Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Hello guys... so everybody's pumped???
    I've had a rough week. Nothin in particular but I didn't BRING IT. I've been doing all my workouts but just been feeling meh.. maybe the holiday weekend? Not sure... but I had a small weight loss this week so I'm happy about that. I just need the UMPH in my step once more.

    Funny story Hockeyman. I would had done the same thing you did... except monkey bar pull ups.

    Reepo, yikes! You're scaring me! I imagine the Hulk!!!

    P90x question (because I'm nosey):

    Am I the only one doing p90x with a partner (the hubster)?
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I mixed up recovery week by doing the insanity recovery week instead - mainly because i was on vacation in the black hills and had to do my work out on the deck outside and I didn't have a mat. Mon was plyo, traveled yesterday, chest and arms today and I'm not sure I'll be able to lift my arms tomorrow. It was harder than I remembered!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Cardio X tonight! Woo hoo!!!!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    newaustinite. My wife started with me, but fell out, she's been good about her running though. I trained with a partner once before on p90x and we couldnt make our schedule match up for 90 days and failed. I choose to go it alone this time.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    newaustinite. My wife started with me, but fell out, she's been good about her running though. I trained with a partner once before on p90x and we couldnt make our schedule match up for 90 days and failed. I choose to go it alone this time.

    Ditto minus the wife part...she is allergic to exercise. I travel so it is impossible to have a partner.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Cardio X tonight! Woo hoo!!!!

    Keep moving between sets and you will see a definite increase in the burn...the secret to getting the most bang for your buck here is not to's only about 30 or so minutes minus warm up and cool down so it is easy to lose your in the zone heart rate and harder to get it back to a higher level...good luck!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Legs and Back with a weighted vest wasn't too bad...I think I will increase the weights to 16# this time next week. Pullups were slightly harder...the lunges were more difficult balance wise, the only move that really became exponentially harder with added weight was the single leg wall squats...aye carumba!!!!

    Overall, a 10% increase in my burn from this workout just before the end of Phase 1 two weeks ago...I will take that.

    How's everyone's night going?

    Yoga-X tomorrow and then I am in Rest/Stretch mode prior to "getting it on" with CST+ARX on Saturday!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I completed cardio x...but man..I so was NOT feeling it tonight. I am getting bored with that dvd I think. I will need to really step it up next week to keep up the intensity level. That is so key with CX. Allergy congestion reared its head in the middle of the program and it wipes me out, so I need to remember to take my zyrtec around 3 so its at its strongest when I get home from work.

    I forgot the $25 of veggies and fruit I bought today at the farmers market in the fridge at work. Gaa!! Frustrating because I am craving raw foods right now with it being summer and because I'm trying to get my vegs up, I've been slacking on them. So I made pancakes for dinner. I am under cals but SO not what I wanted to eat tonight. I was going to make a healthified eggs benedict with grilled asparagus for dinner and was looking forward to it all day. I also bought some apricots to put in my smoothie in the morning...since there were no peaches. Damn.
    Tomorrow night it will be eggs benedict all the way around! Yeay!

    Its shoulders and biceps tomorrow with ab riper. And allergy meds all the way around. lol.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Will need full support of you guys in here for the next two weeks, I am entering the most challenging part of 90 days. I work 4ams the next 7 days, which is followed by 7 days of golf vacation. I have it all worked out how I'm going to keep going (since I am committed) but may need you guys to kick my *kitten* every now and again when I am so tired from work or golf.

    Kinda bummed, today and tomorrow are both single workouts, rest day fro marathon training today and rest day for p90x tomorrow. I will be hiking with my boy to get a little extra burn today.

    Enjoy your workouts and no more of this "I'm not feelin' it" crap. One hour a day- bring it. Just think how great those "after" pics will look.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Enjoy your workouts and no more of this "I'm not feelin' it" crap. One hour a day- bring it. Just think how great those "after" pics will look.

    This made me chuckle. It's true!

    I was back in effect last night!! I must have just had a bad week. Maybe that's the point where I've usually quit a workout program in the past but I'm glad I made it through. I'm motivated again and am going forward.
    This weekend we will be renting a party boat out on the lake with family for my hub's birthday. The boat holds 30 and we're just about full! I cannot wait... I will be eating yummy food but I'll be swimming lots so hopefully I don't sabotage myself. We are trying to figure out how and when to do our workouts since family will be staying with us.

    Hockey- sounds like you have the plan down which is what is needed in circumstances like yours. Planning, planning, planning is best!

    Lacey- stop "not feeling it" or Hockey's gonna kick you!

    Hulk, I mean Reepo- Love the allergic to exercise comment. My husband's allergic to shopping, most of the time. :grumble: I think it's seasonal allergies (when it's not for HIM).
  • ricardorides
    ricardorides Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm on my third day of P90X. It's my second attempt, the first time I did two months but had to stop due to illness. Feel free to add me if you're in the early stages, would be good to have some workout buddies - or even those more advanced who want to give me a kick up the backside :D
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hockey and newaustin - thanks for the backside kick! Tonight I will bring it! I love the resistance days most of all, so woke up looking forward to working out this morning! Awesomeness!

    Hockey - thats super funny about the naked boy and your son. I always have to do a double take when little kids are naked outside but then chuckle. We let our daughter play in a pool in the front yard when she was 2 naked, but not since then. Too many weirdos out there. We are here to support, so let the *kitten* kicking begin if you need it!

    ricardo - just jump right in with us here in this group! I think we are all at various weeks in the program.

    I'm going to go through and friend those who aren't already my friends. I'm bad about that.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Another week of P90X down! Tomorrow is a rest/stretch day (probably a mow grass day)...I will be traveling tomorrow back home for a short weekend before heading back to Buffalo...Saturday (CST+ARX) will be a tough day because I am taking my daughter on a college visit to Ohio University in Athens, OH which is about a 2.5 hour drive...the round trip + the tour + the road food = potential disaster...will probably be getting that workout in late on Saturday...Pack on Sunday and then back on the road again...

    Yoga-X only burned about 407 calories...lowest ever. It is the nature of Yoga to have a lesser burn the better you!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Way to go people!

    Everyone would have been so proud of me (esp Hockey). Yesterday was hub's b-day so I took off early. We went to eat then to the movies. We ate yummy but in moderation. Then I had to do some shopping for the big b-day cake I'm baking. I got home around 9:30 or so. The night before, I had only slept about 4 1/2 hours (same thing night before). I was soo tempted to skip plyo to go to bed early but I didn't. I brought it instead. Go me!

    I still didn't get to bed till 12 but at least it's Friday now and I'll rest tonight.. after p90x of course.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Oh my austin, that is awesome. I am going on 5 hours of sleep today myself- and we have indian planned tonight so i am going to eat smart and yummy myself. Thankfully I am on rest day, but I still need to run. I was considering skipping too, but if you can do plyo- I can do 3 miles.
    Thanks for the inspiration, I wont let you down.:drinker:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Thanks! you popped into my head plus my husband said "NO YOU'RE DOING PLYO. PERIOD."

    I had no choice.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    So going onto nights again...UGH!! 12 hour shifts 7pm-7am. I'll be trying to get up at to work...come home..go to bed...repeat 3 more X.
    I didnt miss a workout last block of nights, so I wont be missing one this round!!!

    Everyone needs to stop bragging about getting to do plyo!!!:wink: LOL (not part of lean program..and its SO fun!!) Doing CST & AbX today, but will be dreaming of plyo and kenpo during the break times!!!!
    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I finally lost 2 lbs on the scale!! First time since I started P90X. Yeya! I'm going to start calorie cycling a bit to see if that helps me out. It seems like I am either too high or too low.

    Tonight my company rented one of the suite boxes at the local farm team/college baseball field and we get to, drinks, baseball, fireworks. Fried baseball food. I've had two days in a row where I am hungry more than usual, so looking forward to eating more today. I will control myself and not overdo it, but looking forward to tonight.

    But before we go, I am going home and am going to do the yoga program. Am hoping if I wear my shoes that I will be able to get through the whole dvd without my feet hurting.

    Questions: is it normal for my left...rotator cuff? to be squeeking and popping during the upper body work outs?? It doesn't hurt but it makes me a little nervous.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Also, I can't believe I start recovery week next week and then am on to phase 3 already!!! I am going to be essentially doing P120X since I will be extending the program out until I leave for Europe, so I will get at least one more recovery week to do the Core S work outs. I am looking forward to mastering that dvd.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Seems like everyone's been bringing it. Keep it up!

    Been a little scarce on the boards. But have no fear I have been bringing it ever day. Had a few moping "I don't wanna" days. But kicked myself in the pants and did it. I even did a couple I'd extra bike rides this week. I've almost ridded a round trip on the bike path in our town. So I'm feeling pretty good.

    Yoga today and stretch tomorrow and tomorrow is day 30 so I'll be doing measurements and pictures if I can't get the hubby to take them. I'll post results :)

    Have a great weekend everyone!
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