I have to ask, how do you feel about the Osama news??



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I lost a best friend who also happened to be a soldier. No I don't feel better. Nothing can ever bring him back and I will never have closure.
    thank you. I dont claim to speak for anyone and I dont doubt some have closure, but if I'd lost someone I'd feel no closure and I'd be hurt at the assumptions that getting rid of Osama magically fixed my loss

    I never said anything would fix a loss of a loved one. Don't put words in my mouth. I said CLOSURE. And there are alot of Americans that are feeling as though justice has been served over the loss of their loved one. Try and LOVE a terrorist into thinking you are not an infidel. Okay, that should work well.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I think maybe some people need to take a deep breath and step back from this topic for a little while. Lets make sure this topic stays in the realm of discussion and stays out of the "argument" zone.

    thank you.
  • nausicaa11
    nausicaa11 Posts: 17 Member
    I will not rejoice in the killing of any man. Tonight I pray for World Peace and remember the words of one of our greatest teachers: "Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - MLK"

    I second that, to me it seems like a killer killed another killer, as someone on DemocracyNow said, its nothing to rejoice over.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think maybe some people need to take a deep breath and step back from this topic for a little while. Lets make sure this topic stays in the realm of discussion and stays out of the "argument" zone.

    thank you.

    I agree with this.
    The guy is dead (or not depending on who you talk to) why must we continue to argue about?
    Why let him spend another minute in our lives and minds by arguing with each other?
    This thread stopped being a discussion a long time ago.
    To those of you that have lost someone to 9/11 or the following war my thoughts are with you.I hope his death has helped you find some small messure of clouser in your hearts.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr
    Im so glad Ive seen that quote everywhere today.

    Nailrep - Closure is never going to happen for those people, even if they say that have some. Closure will never happen for the families of the innocent people the US has killed in all of this mess, either.
    "thank god he had the nerve to do this"? ....this is why I said what I said when I first saw this thread.

    AGAIN, THANK GOD he had the nerve to do this. No one can bring back their family members. But why don't you ask somebody who has lost a family member how they feel today. Don't even TRY to assume you can speak for them.
    and you can? really?

    because your son "served" our country? or, why exactly? because your sudden slew of posts sure makes it seem like you think of yourself as some magical authority on this whole thing.

    btw, everyone, you do realize Osama died in a mansion with multiple wives and amazing health care? Better health care than the average American will probably ever have.
    And why did we kill him? Seems we really should've tried to talk to the guy. You're telling me he was too strong to take into custody alive? I'm not saying torture him for information, but at least get a final statement. Like, one saying just how many underlings he has at the ready.

    I'm not afraid of a backlash. I'm not afraid of much of anything....I just dont think Osama being gone is some kind of big deal.

    My son currently serves in the US Navy. I would say that all of the days of nights of worying during his enlistment makes me somewhat an authority figure. (Again, ask any military mom, dad, wife, sister, borther, etc about this too.) It sure as hell gives me as much if not more of a right to critique what our troops do than someone sitting back and acting like they are better than those of us who are mad as hell over all the lost American lives due to this scumbags actions. I cannot help but feel that there are some Americans that have totally forgotten the pride we should feel to be a citizen of this great country. Those Americans should take a minte to thank God that there are other Americans willing to do the dirty work to keep us all safe. Talk to him? Are you serious? He WANTED to go out in a fire fight. His OWN people say that about him. The Seals ASKED him to surrender. He said no. I'd say that's enough talk.

    And YES, I CAN speak for MANY people who have lost loved ones in the war. I am VERY active in supporting our troops by collecting money and sending care packages to troops that are forgotten by lots of Americans who continue to enjoy their lives and freedoms. I AM firends with moms and dad who have lost their kids who were fighting to protect the USA and the people who make ignorant, disrespectful remarks. So, yea, I'm an authority figure.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    I think maybe some people need to take a deep breath and step back from this topic for a little while. Lets make sure this topic stays in the realm of discussion and stays out of the "argument" zone.

    thank you.

    Good point! You can't make everyone happy!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I think maybe some people need to take a deep breath and step back from this topic for a little while. Lets make sure this topic stays in the realm of discussion and stays out of the "argument" zone.

    thank you.

    Good point! You can't make everyone happy!

    Sorry to all for my rants. Not usually like me to argue against someone elses opinions. It's been a very emotional day around my house today.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    This thread just went off the deep end. I've been following it all day and I was happy that it stayed up. But the discussion has turned personal and petty. So much for rational discussion.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    My Brother was in the Army(Infantry). But we lost him to this war September 22, 2004 in Iraq. After 7 years of not having him here, after 7 years knowing he was killed in the line of duty this news is a relief to me. It hurts to have someone taken away from you when they were so close to coming home. He was an awesome person, he was going to go very far in life but it was cut soooo short. My Brother had just turned 21 on September 18, 2004 and was supposed to return home to us the next month but did not make it back alive. Its tragic that he was taken from us. After a year and a half of him being over there we lost him. He was supposed to be married, supposed to have kids, supposed to be alive with us now. But because of 9/11 because of Osama Bin Laden he was taken from us. The pain will always be there and my entire family will never be over him being gone, but the thought of this other man being gone.... is relief to me.

    Your brother paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I am honored to say thank you. God bless you and your family.

    Thank you and thank you to your son as well as your Dad that has served in our Military.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    I think maybe some people need to take a deep breath and step back from this topic for a little while. Lets make sure this topic stays in the realm of discussion and stays out of the "argument" zone.

    thank you.

    Good point! You can't make everyone happy!

    Sorry to all for my rants. Not usually like me to argue against someone elses opinions. It's been a very emotional day around my house today.

    Don't worry about it, its an emotional topic. I can see why you would argue. I mean I would like to argue a bit too but some people just see things differently and thats ok. I have learned to accept that not everyone is going to be on the same page as me at times. :) its ok mama
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I'm glad he's gone. I know this is a hot topic, but the likes of Osama would never "negotiate" with America or any other "infidels" for that matter. His desire was not to co-exist peacefully with us. We were to be taken down, destroyed, anihilated.

    Like a rattlesnake, better to kill than be killed. Besides, his death was a lot less brutal than a lot of those murdered by him and his minions. But it's not over yet to be sure.

    ~~Edited for spelling
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    My Brother was in the Army(Infantry). But we lost him to this war September 22, 2004 in Iraq. After 7 years of not having him here, after 7 years knowing he was killed in the line of duty this news is a relief to me. It hurts to have someone taken away from you when they were so close to coming home. He was an awesome person, he was going to go very far in life but it was cut soooo short. My Brother had just turned 21 on September 18, 2004 and was supposed to return home to us the next month but did not make it back alive. Its tragic that he was taken from us. After a year and a half of him being over there we lost him. He was supposed to be married, supposed to have kids, supposed to be alive with us now. But because of 9/11 because of Osama Bin Laden he was taken from us. The pain will always be there and my entire family will never be over him being gone, but the thought of this other man being gone.... is relief to me.

    Your brother paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I am honored to say thank you. God bless you and your family.

    Thank you and thank you to your son as well as your Dad that has served in our Military.

    Thanks for that. I was just trying to make a point - but I thank you so much for your appreciation of our troops!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I think maybe some people need to take a deep breath and step back from this topic for a little while. Lets make sure this topic stays in the realm of discussion and stays out of the "argument" zone.

    thank you.

    Good point! You can't make everyone happy!

    Sorry to all for my rants. Not usually like me to argue against someone elses opinions. It's been a very emotional day around my house today.

    Don't worry about it, its an emotional topic. I can see why you would argue. I mean I would like to argue a bit too but some people just see things differently and thats ok. I have learned to accept that not everyone is going to be on the same page as me at times. :) its ok mama

    Thanks for that! :)
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    My Brother was in the Army(Infantry). But we lost him to this war September 22, 2004 in Iraq. After 7 years of not having him here, after 7 years knowing he was killed in the line of duty this news is a relief to me. It hurts to have someone taken away from you when they were so close to coming home. He was an awesome person, he was going to go very far in life but it was cut soooo short. My Brother had just turned 21 on September 18, 2004 and was supposed to return home to us the next month but did not make it back alive. Its tragic that he was taken from us. After a year and a half of him being over there we lost him. He was supposed to be married, supposed to have kids, supposed to be alive with us now. But because of 9/11 because of Osama Bin Laden he was taken from us. The pain will always be there and my entire family will never be over him being gone, but the thought of this other man being gone.... is relief to me.

    Your brother paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I am honored to say thank you. God bless you and your family.

    Thank you and thank you to your son as well as your Dad that has served in our Military.

    Thanks for that. I was just trying to make a point - but I thank you so much for your appreciation of our troops!

    Of course, I would be a fool not to appreciate our troops since I am classified as a troop lol
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    My Brother was in the Army(Infantry). But we lost him to this war September 22, 2004 in Iraq. After 7 years of not having him here, after 7 years knowing he was killed in the line of duty this news is a relief to me. It hurts to have someone taken away from you when they were so close to coming home. He was an awesome person, he was going to go very far in life but it was cut soooo short. My Brother had just turned 21 on September 18, 2004 and was supposed to return home to us the next month but did not make it back alive. Its tragic that he was taken from us. After a year and a half of him being over there we lost him. He was supposed to be married, supposed to have kids, supposed to be alive with us now. But because of 9/11 because of Osama Bin Laden he was taken from us. The pain will always be there and my entire family will never be over him being gone, but the thought of this other man being gone.... is relief to me.

    Your brother paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I am honored to say thank you. God bless you and your family.

    Thank you and thank you to your son as well as your Dad that has served in our Military.

    Thanks for that. I was just trying to make a point - but I thank you so much for your appreciation of our troops!

    Of course, I would be a fool not to appreciate our troops since I am classified as a troop lol

    LOL! Didn't see this!! Then THANK YOU!
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    THE *kitten* IS FINALLY DEAD!!! reading through this thread is really disappointing, since when did everyone become so damn self righteous? Sorry but my heart and dedication lies with our soldiers and the lives lost defending OUR country!!! So saying that your "sad" about Osama's death is a big slap in our soldiers face. what is wrong with you people? Just think of all the lives spared because of this victory!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    THE *kitten* IS FINALLY DEAD!!! reading through this thread is really disappointing, since when did everyone become so damn self righteous? Sorry but my heart and dedication lies with our soldiers and the lives lost defending OUR country!!! So saying that your "sad" about Osama's death is a big slap in our soldiers face. what is wrong with you people? Just think of all the lives spared because of this victory!

    Agree. LOTS of folks have memory loss when it comes to the history of the sacrifices our people have made to defend those who want to forget. Visit Arlington sometime. THAT should wake anybody up.
  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member

    I was saying the same thing to my husband this morning about how wrong it is to celebrate the death of a human being. He didn't understand because he is an Army soldier himself. He came in from PT this morning dancing around saying the *kitten* is finally dead! All while doing a victory dance. I looked at him in disgust and pleaded my case and he simply said that my lack of enthusiasm was "un-american"...whatever!

    And this is the downfall of our country.
    Either you are pro-war and think it's fine to celebrate the death of "terrorists" while overlooking the fact that the Iraq war made us "terrorists" by definition.
    Or you're against the war, and you are now un-american.

    It's sad that people don't realize that the terrorist think they're doing the right thing. Just like we think our soldiers are doing the right thing.
    Not trying to defend them at all, I'm just saying both sides are doing some terrible things, and the blood is on our hands.

    We didn't start this war - THEY did. They made the mistake of bringing it to our shores. And ten years later, WE TOOK OUT THE TRASH. I'm not pro war - at all. I have te biggest stake in this that anyone can have. My son is aboard the ship that did the sea burial. I couldn't be more proud of him and all of our troops. WE are not terrorists. We are fighting against a terrorist act on OUR soil. Don't call our troops terrorists. That IS unamerican.

    I'm with Nailrep on this one!! BTW: Thank you for your sacrifice and for your beautiful Son and his service for our Country!!:flowerforyou:
  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    That dancing outside the White House last night? The terrorists were doing that on 9/11.

    The people that want all of Al Queda dead? Not ALL that much better than the people who want all of any other group dead.
    No one should WANT anyone dead. Its just not nice.

    oh wow.

    You can't understand the fundamental difference between people cheering the deaths of roughly 3,000 innocent people and the cheering of the death of an evil individual responsible for those thousands of deaths?

    You apparently don't understand the fundamental goal of Al Qaeda. If you did, your land of peace, rainbows, and unicorns would be shattered.
  • kirstinkrueger
    Osama is dead...his followers aren't, they are mourning and they are angry. They have televisions too and they are watching us smile, laugh, drink, party and rejoice to his death. How many people are praying we have an excellent protection plan and that safety precautions everywhere are on the highest levels? I know I sure am...have fun now cuz the party is about to be crashed. I am not convinced he is dead, I think this is just like the stunt Bush pulled saying there were weapons of mass destruction ....lol.....I don't believe anything right now, whether he is alive ir dead, our country is still and will remain messed up for a VERY long time. Our leadership, no matter who, has to learn how to take care if home First!!!!
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