Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I posted a thread in success stories with my progress pictures, but they aren't showing up in the post, so I am going to give you the link to my photobucket album. The pictures are out of order but I've labeled them so you can see. They include pictures from last year's graduation and this year's... the difference is pretty crazy!

    http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v133/teresamichelle/progress pictures 2/

    I figured out why my pictures weren't posting and I have them up in a reply on my thread now... Here's a link to page 2, scroll down and you'll see them. :)

  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    NSV - While doing dishes (by hand... cuz my dishwasher sucks and has ruined countless plates and bowls with hard soap stains etched into the glass that can't be scrubbed out)... I noticed my stomach doesn't hang over the counter. It used to hang on the counter and my shirt would be soaking wet in the tummy area by the time I finish dishes. Now my shirt doesn't hardly get wet at all and my tummy is up off that counter!

    I can't wait for this to happen, I always walk away with a wet belly! lol
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member

    @ cobarlo14 I am alowed 1600 but I aim more toward 1200...

    Well congrats on your weight loss!!! and the pants!!! that's fantastic!!!! I understand why your not able to see a dr.
    I understand why you choose to aim toward 1200. Your looking to drop weight fast but please keep in mind 1200 calories is starvation mode. Food is fuel for our body to burn.

    I eat around 1200 net... not intake. and as long as it is above 1200 net it isn's starvation mode. and Also I aim for it but it is not what i usaly have... My average for this last week was 1300 net... But I think I am going to start trying to aim for my 1600 I am allowed. my thought is that maybe if I eat those calories and continue with my exersice that maybe it will help...
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Sunday: Week goals

    I am going to start exercing more... I want to go for w walk at least every day and try and do some crunches...

    I might increase my calories a little more some days...

    What do you girls know about the zig zag diet??
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    How was the recital?

    It was so awesome! I had such a blast. Who knew I would actually miss being up on stage singing? :laugh: I used to have horrible stage freight when I was in high school, and I didn't have any that night. It was amazing.

    I did freak out a little though on the last song the gal next to me passed out and fell, and almost took me down with her. It really had me scared for a minute and then I was unsure of to keep singing or check to see if she was okay... some guy from backstage ran and got her some water so as soon as I found my place in the music again I kept singing and checked on her after the song was over. She was okay, just really embarrassed and a little freaked out.

    I put up my new profile picture of me & a couple choir friends with our instructor. She is the best!

    Sunday goals - This last week was a little screwy with finals and a concert...so for this coming week I am ready to really get going. My goals are to walk 5x this week, eat a homecooked dinner 6x this week, and stay under my calories 6/7 days... and not go so crazy on the soda. I had a bad day yesterday binging on soda.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Sorry everyone it feels like it has been forever since I have posted anything! This week on Thursday my pregnant sister flew out to see my mom and surprise her. So I have been busy with not only taking care of my mom but also the pregnant sister! its been fun having her but I am looking forward to her leaving tomorrow!!! I feel like I have two moms whenever she is around and she is almost 2 years younger then me. Mom and I were getting along really well and we have had a couple of tifs now while my sister has been here. This week I plan on doing a lot of the same I have been. I'm loving the wii and getting in lots of walks. Haven't really been to the gym much but should probably get there a couple of times. Mostly just making sure I eat good to stay within my ranges! I did finally reach the 20 lbs lost mark today! That makes a grand total of 27 since my max earlier this year! I hope everyone is doing fabulous! I am quite pleased with myself and how good I am no doing with food! I've even gone out a few times and did awesome while at a restaurant! Keep it up everyone! You are all doing fantastic and such great inspiration!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member

    @ cobarlo14 I am alowed 1600 but I aim more toward 1200...

    Well congrats on your weight loss!!! and the pants!!! that's fantastic!!!! I understand why your not able to see a dr.
    I understand why you choose to aim toward 1200. Your looking to drop weight fast but please keep in mind 1200 calories is starvation mode. Food is fuel for our body to burn.

    I eat around 1200 net... not intake. and as long as it is above 1200 net it isn's starvation mode. and Also I aim for it but it is not what i usaly have... My average for this last week was 1300 net... But I think I am going to start trying to aim for my 1600 I am allowed. my thought is that maybe if I eat those calories and continue with my exersice that maybe it will help...

    You are very right!!! It cant hurt to try it for a week or 2. Your body will adjust to the additional calorie change!!! Keep up the great work!!!! You can so do this!!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Sunday: Week goals

    I am going to start exercing more... I want to go for w walk at least every day and try and do some crunches...

    I might increase my calories a little more some days...

    What do you girls know about the zig zag diet??

    Good for you!!! Go Chrystal go!!!
    I've never heard of the zig zag diet - Sorry I can't help!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    How was the recital?

    It was so awesome! I had such a blast. Who knew I would actually miss being up on stage singing? :laugh: I used to have horrible stage freight when I was in high school, and I didn't have any that night. It was amazing.

    I did freak out a little though on the last song the gal next to me passed out and fell, and almost took me down with her. It really had me scared for a minute and then I was unsure of to keep singing or check to see if she was okay... some guy from backstage ran and got her some water so as soon as I found my place in the music again I kept singing and checked on her after the song was over. She was okay, just really embarrassed and a little freaked out.

    I put up my new profile picture of me & a couple choir friends with our instructor. She is the best!

    Sunday goals - This last week was a little screwy with finals and a concert...so for this coming week I am ready to really get going. My goals are to walk 5x this week, eat a homecooked dinner 6x this week, and stay under my calories 6/7 days... and not go so crazy on the soda. I had a bad day yesterday binging on soda.

    Glad you had an awesome time!!! Scary to hear about the girl that passed out ( eek!) I am sure she was soooo proud of you guys and gals!!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Sorry everyone it feels like it has been forever since I have posted anything! This week on Thursday my pregnant sister flew out to see my mom and surprise her. So I have been busy with not only taking care of my mom but also the pregnant sister! its been fun having her but I am looking forward to her leaving tomorrow!!! I feel like I have two moms whenever she is around and she is almost 2 years younger then me. Mom and I were getting along really well and we have had a couple of tifs now while my sister has been here. This week I plan on doing a lot of the same I have been. I'm loving the wii and getting in lots of walks. Haven't really been to the gym much but should probably get there a couple of times. Mostly just making sure I eat good to stay within my ranges! I did finally reach the 20 lbs lost mark today! That makes a grand total of 27 since my max earlier this year! I hope everyone is doing fabulous! I am quite pleased with myself and how good I am no doing with food! I've even gone out a few times and did awesome while at a restaurant! Keep it up everyone! You are all doing fantastic and such great inspiration!

    Enjoy your sisters visit. it is never easy with siblings...Congrats on the 20lbs drop!! Way to go Naesue!!!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I'm sorry I've been MIA for awhile. I have been sooo busy and just let everything slide...ugh!! BUT, I'm back and I'm ready to do this thing! My Sunday goals: To stay under calories each day and to get some more activity in each day whether it is walking or cleaning house, just to get up and MOVE!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I'm sorry I've been MIA for awhile. I have been sooo busy and just let everything slide...ugh!! BUT, I'm back and I'm ready to do this thing! My Sunday goals: To stay under calories each day and to get some more activity in each day whether it is walking or cleaning house, just to get up and MOVE!

    It happens to all of us!!! No worries and keep up the good work!!!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Monday check-in : Bad weekend... I've put on a few from water weight. But I'm putting the weekend behind me and I'm ready to rock this week. Checked the forecast and it will be beautiful all week for my walks. Got the house cleaned up, all the dishes done and my dinners all planned out for the week. I'm actually excited to cook tonight! That like never happens haha. Mmmmm... BBQ chicken w/ a side of baked beans, I'm drooling already LOL.

    I found a little extra motivation... I'm only a few lbs away from being the same weight as one of my friends. I dunno why, but I enjoy the competition (she is trying to lose weight too) and I want to be ahead of her! And I'm about 10 lbs away from weighing less than the fiance... that to me is super exciting, I've never weighed less than him and I feel like the woman should weigh less than the man in the relationship. So everytime I'm tired this week, don't wanna work out, call it quits early I'm going to think of those 2 people to push me harder and get up off my butt and moving!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm sorry I've been MIA for awhile. I have been sooo busy and just let everything slide...ugh!! BUT, I'm back and I'm ready to do this thing! My Sunday goals: To stay under calories each day and to get some more activity in each day whether it is walking or cleaning house, just to get up and MOVE!

    Good to see you back :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Monday Check-in : I'm doing ok. With all this added exercise it feels like my food choices are becoming more difficult. Its about 50/50 for good and bad days anymore. In the past eating my exercise calories didn't work for me. So I could still be in the "green" technically because of exercise, but I'd end up showing no loss...of even a gain at the end of the week :( So I really try not to eat back the calories from exercise, but I noticed almost everyday I'm doing that. The exercise I'm doing now is A LOT harder than before too though, walking vs jogging + 30D shred, so I wonder if that will make a difference...but now that the month is half over I'm dreading the end of the month. I have my hopes up too high for the outcome, and I can't seem to get them back down to realistic standards and I know there is a good chance I'll be disappointed when I weigh in.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @chrystal559 - Good job on the progress. You should be really proud of yourself...and tell your puppy to stop eating your shoes you need those, especially for all the walks your going to do. lol I keep seeing posts about the zig zag diet, but I've never heard of it or really read up on it.

    @pinstripepirate - Thanks for the pep talk. I was just having a bad day that day, and the small amount of self-esteem I do have seemed to have disappeared.

    @Learning2LoveMe - Glad to hear the concert went good except for the girl passing out. Thats scary, did anyone ever find out what happened (did she forget to breath?). Now that your out of school at least you'll have time to really focus on exercise. We only have 7 months to train for that half marathon (can you feel the urgency in 7 months lol). Have you thought about giving up the soda all together?

    @naesue - It sounds like you are doing really good at your moms :) That's good to hear since I know you were a little worried about it. Hitting the 20lbs mark is fabulous!
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Ok so this is what I leaned about the Zig Zag Diet so far.

    Basicly you want your average net calories to be what ever you are alowed to eat in a day.

    But you want your diet to be different every day like one day you eat under your calories ant then the next day you want to eat ever you calories...

    Example... I am allowed 1600 a day so that is what me average needs to be... ( but I am going to do 1400)

    Monday 1200 net (-200)
    Tuesday 1800 net (+400)
    wednesday 1300 net (-100)
    Thursday 1600 net (+200)
    Friday 1200 net (-200)
    Saturday 1400 net (+-0)
    Sunday 1300 net (-100)

    I am going to start this and see how it goes...

    You can eather plan how many calories you are going to eat a day or so go with it and just add you calories out and make sure you get the right average in the end...
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    These are the walking shoes that my puppy got ahold of... I think I need to get some new ones... Lol

  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I can't remember when the last day was that I posted for themes, so I am just going to start with Sunday...

    Sunday Goals: Still struggling with drinking more water, so that's at the top. Also, my other goal is to not slack on exercise this week. It's raining all week so walks are probably out. I need to make sure I do yoga or something to make up for it.

    Monday Check-in: I lost two pounds last week, which I was happy about. I ate a lot at my graduation dinner so I was afraid I may have not had that kind of loss. This week is tricky too because I ate out last night and I'm going out to dinner tomorrow night to the Cheesecake factory. I have to scour the menu to find something that's fairly low-cal. I don't like going out to eat so frequently but I couldn't really help it this time.

    Tuesday Recipes: Not really a recipe but another snack idea... I like to slice up a banana and put it in a bowl (or on a plate). Then I will microwave one tablespoon of nutella for about 15 seconds so it becomes thin and runny. I drizzle the nutella over the banana and pop it in the freezer for about 20 minutes or so. I like the bananas to be partially frozen, and the nutella gets fudgy in density. Then I eat it. It tastes delicious and frozen banana has a similar consistency to ice cream. I can't get enough of that.

    I hope I didn't post that "recipe" last week, but I kind of have a feeling I might have. Lol!

    Yesterday I went to see a friend I haven't seen in a while and we got to talk about my weight loss and everything. She's always been thin and she had a ton of questions for me. She told me she was really proud of me and that really meant a lot to me. She was really impressed that I was able to do it on my own without some sort of medical help. That's kind of my inspiration for this week, I guess. It makes me want to keep going! (so there, I've touched on Thursday's topic already!).
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Alright...I just have to kind of vent...so bear with me.

    I haven't weighed in since April 8th...(and until today didn't own a scale since April). .... Well I'm at Walmart picking up some groceries ... and I wonder over to the damn scale section ... and convince myself to get a scale again. I haven't eaten today or anything...so when I got home, I weighed myself. Not only have I NOT lost any weight, I've gained almost 5lbs since April. :( I haven't lost any inches either. I'm just really urked with myself right now. I felt like I was losing weight, I guess it was just my mind playing tricks on me, because I have nothing to back it up, no inches, no smaller clothes and now no weight loss. I knew my food wasn't the best the last few weeks, but I figured with all the extra exercise I was doing maybe it would still work out. (since i was often (not always) in the green with my exercise calories) Once again...kidding myself.

    And I know I don't have extra muscle weight, because its hard to gain a lb of muscle (especially for women). Like 6 weeks of dedicated exercise that usually involves weight lifting...for 1lb! I always see that on the boards, someone will work out for a week, not lose and everyone says "You must have gained muscle weight"...ya...it so doesn't happen like that.

    I don't think I'm going to go without a scale again. I know weighing in daily/weekly etc can drive someone crazy (by someone I mean me). But this is twice I tried to avoid the scale and just focus on other things and its bit me on the *kitten*. I guess I need that number staring me in the face daily saying "Hey fat *kitten* put down the food".