Quitting Smoking and Dieting Support



  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    it's been 85 days since i quit smoking

    and i've lost 21.4 pounds since then

    i'm happy :bigsmile:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Great job!

    DH is out looking for the Allen Carr book, it got such great reviews I figured it would be worth the money. Of course the library didn't have it. :grumble:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I have Allen Carr's book in hand (thank you dear hubby) I have Quit-N-Tell on the Iphone and ready to sign up on Quitnow.com. I've read through page 4 on this thread, I am trying to ration it if you know what I mean. I may want to go back to some of you all's day 3 and 5 and 10, etc. Such a lot of good tips. Love the straw idea. Eating oatmeal most days now so a little worried about the "sit-down" situation. :bigsmile: I think I am ready to go on 8/01/11 but my question is - should I warn my co-workers? I'm pretty *****y as it is so they may not notice... :laugh:
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    I have Allen Carr's book in hand (thank you dear hubby) I have Quit-N-Tell on the Iphone and ready to sign up on Quitnow.com. I've read through page 4 on this thread, I am trying to ration it if you know what I mean. I may want to go back to some of you all's day 3 and 5 and 10, etc. Such a lot of good tips. Love the straw idea. Eating oatmeal most days now so a little worried about the "sit-down" situation. :bigsmile: I think I am ready to go on 8/01/11 but my question is - should I warn my co-workers? I'm pretty *****y as it is so they may not notice... :laugh:

    It really depends on your relationship with your co-workers. I was a closest smoker so most of my co-workers didn't even know I was a smoker. I decided to tell five friends and asked them to be there for me. I call them my cheerleaders and they are/were great.

    I just checked my calendar and I see August 1 is on a Monday. That means your worse days (particularly days 3 and 4) will be work days. From my experience I was happy I didn't have to work on day three because I was sick and in a foul mood. Now that I think about it, maybe you should warn your co-workers lol. OR you could push our quit day up a little and have those really bad days hit during the weekend.

    Either way you go, I wish you the best and I know you can do it!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    the only thing i didn't like about telling my co-workers was the constant "how's the no smoking going?" or "how bad do you want a cigarette right now?"

    every time i forgot about smoking, someone would remind me and i would get all irritated LOL

    it's totally up to you though, i work with a bunch of girls in their early 20's so hopefully you work with a more mature and more supportive group of people lol :wink:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Day 1 in progress..... my boss could send me over the edge but luckily I did not bring any smokes to work.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Day 1 in progress..... my boss could send me over the edge but luckily I did not bring any smokes to work.

    You can do it. Take it one day at a time.

    I told my co workers and friends. So that if I had a small relapse and wanted a smoke. If I asked them, they would be a good friend and not give me one.
    If they want to see you fail, then they will definitely offer you that smoke. (then you know what kind of friend you have)

    For the first few days, i suggest changing your habits, and not be around smokers as much.

    Remember you control the smokes(the new name is death sticks)... The death sticks don't control you!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    After reading Allen Carr I didn't ever want to smoke again. Previously was a 10-a-day-smoker.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Smoke-Free: 36 days 19 hours 53 minutes
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Smoke-Free: 36 days 19 hours 53 minutes

    that's awesome!!!

    yesterday was day 90 for me! i was in Niagara Falls this weekend with family and WOW did i get stressed out and want to shove a few people over the falls! but now that i think about it....there wasn't one time when i thought of having a cigarette! i think every time i went a little crazy and wanted to strangle someone, i went to Starbucks and got a skinny frappuccino....which was about twice a day LOL my cousin Dino was even smoking around me all the time and it didn't bother me AT ALL!!! =)

    i hope everyone is doing well and remember to stay strong!! =)
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Day 2 in progress....

    Peter, I decided not to tell the people at work, in fact I am still going outside at my normal break times but walking around the buildings.

    I read the Allen Carr book and it made a lot of sense but seems a little simplistic. We'll see. I had a doctor appointment this morning and he said to go get the patch if I thought I needed it but I would rather get the nicotine out as soon as possible. I thought I would be coughing up crap by now but he said it doesn't always work that way. I did go through 32 oz of water before lunch yesterday which I thought odd.

    Contrats to 90 days and not throwing anybody over the Falls! :laugh: And Lisa congrats to you for 36 days!
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Good morning to all you wonderful nonsmokers! Today I am part of the six month club! I'm so happy.

    mcdebbie, keep up the good work. One second, one hour, one day at a time.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Congrats on the 6 month club!

    Day 3 in progress...
    I felt a little 'bound' up if you get my drift and decided just a few puffs would not hurt this morning. :ohwell: I was seriously ill, thought I was going to puke. Yayyyyy!!!! Appears it will be very very hard to get started again. Other than that, things are going well. Major irritation with traffic yesterday and if I had had cigs with me I may have lit up.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Day 4, things seem to be going pretty good. Too funny, one of my work smoking buddies has been talking about quitting smoking too, she told me about Chantrix and I showed her the Quit N Tell app. Yesterday she wanted to show me something on her Iphone and turns out we quit within an hour of each other! :laugh:

    Walk around the three buildings in our work complex is right at 8 minutes so 1 'smoke' break in the morning, one at lunch and 2 in the afternoon and there's another 30 minutes of exercise. What a bonus! Nobody in my department has noticed yet that I have quit smoking. Guess it is like housework, nobody notices when it is clean, only when it is dirty.
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Congratulations to all of you who have quit or are quitting!

    Most of the people in my life don't know I smoke (I've been a pack a day smoker for about .... 11 years now) I should invest in Bath and Body Works because people around me always comment on how good I smell. Little do they know that it's because if I didn't use so much body spray I would smell SO bad. I've come across this thread several times and have been so hesitant to respond because that's letting the MFP community know about this dirty habit.

    My problem right now is that the only time I have the desire to quit is when I'm exercising or balancing my checking account (and either one of those makes me want to smoke right after finishing them). I'm going to look at the websites and the apps mentioned in this thread but any advice on how to find that desire would be greatly appreciated!

    I bought the Allen Carr book about 3 years ago thinking "what will it hurt, it's not like it's going to make me smoke more" I've made it through the first chapter (where I feel like it's trying to sell me the book that I already bought) about 3 times. I'm going to give that one another go.

    Again, congrats to all of you!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    Most of the people in my life don't know I smoke (I've been a pack a day smoker for about .... 11 years now) .... I've come across this thread several times and have been so hesitant to respond because that's letting the MFP community know about this dirty habit.
    same boat for me in many ways, i had been lurking on these boards for a few days wanting to chime in but not wanting to blow my cover as a closet smoker in case someone i know should come on here and recognize me. i also have never wanted to quit except for the cost and occasionally during a workout - but at the same time, the cigarette is the ultimate reward waiting at the end of the workout that i have really missed lately.

    on one hand, being a closet smoker should make it easier to quit since you already go without during many situations when you would otherwise want one but at the same time, i think closet smokers build up rituals and routines that make smoking that much more a part of who they are and that much more enjoyable. I think if you focus on the first part, that you already go without often when you need one that will help you. do you have any times coming up when you wont be able to smoke at all or will have to cut down to one or two a day like when you visit family or something? that helped me get a jump start, had 3 days where it would have been hard to get even 2 or 3 a day- not my normal 10-12- so i went without completely and kept it going when i returned to my normal schedule.

    i dont know if you are the same way as me but since few people know i smoke, when i get an unexpected chance to have a cigarette at a time or place when i thought i was going to have to go without it is exciting, in the 2 weeks since i quit, i have really missed that. twice situations like that have come up and the disappointment for me to not have a smoke has been tough to get over.

    i came really close to going and getting cigarettes after lunch today, i am still tempted right now and i have been reading the message boards when that happens which, for whatever reason, has helped thus far. i have a friend visiting next week and only thing that kept me from smoking today was deciding i could make it 3 weeks for the visit and then consider letting myself cheat. short term goals usually work in fitness so perhaps they will work with this.
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Nice to know there are other closet smokers out there. Glad we are all trying to bring our dirty secrets to an end.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    hey everybody! =) i think tomorrow is my 95th day, and i'm feeling pretty good. i had a NSV (non SMOKING victory!) this morning that i had to share with you guys!!

    i was looking for a hair clip and couldn't find one in my bathroom, so i went in my sister's and was looking through drawers and i found a pack of cigarettes. i didn't find a hair clip, but i found one later in my bag. the end.

    did anyone catch it? what's wrong with that story? i DIDN'T think "OMG CIGARETTES!!! I WANT ONE!!!" i didn't even realize that i even SAW cigarettes until i was walking OUT of the bathroom! i had no desire to smoke them or even flush them down the toilet because i was scared of the temptation. :bigsmile:

    i hope everyone is doing well!! stick with your quit and don't give up!! it gets soooo much easier with every week and after that first month, you're gonna be feeling GREAT!!
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    That is so great, craft!! And the fact that you didn't even realize you saw smokes until afterwards. That is a major NSV!!
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    Good morning to all you wonderful nonsmokers! Today I am part of the six month club! I'm so happy.

    mcdebbie, keep up the good work. One second, one hour, one day at a time.

    Yay for you krb!!