Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    That is nothing to sneeze at Meghan! Great job...get focused on your eating and plan out your weekend might help keep you from falling off the wagon on those days or at least order healthy when you eat out...I find that salmon or tilapia is always an option almost anywhere you go...

    Thanks for the advice and kind words!! I'll try working on planning out meals :) and need to think portion control portion control portion control. My new weekend mantra. Weekends lately really have been a struggle for me.

    Meghan- those losses were right in line with mine from the first 30 days. That seems the norm for phase 1 from what I can tell.

    I feel like my first 30 days I had a bigger (loss mostly cuz there was so much more of me to lose). I knew this round would be tougher But it's nice to know I'm not lagging behind. Thanks :)

    Quick check in then off to catch some zzzzzz's Today was core synergistics. Did pretty good. I can feel the improvements in some moves, which really makes me feel like I'm making improvements in my core strength. Now if u could just see a little muscle. LOL!! All in due time

    On my bike ride yesterday I stopped at a park ad tried to do a couple pull ups on the monkey bars ... I'm not sure I did a single quality pull up. I might need to rethink getting the pull up bar. Or think harder and get it do I can work on doing at least 1!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Killed 25-20-15-12 with a wee bit left in the tank if I went for 8 10#s. Up your game, and I will do my best to up mine brother! I need someone to push me a little harder! Good luck on 30-25-20-15! I know I won't be there until maybe Phase 3, but ya never know (I may have to cheat and go light on hammer sets to conserve...LOL)

    Nailed the 30-25-20-15. Even had enough left to squeeze out 14 on the 15#. I don't think I can do more than 30 on the top end (will be trying next week though) , but the bottom end is strong. Now to be fair. I took too much weight on the hammers right before and only did 6 reps in and 6 out, which isnt bad, but did lengthen my break before.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    One thing I forgot to mention, I am six pounds away from my goal weight this 1 pound a week, that puts me at or around 175 about mid August...when I started this journey in November 2010, I wanted to be at 175 at the end of August. Looks like I just might beat that target. Next goal will be to see the six pack by 11/10/11, my one year anniversary of starting my journey when I was 243 pounds and over 30% Body Fat. I want to maintain 175 pounds and be at 10% or less Body Fat...hopefully, I will get there...

    Totally awesome. I think I need to do another round of P90X after this one. Have fun being INSANE! lol.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Make sure you wait an hour or so before doing Ab Ripper...that Olive Garden could punish you if it doesn't settle first...I speak from bitter experience...

    I did wait and I still wish I had done it in the morning. But it wasn't too bad. First time I did it without the DVD (I was watching Masterchef on the bike and didn't want to turn it off!). It worked well and I did 18 reps of everything. Form is starting to improve, I think. I still have such a long way to go!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I also LOVE CST work out. I just find it to move so fast and it doesn't seem to be repetitive at all. I also love that my arms and shoulders are complete mush by the end of it.

    This weekend I am headed to Target to buy the next resistance band up to increase the intensity in the last phase, well last two phases as I will be going right back into recovery week and phase one up until I go to europe for work in September.

    I have CST today and I'm dreading it - all those pushups kill me.

    Just a note about the bands. Target has a set that has light, med, and heavy in 1 set ($20 I think?). There are 3 bands that hook onto the handles so you can get even more resisitance by using 1, 2, or all 3 bands. My brother in law did the whole round of p90X with them - and he's used to going to the gym and lifting heavy.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    CST done. It was better than last time, but my arms still feel like Jello by the end - and even 3 hrs. later! Plyo tomorrow :love: Love the calorie burn I get from it!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Just a note about the bands. Target has a set that has light, med, and heavy in 1 set ($20 I think?). There are 3 bands that hook onto the handles so you can get even more resisitance by using 1, 2, or all 3 bands. My brother in law did the whole round of p90X with them - and he's used to going to the gym and lifting heavy.

    I have some bands just like that.. yellow, purple and some other color. I use 2 right now and love them. I bought mine at Ross though for like $8.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Yoga tonight...held Crane for 44 seconds...that is all!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yoga tonight for me too. Scale is still holding onto last weeks weight loss so that is so completely rad for making my day.

    I didn't get to eat until after 1 and I am still full. I hate that feeling hoping that by 5ish my stomach will be settled and I can get my yoga on.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Noodle arms checking in... CST for me today :wink:

    I am also a fan of CST too, it moves fast, and you don't repeat any moves, I'm a big fan of variety. LOL! Now I'm sounding like Tony Horton. HAHAHAHA!!!

    Hope everyone has an awesome Wednesday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    For two days I've been a loser and not pushed play. Tonight I will push play and get back to it. The less you work out, the less energy you have and I am definitely feeling the repercussions of not working out. I think I am going to do Kenpo and start recovery week the next day. I need to MOVE and get my energy level back up.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Put in Cardio X in place of yoga. There was no other way. At least I got a couple moves in on the cardio x. Yesterday was my WORST day of the sequence so far by far. Ate pizza. Did that workout that wasnt as good. I still kept the calories close though and I kicked *kitten* with a 5k this morning on lunch break.

    Headed home for the legs and back. can't wait. Kenpo tomorrow and Im off on my trip.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Noodle arms checking in... CST for me today :wink:

    I am also a fan of CST too, it moves fast, and you don't repeat any moves, I'm a big fan of variety. LOL! Now I'm sounding like Tony Horton. HAHAHAHA!!!

    Hope everyone has an awesome Wednesday!

    I like the repeat workouts. Allows for adjustments mid-workout...I like a good flow too...depends on my mood...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    For two days I've been a loser and not pushed play. Tonight I will push play and get back to it. The less you work out, the less energy you have and I am definitely feeling the repercussions of not working out. I think I am going to do Kenpo and start recovery week the next day. I need to MOVE and get my energy level back up.

    It's hard, but you got to make time...the best workouts are the ones that you do when you don't feel like doing them starting out. That's my experience...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Put in Cardio X in place of yoga. There was no other way. At least I got a couple moves in on the cardio x. Yesterday was my WORST day of the sequence so far by far. Ate pizza. Did that workout that wasnt as good. I still kept the calories close though and I kicked *kitten* with a 5k this morning on lunch break.

    Headed home for the legs and back. can't wait. Kenpo tomorrow and Im off on my trip.

    No biggie missed Yoga won't kill you...I have an MFP friend that has never done Yoga due to issues with arthritis and she is killing it.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Did Legs and Back + ARX tonight (sorta)...cut L&B 30 minutes short as I re-aggravated a groin strain and any lunge or squat was killing me...hope that the play it safe tactic saves me from any extended down time with this type of strain...I was pissed because I was really killing the pullup moves tonight. I like the back portion of this routine because you aren't doing any other upper body exercises and you can really go after it...did 10 close hand overhand pullups, a personal best.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I got home from going out to dinner and did cardio x. I am completely off on my recovery week schedule but I needed to move and wasn't up to core s tonight so I am happy. Tomorrow I will also get back on it and keep going. Glad I worked out. Nothing helps with family frustration than a good work out.

    Bob watch that groin I jury. I've done that before and it can take a long time to heal if you aren't super careful. Booooo, injuries blow.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    For two days I've been a loser and not pushed play. Tonight I will push play and get back to it. The less you work out, the less energy you have and I am definitely feeling the repercussions of not working out. I think I am going to do Kenpo and start recovery week the next day. I need to MOVE and get my energy level back up.

    Me too but I don't feel like a loser, I just don't want to get behind! I have been dealing with daily headaches but still pushed play most of the 5+ weeks I've been doing this. I've just had a bad couple of days but plan to get back to it tomorrow. I have a lot of tests coming up (MRI, MRA, appt with neuroopthamologist, bloodwork, blah blah blah) so say a prayer for me if you think about it!! :) Still pushing play but also have to listen to this body sometimes. I have missed the workouts though which is something I never thought I would say. :)

    A good note about all this: the neurologist is prescribing deep heat massages for my neck and upper back.....yay!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Hey guys and gals!

    We are still pushing play? Sounds like we are!

    This past weekend was a blast but I totally neglected my p90x. I had to host about 25 people on Sunday on a party boat. It was so much fun. We partied and swam and ate.. good times.
    And Friday and Saturday were spent on my cakes and on the family that arrived early. There was some family drama going on (of course) which totally got me out of schedule but what can you. When there are that many people somebody's bound to act like a fool!

    The good news is that my home is back on track. We are bringing it! After Sunday's naughty times, Monday was Kenpo. Then Tuesday was rest day but we went on a 4 mile hike instead in some pretty woods. FUN FUN FUN!
    Yesterday was yoga and holy crapola I did all hour and a half!!! I was ready for it to be over when I only had 20 minutes left because well I have ADD and my mind and body want to do something else after a while but still, I managed it. Still no crane :sad: though.

    Bob- Hope you're healing fast!!! Take precaution and take it easy.

    Melinda- Praying that all goes well. That's alot of testing but hopefully you get some answers hun!

    Lacey- I wanted to kick your butt yesterday but I forgot. :tongue: But today I see you worked out AFTER OLIVE GARDEN?!? You deserve a prize for that alone!!

    Hockey- You're inspiring! Thanks for that!!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Legs and back yesterday. My pull up numbers are getting higher now and I am constantly afraid I will not be able to get to my prior number. To my surprise though I do more everytime. My first double figure unassisted pullup number was reached. 11 on the first one. WOW.
    My legs hurt a little this morning, which probably means I did good.

    Kenpo tonight, then the odyssey of trying to cram p90x into a golf trip with all the golf, alcohal and "man" food around. I'll try to check in to let you know how its going.

    Take care of your hurt middle Bob. In fact everyone nursing injury, take care of yourselves and get after it as you can. We dont want to lose anyone here, so don't give up entirely.
    Austinite, don't you dare cheer for our glorious USA women's soccer team- your team lost in the knockout stage.