Quitting Smoking and Dieting Support



  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    one full day without smoking....

    the gum helps with the cravings while i'm at home and work, and the e-cig helps in the car cuz that's when my hands feels weird without a cigarette. i'm having symptoms similar to PMS though lol, like some of the emotional stuff and being hungry for big high calorie meals. so i had tons of protein and did pretty good with food yesterday, egg for breakfast, turkey for lunch, chicken for dinner, and a protein shake in between, i tried to make sure that i stayed pretty full all day without going over on calories. i also craved sweets, which is weird cuz i NEVER crave sweets, but lots of fruit, gum, and cough drops helped with that. oh, and green tea helped too for some reason. just gave me something to do when i got bored i guess...

    i dunno, i guess i'm doing ok. i'm gonna quit, i don't have a desire to go back to smoking. it just sucks. my family didn't know i smoked to begin with, so they have no idea what's going on. none of my friends smoke, and the ones that do aren't quitting any time soon. plus, yesterday i was home sick, so i has home alone all day, which didn't help. hopefully today with be better cuz my sister's home and i'll be going to work later. i'll let you know tomorrow how today went lol :)

    good luck to anyone else who's trying to quit!!
  • nuttylou
    nuttylou Posts: 33 Member
    Well done huni that is brilliant! I went through lots of boiled type sweets in the early stages!

    You will get through it and your doing totally fab! Keep it up and keep me posted how your getting on xx
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    48 hours without a cigarette.. I've been really hungry, and a little short tempered. I wish there were more people on here who were quitting too :(

    I don't want this to take over my diet!! I was only 2 calories under my goal. This quitting thing is really taking up all my effort and energy. Blahh. Oh well. Day 2 down. Good night :(
  • nuttylou
    nuttylou Posts: 33 Member
    Well done girl that is FAB news, your doing brilliantly!!

    Try to exercise if you can to let out some stress and keep going its tough I know but you CAN do it!

  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    DAY 5!!!!! Time Smoke-Free: 4 days, 9 hours, 7 minutes and 10 seconds

    it's going awesome. everyone is right, days 2 and 3 were HORRIBLE!!!! but yesterday was great, and i'm feelin good today too :) it's not all that bad, and i'm already starting to feel the possitive effects of quitting :bigsmile:

    i'm waking up earlier and i feel more awake (plus, my morning breath is pretty awesome too :tongue: )
    i had those weird dry elbows and heels...that's going away!!
    i have more energy, like i'm not as lazy
    i'm also starting to smell better (ha, I smell better, and i'm smelling things better :flowerforyou: )

    i still have a little bit of a cold :sick: , so i can't tell if i can breath better, but i'll keep you posted on that one...

    good luck to anybody who's quitting!! it's really awesome and you should do it too!!
  • nuttylou
    nuttylou Posts: 33 Member
    Thats excellent news you have done sooo well you should be very proud of yourself. It gets better & better I promise :-).,, you will probably have times when you could scream etc but get through them day by day, minute by minute.

    You have proved to yourself already your body does not 'need' them that it is simply a craving and Im sure you will do just great.

    Well done, keep it going I know you can xx
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Time Smoke-Free: 6 days, 13 hours, 58 minutes and 42 seconds

    and it's going great so far. first few days SUCKED but now i'm MUCH better lol
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm back. Made it to 12 hours yesterday before I caved. So today I went and bought patches and sugar-free jolly ranchers. Gonna try again tomorrow!

    Wish me luck!

  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Just wanted to hop in on this thread. Great job craft338. I working on my 5th smoke free day now and already feeling better. Using the patch and carrot sticks and it seems to be working so far. Like you, in the car the hardest part. I have an hour commute to and from work each day and traffic stress makes me want to chain smoke.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I'm back. Made it to 12 hours yesterday before I caved. So today I went and bought patches and sugar-free jolly ranchers. Gonna try again tomorrow!

    Wish me luck!


    after my first SIX hours, i had to go to the store and get the gum. i knew i wouldn't make it any longer without help, and the gum really did the trick. "hell week" will be over in a few hours for me, and i already have to start using half a piece of gum! i had a full piece an hour ago, and i feel a little nauseous. days 2 and 3 were pretty bad, but for me, day 4 was when it started to get easier. good luck with the patches and let me know how it goes! :) YOU CAN DO IT!!
    Just wanted to hop in on this thread. Great job craft338. I working on my 5th smoke free day now and already feeling better. Using the patch and carrot sticks and it seems to be working so far. Like you, in the car the hardest part. I have an hour commute to and from work each day and traffic stress makes me want to chain smoke.

    AWESOME job on making it to day 5!! how great does it feel?? i'm almost done with day 6, and i feel really good :) i specifically got the e-cigs for the car. i started smoking when i was 17 and when i started driving, so i basically don't know how to drive without smoking! they really help when i'm in the car, but the gum is what really helps with the cravings. good luck with ur long commutes and on finishing up hell week!!! =) glad you found this thread and keep posting your progress!!!
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    Delighted to have found this thread!!

    This is day 1!! Finished Allen Carr's book last night and haven't smoked since. Handling the cravings ok. Keep talking to myself insisting that the craving is just the nicotine monster trying to get me to smoke to stop him dying!! Lol!! If the people beside me here in work could actually hear the conversations in my head, they'd be convinced I've gone mad..

    Look forward to keeping updated and hopefully reading about all our successes!!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Awesome thread. I have tried to quit before and never made it 24 hours. You guys are motivating me.
  • goofyrick24
    goofyrick24 Posts: 125 Member
    22 hours since my last smoke... no one is dead YET... my boss is scared... i'm flushing my system with water and lots of Orange juice to keep my blood sugars ok..... I'm scared to eat cause I know if I get full I will want one... I'm on the lozenges which between them and my lack of caffing are giving me a wonderful headache!!!! ..but then again I'm 34 years old, on blood pressure medicine, on high cholesterol medicine, with severe Acid reflux issues, and appearantly a fatty liver........10 years ago I was just out of the Marines in the best shape of my life..... I'm not too over weight I'm 6'1" and 201lbs... I'm just a dad with an office job and no exercise or healthy eating habits and until yesterday a smoker....
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I substituted baby carrots, apples, pears, and oranges for my smoke breaks.
    I also used regular gum (not nicotine gum) when I needed to chew on something while at my desk or driving.

    It gets easier with every passing day. Just keep going.

    Keep telling yourself that you are in charge of your body, not those damn cancer sticks.
    Your stronger than any drug, you can do this. Your life depends on it !

    After 60 days you practically dont even remember that you used to smoke.
    The cravings are gone.

    Wish you the best!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Great job to those who have quit and are in the process of quitting.

    I'm just shy of 3 months quitting - Years ago I had quit for 3 months, so this will surpass that length of time.
    I was a pack a day smoker for almost 25 years.
    Chantix worked. I used Straws, and gum. (Iol I'd go to town chewing the straw like crazy for first week)

    It gets easier as the nicotine leaves the system. You start noticing everyrthing else smells nice, and when you DO pass other smokers, OMG, that aweful smell... (you will get there), and then you think OMG, I used to sit and breath that in (2nd hand smoke reference).

    I used to smoke in my car on my way to work, 3 cigs in 30 mins .. Because of traffic, and being stressed.
    It's all HABITS - Start making NEW habits.

    Anytime you get the urge. Brush your teeth, drink water, go for a walk. change your environment. The feeling will pass.
    quick story.
    Almost 3 months later, I came out of a restaurant last week, and first reaction was to reach in my pocket and grab a smoke. I laughed to msyelf, then wondered why.

    The last time I had visited that restaurant, that's what I used to do, leave the restaurant and light a cigarette immediately afterwards. Total habit - Change to new good habits..

    I've avoided 2200 death sticks in 3 months of non smoking. :smile:
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    Here I go again. Day 1- last smoke was at 9:00 am (wouldn't be able to handle waking up and not having one just yet LOL). Now I've got my patch on and anxious to get the first 24 hours behind me!
    I want to say thank you to Sandra, who started this thread and motivated me and others to break the habit. I would love to see some more hop in and vow to quit and be healthy!! And please keep the success stories coming!! It will keep me going!!

  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Donna, good luck.
    A friend of my wife just tried quitting, her first time ever. She went 2 weeks, Some of the things I had told her to help.
    Prepare yourself for those cravings/temptations. They will happen. If you have gum to chew on, or I used the straw, and stupid as this might sound.
    Actually a McDonalds straw cut it in 3 pieces.. So each straw was close to a smoke.I treated that straw as my cigarette for first few days.I inhaled and blew out through that straw.

    When you are serious about quitting smoking. Say goodbye to a friend.

    A friend who is always there bugging you to join him.
    A friend that pulls you away from a middle of a movie.
    A friend that wants you to go outside at freezing temperatures.
    A friend that cost you a lot of money, and never gave anything back.
    A friend that is slowly killing you.
    A friend that smells, and people don't like the smell of both of you.

    I got this from Chapter 2 of this ebook. It helped me 100%

    Website http://whyquit.com
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I JUST FINISHED HELL WEEK!!!! :drinker:

    it was pretty rough, but i did it!! i didn't do it cold turkey, i have the gum and the e-cigs, and they're awesome. props to everyone who IS doing it cold turkey! you guys have awesome willpower!! i only use the gum twice a day, but yesterday they made me feel funny, so i'm gonna try half a piece today. i just got the "light" e-cig cartridges, the ultra lights will be next, followed by zero. i don't need them as much either. i just got the mocha flavor, but wasn't really in the mood to try it! SO AWESOME! i'll save it for the ride to work.

    the cravings are almost gone, but driving is still a little weird, and if someone at work or home annoys me, that's pretty hard, too lol. most of the "bad" stuff about quitting is over too, like the congestion is getting better and my teeth don't hurt anymore. taste and smells are GREAT which is bad cuz FOOD TASTES SOOO GOOD!!! LOL

    @donna - your welcome :flowerforyou: and good luck today!!!

    thanks to everyone else who shared their stories! keep coming back to check in and let us know about your progress. it's so awesome to have other people on MFP who are quitting too! :heart:
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for the advice, Peter! I now have strawberry twizzlers to replace the cigarettes ;) 16 calories each..
    So far so good...not even a tiny urge to smoke.
  • JanW01
    JanW01 Posts: 91 Member
    I can't believe I just found this thread now. I am finishing day 2 without a cigarette. I am taking Champix and it really seems to help. I was a little antsy today and almost on the verge of witchy(cause it censors what I was really feeling :) ) but my hubby was able to get me past that feeling. Not bad considering I have been a smoker for 40 years.

    Here's to a smoke free life for all of us!:drinker: