Intermittent Fasting Support Group?



  • cutelashawn
    cutelashawn Posts: 182
    Im interested in joining. I just started the leangains fast today. Fasted for 14hrs (recommended for women). I hope this will really benefit me
  • Wow! I did not know there were so many people who realized the benefits of fasting! I'm so used to being surrounding by naysayers!

    This is really exciting to me :)

    Anyway for those of you who mentioned that they'd like to hear about the benefits of fasting for weight loss, they are best explained by either Brad Pilon in his book "Eat Stop Eat" ( or simply by reading his blog on his website (, or by Martin Berkhan at They go about their fasting differently (Brad's plan involves fasting for 24 hour periods once or twice a week, and Martin's plan is to have an 18 hour fasting period and 6 hour feeding window every day) but the science and basic principles are the same.

    I'm not great at explaining things so I would recommend checking it out for yourself, but on a basic level, studies show that fat burning/metabolism actually slightly increases during short term fasting periods, contrary to popular belief.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Interesting. A colleague of mine lost 100 lbs two years ago and did it in around 7 months. He did not eat at all between 4pm and 8am the next morning. I had no idea this was considered borderline fasting.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Interesting. A colleague of mine lost 100 lbs two years ago and did it in around 7 months. He did not eat at all between 4pm and 8am the next morning. I had no idea this was considered borderline fasting.
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this!
    IF has helped me stop obsessing about the next thing going in my mouth, and lets me finally feel full while counting calories. I feel so much better not eating breakfast before my hourly walk/jog, so much information told me this was wrong- it's nice to get some info that it's fine to do what my body was already telling me!
    It's great to see so many like minded people, I really don't feel like I can bring it up with anyone for fear of having an argument. I love Johnny's take on IF over at the lean saloon-
    I'm working on eating dinner fairly early and not eating my first meal of the day until at least 10am, most days.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Fitness blackbook is a website about reaching a celebrity-type body and getting nice and lean. He advocates combining fasting and Paleo. Here is an article in which he discusses eat stop eat vs warrior diet, but he makes much mention of IF throughout his blog:
  • xaintes
    xaintes Posts: 129
    I'm going to read Eat Stop Eat - I think this would be more manageable with my lifestyle than Fast-5 or something. We'll see how it goes...
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey - bump! I posted on the wrong thread, meant to report I finished ESE last night and then resumed leangains which gave me a tiny eating window, but I'm on track today and feeling good. The ESE really helped to flush my system, got 2 lbs of my vacation water weight off
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    BUMP>>>>>Cant get over how many do this im doing it about a month now i swear its just a life stlye i LOVE it....:wink:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I do Eat Stop Eat. I have looked a Lean Gains and might try that someday.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I guess there have been times in my life when I fasted without really making it a conscious decision.

    Like when I was in college, for example, on the weekends. I'd wake up late, around 11 or 12 and go to work (at a restaurant). I'd eat a little dinner at work, and then either go out with friends or go home, drink a few drinks, maybe have a snack, and then sleep again until 11 or 12. I'd say that was probably 15-16 hours of fasting a day without even realizing it. I was certainly slim at that point. Looking back, though, I certainly don't think eating that way was healthy for me.

    Now I guess it happens on the days when I have an early dinner without midnight snacks and then sleep late the next morning and don't eat right away. I would say I can go for 18 hours or so if that happens.

    A daily fasting period is natural (that's why breakfast is called breakfast), but I am usually eating every couple hours that I'm awake now.
  • Oh and if someone actually does confront me about fasting being unhealthy, I hit them with the barrage of data I have collected from scientific studies (well referenced in ESE and lean gains by the way) until they don't wanna talk about it anymore :laugh:

    I love doing fat burning cardio while fasting, I try to avoid fasted weight training since Berkhan discourages it and Pilon is neutral, havent gotten the bcaas yet but probably will

    In terms of Paleo (intimately linked with IF), some posters have probably noticed me sniffing around Paleo threads. I am gluten intolerant, have bad reactions to sugar and am really really into organic clean food. I buy nearly everything from whole foods and farmer's markets, am a huge Michael Pollan fan, and think the Paleo lifestyle is healthy. However, I cannot quite give up beans, potatoes, rice and rice products, and occasionally fall victim to sugar. So I cannot call myself Paleo, though I'm maybe 80-90% when eating well.

    Ok I'll stop posting now. Just got so excited about the support group idea :laugh:

    I'd be interested in a support group thing too--I'm doing IF leangains style right now. I've been happy with it, and fasted training hasn't (so far) been a problem for me. Knock on wood.

    (I'm also on Martin's wait list for online personal training. I can't wait till I bump up to the top!)
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    So glad I found this post. I started doing IF around March 28th. It was very tough at first but now I feel so much better. I am a Nurse and talked to many who said I was wrong. But.. did the research and data proves that it is the way to go.

    Here is what I have been doing:

    No breakfast and I do Shakeology for Lunch. I make it with 2% milk and it does help my hunger and has the vitamins I need.
    I do the shake about 12noon Mon-Sat.

    The my window that I usually eat my calories is about 4pm unitl 7pm. I try to be balanced and stick with the calories I can have.

    I am doing Power 90 for exersie and do it about 5am.. that works for me which a few months ago I would of said " Are you nuts!!"

    The shake again at 12noon.

    Only water and crystal lite during the fasting time. No coffee with cream but you can have back if you want.
    Down 17 pounds, 3 inches off waste 2 incerhs off hips

    Working so far.. We shall see Thanks for the great support!

  • cutelashawn
    cutelashawn Posts: 182
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    I have done this reasons, mainly. I would get awful gallbladder attacks, and when I did IF for 1-2 times per week, I felt tons betetr. The attacks have never been as bad since doing this. However, its been awhile since my last time! :)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Hey All -

    Seems like most MFP members don't support intermittent fasting of any style (24 hour fasts, skipping breakfast, etc.). Just wondering if there are any lurkers out there who do!

    I've been taking on a lot of discouragement from my peers and family during my fasts, (I fast for a day about once a week) and it would just be nice to have some support from people who understand what I'm talking about. (Like how I'm NOT putting myself into "starvation mode") You know, Eat Stop Eaters, lean gains followers, any of those non-mainstream ideas that all too often are frowned upon...

    Show me where you're at! What do you say to people while you're fasting when they tell you that you are stupid and risking "starvation mode"?

    Starvation Mode comes from starving your body of calories and nutrients continuously for a long period of time - combined with too much intense exercise (I used to believe in Starvation Mode but have a different view on it these days). Our metabolism will naturally slow down and speed up with our energy expenditure. And when you cut out flours, sugars and starches our metabolism will even speed up or slow down based on how much fat we eat. I still believe in calories in/calories out to a point but it is so much more complex than that - like our bodies.

    Ask them if they have ever skipped a meal or even two. That's intermittent fasting. Most of them have done it without knowing.
  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member
    Bump. Just started IF i am on day 2 not has hard as a thought. I am doing 16 hrs fast.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I also am interested in IF. I was wondering if anyone had any data showing the benefit of it vs the norm?

    I could keep putting them in. There is so much information regarding the health benefits. It amazes me that more people don't do it.
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I am interested!! I will start reading up on it this weekend!!
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    have done the skipping breakfast thing since i was a teen, only in the past week or two have I purposly eaten something for breakfast. Am reading leangains as want more info but IF does interest me