I just really want to be accurate with my food diary.

    Following Steph's lead, I also decided to make some concrete, measurable goals for August. I've posted them on my profile so I can keep track. Basically, I've decided that I want to:

    -Exercise 5 days/week, so 20/30 days in August.
    -Burn 2500 cal/week from exercise
    -Eat under my calorie goal 5 days/week, again 20/30 days in August
    -Have a maintenance day once/week. Important for me because without one I get very fatigued and sore!
    -Drink 8 cups of water every day
    -Stay active on message boards and blogs; MFP is a great resource!
    -Break 200 lbs

    It may seem like a lot of goals, but I've actually got most of them down maybe 75% of the time, so I'm just working on improving them :) Really the big one is incorporting the maintenance day. I still need to get over the idea that it's cheating or a waste of a day. It's not. It's something my body needs and will help in the long run.

    Have any of your goals changed/been modified recently? What are you currently focusing on?

    Sorry for such a long post, I just really enjoy staying in touch with you gals! Happy hump day and I hope you're all well!

    Good job Asha on staying in control!! Since this is something we want to do for life we need a maintenance or cheat day that way we do not have to worry about feeling deprived.

    My main goal is to focus on food consistency, consistency, consistency. I exercise but I really need to get a handle on the same consistency with my food intake. I have been doing good for the month of August. I am going to steal your goals list and tweak it for me....:wink: Thanks for sharing.

    -Eat under my calorie goal 5 to 6 days/week - 25 days plus (currently 1 of 25)
    -Have a maintenance day one day per week (This maintence day is not a binge day and not to exceed 3000 cal)
    -Break into the 330's (currently weighing 345)

    I will check in on Monday with how I am doing on these 3 goals so I can stay mindful. Please join me in checking back in on Monday. Steph and Rainbow, what are your goals this month?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    BTW Asha,
    Stop apologizing for ramblings or long post! lol! Since it is only 4 of us and we are not posting much anyways make your posts as long as you want to.:happy:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Have you heard anything more re: the program? I see you're still steadfastly logging on MFP, good for you! Your dedication and accountability is inspiring :) Have you taken any more trips since your visit in Ohio?

    I have not heard anything from them in a while. The plan is for them to try to get me approved for September to start the group sessions if my insurance approves me for them.

    A few people called me claiming they wanted to try to schedule individual sessions but they could not do it on different days of the groups. So needless to say I will just wait and see if this pans out. I am not going to keep calling them and I may be being rude or unbending but I am not going to change my schedule when they know people work. I am assuming maybe the people in the program do not work or they are will to make the consessions. Well I am not willing to do it. I am in Chicago and if they can't accomodate my schedule I understand and will move on to plan B.

    I think they thought I was desperate to do it and they would pressure me to try to pay for sessions, and do flip flops to be in the program and I am not. MFP is doing good for me and I told the lady in billing I am going to lose the weight and conquer my eating disorder with or without them. I am determined to do it myself and seeking help. If I can't get the help there I will find it and she loved my attitude and I hope she conveyed it to her superiors. So we will see.

    I also told them I am not willing to take Optifast either. So I was not going to be a cash cow for them so they may not persue the relationship and I am good with that. I am going to proceed as if we are to start in September by doing all of the stuff they told me to do.

    I have an appointment with my PCP for EKG on August 18th. She has to sign a release form and fax it to them saying she approve it. I guess she would fax them the results of the EKG. After that I will be all set I think and wait on approval.