FireRunners (C25K May 9th group) Week 1!!



  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I completed w1D2 tonight. It was my second time doing it. But it was much better today. Yea...
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Week 1 Day 3 done tonight after I finished work. Feels good
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    W1D2 done last night. I used the Nike+ for my iPod, but I could not listen to the C25K podcast for the cues on when to walk or run, so I just did it on my own. 28 minutes, and it said 16:03 min/mile.
  • FierceFeline
    whoops! been forgetting to post my progress.
    I've been loving doing this so much! having music to listen to has made me runs way more fun. I really want to do a 5k for sure after the 9 weeks :)
  • crystal_78
    crystal_78 Posts: 17 Member
    starting C25K tomorrow!! Excited about this group and look forward to reading about everyones progress and sharing our success!
  • crystal_78
    crystal_78 Posts: 17 Member
    I'd like to be added to the roaster! I'm starting the program tomorrow and would love to be apart of the group!
  • soogie_lynch
    W1D3 complete. Yay.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I'd like to be added to the roaster! I'm starting the program tomorrow and would love to be apart of the group!


    Terrific job everybody! I'm so excited to have completed week 1!! Can't wait for week 2 on Monday! :)
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    W1D3 Complete! I did my run outside today since my hubby was home to watch my girls and I must say that it is quite a bit harder then my runs on the treadmill! I was able to walk faster outside and I ran a bit slower then I do on the treadmill. :grumble: But I enjoyed it!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I completed W1D3 yesterday - this week has been beauuuuutiful weather, so I've been doing it outside. It's been nice. I mean, trust me, 60 seconds is the longest I can run and I'm scared for next week. But it's been nice. Day 3 was definitely easier and I didn't have those "I want to quit" moments.

    Is anyone repeating W1 or is everyone moving on??
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    W2D2 completed, much easier for me today than W2D1, thank goodness!
  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    I've pretty much done week 1 every day this week. I can't work out only 3 days a week andit seemed to be the easiest to fit in without going to the gym.
    I can do it Like this no problem but doubt I can run more in a row :(I'm scared to progress. We shall see..... I have to teach myself to run that is everyone's answer to why they look good or how they lost the weight ect. I HAVE TO DO IT!!!
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    i fell of friday I have come down with some kind of bug - still walking even with my aches and pains - gonna try c25k w1d3 tonight and see how i go on!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    i fell of friday I have come down with some kind of bug - still walking even with my aches and pains - gonna try c25k w1d3 tonight and see how i go on!

    I have just found you again.
    I missed fridays C25K so i will be doing it in 5 minutes lol. I am dragging my eldest boy (12yrs old) with me & has no idea yet Well he wanted to know what i do so he can do it with me. I will post how he does later I know he has the stamina as he runs around loads as it is.
    So im off to do W3D3 i just hope i can complete it in front of my son
  • crystal_78
    crystal_78 Posts: 17 Member
    Yay! just finished day1 week1 and I loved doing it with my iphone app!! it made the time fly by. Does anyone know of anyother cool exercise/ fitness apps?!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    W1D3 Complete! I did my run outside today since my hubby was home to watch my girls and I must say that it is quite a bit harder then my runs on the treadmill! I was able to walk faster outside and I ran a bit slower then I do on the treadmill. :grumble: But I enjoyed it!

    Yes, there is a difference between the treadmill and running outside! The first time I ran outside after months of the treadmill, I felt like a real schlump! I kept thinking...why is this so dang hard? But, it keeps things interesting, to keep changing things up.
  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    starting week 2 day 1 today!! :)
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    i fell of friday I have come down with some kind of bug - still walking even with my aches and pains - gonna try c25k w1d3 tonight and see how i go on!

    I have just found you again.
    I missed fridays C25K so i will be doing it in 5 minutes lol. I am dragging my eldest boy (12yrs old) with me & has no idea yet Well he wanted to know what i do so he can do it with me. I will post how he does later I know he has the stamina as he runs around loads as it is.
    So im off to do W3D3 i just hope i can complete it in front of my son
    Well i done really well & felt really good after. My son well he kept stopping & cutting corners. He said he liked it & i think if we done it together every day he could complete it with me.
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    OK!! Week 2 Day 1 done this morning. It is a bleak, cold day here in NZ but I ran outside as it was easier and quicker than driving to the gym!
    The run went well, surprisingly so, but I was pleased when I got to the cool down :bigsmile:
  • FierceFeline
    I'm excited for this upcoming week of running! I feel like I am getting so much better at it