Quitting Smoking and Dieting Support



  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    I crossed the 5 month threshold this weekend (the 3rd) and I had a few moments of reflection. The two major things were that I still want to smoke every now and then, but I don't NEED to smoke. I hope that makes sense. The other thing is it has been easier to stop smoking than getting a handle on my food habits. If I liked smoking, apparently I love eating lol. Anyway, I'm proud of everyone giving up the smoking habit and adding eating healthy and exercising. Keep up the good work.
  • JanW01
    JanW01 Posts: 91 Member
    62 smoke free days for me! :) I feel great.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    68 days smoke free, and i've lost 16.6 lbs since then :glasses:

    quitting was harder for me than the diet, and doing both together, especially for that first month, was the hardest thing i've ever done. i was so stressed out and felt like i would cave any second, but i made it, and now i feel GREAT!

    a couple of new cool things i've discovered about quitting - i've noticed my money actually STAYING in the bank account and wallet instead of wondering "where did it all go?". and someone complimented my car on how clean it was and i haven't gotten it washed since right after i quit.

    i totally get the "wanting one but not needing it" thing, but those moments are just a TINY thought in the back of my head now that i can just be like "EFF YOU CIGARETTES!!" lol

    i don't even need my e-cig anymore. i have about 20 extra cartridges laying around and they're worth like $50, plus the e-cig and chargers, so....it's like $150 worth of stuff sitting around....i think i might sell it on e-bay or something...
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Awesome job, Craft!

    Time smoke free: 14 days, 23 hours, 28 minutes!

    You're right, I feel great. I can't imagine purchasing another tobacco product. I'll keep using my e-cig and lozenges as needed. Can't wait until I'm as successful as you!
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    Wow, great job girl!
    I tried that when I first started excersizing but I couldn't stand it. The withdrawl made me tired, out of it, and grumpy. But I smoke a pack a day for about seven years (ugh).
    I find though the more I'm excersizing these days the less I want to smoke. Maybe I'll get lucky and just stop from getting fit (LOL).
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    Today is my first day of quitting. I just started MFP about a week ago. At first i hesitated, wondering if doing it all at once would be too much but the more i thought about it, I think that making all of the changes at once is better than dragging it out and having to readjust lifestyles multiple times. Anyways, my husband is quitting with me. I work with my dad and he is on day 14 of quitting (so proud!) and I just hope that I can do it while not replacing it with food! Trying to think of all of the positive aspects to not smoking, especially setting a good example for my son! I think I am going to take all of the money I would spend on cigs and put it in a jar on my desk at work and when I feel like I am officially done, take my son out for a special day! Do you guys have plans for your saved money??
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Today is my first day of quitting. I just started MFP about a week ago. At first i hesitated, wondering if doing it all at once would be too much but the more i thought about it, I think that making all of the changes at once is better than dragging it out and having to readjust lifestyles multiple times. Anyways, my husband is quitting with me. I work with my dad and he is on day 14 of quitting (so proud!) and I just hope that I can do it while not replacing it with food! Trying to think of all of the positive aspects to not smoking, especially setting a good example for my son! I think I am going to take all of the money I would spend on cigs and put it in a jar on my desk at work and when I feel like I am officially done, take my son out for a special day! Do you guys have plans for your saved money??

    Happy first day! I wish you, your husband and your father the best! Your Dad should be able to tell you what to expect since he as made it through two weeks. Plus, this thread has some interesting facts and experiences as well. The money I saved covers my gym membership and my renewed love of fruit.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Today is my first day of quitting. I just started MFP about a week ago. At first i hesitated, wondering if doing it all at once would be too much but the more i thought about it, I think that making all of the changes at once is better than dragging it out and having to readjust lifestyles multiple times. Anyways, my husband is quitting with me. I work with my dad and he is on day 14 of quitting (so proud!) and I just hope that I can do it while not replacing it with food! Trying to think of all of the positive aspects to not smoking, especially setting a good example for my son! I think I am going to take all of the money I would spend on cigs and put it in a jar on my desk at work and when I feel like I am officially done, take my son out for a special day! Do you guys have plans for your saved money??

    Some things that have worked for me (besides my e-cig & lozenges) are sugar free jello cups and grapes. The jello cups are little more satisfying. Either way they're about 5 calories each. So you can actually have more jello than grapes. :smile:
  • skyls
    skyls Posts: 69 Member
    I didn't read through all the posts, but wanted to tell you, you CAN do it. I loved smoking, literally loved it, didn't think I would ever be able to quit. I smoked for 10 years, and not just smoked, but chain smoked.

    The only thing that got me to quit was the growing baby in my belly. I quit the first time with my son, and immediatley after having him 6 weeks later started up again. Three years later, again had another baby in the belly, and this time I was committed to not start again.

    It was hard not starting up after my daughter was born, but I made a beeline to the dr's for antidepressants,. It was either that or back to the cigs for me. I had PPD very bad with both kids.

    Here I am 4 years later, smoke free and never looking back. My husband still smokes and I wish he would quit, but as an ex smoker I know I can't force him.

    I quit cold turkey, as I had no choice being pregnant each time. I ate candy whenI felt the need to have things in my mouth. If you can make it 3 days, you can make it 3 years, just keep telling yourself that. After 3 days, it's all mental and needing the oral fixation.

    Your weight might go up, or not, but just remember that is easier to fix than the smoking issue. Get the smoking issue under control and your golden.

    I used this site to help me http://www.quitnet.com/qnhomepage.aspx , they usually have a number, and they will call you and help you through quitting. Some states offer programs where they can send you free nicotine patches, or the pills.

    Goodluck and stay strong!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    72 and a half days smoke free!!

    just a quick check in!! hope everybody's doing good!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey all,
    Everyone's doing great so far.

    Today is my 5 month anniversary of no smoking.
    I still get urges to have a cigarette, especially if i see others smoking.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Great job, everyone! I have been smoke free for 6 and a half months :)
  • naneunyeppeuda
    Hey yall!~ :D

    I've been smoke free for 3 weeks now and just saw this topic! This is great! Nice to meet you all!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I read through page 1 and am joining this thread so I can quit smoking also. You all should be a good inspiration and reading what you went through daily will help.
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    It is so cool to see others putting down cigarettes. Be it one day, one week, one month or one year; we are all a healthier than we were previously.

    I am 5 months, 1 week and 5 days into this and I am enjoying all the first that have come along with this change. My first nonsmoking roadtrip, date, pressure moment (I slipped once), doctor's appointment, visit home and holiday. I am so happy I decided to quit.
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    I just love come back to this thread and see the same names/faces still quit-as well as the new! Yesterday was my 3 month mark. Its incredible really. Cannot believe I have gone this long without cigarettes. But I am sooooo glad I have. The best thing i've ever done. :) Keep it up!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    welcome to all the new people!! :bigsmile:

    it's been 2 1/2 months since I quit and i've lost 18.4 lbs since then :drinker:

    i was really struggling that first month, but having people to talk to was a HUGE help. even if it was just to vent and complain, and to read others venting and complaining just to know that i wasn't the only one feeling the way that i was!

    i don't have cravings anymore, but i get those little "ohh, i want a smoke right now" but it only lasts for a few seconds and i don't get sad anymore. (because i used to get all depressed when i got cravings and couldn't have one LOL) it's kind of like "ohh, i want a cookie right now", where i can just say "NO" and move on and feel good that i said no. :glasses:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks for all the encouraging words. So many people at work who have quit or tried to quit have told me they still have cravings and I just thought I could not go through that years later. I am glad that most of you only have them once in a while. I'm also afraid of the depression and getting angry/pissy with people around me.

    We haven't set a quit date yet (DH smokes also but much less than I do) but I am thinking this carton will be the last ones we buy...
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    Hey mcdebbie - I always doubted that I could ever quit because I heard that after years of not smoking, some smokers still wanted to smoke. I didn't want to feel like that - that sounded so torturous! That may be true for some but I've been quit for 3 months now, and I sometimes think about it, but really, that "wanting to smoke" feeling lasts only seconds then it's over. There are days now that I don't even think about smoking.
    You probably will be angry and pissy for a while. I think I was for at least a month. My hubs said he didn't mind, he knew I had some tough days. I'm thankful that he was so understanding. And since your DH will quit with you, you guys can be grumpy and pissy together. :)
    Good luck - I know you'll be successful!!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    day 75 :bigsmile:

    and it's awesome =)