Couch to 10K in 15 weeks?



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    kunibob - I'm done with the shred and have to agree that I feel so much stronger! Level 2 is the worst lol...I don't think I will EVER do level 2 again. I was so relieved when I got to Level 3! I mean, L3 was definitely the TOUGHEST but it was much more enjoyable than L2. I would actually suggest moving on to L3 before the 10 days are up if you feel the same way I do about L2 :) I just started Ripped in 30 a few days ago and am loving that too! Good luck with your race! You have to keep us posted on that

    carrie I saw your update on your run and how you ran 45 mins!!!! YOU ROCK :)

    I completed W9D2 today and felt really good! On to 8 min runs for the next workout, then next week it's 10 min runs first day, 20 min runs the second, and 22 mins runs on the 3rd workout. It's starting to get serious lol!

    Thanks JustBreathe!!!

    I am glad to hear you did your run.... Don't let that time kill you, you CAN do it. Look at all the other weeks you thought the time was too much!? :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    L2 is definitely a slog. That one weight circuit where you're keeping tension in the shoulders the whole time (I think it's the one with the standing one leg extensions in it) slays me! I'm actually alternating between L1 and L2 right now until my ten L1 days are "used up", and then I may start alternating L2/L3. Not quite what Jillian intended, I'm sure, but ah well!

    As for week 10 of C210K, I just completed day 3 a couple hours ago, and I was absolutely floored at how manageable it was! I hope you find the same thing. Day 2 was the hardest for me this week. Had to drag myself out, as I just had no energy to begin with for some reason. I took it slowly and was amazed that at the end, I felt more energized than at the beginning...and I had covered more km than I had expected!

    This program is so incredibly awesome. 10 weeks ago, I couldn't even run 30 seconds without getting winded!

    I have thought about trying the 30ds again. I got through level 1 and tried a day at level 2, but had my race and didn't want to mess up my knee. My knees feel stronger so I may give it a try to mix up my routine.

    Kunibob, your idea of alternating days is great... it may get stolen!? I agree with you that the program ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be able to go from the 30 second runs to 45 minutes is the best thing ever!? What does week 11 look like for you?
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Wed (today) W8D3 DONE
    Fri (7/1) W9D1 DONE outside
    Sun (7/3) W9D2 DONE outside
    Tue (7/5) W9D3 DONE outside
    Thu (7/7) B210K W1D1 DONE outside
    Sat (7/9) W1D2
    Mon (7/11) W1D3
    Wed (7/13) W2D1
    Fri (7/15) W2D2
    Sun (7/17) W2D3
    Tue (7/19) W3D1
    Thu (7/21) W3D2
    Sat (7/23) W3D3
    Mon (7/25) W4D1
    Wed (7/27) W4D2
    Fri (7/29) W4D3
    Sunday July 31st 5K RACE!!!!

    Then starting Aug I will stick with Mon, Wed, and Fri to run the last three weeks!

    I did my run outside again!?!?! I mesed with the program a little bit... but knew that I could do it. I ran for 45 minutes straight instead of the 4 ten minute runs. I covered 3.77 miles on my run.If I had seen the distance before I stopped running I would have finished it out to 4 miles, but I averaged a 5.0*!? The first mile averaged 5.3, the second mile averaged 5.1, the third mile averaged 4.9, and the almost fourth mile averaged 4.8.... I am really proud of myself!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    *I love the app runtastic to use gps to track my mileage and speed :wink:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Just completed W9D3, didn't feel like I had as much energy as I did during the last workout, but I still was able to get through all the runs. That last interval was rough though...I had to dig really deep for that one haha.

    Thanks for kunibob for your insight on week 10! I think Day 1 will be okay, but I'm definitely worried about Days 2 and 3. I'm glad to hear that you got through it! I'm going to prepare a playlist for both of those days...will try to put the really motivating songs in the middle of the runs because that's usually when I start feeling like giving up! I'll let you guys know how it goes.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Week 2
    5 min warm up
    15 min run
    1 min walk
    repeat 3 times (run total 45 mins)
    5 min cooldown

    Do the workout three times and then move on to the next week

    :wink: Remember to run at your pace and walk at your pace.

    Drink your water!?! The tempatures are rising and you need to stay hydrated
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Just completed W9D3, didn't feel like I had as much energy as I did during the last workout, but I still was able to get through all the runs. That last interval was rough though...I had to dig really deep for that one haha.

    Thanks for kunibob for your insight on week 10! I think Day 1 will be okay, but I'm definitely worried about Days 2 and 3. I'm glad to hear that you got through it! I'm going to prepare a playlist for both of those days...will try to put the really motivating songs in the middle of the runs because that's usually when I start feeling like giving up! I'll let you guys know how it goes.

    Great Job getting through week 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Week 3
    5 min warm up
    17 min run
    1 min walk
    repeat 3 times (run total 51 mins)
    5 min cooldown

    Do the workout three times and then move on to the next week

    :wink: Remember to run at your pace and walk at your pace.

    Drink your water!?! The tempatures are rising and you need to stay hydrated
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Wed (today) W8D3 DONE
    Fri (7/1) W9D1 DONE outside
    Sun (7/3) W9D2 DONE outside
    Tue (7/5) W9D3 DONE outside
    Thu (7/7) B210K W1D1 DONE outside
    Sat (7/9) W1D2 DONE outside
    Wed (7/13) W2D1 MISSED FROM VACATION... but I did run 1 mile on 7/14
    Tue (7/19) W3D1
    Thu (7/21) W3D2
    Sat (7/23) W3D3
    Mon (7/25) W4D1
    Wed (7/27) W4D2
    Fri (7/29) W4D3
    Sunday July 31st 5K RACE!!!!

    Then starting Aug I will stick with Mon, Wed, and Fri to run the last three weeks!

    I missed my runs last week due to being on vacation at the county fair and therefore completely exhusted every day. I don't remember getting up at 6:30 am and going to bet at 11:30pm making me quite so tired when I was in 4H!? But I am back at it this week because I have my 5K race coming up that I need to get in shape for!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I keep forgetting to update this thread -- too busy running! :smile:

    I'm in week 12 right now! My 10K is in less than two weeks now. Exciting!

    I almost finished week 11; w11d3 was a bit of a cheat for me because of stomach issues. It's supposed to be run 40, walk 1, run 10, but on the Thursday, I got massive stomach upset at the 30 minute mark. Had to hobble back home. :( Tried again on Friday, and had the same issue at the 40 minute mark this time. Since I had done 70 minutes combined, I figured it was enough to give myself a pass and I skipped it. Stupid stomach issues.

    Did w12d1 on Monday. Aside from the normal warmup/cooldown: run 45, walk 1, run 20. I DID IT! Woohoo!

    w12d2 will be tomorrow: run 50, walk 1, run 15.

    w12d3 will be Friday or Saturday: run 45.

    Then week 13 is a couple of shorter runs and then...THE RACE!

  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Hey you guys! Sorry I haven't been updating...I haven't been feeling well the last two weeks (nasty nasty migraine that has been causing numbness in my legs) so I haven't been able to run. I am starting to feel a lot better now so I am hoping to get back to my C210k workouts this weekend! A little setback, but I'm not going to quit. I'm just going to pick it back up where I left it.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Week 4
    5 min warm up
    18 min run
    1 min walk
    repeat 3 times (run total 54 mins)
    5 min cooldown

    Do the workout three times and then move on to the next week

    :wink: Remember to run at your pace and walk at your pace.

    Drink your water!?! The tempatures are rising and you need to stay hydrated
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Wed (today) W8D3 DONE
    Fri (7/1) W9D1 DONE outside
    Sun (7/3) W9D2 DONE outside
    Tue (7/5) W9D3 DONE outside
    Thu (7/7) B210K W1D1 DONE outside
    Sat (7/9) W1D2 DONE outside
    Wed (7/13) W2D1 MISSED FROM VACATION... but I did run 1 mile on 7/14
    Tue (7/19) W3D1 treadmill 50 mins running
    Thu (7/21) W3D2
    Sat (7/23) W3D3
    Mon (7/25) W4D1
    Wed (7/27) W4D2
    Fri (7/29) W4D3
    Sunday July 31st 5K RACE!!!!

    Then starting Aug I will stick with Mon, Wed, and Fri to run the last three weeks!

    I am working on getting into a groove about running regularly. With the heat it is really hard. The heat is my kyrponite!?!?!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Wed (today) W8D3 DONE
    Fri (7/1) W9D1 DONE outside
    Sun (7/3) W9D2 DONE outside
    Tue (7/5) W9D3 DONE outside
    Thu (7/7) B210K W1D1 DONE outside
    Sat (7/9) W1D2 DONE outside
    Wed (7/13) W2D1 MISSED FROM VACATION... but I did run 1 mile on 7/14
    Tue (7/19) W3D1 ran 1.3 miles with hills before an upset stomach caused me to walk the remaining 2.5
    Thu (7/21) W3D2 treadmill 50 mins running
    Sat (7/23) W3D3 MISSED FROM being lazy
    Mon (7/25) W4D1DONE outside with hills
    Wed (7/27) W4D2
    Fri (7/29) W4D3
    Sunday July 31st 5K RACE!!!!

    Then starting Aug I will stick with Mon, Wed, and Fri to run the last three weeks!

    I got my running in last night!!! I am very proud of that fact. I got bad news about my car... it threw a rod, but I still went running and did it all with a slow and steady pace to get 4 miles in! :bigsmile:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I keep forgetting to update this thread -- too busy running! :smile:

    I'm in week 12 right now! My 10K is in less than two weeks now. Exciting!

    I almost finished week 11; w11d3 was a bit of a cheat for me because of stomach issues. It's supposed to be run 40, walk 1, run 10, but on the Thursday, I got massive stomach upset at the 30 minute mark. Had to hobble back home. :( Tried again on Friday, and had the same issue at the 40 minute mark this time. Since I had done 70 minutes combined, I figured it was enough to give myself a pass and I skipped it. Stupid stomach issues.

    Did w12d1 on Monday. Aside from the normal warmup/cooldown: run 45, walk 1, run 20. I DID IT! Woohoo!

    w12d2 will be tomorrow: run 50, walk 1, run 15.

    w12d3 will be Friday or Saturday: run 45.

    Then week 13 is a couple of shorter runs and then...THE RACE!


    I am super excited to hear how your race goes!!! Make sure that you post it here so we can all congradulate you!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hey you guys! Sorry I haven't been updating...I haven't been feeling well the last two weeks (nasty nasty migraine that has been causing numbness in my legs) so I haven't been able to run. I am starting to feel a lot better now so I am hoping to get back to my C210k workouts this weekend! A little setback, but I'm not going to quit. I'm just going to pick it back up where I left it.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    You worry about getting better... that is what is important. We will be here to help you pick it back up :wink:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    JustBreathe418 - hope you are feeling well soon!!
    I am super excited to hear how your race goes!!! Make sure that you post it here so we can all congradulate you!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
    Yay, thanks! I will for sure share my results. :)

    I have to post here to announce that...the COUCH TO 10K PROGRAM IS COMPLETE!! WOOHOOOOOO!!!

    Race on Sunday! Exciting times.

    I couldn't imagine getting through this when I, I'm hooked!

    Good luck to everyone else who is starting or in the middle of these wonderful programs! I hope you find it as rewarding as I have. :heart:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I have to post here to announce that...the COUCH TO 10K PROGRAM IS COMPLETE!! WOOHOOOOOO!!!

    Race on Sunday! Exciting times.

    I couldn't imagine getting through this when I, I'm hooked!

    Good luck to everyone else who is starting or in the middle of these wonderful programs! I hope you find it as rewarding as I have. :heart:

    CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: OH MY, so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Thanks, carrriebear!

    I did my race today...

    1:04.50 :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I am writing a thank you letter to the developers of the app as we speak. :laugh: I am blown away!!! I thought it would be at least another 6 months until I broke 1:05...
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    -PIE-IN-THE-SKY GOAL: 1 h 05 min or lower. A gal can dream, but I definitely expect that this will take many months more of training.

    Have you picked out your half marathon/full marathon to train for?
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    There's a half in November that I'm eyeing! :smile: