Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • 2263
    2263 Posts: 2 Member
    Just hang in there fine things to keep you busy so you don't thing about being hungary:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    @Virgo - Keep up the icing, and elevate them. The concert is tomorrow night..eek!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Tuesday : No recipies for me sorry....Hubby made tray of pasta to last the week. I cant complain only count the calories...
    Wednesday: Really can whine b/c I wish I saw more weight come off but slow and steady is more healthier :)

    @learning2loveme : Good luck with the recital... You'll be great!! what a nice thing to do for your professor.

    @Crystal: boo spiders....stay on the cleaning the more exersize the better :)

    @NeuroticVirgo....... @Laurathabomb - Get some lingerie... I bet that will get his attention! lol > Love it!!!!

    @Laurathabomb....... I am with NeuroticVirgo....Convey you confidence cut the TV off and strut your stuff...If he doesn't bite - that's his problem and take care of business :) Hot stuff!!! Shake that *kitten*!!!

    Later Ladies!!!!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Wednesday Whine- My MIL is a B**ch! OMG My mother posts a pic on Facebook of herself sitting in her chair with her big neck brace on. My MIL responds you are looking so good so is Renee going to be able to come home early now? What? She can't drive she can't even wash her hair herself!!! She can't do normal household chores I can't believe that she is still so clueless as to the extent of help my mom really needs!!!!! My mom had a doc apt today and the doc asked if I could bring my family out here cause she really needs someone to help her out for the next two months not just the next two weeks. She will be on the same level of restrictions for the next two months so she really does need all the help! I don't understand why my MIL has such a big dang problem with it. I hope she never has to have help like this cause I don't know if I would be willing to give it to her. Her son is doing great with Clara by himself and it is good for him to really learn to be a dad! Anyway this is my whine! Oh and to whoever said that I might not want to leave my moms I agree I really and loving the progress I am making while here and I know she needs more time of having this kind of help but I am really really really missing my husband and daughter!!!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thursday: Okay...this is just funny.

  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    HAHA!! love it Christine, thanks!

    Thursday: what motivates or encourages me?? hmm.... I have to say my MFP friends! I see them posting their HUGE burns- I'm talking 1,000+ cals burned and it makes me feel whimpy! I have this friend who has worked out TWELVE days straight! She's lost an amazing amount of weight and even posted her before/during pics on the boards. She looks awesome! I know she looks so amazing because she's putting in the hard work, which makes me get my butt in gear! I mean, check out pinstripepirate, she's lost 91lbs! I can't wait to say "I've lost 50lbs!" or 60, or 70. Heck, I'm strill trying to hit 30lbs lost. Let's keep going, girls, WE CAN DO THIS!!! :flowerforyou:
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    ok so I am so fed up. I was losing weight and doing really good and then I was told I was doing this wrong and I needed to eat more calories. Now I keep gaining weight... I have been doing this for 3 week now and I have gained... I am so frusterated. I don't know what to do because this is obviously not working for me. Should I go back to what I was doing??? I am so confused right now and frusterated. I chart all my calories and do a little exercise. I get 1200 net calories and still I am gaining. What should I do. I want to go back to what I was doing but don't want to mess up my body...
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Woohoo! It's friday!!

    Fitness - Getting back into it. I'm planning on walking all weekend and keep on walking until the end of the month and then I think I will step it up to C25K. I'm so excited to be out of school for the summer, now I have 3 solid months to focus completely on my weight loss.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    ok so I am so fed up. I was losing weight and doing really good and then I was told I was doing this wrong and I needed to eat more calories. Now I keep gaining weight... I have been doing this for 3 week now and I have gained... I am so frusterated. I don't know what to do because this is obviously not working for me. Should I go back to what I was doing??? I am so confused right now and frusterated. I chart all my calories and do a little exercise. I get 1200 net calories and still I am gaining. What should I do. I want to go back to what I was doing but don't want to mess up my body...

    I took a look at your diary and I really don't understand why you would be gaining. Your consistently under your goals, and your sodium always looks great. You should be losing.

    Have you ever had your thyroid tested? It might be time to visit the doctor to rule out any conditions that would make it difficult to lose (thyroid, PCOS, etc). This is really the only thing I can think of that would be keeping you from dropping the weight, unless of course you aren't logging every single thing that enters your mouth... but you seem to be pretty consistant with tracking your calories so I don't think that is the case.

    Have you taken measurements? Sometimes the scale will hate you.. but measurements never lie. In my opinion if you are losing inches it doesn't matter what the scale says... it will catch up eventually with your hard work.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hurray it's Friday! tomorrow is my daughter's last soccer game for about two months, before her fall season starts. I will be glad to have a little break, as she has been playing continuously for over 9 months! I am very proud of her though. Her regular team went to play offs which extended that season. Then she made the All-start team which went to State Championship so THAT season was extended, and now she's in spring select. So yeah, it's been a long season!

    After the game we are going out to lunch with my parents, then later that night my husband and I are going out with some friends to watch a couple of bands. Looking forward to spending time doing some 'adult' things like drinking LOL

    As for Friday fitness, Still just jogging every morning, except for yesterday as i needed a change so I did tao bo. It was a nice change of pace :) I hope everyone has a great weekend and stays on track!! :heart:
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    ok so I am so fed up. I was losing weight and doing really good and then I was told I was doing this wrong and I needed to eat more calories. Now I keep gaining weight... I have been doing this for 3 week now and I have gained... I am so frusterated. I don't know what to do because this is obviously not working for me. Should I go back to what I was doing??? I am so confused right now and frusterated. I chart all my calories and do a little exercise. I get 1200 net calories and still I am gaining. What should I do. I want to go back to what I was doing but don't want to mess up my body...

    I took a look at your diary and I really don't understand why you would be gaining. Your consistently under your goals, and your sodium always looks great. You should be losing.

    Have you ever had your thyroid tested? It might be time to visit the doctor to rule out any conditions that would make it difficult to lose (thyroid, PCOS, etc). This is really the only thing I can think of that would be keeping you from dropping the weight, unless of course you aren't logging every single thing that enters your mouth... but you seem to be pretty consistant with tracking your calories so I don't think that is the case.

    Have you taken measurements? Sometimes the scale will hate you.. but measurements never lie. In my opinion if you are losing inches it doesn't matter what the scale says... it will catch up eventually with your hard work.

    @Chrystal I think Learning2Love me has some really good points. I agree with her and want to add one thing...
    If you are able to get to the doctor ask to see if you can take a breathing test. the breathing test actually calculates how many calories you should be eating a day... (check to see if your insurance will cover it) luckily mine did.

    For instance, When I joined MFP it assigned me to 2600+ calories a day.... (keep in mind I started at 414lbs)
    After I went to the Doctor and took the breathing test - the result as told to me by my weight loss Dr was that I should only be eating 1800-2000 calories per day. Because of my weight loss I was lowered since. Did you know that eating less than 1200 calories is considered starvation perhaps your not eating enough calories. Oh and I have to eat alot of protein too....Maybe you are deficient somewhere...

    The Doctors office is the best place to start :) also Water, water and more water !!!

    If you not eating enough calories, that could hinder you weightloss..

    Stay Positive Crystal!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    ok so I am so fed up. I was losing weight and doing really good and then I was told I was doing this wrong and I needed to eat more calories. Now I keep gaining weight... I have been doing this for 3 week now and I have gained... I am so frusterated. I don't know what to do because this is obviously not working for me. Should I go back to what I was doing??? I am so confused right now and frusterated. I chart all my calories and do a little exercise. I get 1200 net calories and still I am gaining. What should I do. I want to go back to what I was doing but don't want to mess up my body...

    I would just play with it. Everytime I try to find out what the "right" thing is to do, I get super confused, because EVERYONE has an opinion. Yes there is a point where people are hurting themselves. But when you get into exercise calories, eating them, don't eat them etc etc. I know for me personally, I don't lose if I eat back my exercise calories. So my "net" calories on some days are really low. But that's just how it is. I can get away with eating 200ish calories more than what MFP allows me, anymore and it goes strait to my *kitten*...even if I did do 50 squats that day! I say just find your happy medium.

    May I ask what is was you were doing before, vs what you are doing now?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Friday Fitness: Moving on to Level 2 of 30 Day shred...and today is the final day of C25K week 3. Next week is going to be one scary *kitten* week!

    On a side note....I'm terrified to weigh myself at the end of the month. I haven't stepped on a scale since the first week of April, and I know I'm going to be really upset if I haven't lost a good amount of weight (like if it says I've only lost 3lbs in 2 months). I really haven't been doing good on my food, so it would be my fault, but its just so frustrating. I was doing really good with the exercise & food until mothers day weekend, which I moved on, and was right back at being good Monday....Had a bad eating day Tuesday...but I also worked my *kitten* off with exercise (30 Day shred & C25K...both X2)....So Wed...was so-so...until I pulled out the tape measure. I figured I was almost at the end of Level 1 of Shred, maybe I'd see some kind of improvement. I didn't lose anywhere and my waist is actually UP by an inch! My pants are starting to fit tight again. And it seems like since this I just can't get my mojo back.

    I was so exciting about our trip, and now all I can think about is how hideous I'm going to look. I just wanted to feel pretty, and have this really fun romantic few days in NYC...but I'm just kidding myself. Putting a whale in a dress might be funny, but it sure isn't beautiful.

    I guess I'll get off my soap box now.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    NSV - While doing dishes (by hand... cuz my dishwasher sucks and has ruined countless plates and bowls with hard soap stains etched into the glass that can't be scrubbed out)... I noticed my stomach doesn't hang over the counter. It used to hang on the counter and my shirt would be soaking wet in the tummy area by the time I finish dishes. Now my shirt doesn't hardly get wet at all and my tummy is up off that counter!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    NSV - While doing dishes (by hand... cuz my dishwasher sucks and has ruined countless plates and bowls with hard soap stains etched into the glass that can't be scrubbed out)... I noticed my stomach doesn't hang over the counter. It used to hang on the counter and my shirt would be soaking wet in the tummy area by the time I finish dishes. Now my shirt doesn't hardly get wet at all and my tummy is up off that counter!

    @learning2loveme....That is so awesome!!!! congrats!!! I love NSV's ~ they're Karmas way of saying
    See, Look what you'e done!!! :flowerforyou: Good for you!!!!

    How was the recital?
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    @ Learning2LoveMe I track everything I eat... and I want to go to the dr but I don't have insurence so thst will just have to wait...

    @ cobarlo14 I am alowed 1600 but I aim more toward 1200...

    @ NeuroticVirgo I was always under on calories but didn't know any better... and now I am eating more but still have problems
    sometimes... I am working on it.

    I have lost in inches and posted new pictures of my progress... I also Have a blog and would love to get more followers... go check it out...

  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    For the longest time I have had these 2 pair of jeans that were so small I have to wear a shaper to even get my *kitten* in them. They are both non stretch size 26 jeans and they were to small when I bought them but I was in denial, I now can wear both pair and they are getting loser... they are baggy on my legs and butt. I am thinking I am going to have to buy new jeans soon... Need to get new shoes soon too... lol my puppy ate my old ones... lol
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member

    @ cobarlo14 I am alowed 1600 but I aim more toward 1200...

    Well congrats on your weight loss!!! and the pants!!! that's fantastic!!!! I understand why your not able to see a dr.
    I understand why you choose to aim toward 1200. Your looking to drop weight fast but please keep in mind 1200 calories is starvation mode. Food is fuel for our body to burn.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    HAHA!! love it Christine, thanks!

    Thursday: what motivates or encourages me?? hmm.... I have to say my MFP friends! I see them posting their HUGE burns- I'm talking 1,000+ cals burned and it makes me feel whimpy! I have this friend who has worked out TWELVE days straight! She's lost an amazing amount of weight and even posted her before/during pics on the boards. She looks awesome! I know she looks so amazing because she's putting in the hard work, which makes me get my butt in gear! I mean, check out pinstripepirate, she's lost 91lbs! I can't wait to say "I've lost 50lbs!" or 60, or 70. Heck, I'm strill trying to hit 30lbs lost. Let's keep going, girls, WE CAN DO THIS!!! :flowerforyou:

    <3 Thank you Claudia. I am super excited for the day when you can say that too. You'll get there because you have AMAZING drive!
    I would just play with it. Everytime I try to find out what the "right" thing is to do, I get super confused, because EVERYONE has an opinion. Yes there is a point where people are hurting themselves. But when you get into exercise calories, eating them, don't eat them etc etc. I know for me personally, I don't lose if I eat back my exercise calories. So my "net" calories on some days are really low. But that's just how it is. I can get away with eating 200ish calories more than what MFP allows me, anymore and it goes strait to my *kitten*...even if I did do 50 squats that day! I say just find your happy medium.

    I agree. The amazing thing about nature is that everyone's body is completely different. Don't focus so much on what other people say you SHOULD be doing, because that might not work for you. Find what works for you and stick with it. And if you're still struggling, then a trip to the doctor like others suggested might not be a bad idea.
    I was so exciting about our trip, and now all I can think about is how hideous I'm going to look. I just wanted to feel pretty, and have this really fun romantic few days in NYC...but I'm just kidding myself. Putting a whale in a dress might be funny, but it sure isn't beautiful.

    Excuse me, miss. Just because you're big doesn't mean you aren't beautiful. I understand you're frustrated and I feel for you, but you've always been a beautiful woman, regardless of your size. Your husband is a really lucky man. I'm not just trying to placate you or make you feel better... I truly think you're gorgeous!! You've got a rockin' new hair cut and you've accomplished a lot with the 30DS and C25K... Give yourself at least a LITTLE bit of credit, girl! :wink:
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I posted a thread in success stories with my progress pictures, but they aren't showing up in the post, so I am going to give you the link to my photobucket album. The pictures are out of order but I've labeled them so you can see. They include pictures from last year's graduation and this year's... the difference is pretty crazy!

    http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v133/teresamichelle/progress pictures 2/