Quitting Smoking and Dieting Support



  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I have been a non smoker for 1 Year, 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day (472 days). I have saved $2,361.89 by not smoking 9,447 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 1 Day, 19 hours. My Quit Date: 3/1/2010
  • sharamia
    sharamia Posts: 34 Member
    I quit smoking on Columbus Day (Oct. ) two years ago. My mom was having her 4th cancer surgery: Lung, liver, colon, adrenal. I am 56, and I had been smoking since I was 11. I'll be honest, I still miss my cigs. When I see somebody smoking I want to join them. Well why don't I do that? I do not miss waking up coughing, or my hair, clothes, and car smelling like stale smoke, spending my hard earned money on cigs, standing out in the rain, snow, hot and cold to smoke, or having burn holes in anything. I made a choice not to overeat to compensate for my lack of cigarettes too.

    I was also going through menopause. If the smoking cessation didn't do enough to slow my metabolism, the menopause finished the job. I could read Bon Apetite magazine and gain 5 lbs by the end. Needless-to-say, I packed on the pounds.

    So here I am: A fat woman with a hair trigger. (Said in jest but it feels that way sometimes) I didn't quit smoking to be unhealthy in other ways, like oh, say, by getting fatter.

    What didn't slow down was my appetite. My body doesn't require as much food now as it did, but my stomach still wants it. So, I have to increase my exercise and get my metabolism going again. Ugh. That's it, just Ugh. It's not fun yet, but I'm hoping it will be. I have a Wii game and give that a shot. I also have some DVDs of Pilates, Dancing, etc. It's ongoing.

    To those who are quitting smoking, I say Bravo. It was one of the hardest things I've done. I tried many times and failed. To those who are raving maniacs as a result of this process, I am your sister. I promise you it gets easier. And the weight? It comes off. It's worth sticking with it. *applauds you*
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    After a bad storm caused several leaks in my house, I had a choice to make. A cigarette (mmmm) or a Hostess Cupcake (yummm). I was going to have some sort of relief dangit! I decided the cupcake was the lesser of the two evils. I washed it down with some water, then went for a walk. The next day I tried the 30 Day Shred and the next day I hit the gym. Today, I'm sore and happy. It was not hard to resist the cig and heck I deserved that cupcake! Surely, I've worked it off by now.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    After a bad storm caused several leaks in my house, I had a choice to make. A cigarette (mmmm) or a Hostess Cupcake (yummm). I was going to have some sort of relief dangit! I decided the cupcake was the lesser of the two evils. I washed it down with some water, then went for a walk. The next day I tried the 30 Day Shred and the next day I hit the gym. Today, I'm sore and happy. It was not hard to resist the cig and heck I deserved that cupcake! Surely, I've worked it off by now.

    that's AMAZING!! awesome will power there! who cares if u had the cupcake?? you walked it off! you can't "walk off" a cigarette!! very proud!!

    it's been a month and a half of no smoking for me and i feel AWESOME!! i'm gonna start working out in July, so i'm excited to see how much better i feel then! i work at a school and burn a ton of calories while i'm working. over the summer i'm just gonna be nanny/babysitting for a few hours a day, a few times a week, so i'm gonna have to do some actual exercising instead of depending on my active job for my calorie burns.

    i'm glad i chose to quit 6 weeks ago!!! my original quit day was july 5th, cuz i wanted to smoke while watching fireworks, now it just seems silly. i'm SOOOO glad i already quit and i'm feeling better for the summer =)
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    that's AMAZING!! awesome will power there! who cares if u had the cupcake?? you walked it off! you can't "walk off" a cigarette!! very proud!!

    it's been a month and a half of no smoking for me and i feel AWESOME!! i'm gonna start working out in July, so i'm excited to see how much better i feel then! i work at a school and burn a ton of calories while i'm working. over the summer i'm just gonna be nanny/babysitting for a few hours a day, a few times a week, so i'm gonna have to do some actual exercising instead of depending on my active job for my calorie burns.

    i'm glad i chose to quit 6 weeks ago!!! my original quit day was july 5th, cuz i wanted to smoke while watching fireworks, now it just seems silly. i'm SOOOO glad i already quit and i'm feeling better for the summer =)

    Craft, I look forward to hearing about your working out in July. I know you will feel a difference when it comes to cardio. Are you still doing the random runs to see how it feels? That was funny, but totally understandable.

    I just read an article on cnn.com about the new warning pictures and labels that will be on cigarette packages in 2012. I'm glad I'm no longer a smoker, because I would be ticked of having to look at those pictures. I hope they encourage others to quit.
  • redGummiBear
    Ugh i was just wondering about this topic today.....Im battaling trying to decide to give it up or not. Its so hard. It is a social thing and alone thing for me.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    they have those labels on cigarette packs in canada. while i was out there visiting family, i bought a pack, and it was SO NASTY!! they showed messed up gums and teeth, the insides of lungs, and stuff like that. some were really graphic. it didn't stop anybody from smoking, cuz A LOT of them smoked, but maybe it will stop a a few in the new generation from starting. i think it's a good idea. anything to make smoking more "annoying" and unattractive.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    they have those labels on cigarette packs in canada. while i was out there visiting family, i bought a pack, and it was SO NASTY!! they showed messed up gums and teeth, the insides of lungs, and stuff like that. some were really graphic. it didn't stop anybody from smoking, cuz A LOT of them smoked, but maybe it will stop a a few in the new generation from starting. i think it's a good idea. anything to make smoking more "annoying" and unattractive.

    I was going to reply about that.. Being up here in Canada. We've had those pictures for a couple of years now.. Smokers joke around and "hey did you see *that* one yet"?..... the limp d!ck, or the lungs, or the teeth.

    Some smokers got themselves sleeves to slide over top. Some take them out and use their own cigarette container. As a smoker, it did not make me quit. But after months..... ok.. after days and days of seeing grossed out images, you do start to wonder. Ok my teeth don't look like that.... What about my lungs, what about my brain. So I think it DOES help some, just not as much as they would like.
    Ugh i was just wondering about this topic today.....Im battaling trying to decide to give it up or not. Its so hard. It is a social thing and alone thing for me.
    It's all how you think. It shouldn't be a battle on whether you want to live healthy, or continue going down a path that is not healthy.
    If your really battling. Try www.whyquit.com lots of info.
    Great ebook http://whyquit.com/NTAP_large_print_212_pages.pdf

    As others who have quit can agree on. It's not a social thing (only if your friends are smokers)

    How social is it when you are the only one that's smoking?
    How social is it when you are in the hospital hooked up to a machine to breathe.
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Ugh i was just wondering about this topic today.....Im battaling trying to decide to give it up or not. Its so hard. It is a social thing and alone thing for me.

    I strongly encourage you to quit. Check out this thread and you will see several people have made it and are happier for it. Your reasons for not quitting will seem silly in the long run. You will be able to taste and smell things like never before. AND your ability to workout will greatly increase.
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    WooHoo - it's been 75 days since I quit smoking! So, so happy about that. Not so happy about my weight gain, but one thing at a time. :)

    We had a party at our house a couple weeks ago and would you believe not one single person was a smoker? It was so nice to be one of "them" and not have to go hide somewhere to smoke.

    I also didn't notice until later yesterday that I'd gone up a couple flights of stairs and normally be out of breath. I didn't even notice that I wasn't . THAT is a great feeling too!

    Keep up the hard work non-smokers! And for those of you still smoking, quit when you're ready. :)
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Time smoke-free...again - 86 hrs 8 min

    That means that I have refused about 54 cigarettes! I'm using the e-cig, too. What kind did you use Craft? I have the Supreme Nicotine and they have different strengths (and flavors) of nicotine "juice". I kind of really like my e-cig. I've bought cheesy ones from the gas station but this one rocks!
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    I want to quit smoking. Today I asked myself why do I smoke. I can't find a reason other than habit & addicted to nicotene. Well I've decided that I am stronger than that.So I've decided on July 1st I am going to really put this into action and really give this a try. I hate smoking I hate the way I am out of breath, I don't like smoking in front of people who don't smoke I feel disgustingly stupid with a cigarette hanging from my lips. I am finished. Bad thing is my fiance smokes. Major set back. Good thing is we don't smoke in our house. I am afraid I will eat me. I have to figure out what to do instead of smoking. I tried regular gum, crackers,ice. I am not going to buy the patches or other gum I am going cold turkey.OOPS I didn't mean I'll "eat me" I meant I will "eat more" LOL
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I want to quit smoking. Today I asked myself why do I smoke. I can't find a reason other than habit & addicted to nicotene. Well I've decided that I am stronger than that.So I've decided on July 1st I am going to really put this into action and really give this a try. I hate smoking I hate the way I am out of breath, I don't like smoking in front of people who don't smoke I feel disgustingly stupid with a cigarette hanging from my lips. I am finished. Bad thing is my fiance smokes. Major set back. Good thing is we don't smoke in our house. I am afraid I will eat me. I have to figure out what to do instead of smoking. I tried regular gum, crackers,ice. I am not going to buy the patches or other gum I am going cold turkey.OOPS I didn't mean I'll "eat me" I meant I will "eat more" LOL

    the best advice i can give you it to stay strong and know that the first week will be really really hard, but it will get so much easier after the first week. the second week is better, and by the 3rd week, you'll be like "wow, why was i so crazy?" you'll think it's the worst thing in the world, but it WILL get better, and you will feel amazing when that "hell week" is over. don't give in to the cigarette. don't "try", just quit!!

    good luck and stay strong!!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    oh, and my weight loss only slowed down for a month....then i started losing again. but it was so worth it cuz now i can exercise without wanting to die!! =)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    (I would always hear, "aww, YOU smoke? You don't look like a smoker.." in a disappointed voice.. I HATED THAT)

    I got this all the time. My suggestions, post on facebook that you're quitting, my friends got super into my quitting and would ask about it all the time. I also called my mom and told her. Which meant if I thought about smoking I knew she'd find out (even though I live states away she'd feel it in her bones and probably call just after I lit up and start asking if I was smoking - I can't lie to my momma.) Make your quitting very public. Tell people at work, or friends you smoke with. Maybe they'll quit with you. I don't carry my ID with me that way I can't buy cigarettes (I'm 22 and live in a place where random checks are popular). Also, I had to stop drinking for the first few weeks of not smoking (seriously, few things are better than a martini and a cigarette) but now I can have the occassional drink and not crave the cigarette.

    Let me know how the e-cigs work for you! I thought about trying them but ended up quitting cold turkey instead.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Well...its now been 7 days 10 hours and 12 minutes since I last smoked. Now all that crap is coming out of my lungs and chest. YUCK! But, I feel so much better. I've found that I can actually do the "Just Dance" for an hour. FABULOUS! Thanks for all the support, Craft. :flowerforyou:
  • whodatgrl
    whodatgrl Posts: 111
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    tomorrow was my original quit date. i thought that i would be outside all day at a BBQ and watching fireworks on the 4th of July, and it would be a good day to enjoy my last day of smoking.

    Today, it's the LAST thing on my mind!! i honestly don't care that i'm not gonna be smoking, and i don't really feel the need to bring my e-cig. i'm just over it. i think, for me, it's more mental right now. sure, it still smells awesome and i still get cravings....but i even if they one day discovered a way to make cigarettes not bad for you, i still wouldn't go back to it because I DO NOT WANT TO BE ADDICTED TO ANYTHING ANYMORE, EVER!!!

    i'm really happy that i've been smoke free today for 2 months instead of starting tomorrow. SOOO happy! :drinker:

    HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY EVERYBODY!!! (ha ha, lets all celebrate our independence from nicotine! i just thought of that cheesy line on the spot LOL how good am i??)
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    It's my first message to the forum, and I don't have English as a mother tongue, so please excuse me for any mistakes.

    I quitted smoking 4 months ago after smoking 13 years. Also I always had a problem with my weight, but after loosing almost 20 kg (44lb) I managed to keep it between 66-70kg (145.5 - 154.3pounds) for the last 8 years.
    After quitting smoking I was 68 kg ang I gained 4 kg. I 'm on diet one and a half month, consuming 1200 calories per day and exercizing almost everyday at gym. I've just lost only 1.5 kg (3.3 pounds)... and I know that I should have lost more than that.
    I'm 5 feet and 6 inches if I calculated right (167cm). Do you have any advice for me??? I'm dissapointed!
    None of my last summer clothes fit to me anymore!!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I quit smoking WHILE i was dieting. the first month was really hard with weight loss. i did lose a few pounds, but compared to my usual losses, it wasn't that great for me. now, i'm starting to get back to my regular losses, although i still have a problem going to the bathroom on a regular basis (sorry, but it's VERY true that quitting smoking messes with your "regularity").

    during that first month, i tried really hard to keep my eating habits the same, and it was difficult because i kept craving sweets and really crunchy foods. i tried to have gum or cough drops when i had a really bad craving and the electric cigarette wasn't enough. but the cravings are gone now and i feel more active, even if i'm not exercising, i like to walk and move around a lot more because i can BREATH!

    i quit 2 months ago and i've lost 14.4 pounds since then. i just try to be as aware as possible of what i'm doing. if i had a cigarette craving, eating food as a substitute WAS NOT and option!!

    it seems like you're pretty close to your goal weight, so losing 3 or 4 pounds in that time doesn't sound too bad =) just keep up the good work and don't let cigarettes or food or ANYTHING be in control of you. GOOD LUCK!!