I have to ask, how do you feel about the Osama news??



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Ya know, I haven't felt any joy at all hearing the news. NONE. The only thing I can say is, God loves everyone, even terrorists. To me, he is still a lost soul that God can never save now. And also, I don't think his death will end anything, only give fuel to those who want to avenge his death.

    God loves everyone, even terrorists? I'll be sure to tell the moms of the troops that have been killed that somebody should have worked harder to save OBL's soul.

    "If you can't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them."
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I hear Osama's body was buried at sea or lost at sea (haven't read all the details) I hate when the US gov't does something but has no proof, not cool.

    Either way this will probably help Obama win the next election.

    i heard the body at sea thing, and I also heard its BS.

    I am also VERY VERY scared this just re-elected the chosen one and his teleprompter. :sick: :frown:

    It is NOT BS. My son is aboard the Vinson who took out the trash. God Bless our troops.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I think how you feel about it really depends on how old you were on 9/11, what you remember of your feelings on that day, and how it affected your life. I know that morally I shouldn't be celebrating a death of any human, but I can't help it. I am celebrating. I remember sitting there with my kids who were babies at the time and all I could think about was the tragic loss of life and how scared I was to be raising young children in this changed world. It was terrifying. Yes I'm sure there will be hard times to come and it is still scary, but I slept a little better last night night knowing he was gone.

    My son was 12. He serves PROUDLY aboard the USS Carl Vinson - the ship that handled the burial at sea. I slept GREAT last night too!!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    "I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure" -Mark Twain

    IM PROUD to be an AMERICAN. Im a marine wife and a lot of my family and friends are in the military. My brother in law was injured and horribly disfigured by a suicide bomber. this IS justice for all who have lost their lives or been injured in the line of duty starting with 911.

    Yes and thank you and your hubby for his service to our country.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    My son is serving in Afghanistan at the Pakistan border. It scares me as to what is coming next. I am glad Osama is dead, but I feel like we just stirred a hornet's nest.

    Thank you and your son for his service. Prayers and hugs.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member

    I was saying the same thing to my husband this morning about how wrong it is to celebrate the death of a human being. He didn't understand because he is an Army soldier himself. He came in from PT this morning dancing around saying the *kitten* is finally dead! All while doing a victory dance. I looked at him in disgust and pleaded my case and he simply said that my lack of enthusiasm was "un-american"...whatever!

    And this is the downfall of our country.
    Either you are pro-war and think it's fine to celebrate the death of "terrorists" while overlooking the fact that the Iraq war made us "terrorists" by definition.
    Or you're against the war, and you are now un-american.

    It's sad that people don't realize that the terrorist think they're doing the right thing. Just like we think our soldiers are doing the right thing.
    Not trying to defend them at all, I'm just saying both sides are doing some terrible things, and the blood is on our hands.

    We didn't start this war - THEY did. They made the mistake of bringing it to our shores. And ten years later, WE TOOK OUT THE TRASH. I'm not pro war - at all. I have te biggest stake in this that anyone can have. My son is aboard the ship that did the sea burial. I couldn't be more proud of him and all of our troops. WE are not terrorists. We are fighting against a terrorist act on OUR soil. Don't call our troops terrorists. That IS unamerican.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    My Brother was in the Army(Infantry). But we lost him to this war September 22, 2004 in Iraq. After 7 years of not having him here, after 7 years knowing he was killed in the line of duty this news is a relief to me. It hurts to have someone taken away from you when they were so close to coming home. He was an awesome person, he was going to go very far in life but it was cut soooo short. My Brother had just turned 21 on September 18, 2004 and was supposed to return home to us the next month but did not make it back alive. Its tragic that he was taken from us. After a year and a half of him being over there we lost him. He was supposed to be married, supposed to have kids, supposed to be alive with us now. But because of 9/11 because of Osama Bin Laden he was taken from us. The pain will always be there and my entire family will never be over him being gone, but the thought of this other man being gone.... is relief to me.

    Your brother paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I am honored to say thank you. God bless you and your family.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I hear Osama's body was buried at sea or lost at sea (haven't read all the details) I hate when the US gov't does something but has no proof, not cool.

    Either way this will probably help Obama win the next election.

    i heard the body at sea thing, and I also heard its BS.

    I am also VERY VERY scared this just re-elected the chosen one and his teleprompter. :sick: :frown:

    It is NOT BS. My son is aboard the Vinson who took out the trash. God Bless our troops.

    Thank your son for taking out the trash for us.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    What I find sick is the amount of people here worried about what might happen, worried that us taking him out will cause retaliation, all but saying “maybe we should have just left well enough alone”. That is sick and saddening to me.

    We have become a country of cowards.

    It’s a darn good thing all of your Grand Parents didn’t show the weakness I’m seeing here, else we would all be speaking German, or Japanese.

    This POS deserved to die a horrendous, torturous death 3000x over, and they should take his head and put it on a spike at ground zero.

  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    We could argue all our lives about who started it. I believe thats what we've been doing since the beginning of time anyway. And if we continue this mentality, we will do it untill the end.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr
    Im so glad Ive seen that quote everywhere today.

    Nailrep - Closure is never going to happen for those people, even if they say that have some. Closure will never happen for the families of the innocent people the US has killed in all of this mess, either.
    "thank god he had the nerve to do this"? ....this is why I said what I said when I first saw this thread.

    AGAIN, THANK GOD he had the nerve to do this. No one can bring back their family members. But why don't you ask somebody who has lost a family member how they feel today. Don't even TRY to assume you can speak for them.
  • shipleyd
    shipleyd Posts: 94 Member
    First off let me say HOOYAH to our Navy Seals!!! They risked (and continue to risk) their lives to protect our country.

    Am I glad that OBL is dead? Well I will not lose any sleep. I still cry every time I see footage from 9/11 and HE was to blame.

    Should Obama take credit for this and be re-elected for this? heck no! he only said yes to he order that was put in place and planned out by other individuals far more competent than him.

    Should we have honored OBL with a ceremonial sea burial? Ummm no! His *kitten* should have been dumped off the side of an old fishing boat. He should never have even made it onto an American vessel.

    Should we be partying in the street? I think that is a bit over the top. There is a difference between celebrating death and feeling safer because someone is no longer among us.

    Should we fear retaliation? Yes and no. I think our military is on top of things and I have faith in them but there is ALWAYS a chance that retaliation will happen.

    Are there more OBLs out there? I am sure of it but lets handle one at a time.

    A 24 hour DNA test?? Yeah, that pisses me off... 24 hours to prove that it is actually him because there are so many out there that wantt to start conspiracy theories when it takes 3 months for the state to give process DNA test results for paternity so dead beat dads have to pay their child supports.

    All in all, I am happy that the families effected by 9/11 now have some closure. I support out troops 110% and I am proud to say I am an American.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr
    Im so glad Ive seen that quote everywhere today.

    Nailrep - Closure is never going to happen for those people, even if they say that have some. Closure will never happen for the families of the innocent people the US has killed in all of this mess, either.
    "thank god he had the nerve to do this"? ....this is why I said what I said when I first saw this thread.

    AGAIN, THANK GOD he had the nerve to do this. No one can bring back their family members. But why don't you ask somebody who has lost a family member how they feel today. Don't even TRY to assume you can speak for them.
    and you can? really?

    because your son "served" our country? or, why exactly? because your sudden slew of posts sure makes it seem like you think of yourself as some magical authority on this whole thing.

    btw, everyone, you do realize Osama died in a mansion with multiple wives and amazing health care? Better health care than the average American will probably ever have.
    And why did we kill him? Seems we really should've tried to talk to the guy. You're telling me he was too strong to take into custody alive? I'm not saying torture him for information, but at least get a final statement. Like, one saying just how many underlings he has at the ready.

    I'm not afraid of a backlash. I'm not afraid of much of anything....I just dont think Osama being gone is some kind of big deal.
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr
    Im so glad Ive seen that quote everywhere today.

    Nailrep - Closure is never going to happen for those people, even if they say that have some. Closure will never happen for the families of the innocent people the US has killed in all of this mess, either.
    "thank god he had the nerve to do this"? ....this is why I said what I said when I first saw this thread.

    AGAIN, THANK GOD he had the nerve to do this. No one can bring back their family members. But why don't you ask somebody who has lost a family member how they feel today. Don't even TRY to assume you can speak for them.

    I lost a best friend who also happened to be a soldier. No I don't feel better. Nothing can ever bring him back and I will never have closure.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I lost a best friend who also happened to be a soldier. No I don't feel better. Nothing can ever bring him back and I will never have closure.
    thank you. I dont claim to speak for anyone and I dont doubt some have closure, but if I'd lost someone I'd feel no closure and I'd be hurt at the assumptions that getting rid of Osama magically fixed my loss
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Because if you say you are afraid of what might happen you are dishonoring every person who has ever fought for what this country stands for. Stand up and protect your freedom. Do not be a victim.

    LET'S ROLL!!!

  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Hi, redditors, indeed.
    Im just glad Obama FINALLY said "we are not at war with Islam" and that they followed the traditional ways of burial with Osama's body. I was extremely concerned that they'd desecrate the body and upset a LOT of people.

    Actually there is still controversy about the way in which our government handled the burial!


    They did a few things correctly and a few things not so much according to the above article.
    ah, crud. I really hope that what we did was "good enough" that we dont spark controversy with Muslims or Islamics

    Oh, they are never gonna be happy. I personally wish the sailors would have bagged him up and thrown him out with the rest of the trash. Oh well, he's fish chum now anyway.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    You're Welcome.

    I'm quite American. I overeat, my ego is delicate and my self esteem low, I'm lazy, I think video games are a high form of entertainment, I watch cartoons, I eat hot dogs, I went to public school and learned inaccurate world history, I dont know nearly half as much as most people around the world, I always think I'm right, and I complain about things that some people would kill to have as their biggest problem. So, yea, gotta say I'm pretty American.

    What rule did I break exactly? I censored myself and was being totally honest in saying that Obama looked AWESOME walking off after that speech! His posture was PERFECT. I could never look that cool.

    Oh and thanks for saying it was out of line to call me un-American, but I've been called worse. Especially on the internet. Really to call me un-American for what I said just seems hilarious to me if anything.

    Wow it would appear you have a pretty low opinion of being American by your first paragraph! Perhaps that is what the original reader/responder was picking up on in your attitude when they commented on your citizenship
    attitude is 9/10ths of conviction!
    haha no no!!
    It was more of a "definition of Americans according to angry arrogant people in other countries" in order to annoy the person trying to call me un-American.
    I dont believe thats THE definition of Americans, per se, but I don't think all that many countries have much over us either. I don't think this is the best country in the world, but I'm in no way in a hurry to leave it either...ya know?

    Love it or leave it. Travel the world, my friend. You ARE in the best country in the world. Maybe when your freedoms are stripped and you are not allowed to own property or be educated, you would appreciate how our lazy, uneducated troops tried to keep you free.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    apparently youre never going to be happy, either. whats done is done and the last thing we needed to do was go against the traditions they follow & anger people that aren't already mad at us. Would you like it if the people over there took our soldiers and bagged them up with the trash? Because they view us the same.

    That dancing outside the White House last night? The terrorists were doing that on 9/11.

    The people that want all of Al Queda dead? Not ALL that much better than the people who want all of any other group dead.
    No one should WANT anyone dead. Its just not nice.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Love it or leave it. Travel the world, my friend. You ARE in the best country in the world. Maybe when your freedoms are stripped and you are not allowed to own property or be educated, you would appreciate how our lazy, uneducated troops tried to keep you free.
    ok and thats EVERYWHERE else, right? Yea, totally. All those happy people I know in other countries who think our way of living is far too difficult and that our healthcare is unfair ...and the fact that so many of our jobs are looked down upon while in other countries everyone working is looked at as a help to society...oh yes that is SO much worse than here.

    who feeds you this crap, lady?
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