SWaT Walking Group - May Walk



  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone.

    I'm still here (just didn't get any walks in during the week - YIKES!). I did Sansone's Five Mile Slim Down and Five Mile Walk It Off & Tone It Up to catch up for my goal. I really have to get back into a regular routine. Jenny, you're right about having some variety (although I'm finding that the LS videos have been the best for me); I should be able to get into the pool in the next few weeks.

    Teresa, CONGRATS on wearing a two-piece bathing suit. It must have been a great feeling of accomplishment. I hope the breast pain has gone away; be sure to have that checked out.

    Jenny, so sorry to hear that Leo is gone. I also read about your aunt's passing. Both are such stressful events, so I hope you're taking care of yourself.

    Thanks to all for the well wishes for my dad. Two more weeks of chemo and then we'll see where things stand. As for the new job, I gave notice at my current job, so officially I'm still there, but I'm kind of juggling both over the next few weeks. My new boss has been extremely understanding about the notice, and he's working with me for a smooth transition. It's such a feeling of relief to be working for someone so professional and personable. I can't wait to be there full time. I have to say that timing was a big part of my landing the job. I found MFP last summer and this walk group in the fall; both have really helped me stick to my goals. I've lost 89 lbs since tracking my progress with MFP last summer. It has really given me a boost of confidence that I'm sure paid off in the interview process (it also helped that I was able to fit in some nice suits for interviews!). Thanks to all for keeping me motivated.

    Make it a great week!

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Congratulations on the awesome weight loss, 89 lbs is no chump change. Whoo Hooo!
    It's wonderful news about your new job. I didn't realize you still had your old one. But so glad the transition is going to be smooth.
    I'll be praying for your Dad to pull through

    I still have the chest pain :frown: . But No insurance. Still hoping it will go away soon.

    I Like the idea of swimming. My husband just cleaned the pool today :bigsmile: but it won't stay clean for long. If I don't walk with Leslie S. tomorrow I might just take the dip in the pool.

    Good night Ladies! I hope you all have a Great week
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I haven't been very good about posting lately I've just been on the go so much. I did get in about 6 miles walking (according to my pedometer) at the flea market on Saturday but haven't had a chance to walk since. I'm still going to check out the curves tomorrow and I hope they aren't too expensive. If they are I'll have to pass and keep doing what I'm doing. They have a 50% off thing going on right now but it depends on 50% of what. :laugh:

    Teresa, don't let the pain go on for too long. Some things you should just have checked out. Better safe than sorry.

    AZ, I"m so glad your job is looking good. Mine is getting crazier by the day and no end in sight. There just aren't many jobs in my area right now and I can't stand the thought of driving to Atlanta so I'll keep sticking it out where I am.

    It looks like I've got some busy weekends ahead. This weekend is a holiday (thank goodness), the next week is the Relay for Life walk. I really didn't fully understand what I was getting myself into wth that one but I"m going to stick it out. The next weekend we may take a bike ride to Gatlinburg and the next weekend is Father's day. Oh and my anniversary is in there somewhere too. So I"ve got to get my weekdays going with the exercising!
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    So I am not the only one overbooked, but I did get 3 miles in, and now time to get to the garden.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everybody!

    I went to Curves today to check it out. I did one of their zumba classes. I'd have to bet it's not much like the real zumba classes but it was fun. I don't know if I'd ever get all those moves in but had fun laughing at myself trying. As Kathy said it is pretty expensive so I don't know if it's going to be a permanent thing. I"m still considering my options.

    I think the thing I enjoyed most about today was being with other people while I was working out. I've been doing this by myself (except for you guys of course) for so long I just need some company. Maybe I need to check out some other classes that wouldn't be so expensive? Something for me to think about anyway.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Sandy-have you done the Curves circuit yet and if so did you like it? I've never been there. It is more fun to have exercise buddies.

    I took some days off of exercise due to my hip bothering me. I didn't even go to Zumba last night because I wanted to maximize the effects of my acupuncture session I had yesterday. My hip felt really good today without taking any Aleve. Tonight hubbie and I walked 1.5 miles in the neighborhood at a good clip. It did stress my knee and hip but I persevered. I think exercise in shorter time increments is best for now. I don't know if I'll go to my last Zumba class tomorrow night. It's the last one until Fall. Next I will pursue swimming laps one night per week if I can get my rear to the pool...

    Been rainy and tornadoes in the area lately. Tired of wet weather. I hope none of you are in the area of the Missouri tornadoes. Minneapolis got hit and one area is only 5 miles south of me. We've always been lucky, knock on wood...

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Jenny, I'm going back tonite to try the regular curves routine. They have a free week promotion giong on right now so I'm taking advantage of it. :smile:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning! I've decided to work out every other morning for now. I've gone back to walking with Leslie. She fits my schedule better and I just like her. They do say that the best exercise is the one you'll actually do so...!

    We've been having pretty nice weather but rain is predicted on-and-pff for the next 3-4 days.

    Teresa--are there any community health clinics in your area? They use a sliding scale system and are usually pretty reasonable. My DD in TX is using one--TX seems to have the WORST system for low-income women in the whole country! You are only covered if you are pregnant and for 2 months after the baby is born. (And I thought the WA system was bad!) Oh well. Guess you kow where I stand on health-care reform!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    Just walked 6 miles today. I'm not going to keep up with the ticker anymore. But i will check in and speak to all you wonderful ladies :happy: .
    I'm falling out of the desire to keep up a routine. With the heat Im not sure what I'll be doing from swimming, treadmill, outside walks or Leslie Sansone. But I'll keep popping in to say what workout I did that day. Just tired of the ticker I guess :blushing:

    Kathy... thanks! i'm not sure If I want to know. I've already had to Aunt's die of breast cancer & both where treated with chemo & radiation. One aunt had her one breast removed and then later it went to the other & soon after ( 2 yrs) she had passed. So, When it's my time to go, I will go without treatment. So why get checked? why waste the money? when my times up, my time is up. Well, Unless I get both breast removed at the same time & get the pretty, firm implants :laugh:
    But going to the clinic's you can't get that treatment :angry:

    I'm off tomorrow SO I'm hoping to walk another 6 miles. I'm hoping the weather will be nice.

    Have a Great Day!! :flowerforyou:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I skipped Zumba tonight because my hip felt good and I didn't want it to get sore again. I took a walk by myself and tried to de-stress from a bad work week, loss of Leo, and just feeling like I have PMS:grumble: Sorry so negative, I guess I log here to get the feelings out.

    Not much to say I guess but hope you all have a nice evening and a wonderful day tomorrow.

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Well I went to Curves again today after work. I wanted to try the regular workout again. I really do like it and would love to be able to continue for a while but I just don't think I can make myself pay that price. For anyone who is interested it costs 39 per month if you sign a 12 month contract plus an additional 49 enrollment fee. If you don't want to sign a contract it is 49 dollars a month and the 49 dollar enrollment fee. You can also pay the whole year up front and get a 10 percent discount and yes you still have to pay the 49 dollar enrollment fee. As I understand it the price can vary depending what state / area you are in. It was 7 or 8 years ago that I was in curves but it wasnt that expensive then. Plus the fact that gas wasnt 4.00 a gallon.

    I'm still looking at other options in this area but I'm not having any luck. I thought I'd found something more reasonable today (an aquatic fitness center) but when I really looked at their class schedule my choices were really limited based on my work schedule.

    It's really starting to look like I need to keep walking away my pounds :happy:

    Teresa, I understand what you mean about the ticker. I'll have to think about it but I may join you with the no ticker for next month. It could be a nice way to try some other stuff without feeling like I'm neglecting the walking when I do.

    Jenny, I never had pms until recently. The doc presribed me a med that I start taking about a week before and during. It's been wonderful for the 2 months I've taken it. And of course you have so many difficulties in your life right now that are probably increasing the pms symptoms. Just keep exercising when you can because it's the best thing you can do for stress but I guess you already know that. It's really helped me anyway.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello ladies, I am not lost just distracted. Just popped in and read all the posts you all have been so busy. Teresa, I hear you on the ticker. I can't keep mine up now that there is so much more to do outside. We have only 90 days of real summer here so we rush around like mad things trying to get everything done.

    I am in the middle of a tax audit. More time eaten up! Hopefully this will not drag on for a long time.
    All the nasty weather missed us, I feel so bad for those in the tornado areas. How will they ever recover?

    Jenny sorry to hear about Leo. It is so hard to give up our furry companions. I am glad you were able to stay with him.

    Curves sounds interesting, Sandy. Do you get a good workout? I don't think there are any near hear. I am an hour away from any town of any size. So I doubt it.

    AZ, I will be thinking of your Dad as he continues his treatment. I pray his spirit holds and his body heals.

    Teresa, I hope see the Dr. My Mother had breast cancer twice also and she died of old age at 92. My sister has also had it, and she is doing great. Do not just sit and wait. Pain under your arm could just be a pinched off muscle, which I have had, or something more serious. You are a young woman yet. ( Did I just fall getting off my saop box?:tongue: )

    I am still walking, and working, and gardening, and enjoying every day! Nite nite, Alice
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm not going to do the walking ticker anymore, either. I keep forgetting to update it. I have been working out for a little while every day but not as much as I do when I am not working. Work is a lot of, well, work!
    I have been doing more 'formal' exercise on the weekends, though--mostly walking with Leslie and other low-impact things.

    What I need to do now is get back to my healthy eating and track my foods. I can't find a good, inexpensive app that works on my older phone but I am sure there is one out there. If anyone knows of one that works with Windows Mobile 6.1 (I can't upgrade to 7 because the phone has been discontinued) let me know!

    Time to get ready for work. Going in early so my DD and partner can go to the movies this afternoon and I'm going to play with my grandson.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    :smile: Hello Ladies!

    I haven't been doing good for a whole month now, well maybe 3 weeks. Because I stopped taking my long outdoor walks and I upped my calorie intake. The reason for that change was, I was losing to much weight quickly & I was losing my hair as well. Well, Now I've been at a stand still for 3 weeks. I MUST force myself to get my butt back outside for my walks even if its on my workdays. I did it before I must do it again. I have another 16 to 20 pounds to lose, So I better Do what worked for me before.

    I walked 6 miles yesterday & I walked another 6 miles today. I took my 2 hour walk at Pompano Park & walked around the 2 mile track twice. I am trying very hard to go back to eating 1200 calories, But it is very difficult. I keep consuming 1400 or more UGH!!! :grumble:

    My father is coming in town at the end of June and the last time I seen him I was 180 pounds wearing a size 16 pants, So I really need to push myself to get the weight to start coming off again. I weighed in today 145.6 Now if I can just get down to 139 by then I'll be happy. :bigsmile:

    Kathy... Sorry I can't help you with the phone app. I wish I had a phone that got me connected to the internet. I'm hoping to change phone services by the middle of July & I hope to have Internet by phone then.
    LOL.... about not doing the ticker anymore either :laugh:

    Alice.... Thank God you weren't in the tornadoes path.. Oh, My heart goes out to the people affected. It's heart wrenching :cry:
    Some women get lucky and make it through breast cancer & some don't. I'm just not ready to find out. I'm still hoping the pain is due from exercising or sleep pattern. It's still there :indifferent: . Maybe in a month I'll change my mind but until then No more running or jogging and I try and sleep straight on my back. (Thank You! I really appreciate your advice)

    Sandy.... I'm not sure, But I've heard that hospitals have gym's that the public can use. I keep thinking, Im going to look into it But never do :blushing: . Thank Goodness I've never had PMS either. I was pretty lucky I never had cramping too. Well, I don't have to worry since I don't have it anymore :laugh: . But then again Menopause is right around the corner :grumble:

    OMG!! I was pretty chatty today :noway: . Sorry!!! :bigsmile:
    Off all day from work, that will do it.

    Have a wonderful day !!!!!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Tomorrow is Friday and a long weekend. The only way it could get any better would be if it were a "Real Friday"! "Real Fridays" are what we call the Fridays we get paychecks. :laugh: Aren't bi-weekly pay days the pits?

    Well I intended to go back to Curves again today but I changed my plans at the last minute and went and checked out the YMCA instead. I had never really considered it as an option because it seemed a lot further away than it actually is. That place is awesome. So much equipment, so many classes and in time frames I could attend. The price is not much different than curves but they have so much more to offer. I'm really considering trying to scrape up the $$ to do it over the hot summer months. I'll have to do a lot more thinking about it and discuss with the hubby.

    How would everyone feel if we celebrated the start of summer with a Free for All / Anything goes month for June? You could walk, exercise, swim, ticker, no ticker, anything you've been wanting to try. We can all still check in regularly, encourage & cheer each other on. Teresa's idea really, she started it with the no ticker thing but I'm ready to have a little fun with this. I'm not really suggesting we all slack off, just try and spice things up a bit. We've all been working hard for a long time. Just a thought . . . let me know what you all think or any more ideas?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I would be fine with shaking it up and doing the "free for all". I'm slacking and need to do something different and eat different foods. Work is stressful and I'm waiting for my break in June. Zumba is over and I plan to swim, bike and walk along with some yoga and whatever else seems appealing. I'm all for no ticker month and just checking in to update on what we are doing, get new ideas, share DVD info, food info, or whatever.

    Everyone hang in there and get through the slump. We've been at this awhile and some of you longer than me!:bigsmile:

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I am up for a June free for all, my schedule is over the top. I am working out as usual but working like a mad woman. You have got to love spring on the farm. With all this exercise I should weigh 120 but I don't. This old body is just used to it I'm guessing.

    Onward and upward, Alice
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning!!

    YAY! I Like the Idea of the "FREE FOR ALL" :happy:

    I walked to the Park again today ( 3 days in a row), But only walked around the track once. I should be going into work at 12 noon so I didn't want to over do it.

    last week I only lost .2 pounds and this week only .2 pounds. :grumble: I really need to get my butt back in gear with exercise & eating less.
    I've been feeling like crap lately with these so called headaches & being sluggish, I constantly look like I'm bloated UGH!!!! It was really difficult pushing through the end of that walk. I felt like passing out. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better

    Time to get ready for work and grab a quick lunch
    TALk To You All Later
    Have A FANTASTIC Weekend :flowerforyou:
  • panda742002
    panda742002 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Walked 5.7 miles this week.

    Have a good long weekend!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Walked 5.7 miles this week.

    Have a good long weekend!

    WOW!!! Great Walk!!!!