Summer Shredders (closed group)



  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    L2D2 done! Planks are evil.
  • chrissiviolin
    L1D9 done! I gave it my all today. I used the hand weights for the punches. Made it more intense. I am so ready gprs Level 2. I want this fat gone!!
  • jennnny
    jennnny Posts: 65
    Ok so today is Sunday and I said I would finally weigh myself and do my measurements. I'm technically on day 11 which means I should start level 2 today. Not gonna lie tho....I've been sick and I didn't work out yesterday or the day before. But I've decided I'm just going to skip those days and move onto level 2 (hopefully today). Here are my measurements:

    Day 1:

    Thighs 24 inches---- 0 inches lost
    Bum 41 inches
    1/2 inch lost
    Hips 37 1/2 inches
    1/2 inch lost
    Belly 34 1/2 inches
    1 1/2 inches lost
    Bust 34 1/2 inches
    1/2 inch lost
    Arms 11 inches
    0 inches lost

    I also weighed myself this morning and if the scale is actually right I've lost 3 pounds and 3 inches in 10 days. I also have to say I got a pretty legit tan these past couple days and I'm feelin pretty good about myself already! I can't wait to keep this up and see the end results. If I could just kick this cold or whatever it is I have I'll be golden! :)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    L3D10 DONE!! Another round of 30DS in the books..I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Jillian's DVDs.

    Happy Sunday!
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I was getting bored with lvl 1 and jumped back in today with lvl 2. I'm glad I did! Lvl 2 was tougher in some ways, but I really liked the challenge. I was dripping with sweat and doing my 'you gotta be kidding me' laugh, LOL!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I'm actually at Day 9 but I plan on moving on the Leevel 2 tomorrow so here are my stats:

    Day 1 - Day 10

    Weight : 177.5lbs - 175lbs (2.5lbs lost)
    Bust: 40" - 40" (same)
    Waist: 33" - 32.5" (0.5" lost)
    Belly: 35.5" - 35" (0.5" lost)
    Hips: 42.5" - 42" (0.5" lost)

    I am really surprise with the lost in my belly and hips...those measuremenst have been the same for a long time. I did do additional carido but not everyday and I did miss Shredding some days but I just keep going.... It has been hard though, I still cant do all the jumping jacks or push ups but I'll keep keeping on
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I wasn't able to do all the pushups, either. She does walking push ups for lvl two and those were easier for me, oddly enough.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    So I was supposed to do Day 14 today but I didn't get home until midnight, and I fell off a trampoline last night and hurt my arm (too many jello shots :laugh: ) So I did some Leslie Sansone walk at home videos off of youtube a few minutes ago, just to get some cardio in. Will be back on track tomorrow
  • jmcjamie
    jmcjamie Posts: 82
    day 13 done! still sweating like a piggy so hard but yay i did it i think i need to stop smoking!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Day 13...gonna do it soon, I swear! :) I took yesterday off.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Here's my 10 day stats btw...I'm not sure about the weight. I was down 2 lbs and then ate like a pig for a week and gained them back. But did lose 2 the first week...kinda screwed up the stats I supose. :sad:

    Arm: same
    Calves: .5 inch loss
    Thigh: .5 inch GAIN? Hmm...
    Waist (belly button): 3 inches lost!
    Waist (smaller): 1.5 inches lost
    Hips: 1 inch loss
    Bust: same
    Neck: same
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Just completed Day 14. I had a HORRIBLE day today....steak, baked beans, chocolate cake, MORE chocolate....I mean yeah it was a holiday but I didn't need to eat as much as I did. I did lots of exercise other than the shred to try to make up for it a bit. Still feeling yucky though :cry:
  • chrissiviolin
    Day 1 level 2 down. Not as hard as I thought it would be but it was still hard! I had to do some of the modifications although I try not to. Ok, the walking pushups....I can't do a 'real' pushup, I always do it the 'girl' way so when I do the walking ones I only go halfway down because that's all I can do otherwise I collapse lol! I hope to be able to do a real pushup when this level is done. Of course with the holdiay weekend I was bad and ate all the yummy food :o) So I will be incorporating some extra cardio during the day to make up for it!
  • jennnny
    jennnny Posts: 65
    GOOD MORNING fellow shredders!

    I am so happy to say I am finally feeling better today! I have taken the last 4 days off from the shred and each and every day I have become just a little more depressed about it. I am happy to say that eventho I was sick I still stayed within my calories and I somehow magically lost 3 pounds eventho I wasn't working out at all so I am happy about that. But I am even happier to say that I am back on the wagon. I'm really bummed about taking the 4 days off, I really wanted to do the 30 day shred in as close to 30 days as possible, but I plan to possibly double up on some days and hopefully catch back up!

    I'mmmm back! :)
  • jennnny
    jennnny Posts: 65
    Just finished Day 1 Level 2!

    I have to say in general I thought it really wasn't that bad. A LOT of plank work which I have never been good at. I thought the last circuit was the hardest. By the end I was just pooped! Those plank jumping jacks are crazy! I can't even imagine what parts of me are going to be sore tomorrow. :)
  • jmcjamie
    jmcjamie Posts: 82
    day 14 done its still hard i almost had tears in my eyes great job everyone!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    L2D1 complete. I like the plank jacks...I feel so many muscles working during those.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Completing Day 16 today! I can't wait to be done with this thing.

    Question for those on Level 2: Does anyone else get dizzy during the neck circles? I've tried keeping my eyes closed, I've tried keeping them open, and I watch my breathing and I still can't help getting really dizzy during this stretch. I hate it!
  • chrissiviolin
    L2D2 done. Well actually it was done at 7am but I am just now getting around to posting.
  • jmcjamie
    jmcjamie Posts: 82
    day 15 done warning its not good to do shred after eating 2 slices of pizza hut pizza!