Like Minded Lushes May 2011



  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Well, since Kim talked me into the challenge starting tomorrow there will be drinking tonight! :drinker: To top it off DH brought home sausage with peppers and onions for dinner, that ought to be good for a few pounds of water retention. :wink:

    I'll be pounding them down while watcher the Biggest Loser, funny - I have watched all but one of the seasons but have yet to lose any weight. Guess just watching doesn't get the weight off.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Day one successful -- Monday = no drinks.

    Day two Tuesday = no drinks (but yea, I don't get off work for another 1/2 hour!!)

    Plan to hit gym after work and have ingredients to make Italian Halibut stew for dinner. No drinks in the house and no need for a store run. Successfully came home from the grocery store with no wine, no beer and no whiskey yesterday.

    Wish me luck and enjoy :drinker: here's to ya!
  • cvaneaton
    cvaneaton Posts: 154
    Cheers to you and you goal! We all deserve a little fun in life! Thanks for sharing and not taking life too seriously!:drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, Robin, I am abstaining in solidary with you...United We Suffer, One Nation of Lushes:drinker: but, Thursday, your on your own:laugh:

    McDebbie, you load up on that sausage and drinks...cause is all over tomorrow...anyway, I brought Italian sausage from was a little weird that I had pounds and pounds in my carryon...but, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Heh. Kim had sausage in her luggage. :laugh:

    I'm drinking a s.f. red bull but it tastes strange without the vodka. I also promised Hubs that I'd help him grade some tests...over the human reproductive system. If I'm going to be reading 8th graders' thoughts about the stages of labor...I might need a drink!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    mon - 0
    tues - 0
    wed - 0

    Plan is drink fri night only this week! :grumble:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Worked out after work before the friends came over and before I had finished my post work out water, my friend had poured me a glass of sauvignon blanc. I love my friends. So 5 for me last night.

    S - 5
    M - 0
    T - 5
    W - I'm guessing about 3-4

    Aw's Derby week. I'll do better next week.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Ok Kim I feel soooo guilty I feel like I let you down. I caved last night. I had a who gives a f--- mentality and I drank two Pendelton on the rocks and then some of that 100 proof peppermint schnapps. I am sooo weak. I just really didn't care. I didn't have the calories so I didn't even log them. I feel like such a lushy loser right now. I will try to be better.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    S, M, T, W - no drinks!

    To weigh in, I love skinny girl margs!

    About 634 cals per bottle, if anyone was wondering...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Ok Kim I feel soooo guilty I feel like I let you down. I caved last night. I had a who gives a f--- mentality and I drank two Pendelton on the rocks and then some of that 100 proof peppermint schnapps. I am sooo weak. I just really didn't care. I didn't have the calories so I didn't even log them. I feel like such a lushy loser right now. I will try to be better.

    Robin, I had a glass of wine last night!!! So, no worries on this end. I don't feel like you let me down. We're lushy friends. Maybe, you can focus on the positives of when you don't drink. Do you ever feel better when your not drinking? More energy? Better skin? Less bloating? IDK, it's just a hard thing to back off on. Trust me, I know.

    Hubs asked me to have a glass with him. I really didn't want too; but, he wanted to spend some time with me. I think I've been on a 2 week binge and I am ready for a bit of sobriety. I am way more productive and focused without the alcohol.

    Monday, 5.5 beers
    Tuesday, 1 wine
    Wednesday, 0 drinks...I really just don't want it

    My girlfriend and I discussed not even drinking tomorrow and we've decided NOT too. Miracle of miracles. We'll see if we get the itch tomorrow.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Robin, I felt like that last week. :heart: to you.

    Faith, great job!!

    I didn't drink last night...but I wanted to.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hey, other, CO Amy, I am right there with ya!
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    Heh. Kim had sausage in her luggage. :laugh:

    I'm drinking a s.f. red bull but it tastes strange without the vodka. I also promised Hubs that I'd help him grade some tests...over the human reproductive system. If I'm going to be reading 8th graders' thoughts about the stages of labor...I might need a drink!

    LOL...that would be interesting. I have an 8th grader and I'm not sure I would want to read his paper.

    I've been pretty good at saving my drinking for the weekends. I did have 4beers at my mom's on Sunday...a couple Miller lights and a couple of Killians. And last night I just couldn't resist the 170calorie Leinenkugals Creamy Dark that was in the fridge calling my was goooooooood;) So worth the calories...I find the "55 calorie" beers BUTT NASTY and when I drink light beer-I just want to down one after the other so it kind of defeats the purpose.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Thursday-12oz of SkinnyGirl Margaritas......I am so excited for my first margarita of the season!!!!! I will be walking to the liquor store, so it makes me feel better about it :happy:
    Friday-1/2 750ml of wine....and hopefully that's it!!!
    Saturday-I'm going to behave myself to the best of my ability.....all depends if we head up to the in-laws for Mother's day celebration or not......
    Sunday-all depends on how saturday goes :laugh:

    Happy Wednesday!
  • butterflyinamber78
    butterflyinamber78 Posts: 49 Member
    GOOD GOD!!! I have always kept my diary super private because I was kinda ashamed of the alcohol on there... Apparently, I'm not the only one who hasn't quit while trying to lose weight! (though I did trade the beers in for vodka, and I'm very sad that I can't seem to find Smirnoff light anywhere since we moved). Trying to make it a weekend thing though, since smelling like vodka on the morning run gets me quite a few comments lol :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    GOOD GOD!!! I have always kept my diary super private because I was kinda ashamed of the alcohol on there... Apparently, I'm not the only one who hasn't quit while trying to lose weight! (though I did trade the beers in for vodka, and I'm very sad that I can't seem to find Smirnoff light anywhere since we moved). Trying to make it a weekend thing though, since smelling like vodka on the morning run gets me quite a few comments lol :drinker:

    I thought about that for a long time BUT now I have a section dedicated to it....its a part of my routine :smile:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    GOOD GOD!!! I have always kept my diary super private because I was kinda ashamed of the alcohol on there... Apparently, I'm not the only one who hasn't quit while trying to lose weight! (though I did trade the beers in for vodka, and I'm very sad that I can't seem to find Smirnoff light anywhere since we moved). Trying to make it a weekend thing though, since smelling like vodka on the morning run gets me quite a few comments lol :drinker:
    Where did you move that doesn 't have smirnoff? That is crazy to me! Have you tried Crater Lake (it might be local to Oregon, not sure though) or Stoli, they are both comparable.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I agree Kate, it's just going to be a part of my life, so I may as well incorporate it into my diary and calorie counting.

    Robin, I'm sorry you're feeling bad about caving in. :frown: I think it's important, just like with food cavings, that we not beat ourselves up about having slip ups..whether it's goals we set for alcohol or food. Having those goals is great, but we ALL slip up from time to time..and beating ourselves up usually does more damage than good in the long run. At least for me it does.
    I ended up having 2 glasses of wine last night and was passed out by 9pm. Not exactly how I planned my evening to go. :grumble:

    Hang in there. You'll get back on track. I'm sure of it.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    whew, finally feeling better after a 24hr (36hr?) stomach bug. 2 days no wine! think i may take this as a little sign and go a few more without any, see if i can break through this weight plateau i've been stuck at. and then of course, celebrate my amazing will power with some drinks on friday!!!

    cheers all!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    whew, finally feeling better after a 24hr (36hr?) stomach bug. 2 days no wine! think i may take this as a little sign and go a few more without any, see if i can break through this weight plateau i've been stuck at. and then of course, celebrate my amazing will power with some drinks on friday!!!

    cheers all!

    Glad you are feeling better Krista...missed your yummy food log :smile: