Couch to 10K in 15 weeks?



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA, I got SICK towards the end of last week so haven't been able to do any workouts. I'm finally feeling better today so I'm slowly getting back into it. I didn't do a c210k workout today but just did a light treadmill workout since I didn't want to push it too hard my first day back at the gym. Being sick sucks...but it's just a minor setback and I'm ready to get back into a C210k workout tomorrow! I'll let you all know how its going...

    Glad to see everyone is doing so great!!!

    Resting while ill is great.... now you will be back on track and happy to run :wink:
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I wish I'd come across this thread sooner! I just started on my c25k programme so I'm wayyy behind everyone else, it seems...Just finished Week 2 Day 1 of it. I've been wanting to work up to 10K gradually so I can finally get out of participating in those 5K 'Fun Runs' (which aren't any fun at all to me, they hurt!) and start taking part in 10K Serious Runs.

    Really hope I can find support here, although everyone seems to be on the bridge program already! I'll get there soon, I promise!

    Oh, and is there a bridge app for android phones? Or a website I can go to which has it printable, or something? Been searching around for a website that'll guide me along the bridge programme, something like the c25K one but can't seem to find any...

    EDIT: Found apps for android and a brief description of the programme! Will get on it once I graduate from the C25K! :D

    You aren't too far behind, plus you can use the thread to brag about your accomplishments any time. I am still on c25k week 7 but Kayla is on a lower week (I can't remember without looking back). Go at your speed and keep us updated on how you do.

    Glad you found the apps!!! :bigsmile:

    Yep im a couple wks behind these guys, completed wk 4 Saturday and then have got sick...Think im starting to feel better today so hopefully i'll get back into it friday...Hoping having a week off doesnt set me back any :)
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Week 7, workout 3 completed (finally)! This was the first c210k workout I did after being sick and taking almost a week off from these runs. I can't lie, it was a bit tough but I was just really focused on finishing and not pushing myself to run too fast. The workout was 62 mins total, 4 min runs with 2 min walks and I go through the whole thing! I was just relieved that the time off didn't affect my endurance too much. I'll be ready to hit it hard in the next workout!

    Kaylah I hope you feel better soon! Don't worry too much about not being able to workout...just focus on getting better! Take care of yourself and don't force it if you really aren't feeling well :)
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks hun! Feeling better again today so think i'll still give it that extra day and start again tomorrow :) i only just looked at whats up for wk 5 my god i hope i dont die lol...3rd run is the full 20min running!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Today I did Week 8, day 1. Physically, this was the toughest workout for me yet for a couple of reasons. First of all, I recently moved up a level on the 30 DS so I have really been feeling the soreness in my legs, shins, knees, etc (Jillian can be a crazy person sometimes!! lol) so this run was a bit tough because the whole time, I was definitely feeling pain in my shins. Second, this workout was 5 min run, 1 min walk and it was a HUGE difference. I really felt the difference between the previous 4 min runs and these 5 min runs, they felt so much longer even though it was only 1 more min! And that 1 min walk didn't feel like it even existed! It was so short I barely had time to catch my breathe before I had to start running again. It felt like I was running the whole 68 mins even though I really wasn't. I didn't realize it would be so different from the 4 min run, 2 min walk workouts.

    With all that said, mentally, I was completely fine the whole time. The only time I felt nervous or antsy or thought I might not make it through the whole workout was actually before I started it. But once I started the workout, I was completely fine, even with the pain in my shins. The runs really did feel like they were never going to end, but I didn't once think about stopping even though my body was tired. I just kept going and pushing through and finished!

    Keep it up everyone! And keep updating on this thread, reading everyones updates keeps me motivated :)
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Hey guys,

    Finally feeling better and started back exercising today, only RI30 today tho, that really done me in so dont think i will do my run tonight after all...So tomorrow it is! :)
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Week 7, workout 3 completed (finally)! This was the first c210k workout I did after being sick and taking almost a week off from these runs. I can't lie, it was a bit tough but I was just really focused on finishing and not pushing myself to run too fast. The workout was 62 mins total, 4 min runs with 2 min walks and I go through the whole thing! I was just relieved that the time off didn't affect my endurance too much. I'll be ready to hit it hard in the next workout!

    I am glad to hear that you focused on finishing! That is always a good goal :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks hun! Feeling better again today so think i'll still give it that extra day and start again tomorrow :) i only just looked at whats up for wk 5 my god i hope i dont die lol...3rd run is the full 20min running!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Today I did Week 8, day 1. Physically, this was the toughest workout for me yet for a couple of reasons. First of all, I recently moved up a level on the 30 DS so I have really been feeling the soreness in my legs, shins, knees, etc (Jillian can be a crazy person sometimes!! lol) so this run was a bit tough because the whole time, I was definitely feeling pain in my shins. Second, this workout was 5 min run, 1 min walk and it was a HUGE difference. I really felt the difference between the previous 4 min runs and these 5 min runs, they felt so much longer even though it was only 1 more min! And that 1 min walk didn't feel like it even existed! It was so short I barely had time to catch my breathe before I had to start running again. It felt like I was running the whole 68 mins even though I really wasn't. I didn't realize it would be so different from the 4 min run, 2 min walk workouts.

    With all that said, mentally, I was completely fine the whole time. The only time I felt nervous or antsy or thought I might not make it through the whole workout was actually before I started it. But once I started the workout, I was completely fine, even with the pain in my shins. The runs really did feel like they were never going to end, but I didn't once think about stopping even though my body was tired. I just kept going and pushing through and finished!

    Keep it up everyone! And keep updating on this thread, reading everyones updates keeps me motivated :)

    It is fantastic that in your head you knew you could do it... again it is all mental! I know that moving up levels in any workout makes a big difference. I am really impressed that you are doing both 30DS and the C210K! :bigsmile:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hey guys,

    Finally feeling better and started back exercising today, only RI30 today tho, that really done me in so dont think i will do my run tonight after all...So tomorrow it is! :)

    Tomorrow is here... for us in the states anyway :tongue: Let us know how you do!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    So last night was my 3rd run for 25 minutes... I have struggled in the other two and the last 10 minutes were rough. Yesterday I had no problems and only started to feel it in the last 4 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I am excited to finish out week 7 and move up to 28 minutes of running next week.... almost there guys!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Inspiration to keep us moving!!!!

    Be appreciative

    Life brings you great and wonderful gifts each day. Be aware, be appreciative, and be willing to make the best use of every one.

    Often, the most valuable of life’s gifts don’t look very appealing when you first encounter them. They appear as demanding problems and complicated challenges.

    Be appreciative anyway, and soon you’ll begin to see the positive value that’s hidden in those difficulties. Be appreciative, and you’ll discover ways to make meaningful use of that value.

    What you have may not seem like much, yet within what you already have is your connection to all you could ever desire. Truly appreciate what you already have, what you already know, what you already can do, and you’ll activate that connection to limitless abundance.

    Be appreciative of the truth, even when it is painful. Be appreciative of each moment, of each circumstance, of each encounter, for everything can add richness to your life when you allow it.

    Be appreciative of whatever may come. And you’ll see your own unique way to make it great.

    — Ralph Marston

    Read more:
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I did it! W5D1 it really wasnt too bad...The last run i cut off it at 4min instead of 5 tho major bloody stitch got to me...But putting something over the timer was awesome...thinkin that i was only in like 2mins and near dying and after checking i only had like 30seconds or so left each time was great!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I did it! W5D1 it really wasnt too bad...The last run i cut off it at 4min instead of 5 tho major bloody stitch got to me...But putting something over the timer was awesome...thinkin that i was only in like 2mins and near dying and after checking i only had like 30seconds or so left each time was great!!

    Glad to hear it worked :wink:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Thanks so much for the kind words, everyone!! :):flowerforyou: Just finished week 6, and excited to start week 7: run 4, walk 2 for an hour and a bit. Eee!!! Exciting!

    I'm actually starting to enjoy running, too, for the first time in my life. Amazing! No more struggles to get out there! Also, my fitness is definitely improving. Today, in my taekwondo class warmup, we had to do 20 laps. At first, the teenaged boys were nearly lapping me, but by the end of the 20 laps, I finished in 3rd place. Thanks, C210K, for helping my endurance so much! (And take THAT, punks!! :laugh: Just kidding, of course. ;))

    Good luck with this week, everyone! It's so cool to watch as we all turn into "real" runners. :glasses:
    First of all, I recently moved up a level on the 30 DS so I have really been feeling the soreness in my legs, shins, knees, etc (Jillian can be a crazy person sometimes!! lol) so this run was a bit tough because the whole time, I was definitely feeling pain in my shins.
    I've been thinking of starting 30 DS, but I'm a little nervous about it because of C210K, and I also do intense taekwondo classes 2-3x a week. As someone who is pairing 30 DS with a run program, too, how do you find it? Is it overwhelming, or do you feel the two are complementing one another?

    Congrats on pushing through that tough workout, by the way. Reading things like that is very inspiring! :)
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    So i've been kinda bummed because i didnt get thru W5D2 i got 6min running in then walked with only another 2 of running...But then i have been thinking i shouldnt be worrying about that at all! I've come from hardly being able to get thru that first 60 seconds to this! If i just keep building up im going to eventually get stronger just probably not in this time frame thats set...
    So thats how i went into today D3 -20 mins of running.... i done 8.5min running with an extra 8min (Not at once) So im pretty happy with that and i can only get better...I am glad this week is over and its back to breaking them up again next week!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks so much for the kind words, everyone!! :):flowerforyou: Just finished week 6, and excited to start week 7: run 4, walk 2 for an hour and a bit. Eee!!! Exciting!

    I'm actually starting to enjoy running, too, for the first time in my life. Amazing! No more struggles to get out there! Also, my fitness is definitely improving. Today, in my taekwondo class warmup, we had to do 20 laps. At first, the teenaged boys were nearly lapping me, but by the end of the 20 laps, I finished in 3rd place. Thanks, C210K, for helping my endurance so much! (And take THAT, punks!! :laugh: Just kidding, of course. ;))

    Good luck with this week, everyone! It's so cool to watch as we all turn into "real" runners. :glasses:
    First of all, I recently moved up a level on the 30 DS so I have really been feeling the soreness in my legs, shins, knees, etc (Jillian can be a crazy person sometimes!! lol) so this run was a bit tough because the whole time, I was definitely feeling pain in my shins.
    I've been thinking of starting 30 DS, but I'm a little nervous about it because of C210K, and I also do intense taekwondo classes 2-3x a week. As someone who is pairing 30 DS with a run program, too, how do you find it? Is it overwhelming, or do you feel the two are complementing one another?

    Congrats on pushing through that tough workout, by the way. Reading things like that is very inspiring! :)

    I find that doing 30DS completely complements c210k. I thought it would be overwhelming at first but it's definitely doable! I can FEEL my body changing (I am starting to have muscles!!) and I think that either program by itself wouldn't have brought about the same changes in my body. I am building endurance, stamina, muscles, my metabolism is getting faster, it's fantastic! But since you do Taekwondo in addition to running, you might already be getting the benefits that I'm getting from the 30DS. I would just check it out though! If you have netflix or something like that you can rent it for a few days and just feel it out.

    As for me, I completed week 8 day 2 yesterday. I was pretty tired so I didn't push the speed too much. The 5 min runs are getting easier, but that 1 min walk still flies by! I seriously take one sip of my water and then hear "RUN NOW" coming from the c210k app on my ipod lol. Kind of scared for next week...

    Kaylah I love that you are staying so positive! Keep it up! And don't forget that you just came back from being sick...sometimes that messes up your body but I'm glad to see that you are keeping at it!

    Keep running y'all!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks so much for the kind words, everyone!! :):flowerforyou: Just finished week 6, and excited to start week 7: run 4, walk 2 for an hour and a bit. Eee!!! Exciting!

    I'm actually starting to enjoy running, too, for the first time in my life. Amazing! No more struggles to get out there! Also, my fitness is definitely improving. Today, in my taekwondo class warmup, we had to do 20 laps. At first, the teenaged boys were nearly lapping me, but by the end of the 20 laps, I finished in 3rd place. Thanks, C210K, for helping my endurance so much! (And take THAT, punks!! :laugh: Just kidding, of course. ;))

    Good luck with this week, everyone! It's so cool to watch as we all turn into "real" runners. :glasses:

    So happy to hear that you finished week 6!!!! Isn't it nice to KNOW you can run :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    So i've been kinda bummed because i didnt get thru W5D2 i got 6min running in then walked with only another 2 of running...But then i have been thinking i shouldnt be worrying about that at all! I've come from hardly being able to get thru that first 60 seconds to this! If i just keep building up im going to eventually get stronger just probably not in this time frame thats set...
    So thats how i went into today D3 -20 mins of running.... i done 8.5min running with an extra 8min (Not at once) So im pretty happy with that and i can only get better...I am glad this week is over and its back to breaking them up again next week!

    You are rocking this because you are DOING this!!! Time imporves everything and as already mentioned you are coming back from being sick :flowerforyou:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I find that doing 30DS completely complements c210k. I thought it would be overwhelming at first but it's definitely doable! I can FEEL my body changing (I am starting to have muscles!!) and I think that either program by itself wouldn't have brought about the same changes in my body. I am building endurance, stamina, muscles, my metabolism is getting faster, it's fantastic! But since you do Taekwondo in addition to running, you might already be getting the benefits that I'm getting from the 30DS. I would just check it out though! If you have netflix or something like that you can rent it for a few days and just feel it out.

    As for me, I completed week 8 day 2 yesterday. I was pretty tired so I didn't push the speed too much. The 5 min runs are getting easier, but that 1 min walk still flies by! I seriously take one sip of my water and then hear "RUN NOW" coming from the c210k app on my ipod lol. Kind of scared for next week...

    Kaylah I love that you are staying so positive! Keep it up! And don't forget that you just came back from being sick...sometimes that messes up your body but I'm glad to see that you are keeping at it!

    Keep running y'all!

    I might try to do the 30DS again. I got through level 1 and then the second level threw me! I was really worried about my knees with all those different moves. But I don't have anything that will make me worry. Yea my knees could still get bothered but I don't have a race until later :wink:

    That is awessome that you are on week 8 and halfway done... keep it up girl!!!

    *See kaylah, it was mentioned :laugh: