Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Friday Fitness - I have kind of been slacking in this department! I've been burning calories every day whether it has been walking around during long shopping trips or doing a ton of housework for my mom or playing with the Wii fit or even going for a walk around the subdivision but I haven't been to the Gym at all!!!! That is why I joined the gym was so that I could use it while out here and I have only used it once! I was put off a bit by the people in there and didn't really want to go back!!! I know when I get home I am going to kick it hard in the Gym because I have already paid for 10 sessions with the personal trainer but I kind of wish I had been doing that while out here as well! I just can't find time to get out of the house and down to the gym because of the chore lists with my mom and the outings with her. I guess I will keep up what I'm doing for now I only have 5 more days here 6 til I am home and it seems to be working! I know though that starting in June that my workout routine will be completely different and I am looking forward to that!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Friday Fitness: Rest Days! lol Oh how I needed one. I was doing good earlier in the month with double days where i did both C25K & 30 Day Shred...but now that I'm on week 4 of C25K and level 2 of 30 Day Shred....not so much. All this week my exercise was half-*kitten*. I was taking about 20 5 sec rests during Shred...and I couldn't even complete week 4 of C25K. My body just couldn't keep going. So Wed I only got through half of Shred, and then didn't go for a walk like I was supposed to. Then yesterday I decided I would skip Shred and only do C25K....well I fell asleep and my husband decided to let me rest, so did NOTHING yesterday. And today I feel 100 times better. Who knew it could pay off to do nothing?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Friday fitness - I managed to get a couple walks in this week, not as much as I had wanted. My fiance's best friend is in town and he stayed with us last night... it was a lot of fun, but I had to run to the store to get extra stuff for dinner to feed him too, ended up buying the wrong kind of chicken so I had to make 2 types of chicken for dinner. Then after dinner it was late and I didn't go for my walk. Oh well.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi everyone, I hope everyone is having a great day/week. I apologize for not checking in here for the past few days. I am still here, logging my food, working out and reading your posts. But I am really in need of a change here at work and it's bringing me down. Last November my company was sold to an owner who brought in his 2 other companies into our building. Needless to day, I haven't been happy here since then. Too many things mention, but just know I have been looking for employement elsewhere. anyway, I have been stressed out and pretty bummed about having to come in here everyday, but I have to stick it out until something else comes up. Until then, I simply look forward to going home at 4:59pm every evening, and at 4:57pm every Friday to enjoy my weekends. I hope everyone is well and just know I am reading your posts.

    ~Pin= did you spray your hair with hairspray or anything before curling? Adding product to your hair could help hold a curl longer.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Claudia - I hope you are able to find a better job soon! I know the market is tough and very competitive right now, just keep at it. I can relate a little, I had a job that I was so over-worked (I was a 1-woman office, did everything!) and things were falling through the cracks and I couldn't keep up. For months I begged for help and they never hired anyone to help me, it got to the point where I would have anxiety attacks on the way to work. So I quit that job without landing another one first... it was extremely liberating and also the stupidest thing I've ever done. Moral of the story - make sure you land another job before you up & quit the one you have.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Fitness Friday:

    My fitness right now is one day walking and the next day cardio/ Circuit training...

    It is working goos so far.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Friday Fitness:

    I usually do Total Body on Monday, Line Dancing on Wednesday, Zumba on Thursday, and Line Dancing on Friday. However, I've been slacking big time in the fitness department this month! My line dancing instructor was out for the last 3 weeks, supposed to be back next week, so that'll be good. And I've decided, I don't think I like the Total Body class right now. Zumba is offered that day also, so I'm contemplating doing Zumba twice a week and Line Dancing twice per week. (They are starting a cardio kick boxing class on Friday's that I may check out also...

    This is in addition to the 20 - 30 minute walks I've been trying to take with my kids after dinner lately.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Saturday NSV - well I guess my NSV today is that my mom told me that she is noticing my belly going down. She said that earlier this year my belly was starting to stick out past my boobs and that now my boobs are looking bigger because my belly has gone down and doesn't stick out past them. I guess thats good just wish that my boobs would go down a little bit too.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Saturday NSV - well I guess my NSV today is that my mom told me that she is noticing my belly going down. She said that earlier this year my belly was starting to stick out past my boobs and that now my boobs are looking bigger because my belly has gone down and doesn't stick out past them. I guess thats good just wish that my boobs would go down a little bit too.

    I know what you mean... I have been losing inches off my waist and hips and for the first time in 4 months I have lost inches off my bust...
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    @Virgo- that's a good idea! Thanks :)

    @Claudia- I did use hairspray after I curled it. I think that I'm going to have to try again on a day where it isn't humid/rainy and not use straightening product in my hair before I straighten it. Next time I'm home alone and bored I'll probably fiddle around with that.

    Sunday Goals:

    I want to post here every day this week... I'm so bad at keeping up!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    @pinstripepirate My sister who is a hair dresser also suggests not washing your hair on the day you want to curl it helps as well cause "dirty" hair can hold the heat and curl better. But another thing I have noticed is that my daughter has super silky straight hair and a curling iron does nothing for it but if I roll it while it is wet and let it dry in curlers it curls beautifully and stays until it is washed out!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Sunday goals - well first I want to mention a little NSV! I went to the club last night with a friend and two of her friends and I decided to be the DD. I drank diet cokes and danced the whole night! There were a few girls in the club that were as big as me or bigger and every one of them sat most of the time and only got up a few times to shake it but I shook it the whole time I was there! Yeah for exercising and increasing your stamina! And Yeah for comfortable heals that didn't kill my feet! But note for next time, I need to wear spandex shorts underneath my skirt cause the sweating and chaffing was BAD!!!!!!!!

    My Goals for this week are to get as much of my moms to do ist done as I can without losing my temper, and to enjoy these last few days here before I get to go home to my kiddo and Hubby!!! I have enjoyed my time here but...it is time to go HOME!!!!!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    @naesue: that sounds like fun! I'm glad you had a good time. And as far as the shorts goes, have you tried spanx? I like them for that reason. They are kind of expensive, but they're worth it.

    Monday Check-in: I lost 1 pound this week (actually a few ounces more, but I don't like to count partial pounds). I didn't exercise as much as I could've last week because it was rainy and I only got to walk the dogs like three times... and it's supposed to be rainy this week too. It really pisses me off that the weather dictates my exercise schedule, but I refuse to join a gym so I guess I'm kind of screwed. Maybe I'll start asking the people I babysit if I can come use their elliptical during the day! They said I could, so I really should take advantage of that.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Monday Check in - I've lost another 1 lb since my last weigh in. That makes the total right now at 7.3 lbs since comming out to my moms house 3 1/2 weeks ago but that is all on her scale and it took a few days for her scale to read what mine read the day I left home so it might be more! I am super stoked about it! I really need to take the few habits I've picked up while here home with me! It will make my house work smoother and will make my family healthier! Looking forward to keeping up this journey!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Monday Check-in:
    My eating this weekend was not very good. I threw a big feast for like twenty people and i really didn't eat much but I drank alot of wine so I figure it evens out. I didn't log my food yesterday but I ate crackers and cheese and a piece of German chocolate cake. so I am sure it wasn't too great. I may go back and log it just to see. Today its back to my regular schedule. i am feeling exhausted. Setting up and cooking for that many people is a ton of work and cleaning up after is tough too so I know I burned some calories. I am going to log it as exercise and today I am taking a break from exercise to rest. Tomorrow its back to the pool for me. I think I gained some weight maybe a pound or two but I am not weighing in again until I feel better about it. I have been sitting around 280 for three weeks now. I guess I just have to push harder.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Good morning gals! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I wish I could learn how to stay on track over the weekends... I swear I do so well all week and then ruin it over the weekend. I gained a pound on my last weigh-in too, I think it sent me into a shame spiral over the weekend. Plus having company over really wreaked havoc on my diet.

    So this week I'm planning on doubling up the exercise. I'm going to wake up early and hit the elliptical for 15-30 minutes before work, and then after dinner a 30-60 minute walk. I also want to finally get this water intake up to at least 8 glasses a day and try for more. Maybe this way I can finally get out of the damn 210's. I've been stuck in it forever it seems like.

    I've already got 20 minutes on the elliptical this morning, so I'm off to a great start! Gonna drink my coffee and start chugging water all day... as much as I hate it, I want to be running for bathroom breaks every half hour. :laugh:

    @Naesue - Congrats on the 7.3 loss! That is awesome, and I'm sure it will be even more when you get home. Woo hoo!!! :flowerforyou:

    @Pin - Definately get on that elliptical, its a great workout... and really good for those crappy weather days!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @naesue - ooo a night of dancing sounds so fun! I know what you mean about the shorts, I have to wear something like that under my skirts too...and probably will keep doing that till the day my thighs don't touch!! (though I have most my weight in my butt/thighs...so the likely hood of them ever not touching is slim lol). And congrats on the loss this week :)

    @pinstripepirate - Congrats on the loss :) Thats a good idea to see if you can use their elliptical, at least then you don't have to worry about the weather!

    @sarahbear1981 - You can do it! Maybe switch up the foods you eat a little bit and see if that helps you slide past that 280. :) You got this!

    @Learning2LoveMe - WOW that sounds like a good plan (and working out before work..kudos...I so am not a morning person lol). Your so close to being in Onederland, I'm so jealous. lol
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Monday Check in : Bad bad bad weekend. We were super busy this weekend with the wedding on Saturday, which did not go very well...crying kids, lots of wind (it actually blew away some of their canopies, broke center pieces), so of course the bride wasn't in the best mood. She wasn't mean or anything, but you just couldn't get her to crack a smile, so of course in all her pictures she looks stressed out....and some pictures we didn't even get to take because she was just done, and didn't want to anymore. Hoping all that doesn't bite us in the butt. After the wedding (at 9pm at night) we had to make a 4 hour drive to phx, sleep till 8am, wake up and go set up for the bridal expo Sunday....which turned out to be a bust. It was nice getting to visit with the other vendors and network...but I swear maybe only 10 showed up for the expo! It was really slow. Half the time the other vendors or their kids were the ones taking pictures in the photo booth. :0/ And we didn't book any weddings, so no money made...then drove 4 hrs back home at 10pm! Ended up getting to the house at almost 3 in the morning. So wasn't worth the trip. I guess the only good part was how much we got to play in our own booth. lol


    Of course with all this stress, and being exhausted, I ate like crap. I mean like worse than crap....I'm talking McDonalds Super Sized meals that I haven't eaten in almost a year! (But I didn't drink soda...1 small victory for this weekend! ) And of course like a moron I weighed myself this morning...and I'm up...a lot... I know that can be so many factors, sodium, dehydration, sleep deprivation...so I'm waiting it out. But I'm still in that no sleep - stressed out state...which is making it hard not to keep eating badly....and I'd much rather be sleeping than working this week.

    On a more positive topic....even though I haven't been losing very much weight the last month or so...or inches or... well anything. Last weekend and this weekend I got a lot of compliments on my weight loss, quite a few people have mentioned they see a difference.
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    My sister had her doc apt today. The strain of HPV she has is the kind that causes cervical cancer and she has a suspicious visable spot on her cervex so they did a biopsy of that spot. We won't have the results from it til about Friday but it seems like no matter what stage the cancer is she will ned up having a hysterectomy. She is only 24 and has no children but has wanted them always! My mom is taking it hard! I'm still wrestling with it but to me it seems like there should be something else that can be done first before they just up and remove all her woman parts. Especially since she is so young and has yet to bear any children. needless to say it has turned into quite the emotional day here in my family. Eating may not be so good from here on out today!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member

    On a more positive topic....even though I haven't been losing very much weight the last month or so...or inches or... well anything. Last weekend and this weekend I got a lot of compliments on my weight loss, quite a few people have mentioned they see a difference.

    I was just about to say you look A LOT skinnier than the last time I saw you. Everything is looking more toned and your tummy looks a lot smaller too!