Like Minded Lushes May 2011



  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    ....And, you have a designated driver...:bigsmile:

    i have one of those. the husband rarely drinks.
    and now the son just got his license. so we make him drive us home if we all go out to eat and we have a glass of wine or 2. i knew that kid would come in handy one day. :bigsmile:

    oh, my husband is a definite beer drinker (and avid home brewer) but he's ever the gentleman and will usually play designated driver for his lush wifey. however, my daughter is 10 days away from getting her license (and if that whole 'learning to drive' process doesn't drive one to drink, i don't know what would!) so hopefully soon we can both have a few drinks at a nice dinner out, we are such home bodies most evenings!
  • Spicer1
    Spicer1 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm glad I found this thread! I've also struggled with cutting back on alcohol because of the calories. I hate having to log all the calories. I try to keep my drinking only on the weekends. Tonight was an exception because I went out to dinner with a friend and I just had to have the 25oz mug of blue moon right? I just turned 21 I better live a little while I still can right? Cheers to all my fellow lushes :drinker:
  • butterflyinamber78
    butterflyinamber78 Posts: 49 Member

    What quantity constitues 1 drink, 4 oz?? I count the whole bottle as 5. Just wondering how far this lush is off the alcohol meter...

    I've found ALOT of measurements on this! Waaay too many, and trying to sort them out when I'm drunk is errr... bad.
    Hard alcohols come in at about 69 (ish) calories per one oz shot. This is just the count for the calories in the alcohol itself, not the mixers you put in.
    Beers are all over the map, a serving is usually a 12 oz bottle though. I have no clue on wines, but I suspect, that like beer, its all over the map as well. Thankfully, just like fast food, most brands of alcohol have a website that posts calorie and nutrition info. And if they don't there's usually a generic estamate (sp) avalable when ya google it.
    this is kinda obsessive compulsive, but I actually get out a measuring cup and pour exactly what I can afford, calorie wise into it and give the bottle to my hubby to hide. Keeps me from making bad decisions about having "just one more"once I've had that drink :laugh:
    Hope this helps.:drinker:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    so it seems some of the drinks you guys are suggesting are for US citizens only :grumble: :explode:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    S - 5
    M - 0
    T - 5
    W - 3

    Probably won't drink tonight even though I'm taking tomorrow off work b/c my allergies are kicking my @ss and all I really want to do after I force myself to shred after work is lay on the couch and watch movies. Plus Saturday is Derby Day and first post time is 10:30 a.m. so that when our party starts. Gonna be a long one....not sure how accurate my logging will be that day. I'm going to try to offset with some running in the morning hopefully.

    Oh, and my low calorie drink faves are vodka and soda with lemon and lime or tequilla with sugar/carb free margarita mix, triple sec and fresh lime. I also have just discovered sweet tea vodka which I like with lemonade and splash of cran. I think Crystal Light lemondae could work with that.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    drank my dinner last night. Started with vodka and diet rootbeer while we were making salsa for a competition in my DH's office today. kept on drinking vodka and diet rootbeer while DH was making dinner. Woke up this morning and found dinner in the fridge. thats the whole story. (scale was down this morning.)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!! Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!
    Was planning on some Skinny Girl Margaritas tonight BUT just found out my husband got a new position so we might have to get out and could lead to disaster but he's worth it :wink:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Faith, it's because we're trying to get you to move here... :wink: What do you not have? We'll brainstorm substitutions!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 5.5 beers
    Tuesday, 1 wine
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks...I have a virus that's dragging me down
    Friday, 0 drinks, working
    Saturday, 0 drinks, working
    Sunday, 0 drinks, working

    Total: 6.5 drinks

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    My husband and I make our own wine and beer. :) It's fun to craft your own brew with friends! :) It's a labor of love but totally worth it. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    My husband and I make our own wine and beer. :) It's fun to craft your own brew with friends! :) It's a labor of love but totally worth it. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

    My husband totally wants to start making his own beer....we are really big into craft why not try our own :)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Monday, 5.5 beers
    Tuesday, 1 wine
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks...I have a virus that's dragging me down
    Friday, 0 drinks, working
    Saturday, 0 drinks, working
    Sunday, 0 drinks, working

    Total: 6.5 drinks

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

    That's great Kim!!!!!! Not about the virus about the minimum drinking :happy: Feel better!!!!!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    My husband and I make our own wine and beer. :) It's fun to craft your own brew with friends! :) It's a labor of love but totally worth it. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

    My husband totally wants to start making his own beer....we are really big into craft why not try our own :)

    You will have a blast. One bit of advice--check out a local store for all the supplies. They may even have free classes and that way you are supporting a small local business. Brew with friends, because no couple should keep all 15 gallons for themselves--more fun to share. Use kegs for the beer instead of bottles (more sanitary and that's the hardest thing--keeping everything clean). :) Do it--so much fun! Start with making beer and migrate on to wine. You also need to get a cooker and if you have a garage use it (don't do the stovetop method). Better to use a cooker that hooks up to a grill propane tank. Have fun!
  • CaelaXO
    CaelaXO Posts: 44 Member
    Love this forum! Hoping I dont drink to much tonite! Cinco De Mayo is one of my fav holidays! IDK why, Im not even sure i understand the meaning behind it, i just like to drink. Going out with my sorority sisters to a Mexican restaurant. Im saving all my calories today for a margarita (or 2 or 3). Enjoy the day!
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    drank my dinner last night. Started with vodka and diet rootbeer while we were making salsa for a competition in my DH's office today. kept on drinking vodka and diet rootbeer while DH was making dinner. Woke up this morning and found dinner in the fridge. thats the whole story. (scale was down this morning.)

    I love it when that happens! We will be playing a game or pool or cooking and it gets late. We are a lil toasted so whatever was to be consumed for dinner smiles happily when you open the fridge the next am. Scales down is always a nice piece too! :drinker:

    I almost forgot! HAPPY CINCO TO ALL!!!!! :devil:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

    That's great Kim!!!!!! Not about the virus about the minimum drinking :happy: Feel better!!!!!

    Well, I actually have to get thru the week:blushing: Anywho, I need a good detox after that trip:sick:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ok, I think I'm winning:)
    Sunday=0 drinks
    Monday=0 drinks
    Tuesday=0 drinks
    Wednesday=0 drinks

    10 to go!
    I think that beats my personal best of days not drinking. Wish I could say I felt better but I don't feel any different.
    Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone, someone have a marg for me!
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Bumping to keep in my top topics. Hopfully you all know that you help a lot of silent lurkers - uh I mean readers:smile:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone, someone have a marg for me!

  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Probably won't have anything tonight, need to get up early to get both work outs in before I go to the dentist and then spend the day with my mom and gramma. Had enough last night to make up for tonight anyway .... 7 glasses of wine but also had water for each glass, so not hangover :smile: Boyfriend and I are taking my mom and gramma out tomorrow for mothers day and wouldn't you know, we're taking them to a mexican place. I'm sure we'll have wine before we go and I'd love to have a coconut lime marg when we get to the restaurant :smile:

    Have a great day everyone :drinker: