Quitting Smoking and Dieting Support



  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I quit smoking after 28 years of smoking. Just got up one morning and decided that was my day to quit. Only thing that helped me was the cigarette inhaler. I used that for a few months and now that I'm approaching my 2 year mark, can't believe that I ever actually smoked. U can do it if u set your mind to it. :smile:
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    jan - good job on finishing up your second day!! i was pretty "witchy" too lol :wink: it's cool that your husband was able to get you through your cravings, it totally helps to have someone to talk to. after the first 3 days, it does start to get better.

    i've been off the gum for 2 days. i didn't really do it on purpose...i just don't need it anymore. which is cool, except for that the whole pack of 160 cost $30 and i only used like 15. i keep a few in my purse just in case i have a really bad day a work or something, but i just don't need it on a regular basis. i'm just using the e-cig and i love it. i use it mostly when i'm driving and last night when i went out (my friends though i was a weirdo, but whatever lol), and i'm getting the lower strength next week :bigsmile: overall, i'm having a good quit and i'm really happy. yes, those first few days were HORRIBLE!!!! but i'm good now and soo glad it's over with.

    hmm...food.... that's a different story. not being able to smoke has definitely increased my appetite, probably because i get a little nervous and anxious when i get a craving. i'm trying really hard not to eat junk food, although yesterday i had cake (it wasn't the evil kind, it was fat free/sugar free pudding with graham crackers and light cool whip) but still...i had 2 pieces :embarassed:

    i went to whole foods today and bought a bunch of really healthy foods and drinks and stuff, and that makes me feel a little better about not smoking. i'm eating all this natural and super healthy food, so why would i want to smoke a cigarette and get all that nasty stuff in my body??? EWW!! i just hope this way of thinking sticks and a few months down the road i don't get lazy and give up....

    i don't think i will though, hopefully i'll stay strong!!!!

    8 days, 11 hours, 33 minutes and 33 seconds :love:
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    Okay!! I'm back to day one again!! Caved last night and had a few cigs.. So starting again today with a vengence. I'm doing this even if it means I have 10 day ones!!

    Changed my morning routine this morning and I think that helped. Plan to change my routine this evening too and even head to bed early and read a good book. I'm finding I'm caving in about 10/10.30pm so if I'm in bed, I can't smoke!!

    Well done Craft338 - 8 days!! Lord I wish I was that far along... I'll get there. This thread helping too. Knowing that others are suffering too helps!! (Is that weird or what!) But knowing that others are finding it as hard and yet doing it, is making me push myself to do it too....
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i'm frustrated. :grumble: for the past 10 days i've had the flu, PMS, stopped smoking, and now i'm in the middle of TOM. i know all of those have pretty much everything to do with NOT losing weight, but i'm up about 6lbs in those 10 days. i stayed within my calories, and if i went over a couple of days, it wasn't by much. plus i've been eating super healthy too, and exercising more. i really hope in a few days when TOM is over, i'll lose that extra weight, but i'm still worried.

    i heard somewhere that smoking one pack of cigarettes is equal to burning 300 calories a day because of how it increases your heart rate or something. if that's true, then i'm losing about 150 calories a day...which for me is a lot considering i'm only allowed about 1400 a day to begin with. i'm pretty much venting, and i'm like 95% sure the weight will come off in a few days, but i these past 10 days have felt like FOREVER!!!!!!! and it would just be nice to see the scale at least stay the same!! i was in the 230's and it's not fun to be back in the 240's :sad:

    QUESTION!!! why do i keep hearing people say NOT to have caffeine while quitting?? i didn't have coffee the first day and it was horrible! it was like trying to quit TWO things at once and was making everything worse. why would anyone do that? i started having my 2-3 cups a day again, and i'm fine. what does caffeine do to mess with quitting??

    SOLLY123 - as long as you're sticking to it, that's what important. you're quitting, it's a process =) and no, it's not weird about how other people's suffering helps lol, i TOTALLY understand! that's why i started this! i need people to be like "this sucks, i hate it, i want to smoke 4 cigarettes while eating a cheeseburger and fries." it's comforting to know that people are fighting the same urges and good to talk about how we get over those cravings. it's nice knowing that other people are going through the same thing and i'm not the only psycho who runs away from cigarette smoke with my nose plugged cuz i'm afraid smelling it will give me a craving lol
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    Beginning day 3 for me. Mornings are still rough. I almost gave in this morning but I found a good song on the radio, sang along loud and by the time the song was over, so was the urge.
    Went up .4 lbs give or take even though I have been really good with my food regardless. Even my gum and suckers don't add up to much caloriesso I don't know what is up with that. I'm gonna try to get to the gym more than 3 nights a week and see if that helps. I didn't plan on my sacrificing my weight loss to become a non-smoker, which sounds awful, but I can't explain it.

    How are the rest of you doing with you're quitting and losing?

  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Beginning day 3 for me. Mornings are still rough. I almost gave in this morning but I found a good song on the radio, sang along loud and by the time the song was over, so was the urge.
    Went up .4 lbs give or take even though I have been really good with my food regardless. Even my gum and suckers don't add up to much caloriesso I don't know what is up with that. I'm gonna try to get to the gym more than 3 nights a week and see if that helps. I didn't plan on my sacrificing my weight loss to become a non-smoker, which sounds awful, but I can't explain it.

    How are the rest of you doing with you're quitting and losing?


    that's great!! GOOD LUCK ON DAY 3!!!! yeah, car rides are bad for me still. i think that if quitting smoking messes with your weight loss for a week or two, so what if u have a bad 2 weeks while dieting, it's gonna make your WHOLE LIFE better :) sure, being heavy is unhealthy, but smoking makes everything a million times worse. if quitting makes you gain a couple pounds, big deal. you can lose those pounds next week. you can't fix the damage smoking causes as easily.

    you're doing awesome! and don't worry about that .4, I GAINED SIX POUNDS!! lol, it'll come off as soon as the stress (and TOM) goes away. have an awesome day 3!!

    9 days, 11 hours, 4 minutes and 39 seconds
  • myndee
    myndee Posts: 19 Member
    Congratulations to EVERYONE!!
    I'm ready to be a non-smoker, I quit last fall for about a month then slowly started back, 1st it was just a drag off my husbands cig now and then, then a whole one and before I knew it I had my own pack and was smoking like I had never quit..
    It's not going to happen that way this time
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    craft338 - Great attitude - That's exactly what we need to think. So what if we gain a few lbs, Quit smoking, get the chemicals out of the system and then with the tools we have here, no problem in losing those lbs again.
    Congratulations to EVERYONE!!
    I'm ready to be a non-smoker, I quit last fall for about a month then slowly started back, 1st it was just a drag off my husbands cig now and then, then a whole one and before I knew it I had my own pack and was smoking like I had never quit..
    It's not going to happen that way this time
    This is how I started back smoking after quitting for 3 months previously.
    "Oh, I can have just a drag, I have control, no problem" then
    "Oh, I'll just have a few drags. I have control, it's ok, no problem" then
    "Oh, I'll just have a cigarette. I have control. it's ok, no problem" then
    Your buying a pack of smokes. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

    I treat it like an alcoholic has to treat alcohol. They can't have a drink, or a taste, or they can start again.
    There's no sense in having that "quick small drag", once the nicotine gets into your system, that's it.

    Good luck to all.
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    I successfully quit smoking 4 days ago! If you are looking for some help I would highly recommend reading Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking. It's an unbelievable book and really gives you a whole new thought process on smoking. I haven't had any cravings or felt like I'm about to pull my hair out, the only problem I have is keeping my hands and mouth occupied so I find my way to the fridge....not cool! Either way I'm happier to be healthier from not smoking!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    Hi i have my quit date for tomorrow i need a really good support system.
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Saturday, May 14, 2011, 8:15pm (central standard time) will be my 100th day of not smoking after 16 years. If for any reason you think you won't make it, know that you can do it. Here are a few things that helped me:

    1. Water and Breathing - The water helps flush the nicotine out faster and the deep breathing kept me from spazzing out. It also reduced my desire to eat and drink caffeine.
    2. Five Cheerleaders - I only told five people and I didn't tell them until day two.
    3. Day Three Activity Day - I was on the move from sun up to sun down. I craved the entire day, but I kept moving instead of taking a smoke break.
    4. Writing - I kept a personal journal about everything I felt. I expressed it and let it go. Funny thing happened around day 50...my computer crashed and wiped everything out. I didn't even feel bad. I just decided it meant I didn't need to write about it anymore.
    5.Clean Everything - I washed any and everything that would fit in the washer and detailed my car even though I stopped smoking and driving years ago.
    6. Find a Motto - Whenever I get a craving, I repeat my motto, "Everyone stops smoking sooner or later." True and scary all rolled up into a few simple words. I also liked NOPE: Not One Puff Ever.
    7. Name Your Monster - I named my nicotine craving the Nicotine Jackel. It is rather funny now. The Jackel is dead now!

    Now that smoking is no longer controlling my life, I feel healther, happier and calmer. Good luck to everyone trying to make this major change. And if you need a cheerleader, I'm available!
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Sorry I have not updated thread. I am doing okay on day 8. I really was testy last night and was mad at the kid, the dog, the TV, etc and just wanted a smoke. I did not cave though which amazed me. So far so good. I think this second week and a step down to 7mg patches will be the key. (I started with 14mg patches instead of 21mg)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i had a HORRIBLE day at work. it was so bad. i got in a fight with someone, and an almost fight with someone else, now my mom needs me to go to the store for her (that's HALF HOUR AWAY!!!!!) when i was supposed to make my salmon that i've been looking forward to ALL DAY for dinner and go for my 2 mile walk, but by the time i get home it'll be too late and too dark for any of that, and i'm just too annoyed and aggravated to even try. i feel like a cigarette would solve everything, but i KNOW it won't.

    having a cigarette is out of the question. i don't want one. i just wish i didn't quit. does that make sense?

    today was the first "bad day" i've have since i quit. i know i said i was off the gum, but i think maybe i should have one of those emergency pieces. should i just deal with it? or do i have the gum and feel normal again? i'm quitting smoking. this is SUPPOSED to be hard. GROW UP, WOMAN!!

    i've decided. no gum. i'm just going to the stupid store for my mom, getting home and making my salmon, and riding my stationary bike while watching vampire diaries on DVR and then going to bed.

    ok, i feel better now.
  • JanW01
    JanW01 Posts: 91 Member
    i had a HORRIBLE day at work. it was so bad. i got in a fight with someone, and an almost fight with someone else, now my mom needs me to go to the store for her (that's HALF HOUR AWAY!!!!!) when i was supposed to make my salmon that i've been looking forward to ALL DAY for dinner and go for my 2 mile walk, but by the time i get home it'll be too late and too dark for any of that, and i'm just too annoyed and aggravated to even try. i feel like a cigarette would solve everything, but i KNOW it won't.

    having a cigarette is out of the question. i don't want one. i just wish i didn't quit. does that make sense?

    today was the first "bad day" i've have since i quit. i know i said i was off the gum, but i think maybe i should have one of those emergency pieces. should i just deal with it? or do i have the gum and feel normal again? i'm quitting smoking. this is SUPPOSED to be hard. GROW UP, WOMAN!!

    i've decided. no gum. i'm just going to the stupid store for my mom, getting home and making my salmon, and riding my stationary bike while watching vampire diaries on DVR and then going to bed.

    ok, i feel better now.

    Hang in there! You are doing a great job.

    Day 4 smoke free for me :smile:
  • triscuitsmom08
    triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
    I quit smoking twice now. The reasons I started again was lack of will power, but mainly the inability to run. I stopped running and got stressed when I used to get stressed Id go for a run (its how I lost 30 pounds) :) But now that its summer I say start working out/ running. It does the same thing, it boosts your I'm happy vibes in your brain and leaves you feeling better then before :) If youre new to running Id suggest C25K its an amazing program to get you into running slowly :D
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    I've not had a cigarette since 10 last night. I'm climbing the walls already!!!
  • carolinegeorgia
    To Craft338 - I know that you already know my story but perhaps this is a good time as any to repeat it for others who need a little inspiration to stop smoking so here it goes again...


    Topic: Quitting smoking and dieting Mon 04/11/11 05:40 PM

    I used to hate it when ex smokers would lecture or warn me about smoking. Hell, nothings going to happen to me.

    Ok - let me put it to you this way - diet and look great and smoke the cigs - or diet and look great and no cigs. I am currently lugging around a 15 lb oxygen tank with a plastic tube stuck up my nostrils, most likely for the rest of my life, and that my dear doesn't look good. Better just stop now and show those cigs that you are stronger than them. They will and believe me, perhaps not now, but they will eventually ruin yr life later.

    I too like everyone else tried to quit smoking w/o success, tried pills, patches, hypnosis and nothing worked. I really needed my mouth stapled closed. Finally I tried Chantix and it worked (totally wierd dreams) but then my Dad got sick suddenly & I spent everyday & moment possible from July 5th until August 25th by his side until he died. Believe me, I was smoking the entire time my Dad was ill and smoking more than ever. After he passed away I would smoke the usual at work but at night I would go out on my deck and chain smoke and would talk to my Dad in the heavens. I wasn't feeling well as I was already diagonosed with Emphysema but that didn't matter. Each cigarette, to me, was my time alone with myself to be alone and think. Not that I was thinking about the actual act of smoking, just smoking and thinking. Well this went on and on thru the winter and I would sometimes feel dizzy when walking back into the house, but it didn't matter. Spring came and so did the pollen. On April 14th (my wedding anniversary) I went out after lunch at work and had gone outside for my usual cigarettes but started coughing and choking like a was kid smoking for the very first time. I went back to my desk and literally choked until 5pm and I know this was annoying some people but others were truly concerned. I thought it was just the pollen. Went home driving and choking (not an easy task to do) and suddenly seemed to stop choking for a while which made me think that it was definitely the pollen around my job and there different kinds of trees by my house and I was ok now. So I went out on the deck and lit one up and started to choke. Didn't feel well & called my husband to say I couldn't celebrate our anniversary like we had planned. I went to bed with about 6 pillows to support me bcuz I couldn't lay down from choking. I spent the night like that - texted myself out of work the next morning and my husband insisted that I go to the hospital. Being pig headed I argued and then 3 hrs later said I would go but needed to take a shower first - vanity b4 health. Well, I didn't know that my oxygen level was basically depleted and when I stepped into the nice hot shower I suffocated - or respirtory failure as the paperwork read. The most horrible feeling ever - I grabbed the shower curtain and walls. Lucky for me my husband and daughter were right there bcuz they knew how bad I was (my son stayed in another room) - I literally watched as they faded from my sight. Next thing I know I am in the ER with tubes down my throat, IV's in both arms like I am was pincushion. I spent 14 days in that hospital and 2 months later another 5 days. I have Emphysema and COPD. My lungs are at 49% total capacity. I cannot get better but if I continue all my meds, breathing treatments, inhalers, oxygen 24/7 I may maintain my current status or may not. But let me tell you...Spring - pollen kills me - Summer heat and humidity - not a good mixture for me - Fall - pollen once again - Winter - cold air takes the wind right out of my lungs that actually hurts.

    So, please do yourself a huge favor now and get a prescription for a pill, patch or whatever. Just stop and don't be so stupid as I was - I wish I could have suffocated years ago and perhaps I wouldn't be in this situation today. It is not a good place to be. I still miss my Dad every single day - still go to pick up the phone to call him and realize that he's gone. The cigarettes weren't going to bring my Dad back to me. The cigarettes aren't going to take away any sadness I feel. The cigarettes aren't going to make any problems go away. Smokers will smoke bcuz we are happy, sad, nervous, excited - pls just stop bcuz they will hurt you.

    that just made me cry.... I am really struggling giving up smoking, I will do it now, thank you and truly hope you are ok xx
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I've not had a cigarette since 10 last night. I'm climbing the walls already!!!

    you can do it!! you're mind and body are playing tricks on you! you don't need a cigarette! think of how good you're gonna feel after you get over this craving, and then how bad you would feel if you gave in. it's not worth it.
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    Yes, Sandra is absolutely right! Don't listen to the nicotine monster!! You're stronger than he is!!
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    BTW, I am at Day 4 now..While the urge isn't there, I am so *itchy today!! And feel like I could cry! I know this gets better, though, so I just have to hang in there!!