Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm in week 8. Feel free to add me :)

    I agree with the drink lots of water advice. And, this might sound like a no brainer, but make sure your diet is where it should be. I went weeks 1-6 without changing my eating habits, and lost 2 lbs only. I started eating better last week, and lost 2 lbs in one week as opposed to 6 weeks. I feel like I've cheated myself...but I'm moving forward and doing my best from now on!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Hi everyone!

    It makes me incredibly happy that there are so many fabulous ladies doing this program! I can't wait to see all our results!

    So my goal this week is "turbo fire prep" along with couch to 5k/turbojam. I'm going to try and learn as many moves as I can so that I can give it my all during Week 1 (May 1st).

    What are your goals?

    ps. i'm adding you girls as friends :smile:
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Hi there sorry to be a pain, was just wondering if u know of anywhere u can get these DVDs a bit cheaper? I saw them on tv they look fab but just a wee bit pricey for me :)

    hey betharose7,
    i looked all over the internet and ended up ordering from Beachbody. JulianneR is right - you can try Amazon but watch for the trusted dealers. Another option is Ebay or craiglist/kijiji. I found someone selling a half-used DVD set on craiglist for $50. Hope that helps! Let us know if/when you start!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Hi -- Can I join you, too? I'm starting the Push Phase (Month 2) of ChaLean Extreme and adding Turbo Fire (maybe Turbo Jam) to my non-lifting days. When I'm done with CLX, I'm going to start TF and follow the schedule. But, for now, I'd like to do this hybrid version. Good luck, everyone!

    Hey JulianneR,
    Of course you can - the more the merrier! I was debating between ChaLean Extreme and TurboFire before ultimately settling on TF. I might do that hybrid after i finish TF. How do you like it so far?
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    I am on day 2 of the inferno plan so would love to start the regular plan with you guys, it will keep me motivated to keep at it.

    It's on girl! let's do this! May 1st is the big date to start. Tell me about the Inferno Plan... Was it easy-peasy or challenging? on May 1st, i'm going to jump into the regular schedule and maybe do Inferno on week 3.
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Hi there!

    I am new to the site and I just got the Turbofire set of DVDs from a friend (only the DVDs, no resistance band or anything else that comes with it, but I think I'll be able to manage). I would love to start with you, I might start a week early (tomorrow) but would love to have a few friends to help me stay motivated! I have a bad track record when it comes to sticking to a workout routine but this time I am REALLY determined!

    I am not sure if I have enough room in my house to do the workouts so that may mean I can't do it, but I will try and hopefully get started!

    welcome to the boards and you most definitely can start with us! if you start today, let me know how the big Day 1 was! I'm the same way - i'm a yo-yo exerciser (if there is even a term like that). i tend to get into these exercise cycles and then just take a small "break" which lasts until I decide I need to get into shape again. pretty bad, i know. anyway, that's why i know that if I have a great support group, I'll feel motivated enough to do this program until the end. keep us posted!!!!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Hi there!

    I am new to the site and I just got the Turbofire set of DVDs from a friend (only the DVDs, no resistance band or anything else that comes with it, but I think I'll be able to manage). I would love to start with you, I might start a week early (tomorrow) but would love to have a few friends to help me stay motivated! I have a bad track record when it comes to sticking to a workout routine but this time I am REALLY determined!

    I am not sure if I have enough room in my house to do the workouts so that may mean I can't do it, but I will try and hopefully get started!

    welcome to the boards and you most definitely can start with us! if you start today, let me know how the big Day 1 was! I'm the same way - i'm a yo-yo exerciser (if there is even a term like that). i tend to get into these exercise cycles and then just take a small "break" which lasts until I decide I need to get into shape again. pretty bad, i know. anyway, that's why i know that if I have a great support group, I'll feel motivated enough to do this program until the end. keep us posted!!!!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    i realize i'm probably clogging up this thread by individually responding to each message - sorry guys - but i really do want to welcome everyone!

    @DragonFly11 So glad you are joining us. I've heard a lot about 30 day shred - how are you liking it? I love love love turbo jam but I feel like i need something stronger. (that's partly why I ordered TF) Congrats on quitting smoking! I completely hear you on looking and feeling better in your clothes! Let's own this! ps. are you really going to be 49 in November? you look fabulous - I would have never guessed!

    @curlygirlyful - yayy! thanks for joining us! August is going to be a great month ;) Let me know when your TF arrives. Can't wait to start the program!

    @ch0c0lati3r so aweeessoooome!!!! welcome welcome! good luck on Day 1 - you have to let me know how it goes!

    @robynrae_1 welcome to our thread girl! zumba is so much fun. i love to dance so i'm slightly biased. (i think that's why i like all the turbo workouts - they are so dance-y!) Can't wait to start with y'all on May 1st!

    @hoyagirl03 well happy belated birthday girl and a big AMEN to having a figure that will carry you through the years! so cute about Friday date night - that's my BFF girls night (no matter how busy are schedules are, we always do Friday ladies nights!) thanks for the tip - i'll add you - looking forward to getting to know you better on here!

    @ladybug1620 Week 8! congrats girl! i totally hear you on the diet part...i think that's going to be the biggest challenge for me. i'm pretty good at working out but I LOVE food and I tend to go out to dinner with my friend more than I should. However, I have a big goal that I'm working towards so I'm going to have the diet on lockdown. keep posting here ok? i want to hear about your progress!
  • JulianneR
    JulianneR Posts: 46
    Hey JulianneR,
    Of course you can - the more the merrier! I was debating between ChaLean Extreme and TurboFire before ultimately settling on TF. I might do that hybrid after i finish TF. How do you like it so far?

    CLX is AMAZING! I just started the Push Phase (which is month 2). In the first month, I lost 8 lbs and about 6 inches from all over. At first, to be honest, I was a little bummed because I figured I'd have those results with just watching my calories. I have been religious about following WW and really giving my all in the workouts. But then, just in the last week, it feels like something really switched on for me and I lost 2 lbs in just a few days, and am feeling stronger and leaner. Funny how our bodies work and respond, huh? I'm getting very strong too. I added Turbo Jam in the last couple of weeks, and I guess that is probably part of what is making a difference. Cardio is my weakness, but I am getting better at it. TF will be very intense for me, I'm sure ...
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 60 and Stretch 10 , burned 628 cals, tomorrow is 45 EZ and Lower 20, hope u guys are having a fabulous monday :flowerforyou:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Can I join you ladies? I am on week 3 of TurboFire and I am totally addicted. I have done P90X and ChaLean Extreme but TF is my fav. I love that you can select the option for the music to be louder than Chalene. It's good to hear her the first couple of times around but it's great to just be able to rock the f out too.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Welcome sass, how are your results so far, i keep losing and gaining the same 3 pounds, it's really frustrating, did you do the 5 day inferno plan and if so what were your results
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Can I join your group too? I started today. I think I'm going to really like TF. :)
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Welcome Staclo, how did u like your first day of turbo fire, what were your recommend calories and what is your overall goal
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I really liked it, but it was hard to keep up. Not so much because of the workout itself, but because she was moving too quickly through the moves w/ no explanation. I kept moving, but it made it difficult to keep up. It was very high-energy and motivating, though, and I felt great all day. :)

    I am sticking w/ the 1500 cal/day diet. It was pretty close to where I need to be anyway, and I like that I can follow the nutrition guide more easily. Anything that makes my life easier is good. My overall goals include weight-loss first and then body shaping. I have about 40 lbs that I would like to lose total.

    I loved P90X and Insanity when I did them before (it's been awhile... I'm a "yo-yo" exerciser too). I'd like to do both of those workouts again, but I've heard great things about TF and I really want to focus on losing the weight right now.

    Thanks for asking. Any tips?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I did insanity twice , but really didn't lose any weight, i have 7 more pounds to go , very frustrating since the scale wont move, i am eating 1300 calories, do u think i am not eating enough? do u eat your exercise calories and if so how is it working for you, enough about me:tongue: , first off drink lots of water , personally i hate water, so i flavor it, second get good workout shoes cause there is jumping around, and third give it your all, the music should keep you pumped so you don't get bored easily, lastly have fun
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I have no idea if you need to eat more calories or not. It might be a good idea to try it, though. I just read something about that in the guide that came w/ TF. I've heard from others who didn't lose with Insanity either. I didn't lose weight with Insanity, but my diet wasn't as strict then, and I didn't get through all of it. That's kind of why I chose to get back into it w/ TF.

    Thanks for the tips. I got a little bit dizzy this a/m, so I think I'm going to have my recovery drink to sip on during the workout tomorrow and see if that helps.

    Awesome job for sticking w/ it and for the weight loss!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I wish I could join you - I don't have it yet! Have fun!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155

    CLX is AMAZING! I just started the Push Phase (which is month 2). In the first month, I lost 8 lbs and about 6 inches from all over. At first, to be honest, I was a little bummed because I figured I'd have those results with just watching my calories. I have been religious about following WW and really giving my all in the workouts. But then, just in the last week, it feels like something really switched on for me and I lost 2 lbs in just a few days, and am feeling stronger and leaner. Funny how our bodies work and respond, huh? I'm getting very strong too. I added Turbo Jam in the last couple of weeks, and I guess that is probably part of what is making a difference. Cardio is my weakness, but I am getting better at it. TF will be very intense for me, I'm sure ...

    So great to hear about Chalean Extreme - I may do the hybrid after TF is over.

    I completely agree with you - I've done about 6 weeks of TJ and while the weight loss has been 9lbs, I can feel my clothes fitting better as well as my strength and endurance increasing. I think the trick with exercising (or at least for me) is to keep switching up the workouts. I did P90 and lost 40lbs but I can't seem do it again and get the same results. Plus, it has become too easy for me. (and that's where I stand with TJ too!) I was looking through the TF DVDs today, I think it'll definitely be intense but I'm going to push myself.

    ps. Congrats on losing the 8lbs and 6 inches! I'm really glad to hear you are getting strong - that means you are revving up your metabolism! You are doing a great job by simply "giving it your all." Keep up the momentum, stay motivated, and you'll see --- the weight will come off!!!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    I wish I could join you - I don't have it yet! Have fun!

    aww no worries - did you order the tapes? .if so, jump into the thread whenever you are ready to start.