Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    @Virgo: I'm glad people commented on your weight loss! I love the pictures you posted. I think you're looking fabulous in them, too! I'm sorry you had a stressful weekend, but at least you had a good NSV out of it. :)

    @Naesue: I am so, so sorry to hear that about your sister :(. That's terrible. Hugs to you and your family!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Tuesday Recipes/Food : Okay...so I don't know if I listed this before on here. But this is one of the best things I've found to fight with sodium. Especially in recipes, Sodium Free Soy Sauce.

    2 Tbsp Sodium Free Beef Bouillon (Herb Ox - Sodium Free Beef Bouillon)
    2 tsp Red Wine Vinegar
    1 tsp Molasses
    1/8 t Ground Ginger
    dash Black Pepper
    dash Garlic Powder
    3/4 c Water

    In small sauce pan, combine and boil gently uncovered about 5 minutes or til mixture is reduced to 1/2 cup. Store in refrigerator. Stir before using.

    Yield: 8 - 1 TBSP Servings

    I'm thinking about remaking the lo-mien I made using this, and the egg rolls to get lower sodium...but the oyster sauce is still jam packed full of it. I don't really know how to make a low sodium oyster sauce :0/ Might have to look it up on google. LOL

    But here are the links to the original foods I used (links because I'm to lazy to copy and paste...so sad...lol ). I got the recipe for the egg rolls on MFP when lina1131 posted it...then added my own measurements (since I'm the type of person who has to know specifically how much of each thing to put in a recipe)


    Lo-mien and Egg rolls : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/NeuroticVirgo/view/low-cal-homemade-chinese-food-egg-rolls-lomein-68605

    Lo-mein 1 cup = Calories: 153 Carbs: 22 Fiber: 2 Fat: 3 Sugar: 3 Sodium:565

    1 Egg Roll = Caloriess: 106 Carbs: 10 Fiber: 3 Fat: 0 Sugar: 5 Sodium: 395


    Beef & Broccoli : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/204535-beef-broccoli-198-calories

    Calories: 198 Carbs: 18 Fiber: 6 Fat: 5 Sugar: 8 Sodium: 333
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    hello everyone, I'm still alive over here! Still stressing out and thinking about giving up *gasp* Yes, I've been having bad, bad thoughts. I'm just so tired of everything right now. nothing seems to be going well for me.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    So tonight was (and probably will continue to be) a ruff night. Our dogs got out the front door, and of course my daughter ran right after them. I didn't see it, but she got a hold of our bigger dog and he didn't stop, and dragged her over the street & gravel. :( It still stings a lot, so I know she is going to have trouble sleeping. Poor kid. And I think my problems are bad, really puts some things into prospective. She is one tough cookie though.


    Her butt looks almost just as bad.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    OMG OMG that looks horrible!!! EEEEK!! poor kid, I hope she was able to sleep! YIKES! :cry:
  • healthyfitmama
    Can I join your group?
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    @Virgo: OUCH! I hope she heals up really quickly. :( Poor kid.

    Wednesday Whine: I didn't achieve my weekly goal because I forgot to post here yesterday. Darn! Oh well. I was busy with other things... My second whine is that I want to know why I am suddenly super motivated to clean my room when I don't have the time to do it? I'm afraid this desire to do a complete overhaul on my room will pass before it gets done. I really want to get rid of a lot of stuff I have (ie books, stuffed animals, random crap I feel no attachment towards), re-arrange my furniture, and then paint my room. But a lot of that won't get done for a while, and being in the inbetween stages of this process stress me out.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    @Virgo Your daughter is a tough cookie to keep hanging on.... Your daughter kicks *kitten*

    I am sorry I havent been on lately but I have been going through alot... but I am going to work on posting again.... So All together last week I lost a total of 5.8 lbs....

    My diet is all out of wack because I don't get money to go shopping till the 4th... so I am stuck eating what I have...

    My sodium is high because off all the sodium so I am not going to be weighing till mid month next month...
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Wednesday Whine.... Ladies, I am having a bad week - food wise ok!! everything else SUX! To make matters worse TOM is visiting...

    @Naesue I an truly sorry to hear of your sisters diagnosis. I realize how devestating it is to her and your Mom. Thank G-d! the diagnosis was found before it harmed her in a life threatning way. The Doctors will address the lump/growth and I will be thinking of her and hope for a full recovery!! She can always be a mother....He/She may not be born in her womb but born in her heart. I hope she'll consider adoption/foster.

    @Claudia Weight loss is daily fight...I completely understand!!!
    @Neurotic Wow your girl is a tough cookie!!! Hope she feels better soon. PS.. LOVE the pics!! Keep up the great work HOTTIE!!!
    @Chrystal Congrats on you weight loss - Make the menu work, I completely understand where your coming from - Hang tight kid!!!
    @Learning2loveme Love the profile pic...
    @Pinstripe Pace yourself!! You can do it!!

    Have a Great Day/Week Ladies!!!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi everyone, just checking in today as I will be out of town this weekend. We were supposed to go camping with my husband's family and have a family reunion of sorts, but it had to be cancelled because the camp site was under 7ft of snow! Anyway, many of us had already made plans, so many people are still coming up, staying with family and having a big ol' party/reunion. I am NOT looking foward to this. Why? well, food-wise or one. Lots of pizza and BBQing going on and LOTS of alcohol for two. Oh, and where, when and how am I supposed to get in any exercise??? UGH I'm hoping to maybe drag the kids around the block at the very least- if we are even in a safe neighborhood, that is. Wish me luck!! I hope everyone has a great weekend! :heart:
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    @Claudia - try to enjoy yourself....keep a balance. don't deprive yourself (Too much) and make weight your major focus...enjoy your family and enjoy the food when your hungry and excersize when you can walks/runs....keep active or atleast get active when you get home.

    Have a great time with family!!!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    @Claudia: anytime you feel a weak moment coming on, just picture me in the cheerleader costume. I can be your little shoulder angel/devil. On second thought, that might make you want to drink more. LOL.

    Thursday Inspiration:

    I'm really motivated to lose as much weight as I can before I go on my cruise this summer. I'm afraid I'll gain back a good ten pounds on my trip, though...
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Hello everyone so sorry I haven't posted but I have been traveling! Tuesday I spent the whole day cleaning and packing! Wednesday my mom and I got on the road early to start our trip to Michigan (home) from New Jersey. My mom was going to michigan so that she could be with my sister when she got the results back from her biopsy. an hour and a half into our trip we got a call from my sister, the results were back already!!!!!!! NO CANCER!!!!!! They were negative!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :happy: :love: We are so so so so so happy for this news! She is now at risk of developing it for the rest of her life and she will have to have a pap smear every 6 months for the rest of her life but this is the best possible scenario! So today we finally finished our trip and I am home sweet home! It is so great to be home, although my house is trashed!!!!! 24 days without my hubby and kiddo was really hard but we all survived! Now I am going to warn you I will not be posting for a few days again. it is my one year anniversary on Sunday and my husband is taking me to the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island for the weekend!!! Just the two of us so that we can reconnect! I will see you all again on Tuesday after the holiday weekend! I however will be good because I am not jumping off this wagon yet I have a long way to go! Love you all thank you for being so supportive during this difficult month. Thank you also for all of your prayers for my sister! We know that it is only through His Grace and Mercy that she ended up Cancer Free!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hello everyone so sorry I haven't posted but I have been traveling! Tuesday I spent the whole day cleaning and packing! Wednesday my mom and I got on the road early to start our trip to Michigan (home) from New Jersey. My mom was going to michigan so that she could be with my sister when she got the results back from her biopsy. an hour and a half into our trip we got a call from my sister, the results were back already!!!!!!! NO CANCER!!!!!! They were negative!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :happy: :love: We are so so so so so happy for this news! She is now at risk of developing it for the rest of her life and she will have to have a pap smear every 6 months for the rest of her life but this is the best possible scenario! So today we finally finished our trip and I am home sweet home! It is so great to be home, although my house is trashed!!!!! 24 days without my hubby and kiddo was really hard but we all survived! Now I am going to warn you I will not be posting for a few days again. it is my one year anniversary on Sunday and my husband is taking me to the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island for the weekend!!! Just the two of us so that we can reconnect! I will see you all again on Tuesday after the holiday weekend! I however will be good because I am not jumping off this wagon yet I have a long way to go! Love you all thank you for being so supportive during this difficult month. Thank you also for all of your prayers for my sister! We know that it is only through His Grace and Mercy that she ended up Cancer Free!

    This is such great news!! I am so happy for you and your sister!

    Have a great time reconnecting with the hubby :wink:
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Hello everyone so sorry I haven't posted but I have been traveling! Tuesday I spent the whole day cleaning and packing! Wednesday my mom and I got on the road early to start our trip to Michigan (home) from New Jersey. My mom was going to michigan so that she could be with my sister when she got the results back from her biopsy. an hour and a half into our trip we got a call from my sister, the results were back already!!!!!!! NO CANCER!!!!!! They were negative!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :happy: :love: We are so so so so so happy for this news! She is now at risk of developing it for the rest of her life and she will have to have a pap smear every 6 months for the rest of her life but this is the best possible scenario! So today we finally finished our trip and I am home sweet home! It is so great to be home, although my house is trashed!!!!! 24 days without my hubby and kiddo was really hard but we all survived! Now I am going to warn you I will not be posting for a few days again. it is my one year anniversary on Sunday and my husband is taking me to the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island for the weekend!!! Just the two of us so that we can reconnect! I will see you all again on Tuesday after the holiday weekend! I however will be good because I am not jumping off this wagon yet I have a long way to go! Love you all thank you for being so supportive during this difficult month. Thank you also for all of your prayers for my sister! We know that it is only through His Grace and Mercy that she ended up Cancer Free!

    That is Wonderful!! so happy for you all!!!!
    Enjoy your weekend :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    WOW We are on page 20! LOL :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @ naesue - YAY! That's great news about your sister! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Have fun on this weekend. :wink: :bigsmile:
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Just wanted to let you all know that my official weight loss while away from the family was 10 lbs! I weighed in this morning at 289.2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes a grand total from my heaviest at 31 lbs lost! Hope you all have an awesome holiday weekend! I'm off to enjoy my one year anniversary!
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    ok for the first time I was over on calories yesterday... and I have a feeling I am going to be today too... I have not been eating good because I am eating what I have... I have no fruit, vegetables, only 2 chicken breast left. I am making some chicken noodle soup for dinner... but it is so frusterating... I was a salad and a fruit salad.... I had an orange today that I got from my neices baceball game yesterday. I am so happy to have fruit yesterday. I had lots of watermelon and an orange. I have 1 week left before I get to go shopping... I can't wait. I think I am going to have a all fruits and veggies day next week...
    No recipies this week or NSV... Sorry
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Hey Ladies! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I haven't had internet access for almost a week now. AT&T finally got their act together and repaired the downed line in our area.

    Soooo...I'm back!

    My goal for this week is to exercise. Really go at it as hard as I can. I have to if I want to see some changes. I have been getting lazy and I need to pick it back up! I have been eating fine and staying under my calorie goals for the most part but I still need to exercise regardless.