Couch to 10K in 15 weeks?



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    For my update.... Well these last two weeks have been rough. I pushed myself on the 25 minute runs, suprisingly the d2 run was easy but the d1 and d3 were hard. So I moved up to week 8 and the runs are 28 minutes. Well I did the first mile at 5.0 (12min mile) and then had to finish it out at 4.5 (13:20min mile). :cry: I am bummed that I didn't do it at the 5.0 but I kept hearing me preach to run at YOUR speed. I know that I can run at a 4.5 so I am going to try d2 at 4.5 the whole time and know i can get through that run.

    On Tues I also did day one of the 100 pushup, 200 situp, 200 squat programs. So needless to say my thighs are sore today :wink:

    Hope everyone is proud of where they are and how far they have come!!! :drinker:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Week 8, Day 3 completed! I felt more comfortable with the 5 mins runs today so I pushed the speed a little more which was great because I burned more calories! But it was hard to keep it up because I got really tired...but I did make it through the workout! Next weeks workouts are 7 min runs and 8 min runs...kinda worried but we'll see how it goes!

    Hope everyone is keep at it and working hard! I know it gets tough...but in the end it will be worth it because you will be so more stronger and be in such better shape!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    OH MY WORD!!??!! I just realized I didn't post week 8's workout!?!?!

    Sorry a million times :cry:

    Week 8
    5 minute brisk walk to warm up
    28 minutes jogging
    5 minute brisk walk to cool down.

    Drink plenty of water during the day of your run and drink while you "recover" walking during the workout. Additionally drink water after your workout will help. With the heat you don't want to get dehydrated.

    Do this three times this week.
    Walk at your speed and jog at your speed which means if your jog is at 3.0 on the treadmill that is great!! Do what you can and don't think you have to start at a run if you aren't ready Just doing the workout is sucess

    Stretching your legs after the run is key to staying loose, you don't want to be too sore. Leave atleast a day between runs to give your legs time to recover and rest.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    :bigsmile: Alright.... Couch to 5K is almost done!?!? Last week!

    Week 9
    5 minute brisk walk to warm up
    30 minute jog
    5 minute brisk walk to cool down.

    Do this three times this week.
    Walk at your speed and jog at your speed which means if your jog is at 3.0 on the treadmill that is great!! Do what you can and don't think you have to start at a run if you aren't ready Just doing the workout is sucess

    Drink plenty of water during the day of your run and drink while you "recover" walking during the workout. Additionally drink water after your workout will help.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    For my update.... Well these last two weeks have been rough. I pushed myself on the 25 minute runs, suprisingly the d2 run was easy but the d1 and d3 were hard. So I moved up to week 8 and the runs are 28 minutes. Well I did the first mile at 5.0 (12min mile) and then had to finish it out at 4.5 (13:20min mile). :cry: I am bummed that I didn't do it at the 5.0 but I kept hearing me preach to run at YOUR speed. I know that I can run at a 4.5 so I am going to try d2 at 4.5 the whole time and know i can get through that run.

    On Tues I also did day one of the 100 pushup, 200 situp, 200 squat programs. So needless to say my thighs are sore today :wink:

    Hope everyone is proud of where they are and how far they have come!!! :drinker:

    Stop worry about speed - DISTANCE FIRST, speed will follow. Most beginner runners quit because they don't understand this. Find your groove and go with it. Don't worry if it's slow. Personally, I run 3.5 miles per hour (to most people's 6). I get lapped by WALKERS! :laugh: I CAN run at 4.0 but wear out after a short distance. BUT... at my slower pace, I can go the distance, whereas those fast walkers are stopping at a mile.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Stop worry about speed - DISTANCE FIRST, speed will follow. Most beginner runners quit because they don't understand this. Find your groove and go with it. Don't worry if it's slow. Personally, I run 3.5 miles per hour (to most people's 6). I get lapped by WALKERS! :laugh: I CAN run at 4.0 but wear out after a short distance. BUT... at my slower pace, I can go the distance, whereas those fast walkers are stopping at a mile.

    I know TS65... I finally did wrap my brain around the words I had been saying all along!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Going to finally do W8D3 tonight and then make sure that I do W9 though the next days. So that means my schedule will look like this:
    Wed (today) W8D3
    Fri (7/1) W9D1
    Sun (7/3) W9D2
    Tue (7/5) W9D3
    Thu (7/7) B210K W1D1
    Sat (7/9) W1D2
    Mon (7/11) W1D3
    Wed (7/13) W2D1
    Fri (7/15) W2D2
    Sun (7/17) W2D3
    Tue (7/19) W3D1
    Thu (7/21) W3D2
    Sat (7/23) W3D3
    Mon (7/25) W4D1
    Wed (7/27) W4D2
    Fri (7/29) W4D3
    Sunday July 31st 5K RACE!!!!

    Then starting Aug I will stick with Mon, Wed, and Fri to run the last three weeks!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Did Week 9 Day 1 earlier today!! Okay I have a confession...I haven't done a c210k workout since last Thursday. I've just been SO BUSY and everytime I try to go to get these workouts in, something comes up and I just couldn't make it. So even though today is Wed, I did the first workout for the week. I was actually a bit concerned because its been almost week since I've ran and the workout was a LONG one. It was 7 min runs, 2 min walks, repeat 7 times. Surprisingly, it was one of my best workouts in c210k! I'm not quite sure what it was...might have been that energy drink I had an hour before because I was having trouble staying awake lol. But I felt REALLY good even though these were the longest runs so far. Another day of 7 min runs and it goes to 8 min runs! Wish me luck.

    Great job to everyone for sticking to this! It is NOT easy.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Did Week 9 Day 1 earlier today!! Okay I have a confession...I haven't done a c210k workout since last Thursday. I've just been SO BUSY and everytime I try to go to get these workouts in, something comes up and I just couldn't make it. So even though today is Wed, I did the first workout for the week. I was actually a bit concerned because its been almost week since I've ran and the workout was a LONG one. It was 7 min runs, 2 min walks, repeat 7 times. Surprisingly, it was one of my best workouts in c210k! I'm not quite sure what it was...might have been that energy drink I had an hour before because I was having trouble staying awake lol. But I felt REALLY good even though these were the longest runs so far. Another day of 7 min runs and it goes to 8 min runs! Wish me luck.

    Great job to everyone for sticking to this! It is NOT easy.

    Great work.... I seem to have a really good run after time off like that too. I think that our bodies recover and can be pushed harder :wink: shows that all our hard work is paying off! You can do the 7 minute runs without a problem... you are awesome!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Going to finally do W8D3 tonight and then make sure that I do W9 though the next days. So that means my schedule will look like this:
    Wed (today) W8D3 DONE
    Fri (7/1) W9D1 DONE outside
    Sun (7/3) W9D2
    Tue (7/5) W9D3
    Thu (7/7) B210K W1D1
    Sat (7/9) W1D2
    Mon (7/11) W1D3
    Wed (7/13) W2D1
    Fri (7/15) W2D2
    Sun (7/17) W2D3
    Tue (7/19) W3D1
    Thu (7/21) W3D2
    Sat (7/23) W3D3
    Mon (7/25) W4D1
    Wed (7/27) W4D2
    Fri (7/29) W4D3
    Sunday July 31st 5K RACE!!!!

    Then starting Aug I will stick with Mon, Wed, and Fri to run the last three weeks!

    So this morning I ran outside for my C25K!? It is week 9 and that is 30 minutes straight running. I have wanted to start outside for a while and final had a reason to... I have plans this evening and won't make it to the gym. I started with my son since his dad was late to pick him up. He ran for half a mile if not more with me :D I had an average speed of 4.1 over 2.07 miles. I know that for the second mile I was closer to the 5.0 that I set the treadmill at and that the first mile was slower due to having my son. I guess we will see what Sunday's run averages!?
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Alright! So you have graduated C25K!? Now it is time for the bridge..... The first week of B210K starts:

    Week 1
    5 min warm up
    10 min run
    1 min walk
    repeat 4 times (run total 40 mins and walk total 4 mins)
    5 min cooldown

    Do the workout three times and then move on to the next week

    :flowerforyou: Remember to run at your pace and walk at your pace.

    Drink your water!?! The tempatures are rising and you need to stay hydrated :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Wed (today) W8D3 DONE
    Fri (7/1) W9D1 DONE outside
    Sun (7/3) W9D2 DONE outside
    Tue (7/5) W9D3
    Thu (7/7) B210K W1D1
    Sat (7/9) W1D2
    Mon (7/11) W1D3
    Wed (7/13) W2D1
    Fri (7/15) W2D2
    Sun (7/17) W2D3
    Tue (7/19) W3D1
    Thu (7/21) W3D2
    Sat (7/23) W3D3
    Mon (7/25) W4D1
    Wed (7/27) W4D2
    Fri (7/29) W4D3
    Sunday July 31st 5K RACE!!!!

    Then starting Aug I will stick with Mon, Wed, and Fri to run the last three weeks!

    I did my run outside again!?!?! That is 30 minutes straight running. I covered 2.5 miles on my run and averaged a 12 minute mile... I was impressed. It was rough for the last mile. I started out strong and fast for the first mile and the next half mile I was slower but still alright. Then that last mile I was super slow but kept going. I think that the last mile I actually averaged a a 4.5/4.0 but I did so well over the first mile and a half that it equaled out :wink: Tonight I need to get another 30 min run in and be done with C25K! (I'll admit I am a tiny bit worried about running for a total of 40 minutes but know I can do it!!!)

    How is everyone else doing with their runnin?
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I find that doing 30DS completely complements c210k. I thought it would be overwhelming at first but it's definitely doable! I can FEEL my body changing (I am starting to have muscles!!) and I think that either program by itself wouldn't have brought about the same changes in my body. I am building endurance, stamina, muscles, my metabolism is getting faster, it's fantastic! But since you do Taekwondo in addition to running, you might already be getting the benefits that I'm getting from the 30DS. I would just check it out though! If you have netflix or something like that you can rent it for a few days and just feel it out.
    A belated thank you for this advice!! I definitely noticed that my taekwondo training complimented 30DS (level 1 was pretty easy for me, so I've hopped up to level 2 early), but holy wow do I notice a difference now that I'm pushing it. My core is SO much stronger, and the various squats are doing a great job of stabilizing my knees/hips, which are traditionally trouble areas for me. (I was starting to get some of my old pains a couple weeks back and was worried about it, but now they've stopped hurting and my quads are already much stronger & more balanced.) I'm finding that all three exercises support each other very nicely, and I feel like I'm getting more than 3x the exercise by combining all 3, if that makes sense. They're feeding into one another! Thank you for the recommendation! :)

    As for C210K....

    I have my first 10K race on July 31st, so I blended weeks 8 & 9 into one to time it better. I'm about to finish w10d3 tomorrow, and I have to say I'm so impressed with what this program has done for me. For example, yesterday I was a bit glum at first because I "only" did 6.5 km, which felt too light...I had been hoping for ~8 km, but was really tired, so I did it at recovery pace instead. Then I stopped to think about it. First, I ran two back-to-back segments of 20 minutes each...something I have never been able to do in my life, even way back when I was a competitive swimmer! Second, the fact that 6.5 km felt "too easy"... WOW! I never thought I'd ever feel that way!! It was a HUGE ego boost, and I'm very excited for that first 10K now that I realize just how far I have come!

    For the first race, I'm mostly aiming to finish, but seeing that I've done a few 10Ks in training now, I have some goal times in mind:
    -BASE GOAL: 1 h 15 min or lower. I'll be very happy if I meet this goal!
    -IT-COULD-BE-POSSIBLE GOAL: 1 h 10 min or lower. My training runs have been ~1:12, so I do think I can do this on race day, if everything goes well.
    -PIE-IN-THE-SKY GOAL: 1 h 05 min or lower. A gal can dream, but I definitely expect that this will take many months more of training.

    Also...I must report that I'm hooked. I'm dreaming big. Never thought I'd even entertain the idea of training for a marathon one day (more than a year from now, of course), but that idea is popping into my mind. One step at a time, though; there are plenty of steps between now and then!

    Exciting times. Anyone else getting ridiculously addicted? My husband is sick of hearing about me blabbing about running, I think! :)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Keep up the great work! I started running about 7 weeks ago and ran my first 10k on Monday morning! My legs are still recovering LOL.

    Took me 75:48, which was about 12:00 miles in a race called "Conquer the Hills" but it was fun!

    As you get more endurance and lose more weight things get better! I couldn't have imagined doing it 7-8 weeks ago when I was 22lbs heavier!!

    Congrats on starting to run!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Wed (today) W8D3 DONE
    Fri (7/1) W9D1 DONE outside
    Sun (7/3) W9D2 DONE outside
    Tue (7/5) W9D3 DONE outside
    Thu (7/7) B210K W1D1
    Sat (7/9) W1D2
    Mon (7/11) W1D3
    Wed (7/13) W2D1
    Fri (7/15) W2D2
    Sun (7/17) W2D3
    Tue (7/19) W3D1
    Thu (7/21) W3D2
    Sat (7/23) W3D3
    Mon (7/25) W4D1
    Wed (7/27) W4D2
    Fri (7/29) W4D3
    Sunday July 31st 5K RACE!!!!

    Then starting Aug I will stick with Mon, Wed, and Fri to run the last three weeks!

    I did my run outside again!?!?! That is 30 minutes straight running. I covered just under 2.5 miles on my run. I started out slow and steady on my pace. It was more of a 4.5 or 13:20ish minute mile. I am now DONE with C25K! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy: :love: :smooched: :bigsmile:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    A belated thank you for this advice!! I definitely noticed that my taekwondo training complimented 30DS (level 1 was pretty easy for me, so I've hopped up to level 2 early), but holy wow do I notice a difference now that I'm pushing it. My core is SO much stronger, and the various squats are doing a great job of stabilizing my knees/hips, which are traditionally trouble areas for me. (I was starting to get some of my old pains a couple weeks back and was worried about it, but now they've stopped hurting and my quads are already much stronger & more balanced.) I'm finding that all three exercises support each other very nicely, and I feel like I'm getting more than 3x the exercise by combining all 3, if that makes sense. They're feeding into one another! Thank you for the recommendation! :)

    As for C210K....

    I have my first 10K race on July 31st, so I blended weeks 8 & 9 into one to time it better. I'm about to finish w10d3 tomorrow, and I have to say I'm so impressed with what this program has done for me. For example, yesterday I was a bit glum at first because I "only" did 6.5 km, which felt too light...I had been hoping for ~8 km, but was really tired, so I did it at recovery pace instead. Then I stopped to think about it. First, I ran two back-to-back segments of 20 minutes each...something I have never been able to do in my life, even way back when I was a competitive swimmer! Second, the fact that 6.5 km felt "too easy"... WOW! I never thought I'd ever feel that way!! It was a HUGE ego boost, and I'm very excited for that first 10K now that I realize just how far I have come!

    For the first race, I'm mostly aiming to finish, but seeing that I've done a few 10Ks in training now, I have some goal times in mind:
    -BASE GOAL: 1 h 15 min or lower. I'll be very happy if I meet this goal!
    -IT-COULD-BE-POSSIBLE GOAL: 1 h 10 min or lower. My training runs have been ~1:12, so I do think I can do this on race day, if everything goes well.
    -PIE-IN-THE-SKY GOAL: 1 h 05 min or lower. A gal can dream, but I definitely expect that this will take many months more of training.

    Also...I must report that I'm hooked. I'm dreaming big. Never thought I'd even entertain the idea of training for a marathon one day (more than a year from now, of course), but that idea is popping into my mind. One step at a time, though; there are plenty of steps between now and then!

    Exciting times. Anyone else getting ridiculously addicted? My husband is sick of hearing about me blabbing about running, I think! :)

    I know you can do the 1:15... You will have to make sure you post your "official" time to share with us! :wink:

    I love the thought of you doing a marathon! I have walked two half marathons and will be running my first half marathon in October. My goal is to run a full marathon in October 2012 :bigsmile:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Keep up the great work! I started running about 7 weeks ago and ran my first 10k on Monday morning! My legs are still recovering LOL.

    Took me 75:48, which was about 12:00 miles in a race called "Conquer the Hills" but it was fun!

    As you get more endurance and lose more weight things get better! I couldn't have imagined doing it 7-8 weeks ago when I was 22lbs heavier!!

    Congrats on starting to run!!

    You are awesome to "Conquer the Hills" at a 12 minute mile!?!?! I don't know if I could do that :laugh:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    "Conquer the Hills" -- ack, that sounds painful!! Great job, joehempel! I'd probably be crawling by the end of it. :laugh:
    I know you can do the 1:15... You will have to make sure you post your "official" time to share with us! :wink:

    I love the thought of you doing a marathon! I have walked two half marathons and will be running my first half marathon in October. My goal is to run a full marathon in October 2012 :bigsmile:
    Oh wow, that's so exciting!! Good luck! Please let us know how the half marathon goes...too exciting! :D
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    kunibob - I'm done with the shred and have to agree that I feel so much stronger! Level 2 is the worst lol...I don't think I will EVER do level 2 again. I was so relieved when I got to Level 3! I mean, L3 was definitely the TOUGHEST but it was much more enjoyable than L2. I would actually suggest moving on to L3 before the 10 days are up if you feel the same way I do about L2 :) I just started Ripped in 30 a few days ago and am loving that too! Good luck with your race! You have to keep us posted on that

    carrie I saw your update on your run and how you ran 45 mins!!!! YOU ROCK :)

    I completed W9D2 today and felt really good! On to 8 min runs for the next workout, then next week it's 10 min runs first day, 20 min runs the second, and 22 mins runs on the 3rd workout. It's starting to get serious lol!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    kunibob - I'm done with the shred and have to agree that I feel so much stronger! Level 2 is the worst lol...I don't think I will EVER do level 2 again. I was so relieved when I got to Level 3! I mean, L3 was definitely the TOUGHEST but it was much more enjoyable than L2. I would actually suggest moving on to L3 before the 10 days are up if you feel the same way I do about L2 :) I just started Ripped in 30 a few days ago and am loving that too! Good luck with your race! You have to keep us posted on that

    carrie I saw your update on your run and how you ran 45 mins!!!! YOU ROCK :)

    I completed W9D2 today and felt really good! On to 8 min runs for the next workout, then next week it's 10 min runs first day, 20 min runs the second, and 22 mins runs on the 3rd workout. It's starting to get serious lol!

    L2 is definitely a slog. That one weight circuit where you're keeping tension in the shoulders the whole time (I think it's the one with the standing one leg extensions in it) slays me! I'm actually alternating between L1 and L2 right now until my ten L1 days are "used up", and then I may start alternating L2/L3. Not quite what Jillian intended, I'm sure, but ah well!

    As for week 10 of C210K, I just completed day 3 a couple hours ago, and I was absolutely floored at how manageable it was! I hope you find the same thing. Day 2 was the hardest for me this week. Had to drag myself out, as I just had no energy to begin with for some reason. I took it slowly and was amazed that at the end, I felt more energized than at the beginning...and I had covered more km than I had expected!

    This program is so incredibly awesome. 10 weeks ago, I couldn't even run 30 seconds without getting winded!