Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Frankenbarbie- Great job on the numbers!!!

    Ann- or maybe you're just bringing it more?!

    Lacey- I will be changing from light and medium (you can attach 2 sets of bands to handles with my bands) to something else today as well. I'm excited!!!

    Hockey- hope you're having fun!!!

    Today is the start of phase 3 for me! Yipeee! Gonna start doubling on some cardio here and there. It's crunch time!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Newaustin - I think I am going to start doubling up on the weekends again here and there...I did that the first 30 days and had better results with the inches lost for sure.

    I did cardio X last night. Tonight is....I can't remember! Its like a whole new program since I haven't seen this stuff since week four!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Im back!
    Does golf and P90X count as doubles? I got in 3 workouts in 5 days, so Im 2 days behind, but intend to make it up in recovery week.
    Now at home, I just finished back and bi. good gains in the three weeks, I will miss these workouts. They are hard, but I know they are working.

    Anyway, I played 63 hole in addition to kenpo, CST and plyo. So a nice weekend. The diet went out the window in a flurry of beer, crown royal, pizza and steak, but it returns today. Looks like everyone else is killin' it. Im about to as well.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey all quick check in for me tonight. Has to make yesterday rest day. Donated blood at work and I was toast so today was cardio. Did pretty good. Tomorrow is CST ... Little worried I have a bowling tournament ($$$$) tomorrow night an I'm hoping to win some serious cash. Hope I can move my arms!! Wish me luck!!

    Everyone keep brining it!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I f'ing killed it today on chest and back or whatever the hell it was!! I looked back to the beginning and I did like 7-8 push ups on my knees! Today I can do about 20-22 on my toes of each kind! For some, it might not be alot but I always thought I'd have to settle with doing girly push ups!


    Keep bringing it ladies and gentlemen!!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Using the hard res bands kicked *kitten* last night on Shoulders and Back. In fact I had to switch to medium a few times because I'd used them with the chest/back on Monday. I like it!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I f'ing killed it today on chest and back or whatever the hell it was!! I looked back to the beginning and I did like 7-8 push ups on my knees! Today I can do about 20-22 on my toes of each kind! For some, it might not be alot but I always thought I'd have to settle with doing girly push ups!


    Keep bringing it ladies and gentlemen!!!!

    THAT is impressive! Helluva improvement!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Did my last strength routine yesterday before 2nd recovery week (Legs and Back...) I am happy to report that my hammie and groin held up just fine and I got through the entire workout...Yay!!! Recovery week couldn't come soon enough. Today is a brutal day of work and long travel, so it is a forced rest day and I will pick up Kenpo-X tomorrow to round out week 7. Saturday starts recovery week with an old friend...Yoga-X and then Core Syn...LOVE recovery week because I feel so much stronger when I kick off the next phase and I ususally see a nice weight loss after that week.

    Did you know that it takes 72 hours for muscles to fully recover from a strenuous workout? Hence, the recovery week!!

    Kick *kitten* Everybody!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Instead of yoga I took a nice long walk this evening. And then I got my dog back after almost two weeks of being missing!!!

    Tomorrow I am taking my rest day. I'm getting my hair done and need to get a few groceries, etc before I come home for the evening.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Good yoga for me yesterday. I have a new yoga enemy and it is the Warrior 3 sequence. As I get better at the others, I am getting worse at that. Held crane for a few seconds- you crane holding people are amazing. Followed yoga with a little basketball. I loved it, but my knees did not.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey all quick check in for me tonight. Has to make yesterday rest day. Donated blood at work and I was toast so today was cardio. Did pretty good. Tomorrow is CST ... Little worried I have a bowling tournament ($$$$) tomorrow night an I'm hoping to win some serious cash. Hope I can move my arms!! Wish me luck!!

    Everyone keep brining it!

    Putting on my thinking cap yesterday morning and thought why the heck would I do CST on the day of my tournament. So I switched for legs and back. So I didn't totally waste my arms for bowling. So I bowled 8 games last night and my arms was a-ok for all 8. Today is yoga day.

    Keep pushing play people!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Yo p90x'ers! How's it hanging?

    I just had a quickie workout for lunch. I only was able to do 1/2 of my workout but I brought it. We are heading out of town for the weekend (Mexicccooooooo) for a relative's quinceanera. Should be fun watching all the drunkies!! :happy:
    We won't be able to do our workouts (boo!) but hopefully be able to go for a walk at least.. although my parents are already mad at me for going and are scared I will be shot in the street. I know it's a bit dangerous but we've been a million of times and we'll be fine.
    We'll do some kind of cardio hopefully! These type of trips are bad for eating BUT I will make it a point to have my yummy tacos in moderation. And my presidente with coke. And tequila. Oh, it's open bar. Maybe dancing all night long for cardio?

    Don't miss me too much and keep that sweat coming!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Hockey, I'm sad. There are things I still struggle with (like crane!) and can't do. I thought I'd be able to whiz through all the sessions by now but no. Still fun to try though!

    Bob, good to hear you're back to normal.

    Lacey, glad your furry friend is back home!!!!

    On another note, I'm wearing my wedding rings again. They are way too big for me. They literally fall off my finger but I've managed to tie a rubber band around them so they fit. :happy: Ghettofied I know but I refuse to size them until I'm done with this body makeover. One of them is almost a size 9! I went to the jewelry store and apparently I'm a 7 1/4. You know you've lost weight when your finger lost weight!!!
    Anywho, I want to wear them so no mexican cowboy asks me to dance because my white boy husband doesn't dance. :brokenheart:
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Newaustin-Have a blast in Mexico!! (was there in Feb,I love it there!) Thank you for the encouragement

    Lacey- SO happy about your pup!!!! Having 2 fur babies myself it's hard to imagine them gone!

    Just finished Core, had to change things up a bit this week due to a shoulder injury, maybe old's a trick shoulder, only hurts when it rains??? I have no idea what I did but just couldnt do shoulders today. Seriously thought about packing in the towel but I am NOT a quitter (except smoking...and that I still do when I'm loaded! LOL) Gonna keep on going and finish this program....THEN I'm gonna do the CLASSIC!!! So there!! LOL
    Have a great weekend all!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Funny you say that franken... I'm not a smoker at all but I have when i'm drinking- like a pro too!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    OK, progress report time!!!!!!!
    Just wrapped up the heavy stuff from phase 2, heading to Kenpo this afternoon and recovery this week. My weight, well it isnt peeling off. BUT I haven't seen 220 in a couple weeks and I was supplementing with creatine for the last four weeks and that stuff is for weight gainers(MUSCLES!!!!!!), not losers.

    I look great in my shirt, I am loving some of the pictures I am seeing, but still need to keep the shirt on (for now, though I dont need to cover these guns.). The weight loss isnt bothering me because I can see how much stronger and more well conditioned I am in the workouts.

    OK workout progress:
    CST: I upped the weight on a lot of the weighted exercises, was able to complete all shoulder circles- just solid gains throughout. My favorite is the 12 to 16 gain in clap push ups. My favorite exercise in this series. Also, added 12 reps to the last exercise from week one to week 3.
    I was awful at one arm push-ups.

    PLYO: Conquered the sprint squat exercises this phase, I now love them of course. I get a little weak in the last regular cycle (switchbacks, lateral leapfrog, tires, hot foot) but I think that's a good thing.

    B&B: wide fronts 7 to 10. Added 10 pounds to a few of the bicep exercise. I have maxed out my weight stack on lawnmowers. Strip set at 30-25-20-15. Will add to that in phase 3.
    Still am weak at max rep pull ups and ugh corn cobs.

    Yoga. Juts talked about this a few posts back. Wish it weren't 90 minutes.

    Legs and Back:
    How about doubling my unassisted (UA) reverse chin ups week 1 till now? Started I eeked out 6. Yesterday I slammed 12. Even better? My second set went from 4UA to 10. I know do 4 of these pull up sets in double figures. Dont even get me started about my two legged wall sit prowess.
    SIDE NOTE: I did this workout at the YMCA yesterday for the first time, and I really liked it. I may do all my weight workouts up there moving forward. They have all the equipment, it isnt 100 degrees. Just great, plus I was able to compare some of my pre-P90x moves to my current abilities (like pull ups) and I like it.

    Same, same. a fun, sweaty, "easy" workout to cap the week.

    OK, I want to lose 10 lbs. in the next month+. The creatine is gone, my muscle base is established.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Epic failur today. Ended up spending most of the day painting then dinner and a movie out. So no P90X for me today. Which means two rest days this week ... Eeeekkkkk! But I'm determined to get back on the P90X bus tomorrow.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Legs and back yesterday, rest today. Oh, and I painted a bedroom and our family/theater room - by myself. Love it when mom keeps the boys for the weekend! Quiet morning of cleaning and putting things away. Have a great sunday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I took an hour and a half walk yesterday instead of p90x so it can replace this weeks kenpo and I will do legs/back today. It was just too nice to not be outside. We don't get very many nice days here in Oregon anymore.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Instead of yoga I took a nice long walk this evening. And then I got my dog back after almost two weeks of being missing!!!

    Tomorrow I am taking my rest day. I'm getting my hair done and need to get a few groceries, etc before I come home for the evening.

    I am SOOOO glad you found your cool!