Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member

    I'm really sorry to hear about all that. I don't mean to try and gloss over this, but I do want to bring up two points to keep in the back of your head. First, scales aren't always consistent with weight. It's possible that the scale you bought weighs a little heavier than the last scale you had. Also, even though you didn't eat anything today, you may be retaining water from what you ate last night.

    It sounds like a good idea to keep the scale around. Maybe having a constant reminder will help you stay on track. I believe in you. You CAN do this! *hugs*
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member

    Tuesday Recipes: Not really a recipe but another snack idea... I like to slice up a banana and put it in a bowl (or on a plate). Then I will microwave one tablespoon of nutella for about 15 seconds so it becomes thin and runny. I drizzle the nutella over the banana and pop it in the freezer for about 20 minutes or so. I like the bananas to be partially frozen, and the nutella gets fudgy in density. Then I eat it. It tastes delicious and frozen banana has a similar consistency to ice cream. I can't get enough of that.

    I hope I didn't post that "recipe" last week, but I kind of have a feeling I might have. Lol!

    AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE nutella!!!! I have a jar in the pantry that has been there for about a year now because if I take it out, I will eat it all! And eating it with bananas is my favorite way to eat it- well besides just licking it off a spoon! But I had never thought about nuking it and drizzling it over the banana though. Hmm... I may have to try this, but I am afraid once I open that jar it'll be all over for me! Thanks for the recipe. I think. :wink:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member

    I'm really sorry to hear about all that. I don't mean to try and gloss over this, but I do want to bring up two points to keep in the back of your head. First, scales aren't always consistent with weight. It's possible that the scale you bought weighs a little heavier than the last scale you had. Also, even though you didn't eat anything today, you may be retaining water from what you ate last night.

    It sounds like a good idea to keep the scale around. Maybe having a constant reminder will help you stay on track. I believe in you. You CAN do this! *hugs*

    Yes, this ^^ I was about to tell you all the same things, but she took the words right out of my mouth! You're really doing so well with your work outs, I know you can do this!!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Last week I made creamed spinach. I had never had it before, but I love spinach so I thought I'd try it. It was a hit! Even my spinach hating daughter loved it and went for seconds!

    .Servings: 8
    • Serving Size: 2/3 cup
    • Old Points: 2 pts
    • Points+: 3 pts
    .Calories: 95.8
    • Fat: 4.9 g
    • Protein: 5.9 g
    • Carb: 8.2 g
    • Fiber: 1.8 g


    ~2 tsp butter
    ~1/2 cup shallots, minced
    ~1 clove garlic, minced
    ~2 tbsp flour
    ~1 1/2 cups fat free milk
    ~2 tbsp parmesan cheese
    ~1/4 tsp nutmeg
    ~1/4 tsp fresh pepper
    ~salt to taste
    ~4.4 oz Boursin Light (or laughing cow cheese)
    ~16 oz bag frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained of all moisture

    In a large saute pan, melt butter. Add shallots and garlic and cook on medium about 5 minutes. Add flour to shallots, mix well and cook one more minute. Reduce heat to low and slowly add milk, whisking well. Add parmesan cheese, nutmeg, salt and pepper and mix well. Add boursin light and mix with until smooth. Add spinach and combine well with sauce, cook one minute, until heated through. Adjust salt and pepper if necessary. Makes 6 1/2 cups

    **** Note: I used onion instead of shallots, did not add nutmeg as I was out, and I used laughing cow cheese in garlic flavor. I also used about 3 garlic cloves instead of just one because I really like garlic :) Enjoy!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE nutella!!!! I have a jar in the pantry that has been there for about a year now because if I take it out, I will eat it all! And eating it with bananas is my favorite way to eat it- well besides just licking it off a spoon! But I had never thought about nuking it and drizzling it over the banana though. Hmm... I may have to try this, but I am afraid once I open that jar it'll be all over for me! Thanks for the recipe. I think. :wink:

    Nutella is extremely dangerous. In fact, I believe it should come with a warning label!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Tuesday - Well I got this recipe online, and then just kept tweeking it to try and get lower calorie / lower sodium meat loaf.

    Here is the Link: http://familyfun.go.com/recipes/colorful-cupcakes-686085/

    It is Meat loaf cupcakes with Mashed potato frosting (I tried it once with mashed cauliflower...I didn't like it as much as the potato, but that's another option).

    1.) Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Line 12 muffin tin cups with foil bake cups.

    2.) In a large bowl, mix together all of the meat loaf ingredients until well combined. Divide the mixture evenly among the lined cups (the liners should be about three quarters full).

    3.) Place the filled muffin tins on cookie sheets and bake the cupcakes for about 15 minutes or until cooked through.

    4.) Divide the mashed potatoes among three small bowls and stir a few drops of food coloring into each batch to create blue, yellow, and pink pastel frostings. Spread a generous dollop on each cupcake. Makes 12 cupcakes.

    I was able to get these to about 130 a cupcake (including frosting...but I'm still working on the sodium) ... using 95/5 meat & egg beaters & crushed up stuffing mix. lol


  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    UGH! I love that I have MFP on my phone so that I at least log all of my food and exercise but...I miss out on all of you then! I need to make sure that I am getting on the computer at least once a day so that I can be encouraged by all of you and encourage you all!!!

    Monday Checkin - Monday I was up a lb Tuesday down a lb 1/2 and today I am up 2lbs. I'm not really worried though cause I am doing everything I am supposed to. Besides I shared a Thai Sample platter and Thai Fried Rice with my mom last night, that da*n sodium!

    Tuesday Recipie - I bought a new cookbook while here at my moms and have tried a few of the recipies and they are really good!!! Last week I made both an old fashioned meatloaf at only 263 cals and 690 sodium and a Southwest Turkey Bake at only 267 Cals and 640 Sodium. Both were really really good! if you want the recipies just ask I'll give them! I got them out of "Favorite Brand Name 3 Books in 1, 100 Calorie Snacks, 200 Calorie Desserts, and 300 Calorie Main Dishes"

    Wednesday Whine - I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!!!! I love the progress I've made here and I love that I was able to comeout and help my mom but.... 1. I miss my husband!!! Like Really miss my husband!!! Like no one better bother us for 24 hours when I get home miss my husband!!!!! 2. My mother is driving me crazy! it was good while she wasn't feeling well but now she feels good, just cant do anything, and she is back to treating me like a child instead of an adult!!! 3. My step father is acting like and treating me like I am a intruder instead of like I am a blessing that came out to help my mom out so he could work! I didn't have to come here! I could have stayed home with my family! Appreciate what I have sacrificed to be here! 4. I'm missing so much at home! My daughter had her very first ever ball game and I missed it! Work is being done to my house and I'm not there to make sure it is the way i want it, which it isn't! ONLY 8 MORE DAYS AND I WILL BE HOME!!!!! I can do this but I'm telling you I'm not doing this again for a while!!!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member

    Yay it worked!!! I finally figured it out! This is what I am missing!!!!! :sad: :cry:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    @naesue - Hang in there! And be mindful of that sodium, it really is a killer! Your little girl is so adorable!!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @naesue - Aww at least its only 8 more days! You have a good looking family ( love the smile on your daughters face ). You can do it, don't let all that pressure mess up how good you've been doing though. BTW that cook book sounds pretty awesome!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    ...double post sorry :blushing:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Wed - Well I did all my whining yesterday. And did it to soon. I'm still disappointed that I didn't have a loss...but having a low sodium day w/ lots of water yesterday...and I'm back down to the same weight (amazing how sodium can spike your weight 5lbs! Freaking Salt...) So maintaining over 40 days...though still sucky...much less depressing than seeing a gain. Maybe I can get a loss between now and Friday....
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @Claudia007 - mmm spinach. I'll have to try this. How was the sodium on it?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    ....ugh...my computer hates me today. Double post...Again!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member

    Nutella is extremely dangerous. In fact, I believe it should come with a warning label!

  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Hi all. I have only one whine for today! I bought a 100 dollar HRM to figure out how many calories I am actually burning while swimming and even though tons of people tell me it works and that you can use it for swimming, it sure as heck doesn't work for me. GRRRRRRR:mad: :explode: :grumble:

    I have tried everyone's suggestions and still no dice. This is the last time I listen to MFPer's when trying to select a waterproof HRM for swimming.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hi all. I have only one whine for today! I bought a 100 dollar HRM to figure out how many calories I am actually burning while swimming and even though tons of people tell me it works and that you can use it for swimming, it sure as heck doesn't work for me. GRRRRRRR:mad: :explode: :grumble:

    I have tried everyone's suggestions and still no dice. This is the last time I listen to MFPer's when trying to select a waterproof HRM for swimming.

    What happened? Did it just not work at all? I would take it back ASAP and get your money back for it.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi all. I have only one whine for today! I bought a 100 dollar HRM to figure out how many calories I am actually burning while swimming and even though tons of people tell me it works and that you can use it for swimming, it sure as heck doesn't work for me. GRRRRRRR:mad: :explode: :grumble:

    I have tried everyone's suggestions and still no dice. This is the last time I listen to MFPer's when trying to select a waterproof HRM for swimming.

    Check out this website...

  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I haven't been on lately to post so here it is...

    Tuesday: My big thing lately is sweet potatos... I bake them and puree them into mash and add a little greek yogurt or yogurt butter... they are so good...

    Wednesday: I think my whinning is that my mother is home... which is good but it puts more on my sholders to take care of... And my grandmother is staying here because she says that my mom needs her and she wants to help us but she hasnt done anything. She got drunk last night and passed out and today she has been complaining and croceting all day... I have been taking care of my mom... So to me it seems like my mom coming home gives me two mor people to take care of... I am just tired.,..
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    HI Ladies - I have to vent also....

    Today I did the 30day shred level one and:
    I have to say is 30day shred is ****....
    I only lasted 10minutes on level one - said **** it! (middle finger and all up to JM herself)
    and got on the eliptical for 5 minutes, I ended up sweating like a beast.... OK - vented and Rebooted!!!!

    I am back!!! Go Girlz Go!!!