MUSCLE BUSTERS (closed group)



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Before I got turbo fire I did a whole lotta nothing. I do try some stuff here and there, but I'm overall pretty lazy. I do like the transformations going on with this, and yes, the not losing during this is confusing and frustrating.

    I know exactly what you are talking about with the cheat days on wednesday. Haha - I had taco bell for lunch (even though its thursday). Weekends are easy for me as I'm ususally a lot busier and usually eat when I'm hungry to keep me going as opposed to because I'm bored.

    No more eating out for me this week. I will make good choice and will do my workouts as planned!
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Our move out day is next Wednesday so I'll be very busy the next several days making sure the house is cleaned and picked up. I probably won't have too much time to sit around and snack lol. Hopefully it works to our advantage instead of leaving me eating everything in sight at the end of the night each day.

    I felt a lot stronger when I was doing Insanity and like my stomach was actually alllmost close to flat if I sucked in as much as I could haha. But it's amazing how important that number going down on the scale really is. It was so frustrating when it wasn't moving at all. Now I'm frustrated with how much less strength/endurance I have than when I was doing that workout regularly lol.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Good luck with the move. I know how not fun that is, but I do think I lost when we moved in March.

    I think that I wouldn't care about the scale number as much if I wasn't in a comp that centered on it. Not that I wouldn't anyway, it is nice to see the number go down. While striving to see that movement, I am moving in the right direction in many other ways so all is good overall.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Go girls! Make every day count!
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Shannon, how are you doing so far this week?

    I'm not doing super great. (Not terrible, but could certainly be doing better) I promise from this point forward, I'm going to be on my best behavior. My sister came in yesterday and my biggest problem is the social aspect of food. I love to eat good food with other people. Now my sister is gone and my husband is back at work (he had two days off..that didn't help either) so I'm just going to sit at home with my girls and eat my turkey chili and lots of veggies and water and work really hard at cleaning and packing this house up.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I am doing ok. No workouts as I'm still feeling the effects of giving blood. I get light headed everytime I stand up. I MAY do one tonight, but not sure. I think my weigh in will be better if I wait. Besides, next weekend is going to be super busy and I know I won't stick with it. I may just wait til next Monday.

    I usually do much better eating on the weekends. The scale showed a maintain, or slight loss this morning so that's good. It shouldn't be up come Wednesday which is helpful.

    Hope your weekend went well and we can slide through this week, and pick up another person come Wednesday.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi guys, just popping in to say "HI"

    I started doing the 30 day slimdown. Today will be day 3, No More Trouble Zones. I also am still doing the C25K. I've been stuck on Week 5, but getting thru it. My legs are really getting toned from it. The scale doesn't move, but at least, I see change.

    Hope you ya'll are all doing well :flowerforyou:

    Oh, Shannon, drink lots of water and that replaces the lost fluid...
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I'm trying, but don't do as well on the weekends. I'm also trying to eat more iron. Thanks! Kim, you are doing really well! Forget about that scale, you are keeping with the programs you are wanting to and that is awesome!! The scale will move when it wants to but getting toned is amazing!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'm trying, but don't do as well on the weekends. I'm also trying to eat more iron. Thanks! Kim, you are doing really well! Forget about that scale, you are keeping with the programs you are wanting to and that is awesome!! The scale will move when it wants to but getting toned is amazing!

    That's how I am looking at it...I am getting stronger and more toned.

    I went "shopping" in my closet and some of the clothes I couldn't comfortably wear because my tummy was just to big. I've noticed how nice my legs are starting to look. The fat around my knees is gone. Baby steps
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I'm trying, but don't do as well on the weekends. I'm also trying to eat more iron. Thanks! Kim, you are doing really well! Forget about that scale, you are keeping with the programs you are wanting to and that is awesome!! The scale will move when it wants to but getting toned is amazing!

    That's how I am looking at it...I am getting stronger and more toned.

    I went "shopping" in my closet and some of the clothes I couldn't comfortably wear because my tummy was just to big. I've noticed how nice my legs are starting to look. The fat around my knees is gone. Baby steps

  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I've had a gain, but I feel like I've been through 4 days of depression hell. Going to try and salvage the week from today. *fingers crossed* I maintain or something.

    Well done guys on keeping at it. Good luck for weigh in. :flowerforyou:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    and then there was 2 again. I plan to exercise every day this week. No drinking at all and stay under cals daily until next weigh in. It's going to be tough but I can do it! :grumble:

    Gooooo Shannon! :flowerforyou:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Hey Faith! Im trying...not doing too awful but im sure it could be better. Drank at the wedding last night, but I didnt have cake! Today I havent eaten a lot which is good cause we had pizza for dinner. Was planning on going ou tf tonight but im exhsusted so I think ill stay in and sleep. Tomorrow we have a picnic then back to normal. Healthy choices and turbo fire are on the agenda this week. We can sure try to win but itll most likely require us both to lose.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    You can do it Shannon! Healthier choices and make time for that exercise, lots of water. :happy: I am down 1.5 lbs so far but I hope to keep that off or lose even more. Well done on resisting the cake!

    We can both lose, I have Faith in us :tongue: Are you planning some run around, having fun exercise at the picnic?
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Weekend is OVER. I'm not up at all which is good news. I'm still super tired today but I'm going to try and get a workout in anyway. We'll see what tonight brings. But, healthy food choices are on the agenda. We do have a potluck at work tomorrow, I planned it so poor timing on my part. I have to figure out what breakfast food to bring...thinking along healthy lines but we'll see.

    At least its looking good that I won't gain come Wednesday. If I can pull off anything of a loss we might be ok might be ok.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Congrats on a loss this week Shannon, well done! :flowerforyou:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Aww Shannon, disadvantage sucks! What's the plan for the week?
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Well, I got back into my turbo fire. I plan to do it each night, maybe one night off but it just depends. I might be able to make up for the disadvantage this way.

    I'll be ok either way. I'm so over the scale anyway. I don't usually care about the number all that much to begin with, its just the comp that gets me paying attention. Don't get me wrong, I like it to move down, but I'm ok with my numbers, just need to tone and get rid of some flab.

    I'll still try, and actually try this week. :smile:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Congrats on a loss this week Shannon, well done! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks....great job for you too! You are a machine, especially when you put your mind to it. Keep up the good work lady!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Well, I got back into my turbo fire. I plan to do it each night, maybe one night off but it just depends. I might be able to make up for the disadvantage this way.

    I'll be ok either way. I'm so over the scale anyway. I don't usually care about the number all that much to begin with, its just the comp that gets me paying attention. Don't get me wrong, I like it to move down, but I'm ok with my numbers, just need to tone and get rid of some flab.

    I'll still try, and actually try this week. :smile:
    That's awesome Shannon. I am not at that stage yet but I cannot wait to be!