Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Aside from my bad eating this weekend I've been slacking on the work outs...didn't get one in yesterday. I tweaked my shoulder doing shoulder biceps Saturday...but it feels better today. Today I'm doing cardio x. I was going to be almost caught up to start week 7 on Monday. I need to let that go and just get each days work out done. Next weekend my husband and daughter will be gone, so I can do a p90x marathon and double it up then and get completely back on track.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Great Plyo Sunday. Went over just a tad on calories ( could have had beer or ice cream, i had BOTH!)

    Good back and biceps. Probably easiest workout so far to me. Don't get me wrong, I was cooked on pull ups at the end. (Max rep pull ups =3 unassisted, 5 with chair) but i undershot strip sets, making it too easy at the end. Still, good burn, and put together with my 80 minute run/walk with my wife and pushing our kid, got a nice calorie burn out of the day.

    Hamburger you are mine come dinner time.
    Back to yoga tomorrow. I have the recommended foot spray.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Rest days suck! =( Just finished stretch...but wanna do Kenpo again!!! LOL LOVE it!! On day 40?? of lean.
    Stepped on the scale again today....still nothing...still where I started. Will be taking measurements again and will post them later. For now have to go for a walk or something...just dont wanna sit still!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    For those of you not on my friend list...
    Although my weight is only down 5 lbs. since p90x began, I took measurements for the first time in a month today and I'm down 2.25 inches in my waist and a full one in my neck. My chest is now 2 full inches wider than my waist, so my "v-shape" is coming along. Transformation is happening even if the numbers on the scale aren't what we want them to be!

    Yoga and two mile jog today. I like how I feel after running post yoga a lot better than yoga on its own. My biceps hurt from Monday. Which is good. Have a good one all.
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Hi all. My new job is killer, as I expected it to be. I am not going to give up, but I am going to have to modify. I can workout on my typical 12 hour days, but not when I've already worked 15+ hours (like yesterday). So, I'm going to be taking this round at my own pace, it seems. Still... I will do my best and forget the rest (it's a good mantra at my new job too, lol).

    Tonight it's time to suit up for plyo (Day 16). Then straight to bed to get up and at it all over again tomorrow. Keep up the good work, all. You're the motivation I have to push play tonight. :yawn: Later!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Aside from my bad eating this weekend I've been slacking on the work outs...didn't get one in yesterday. I tweaked my shoulder doing shoulder biceps Saturday...but it feels better today. Today I'm doing cardio x. I was going to be almost caught up to start week 7 on Monday. I need to let that go and just get each days work out done. Next weekend my husband and daughter will be gone, so I can do a p90x marathon and double it up then and get completely back on track.

    Don't burn yourself out...LOL! It's OK to skip if you have to...just try not to skip strength training days...IMO.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Great Plyo Sunday. Went over just a tad on calories ( could have had beer or ice cream, i had BOTH!)

    Good back and biceps. Probably easiest workout so far to me. Don't get me wrong, I was cooked on pull ups at the end. (Max rep pull ups =3 unassisted, 5 with chair) but i undershot strip sets, making it too easy at the end. Still, good burn, and put together with my 80 minute run/walk with my wife and pushing our kid, got a nice calorie burn out of the day.

    Hamburger you are mine come dinner time.
    Back to yoga tomorrow. I have the recommended foot spray.

    You must have some guns, arms are toast after this workout...with me still shedding fat, I am not gaining tons of muscle (hard to gain muscle when eating at a deficit)...curious...what are your strip set weights? For me, I go 25s, 20s, 15s, and end with 12s...I hope to be at 35, 30, 25, 20 by the end of the round...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hi all. My new job is killer, as I expected it to be. I am not going to give up, but I am going to have to modify. I can workout on my typical 12 hour days, but not when I've already worked 15+ hours (like yesterday). So, I'm going to be taking this round at my own pace, it seems. Still... I will do my best and forget the rest (it's a good mantra at my new job too, lol).

    Tonight it's time to suit up for plyo (Day 16). Then straight to bed to get up and at it all over again tomorrow. Keep up the good work, all. You're the motivation I have to push play tonight. :yawn: Later!

    Yep, do the best ya can, girl...that's all you can's hard to maintain a fitness schedule with those kind of work hours...I commend you even attempting to maintain a of luck to you!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Well, today was a travel day today for me and once I got settled into the hotel, I REALLY wasn't feeling like doing Yoga tonight...I decided to sub out Yoga-X for Kenpo-X and will do Yoga-X on Thursday instead of the scheduled harm, no long as you don't have strength back to back it should all be good...

    I decided to experiment with things and see how my fitness level is with Kenpo-X without any hand weights or ankle weights of any kind...the workout was definitely too easy without resistance and I burned 90 less calories...I was prepared diary-wise for a smaller Yoga burn anyway so it was a nice time to experiment with where I was to where I am now...I will definitely be doing Kenpo-X from now on with ankle and hand weights to give the workout that extra "OOMPH" to bump the burn to the 700 level.

    I must be getting in shape...

    I need to confess my sins here a little bit biceps are DYING from Back and Biceps yesterday and I don't think I could throw weighted punches tonight...LOL!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Today was day two of my recovery week. Core synergistics day. Still struggling with the two chatarunga moves. On a plus side I'm doing pretty good with the reach high & under push-ups and the side hip raise.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Great Plyo Sunday. Went over just a tad on calories ( could have had beer or ice cream, i had BOTH!)

    Good back and biceps. Probably easiest workout so far to me. Don't get me wrong, I was cooked on pull ups at the end. (Max rep pull ups =3 unassisted, 5 with chair) but i undershot strip sets, making it too easy at the end. Still, good burn, and put together with my 80 minute run/walk with my wife and pushing our kid, got a nice calorie burn out of the day.

    Hamburger you are mine come dinner time.
    Back to yoga tomorrow. I have the recommended foot spray.

    You must have some guns, arms are toast after this workout...with me still shedding fat, I am not gaining tons of muscle (hard to gain muscle when eating at a deficit)...curious...what are your strip set weights? For me, I go 25s, 20s, 15s, and end with 12s...I hope to be at 35, 30, 25, 20 by the end of the round...

    strip set = 30, 20, 15, 10...the 30s were tough, the 10s were not. When I did this workout before (2+years ago) that was rough.) FWIW I was sore in the back and bis all day.

    And I'm beginning to like my "guns" as well- getting nice and bulbous.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Hockeyman Gun Show:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I decided to skip forward a few work outs and essentially get back on track, well I am a day behind now, but thats cool. I did the CST tonight. I LOVE that work out. An NSV for me: I could hold my hands above my head afterwards and my arms didn't shake like they did the previous two weeks. Yeay! Also I got in some push ups in the regular position and then went deeper with knees on the floor after that.

    I didn't anywhere near my 1900 cals today...I am not all that hungry. I figure its cool considering the fact that I basically ate what I wanted when I wanted, finishing it off with three widmer hefeweisens yesterday after all the yard work we did. One day of low cals after three of high should be just fine :)
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    just checking in week 2 round 2 ...shoulders and arms today... I got the bowflex weights that you dial in the weight yay time to go heavier
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Well, today was a travel day today for me and once I got settled into the hotel, I REALLY wasn't feeling like doing Yoga tonight...I decided to sub out Yoga-X for Kenpo-X and will do Yoga-X on Thursday instead of the scheduled harm, no long as you don't have strength back to back it should all be good...

    I decided to experiment with things and see how my fitness level is with Kenpo-X without any hand weights or ankle weights of any kind...the workout was definitely too easy without resistance and I burned 90 less calories...I was prepared diary-wise for a smaller Yoga burn anyway so it was a nice time to experiment with where I was to where I am now...I will definitely be doing Kenpo-X from now on with ankle and hand weights to give the workout that extra "OOMPH" to bump the burn to the 700 level.

    I must be getting in shape...

    I need to confess my sins here a little bit biceps are DYING from Back and Biceps yesterday and I don't think I could throw weighted punches tonight...LOL!

    Great stuff. As fit as I think I'm becomming, I couldnt imagine kenpo WITH weights, so truly impressive Bob. Get after that legs and back today, way deep in those sneaky lunges.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    just checking in week 2 round 2 ...shoulders and arms today... I got the bowflex weights that you dial in the weight yay time to go heavier

    The dial in weights are awesome. I have a lighter set of those (up to 25). My heavier one (up to 50) is a little more cumbersome to get to the -5's. Enjoy the pushups.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    I decided to skip forward a few work outs and essentially get back on track, well I am a day behind now, but thats cool. I did the CST tonight. I LOVE that work out. An NSV for me: I could hold my hands above my head afterwards and my arms didn't shake like they did the previous two weeks. Yeay! Also I got in some push ups in the regular position and then went deeper with knees on the floor after that.

    I didn't anywhere near my 1900 cals today...I am not all that hungry. I figure its cool considering the fact that I basically ate what I wanted when I wanted, finishing it off with three widmer hefeweisens yesterday after all the yard work we did. One day of low cals after three of high should be just fine :)

    Sounds like maybe you can skip rest day this week to get back on track? Sounds like you had a great weekend(other than the yard work).
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I plan on pushing things tonight, gang...Legs and Back will be done with a weighted vest (about 16#) and I will be continuing to punish myself with Ab Ripper X with the vest (all the weight in front), ankle weights, and a medicine ball for Mason Twists...I can't do all of the moves with all of the gear on, but I get a little closer each workout. I have not done any weighted Legs and Back (other than hand weights) so the lunges and squats should be interesting...I predict a bad case of jelly legs...pullups are brutal with a vest on by the way...THAT should be fun!

    I am "punishing" myself for taking it so damn easy on Kenpo last night...LOL. For those that go multiple rounds on this program, you have to challenge yourself or you don't progress as well as you could...
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    UGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry guys, but I need to vent in here.

    So I went to my p90x studio to do legs and back. I dont need to do all the workouts in my studio, but I DO need to do my pull up videos out there. So little hockeyman (hockeyboy? 2.5 yrs.) usually tools around with his toys and whatnot while I get ripped. I was soo pumped to workout after noticing some gains yesterday.

    So,Today the neighbor kid is out playing in his yard with no pants on. They are potty training him, I guess that'sa normal way to do it? Seems classless to me, but what the hell do I know, Im still cleaning diapers. Anyway, I dont let my boy go over and play when he's sans pants. Dont judge me, we all have parenting quirks. Well my kid doesn't care if he has pants on or not, that's his buddy and he wants to p-lay. My kid breaks down to the point I have to stop right after one-leg wall sits. I'm mad and all pumped on adreniline, so Im stomping and ranting inside, but trying to keep my cool on the outside. Totally ruined my legs and back...
    I had an idea. So after settling my boy down in his room, I put him in the JS(jogging stroller) and took off on my planned run for later. I figured if he wasnt going to co-operate here, I'll get outta here. We took our jog to the school (2.17 mi.) and finished legs and back+ab ripper(without Tony, Sophia, Drea and the Belgian guy) at the park. I didn't have my weights, but had to do unassisted monkey bar pull ups for all reps. I still said "let's climb our legs" in Tony fashion at the appropriate time.Then had the 2 mile walk home.

    Probably not quite as good as if I had done the whole video the right way, but I overcame.
    Stupid pantsless neighbor kid.

    Also, Reepobob is nuts. Enjoy big fella
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Well, I'm a little behind schedule but with a double today and no rest day on Sunday, I will be caught up! I cannot get behind because we are leaving for Florida the day after I finish Phase 3! Which totally motivates me to stay on track. Anyway, not feeling well today but did the Chest Shoulders Tri this morning. Will do Ab Ripper X and Cardio X tonight (no plyo for me with these PF feet of's orders!). I liked CST this morning. I put it off a day because I thought it was Chest BACK Tri and would need my bands. Since they didn't come, I just decided to use the lat bar on our home gym to improvise and then found out that I didn't need them anyway! Tomorrow is back work though, so if the bands don't come tonight, I will use the lat bar. Looks like everyone is doing well. Keep up the great work!
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