Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi all. I have only one whine for today! I bought a 100 dollar HRM to figure out how many calories I am actually burning while swimming and even though tons of people tell me it works and that you can use it for swimming, it sure as heck doesn't work for me. GRRRRRRR:mad: :explode: :grumble:

    I have tried everyone's suggestions and still no dice. This is the last time I listen to MFPer's when trying to select a waterproof HRM for swimming.

    Maybe you got a lemon - return it like NeroticVirgo said..... I have to say I am jealous that you get to swim - I wish I could!!!
    Enjoy SarahBear!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I haven't been on lately to post so here it is...

    Tuesday: My big thing lately is sweet potatos... I bake them and puree them into mash and add a little greek yogurt or yogurt butter... they are so good...

    Wednesday: I think my whinning is that my mother is home... which is good but it puts more on my sholders to take care of... And my grandmother is staying here because she says that my mom needs her and she wants to help us but she hasnt done anything. She got drunk last night and passed out and today she has been complaining and croceting all day... I have been taking care of my mom... So to me it seems like my mom coming home gives me two mor people to take care of... I am just tired.,..

    OMGosh!!! the sweet potatos sound so good!!!

    Regarding Grandmother.....If she is not going to help....ask her to go home....
    Tell her you have enough to do - If she is going to help then she is welcome.... if not..... Buh-bye... and I know what it is to care for loved ones and have other family just do thier 'effin thing. Stay strong Chrystal - This is only my opinion and I truly wish you the best!!!!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Alright Ladies for anyone who is a praying person my youngest sister really needs prayers!!! She went to the OB last week cause she has been having some problems with her cycles and stuff (this isn't the sister that is pregnant). Today she got a call that the culture came back positive for HPV. As you may or may not know HPV is the leading cause of Cervical cancer. Both my Grandmother and Aunt had cervical cancer. Both ending up with Hysterectomys. Granted that was 30+ years ago. She has to go in on Monday for a biopsy of her cervical tissue. She is really concerned because she got online and all the symptoms she has been having lately are all the symptoms of the Cancer. Please keep her in your prayers. Her name is Tricia and she is only 24. This was her a couple of years ago.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    HI Ladies - I have to vent also....

    Today I did the 30day shred level one and:
    I have to say is 30day shred is ****....
    I only lasted 10minutes on level one - said **** it! (middle finger and all up to JM herself)
    and got on the eliptical for 5 minutes, I ended up sweating like a beast.... OK - vented and Rebooted!!!!

    I am back!!! Go Girlz Go!!!

    I don't blame you. I want to give her the finger all the time. lol Yesterday my daughter said I looked like I was going to die after, and I was pouring sweat (like manly dripping sweat...very not attractive lol)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @naesue - I hope every thing works out for your sister. Thats scary business.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Wednesday Whine:

    I got my hair done today and when I go my stylist usually straightens it. I was going out tonight with my friends and I wanted to do something with my hair other than just have it down. So I decided to try and curl it with my flatiron. I watched a youtube tutorial and started to do it. Okay, left side done and looks good... but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to reverse my technique to do the right side! Ugh. And in fidgeting around with my flatiron, I burned my thumb and it hurts really badly. So I barely get the right side to look okay, because by now I'm running late, and by the time I get to the restaurant my hair had fallen straight again. I guess my hair is too fine and it didn't want to hold the curl... What a pain in the neck!

    And this is why I only straighten my hair once in a while...
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Alright Ladies for anyone who is a praying person my youngest sister really needs prayers!!! She went to the OB last week cause she has been having some problems with her cycles and stuff (this isn't the sister that is pregnant). Today she got a call that the culture came back positive for HPV. As you may or may not know HPV is the leading cause of Cervical cancer. Both my Grandmother and Aunt had cervical cancer. Both ending up with Hysterectomys. Granted that was 30+ years ago. She has to go in on Monday for a biopsy of her cervical tissue. She is really concerned because she got online and all the symptoms she has been having lately are all the symptoms of the Cancer. Please keep her in your prayers. Her name is Tricia and she is only 24. This was her a couple of years ago.

    Absolutely Naesue...Medicine has come a long way!! Will be thinking about her.......Wish you all - all the best!!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    HI Ladies - I have to vent also....

    Today I did the 30day shred level one and:
    I have to say is 30day shred is ****....
    I only lasted 10minutes on level one - said **** it! (middle finger and all up to JM herself)
    and got on the eliptical for 5 minutes, I ended up sweating like a beast.... OK - vented and Rebooted!!!!

    I am back!!! Go Girlz Go!!!

    I don't blame you. I want to give her the finger all the time. lol Yesterday my daughter said I looked like I was going to die after, and I was pouring sweat (like manly dripping sweat...very not attractive lol)

    Thanks !! I couldn't believe 10minute in I would be giving up... I just felt I had to switch things up...did my best and tomorrow is another day...
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Wednesday Whine:

    I got my hair done today and when I go my stylist usually straightens it. I was going out tonight with my friends and I wanted to do something with my hair other than just have it down. So I decided to try and curl it with my flatiron. I watched a youtube tutorial and started to do it. Okay, left side done and looks good... but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to reverse my technique to do the right side! Ugh. And in fidgeting around with my flatiron, I burned my thumb and it hurts really badly. So I barely get the right side to look okay, because by now I'm running late, and by the time I get to the restaurant my hair had fallen straight again. I guess my hair is too fine and it didn't want to hold the curl... What a pain in the neck!

    And this is why I only straighten my hair once in a while...

    You'll get it, practice, practice, practice. When I was much younger I used to sit and watch baseball with my Dad ( good times!) anyhoo...I used to sit in his chair and braid my hair over and over again until I got it down pat!!! You can do it..... Pic looks Great!!!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    @ neuroticvirgo & cobarlo: I can't return it because once it's opened and used you can't. It says on the box "Due to the personal nature of this item we only accept returns on unopened boxes. However, I can replace it since I bought the one year warranty. But its a big hassle. I have been getting reports from people that this model works for them and then others saying chlorine can mess with the signal. My chest strap isn't tight enough or that i have a faulty model. Some people even say it doesn't matter what brand you have they don't work in the pool.

    @ Chrystal: I wish I had read that article before I went and dropped 100 bills on this one.

    Anyhow, it does work when I am doing non water related exercise so I guess I will hold onto it and save up for one that might actually work in the water.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Thursday is motivation day so I will share a bit about what motivates me. I have a few things that are currently keeping me sticking with this weight loss...

    1) My brother is getting married in October and I don't want to be in the pictures looking ginormous.

    2) I want to fit in my size 14 prom dress again so when I feel discouraged I go stare at it and remember how good it felt to wear it. I have it hanging front and center in my closet. It also reminds me that this is possible. i was that size once and I will be again.

    3) I keep a mental log of the things I can do that I couldn't before when I was at my heaviest. Like, I can tie my shoes now without running out of breath. I can shave my legs with ease, I can swim three miles...ect.

    4) I want my mom and brother to get healthy. I figure if I do it then there will be a domino effect and they will do it too. They will see it is possible. I think the best way to motivate your loved ones to change is to change yourself.

    5) Last one: I want to look good. I mean really good and I want everything that goes along with it. (You all can use your imaginations on that one!)

    So what is everyone else's motivators?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Wednesday Whine:

    I got my hair done today and when I go my stylist usually straightens it. I was going out tonight with my friends and I wanted to do something with my hair other than just have it down. So I decided to try and curl it with my flatiron. I watched a youtube tutorial and started to do it. Okay, left side done and looks good... but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to reverse my technique to do the right side! Ugh. And in fidgeting around with my flatiron, I burned my thumb and it hurts really badly. So I barely get the right side to look okay, because by now I'm running late, and by the time I get to the restaurant my hair had fallen straight again. I guess my hair is too fine and it didn't want to hold the curl... What a pain in the neck!

    And this is why I only straighten my hair once in a while...

    Try putting moose in your hair While its still wet (like a good amount)...then blow dry your hair and brush it out (so it doesn't feel like you have a bunch of product in your hair)...then curl it. I saw a girl do this at a wedding with a bride who had fine strait hair so that they could curl it. The curl lasted most of the day until the party dancing started (and everyone got all sweaty lol).
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @sarahbear1981 - I need more motivation like that! About a little over a year ago I go so upset about my weight gain that I got rid of all the clothes that didn't fit anymore (which left me with spandex wasted pants & moo moo dresses....my wardrobe was really sad). I wish I didn't, it would be so nice to have something to aspire to wear, and I can't bring myself to buy something just to hope I fit into it one day. :0/ Once you fit into your prom dress again you should totally take a picture! I bet its a lovely dress.

    Hmm...Thursday Motivation.

    I really think I lost mine. I was motivated because of our trip coming up, but now that we are getting closer and closer to the date I just don't anymore. Realistically I'll be lucky if I can lose 5lbs between now and when we leave. And that fact just kind of kills the mood ya know? At least when I had 6 months etc my mind could wonder to the possibilities (no matter how out of my league they were). Not to mention its a month away and I'm already fretting over how much I might GAIN back. We visited with his aunt and uncle who were in phoenix all the way from WV (they live by his parents)...and they kept going on and on about all the food and parties they are planning...and I all I kept thinking was - omg I'm not going to be able to eat any of that! - I'm talking BBQ sauce covered pulled pork smothered in brown sugar, cakes and cookies...lots of one bite = 1000 calories foods. And I'm such a wuss, especially around my husbands family. They aren't mean or anything, I just get overly self conscious because we don't see them much (I met his parents at our wedding in 09...and then haven't seen them since till this vacation)...I don't want them to think I'm rude, or stuck up, or a party pooper...that kind of stuff. Like I planned out my food when we went out to eat with his aunt & uncle...then his aunt ordered a brownie (which thank goodness wasn't as high calorie as it looked!) and wanted everyone to share it, and kept going on about how "us girls" need a good chocolate fix etc. So I took a few bites because I didn't want to look like a jerk. Ugh...I can just see 2 weeks of bites like that.

    WOW...okay so my Thursday motivation was more like Thursday vent. I guess I'm just getting super paranoid, and I tend to go over board with stuff (as I'm sure most of you know by now). So my motivation has turned more into a slight panic attack...which doesn't help me in the slightest.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    My motivation continues to be the fact the TOM ran away over 9 months ago! I want to have children with my husband so I really really need TOM to come back into my life and part of why he ran away was my weight gain! He is such a JERK!!!!!! So every lbs that leaves my body get me just a little closer to having a baby!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    @Virgo - I've heard a lot of people doing this, and I've done it a few times and it works without anyone getting upset or butt hurt. When they say 'here have a brownie' just lie and say you just ate not that long ago and you are stuffed and can't eat another bite... and if they push it have a tiny bite to satisfy them and go back to 'that tastes so good, I would love to have a whole one but I am just so stuffed'.

    This approach works so much better than the 'i'm sorry, I'm trying to watch my calories'. I don't know why, maybe cuz if you mention to anyone that you are trying to lose weight they try to sabotage you? Who knows? Anywho - hope that helps a little, when is your trip?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    @Sue - I will keep your sister in my thoughts! I hope everything is okay and its not cancer... that is really scary stuff! Keep us updated.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    @NaeSue-- I will most definitely be praying for your sister. That can be some scary stuff! Also, I am right there with you on TTC, but alas TOM is still here with me :(

    @Virgo-- I don't have any too skinny clothes either.... BOO...

    So I have been really slack with eating and exercising since returning from my cruise, and TOM is NOT helping with that... I don't know what's wrong with me... Need motivation... Right now I can't think of one thing to get me motivated, and that is no GOOD.

    I need to get moving and get going on moving the scale DOWN more :)

    I am so thankful for all of you!
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    @NaeSue-- I will most definitely be praying for your sister. That can be some scary stuff! Also, I am right there with you on TTC, but alas TOM is still here with me :(

    @Virgo-- I don't have any too skinny clothes either.... BOO...

    So I have been really slack with eating and exercising since returning from my cruise, and TOM is NOT helping with that... I don't know what's wrong with me... Need motivation... Right now I can't think of one thing to get me motivated, and that is no GOOD.

    I need to get moving and get going on moving the scale DOWN more :)

    I am so thankful for all of you!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    when is your trip?

    June 26th - July 9th. I'll have to try that, hopefully no one will question it. lol
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    @sarahbear1981 Those are some awesome goals... I also have a wedding I am losing for but mine is for my sister and it isn't till september net year...

    So I am going to do a little list kind of like sarahbear1981...

    1.) I have been watching all the problems my mother has been going through and I don't want that for me. I want to be healthy...
    2.) Current I have not been able to have children, and I want to so bad... I want to be a mother...
    3.) My sister is getting married 9/1/12 and I am going to be a brides maid... I don't want to be the fat lil sister...
    4.) I have not been able to find a job and I make it an interview and then I don't get it... I think my weight has to do it...
    5.) I want to be healthy... I want to be happy and be active.

    These are the things that drive me to my goals... I have been on so many diets and trying to exercise but then I get bored or discourages. This time is different...I am still young and I want to have a family. I want to travel with my husband and be happy. This is for once for me and no one else. Before I tried to lose to make my mom or someone else happy. But this time it is for me and that is why I am going to succeed. And with all my MFP friends I know I will never get discouraged or quit... I love you guys and thanks...