most insensitive gift ever...



  • trouserchili
    My BIL gave his wife a dictionary for their first wedding anniversary. A dictionary! And not even a nice leather bound one, either.
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    My favourite happened to a friend of mine. Her partner's father and stepmother were rather racist and didn't approve of their inter-racial relationship at all. They made comments of "refugee status" and going back to where she came from and all that. After 3 years of the abuse they started accepting her a little more, albeit begrudgingly.

    Anyway, she showed me the gifts she received on her birthday, of which she had:

    Ripped out magazine coupons - "to feed that growing indian family of yours" as it said on the card. She has no kids by the way.

    A book on how to become more British.

    A leaflet on why BNP (British National Party) should be in power. They are the racist group in the UK.

    Skin whitening lotion - "for the dark spots on your skin dear."

    She even got told that Michael Jackson did it, why can't she? I am amazed she lasted this long without exploding in a fit of fury. She's a saint.
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    My dear father tries, he really does, and I love him for it, but one year he just couldn't get it right.

    A couple of years ago I asked for a Red Sox hat for my birthday, a blue one with a green "B". He got me a green one with a red B (i think all he heard was green). I admitted it wasnt the one I asked for, but it was fine. I returned it and got a blue with with a red B. A few days later I met up with him and he said he felt really bad about not getting me the one I wanted and handed me a new hat. A green one with a red B.

    A+ for effort, daddios.
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    I worked for a weight loss clinic and I had to work my tail off for my boss and she would always have me traveling everywhere at Christmas time I ordered her a flamingo wine holder( a little corny i know but she loved flamingos she even had a flamingo convertable) anyways I was excited to get my gift from her because I had worked so hard that year. She made everyone slippers out of maxi pads. I was like wow really! The store called me and said they had her wine holder I told them I didn't want it because she got me maxi pad slippers. All I really wanted was a card that said Thanks. I also boycotted the Christmas party.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My ex's mom (who eventually got him to break up with me) gave me a set of lotion and soap for Christmas one year. Ok, nice enough gift, even if it's not super personal, right? Um wrong, I make my own soap and lotion (and sell it, which she knew since she'd purchased from me before) due to skin allergies and don't use commercial bath products. What a wench! I knew it was a re-gift.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    A portable TV from my step-mom. She would always buy me cheap crap for Christmas because she did all the holiday shopping, never my dad.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    One of my ex's mom gave me lingerie for xmas... awkward


    Can totally beat that.

    When I was My grandmother gave me a red teddy for Christmas. Not a nightie. Not a camisole. A snap-crotch teddy.

    She got it at Goodwill for $2 and the tag was still on it.

    (She was a hoarder and well, not all there. But I was still horrified.)
  • lorisowers
    lorisowers Posts: 64
    One year for Valentines day my husband got me a really sweet card. On the front it had two little girls holding hands, when i opened it it said something like although you are my best friend to me we well always be sisters.

    I asked him why he bought it and he said because of the two kids on the front holding hands it reminded him of us because we have known each other since middle school. I said," Did you read it?" and he said," No, was I suppose to?" I didn't talk to him for a few days.

    Needless to say every card I get now he always writes " I read this one."
  • StephanieBFree
    StephanieBFree Posts: 39 Member
    My ex husband said he had a fabulous surprise for my birthday and he was coming to pick me up and to be ready. I put on a beautiful black dress and my favorite Nine West high heels. I thought I looked perfect to what I though would be a wonderfully romantic afternoon. The surprise was a trip to the local llama farm. Yup, trudged around in the mud looking at llamas and wrecked a gorgeous pair of shoes. Worst part is that he knew that I not am animal lover other than dogs.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    My husband (ex) promised me an overlocker sewing machine for my birthday, but when it came around he said he couldn't afford it and bought me scissors. Now the scissors were nice, but they were not what he promised.

  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    An Ex-boyfriend that I was living with at the time bought me a sewing machine. Not a bad gift, only problem is: 1) I don't sew 2) never have even expressed an interest in sewing 3) Didn't want to learn to sew! So Wt??? When I asked him what he was thinking...he thought it would be a good idea if I learned to sew so we could save money and I could learn to sew HIM shirts!!
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    After a yr of marriage talk and looking at rings.. my now ex husband, father of my 2 girls... bought a ring. My close friend, he & i went to Walmart at like midnight . I wandered off as usual & she & he went to the jewelry dept. Came home &was busy chillin w my friend having some Irish coffee.... i get up to pee.... "hey come here" "hey i have to piss, what?" "Just come here" "can i piss first?" "Fine but hurry up"

    So i finish my piss & go to the bedroom while my friend is still waiting. Here i findmy bf sitting on the end of the bed in his underwear holding open a box w a hideous ring from Walmart .....big $#/! Grin on his face.... and I'm like... "seriously ?" I took the box, "go back to bed, u know I'm going to marry u" turned off the light and went back to my friend... i came out w the box in hand and i guess my look was obvious dissapointment.... cuz she said "i told him not to buy that Walmart bull$#/!"

    A style i dispise. Not even a whole diamond, but one of those settings w a buncha specks on it, 50 bucks from Walmart, proposal in his under wear.... I'd have beenmore impressed w gumball machine ring.... but the worst part is that it was everything i said i disliked about rings and there was NO planning or anything ....just tidy Whiteys..... :( he never got smarter
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    I remarried and that Guy got me.... nothing for Christmas and didn't even want to get out of bed Christmas morning... he didn't get any of our kids anything either. What a puts . He also proposed to be crappy w a ring i had ordered for came in the mail & he thought it would b a nice surprise ....i was a lil touched by the planning... not. He was too rushed & while we did go eat, we had Bo time for ourselves.... that marriage lasted 4 months...

    My mom gave me part of a set of China, telling me she still had part of it cuz she wanted to use it .....? Wt....

    My grandmother randomly gave me some dishes from her cabinet as a wedding present.. mine u they were pretty.... it was just odd to b Ike o hey.. sorry i didn't come to ur wedding or speak to u since u were 12... here's some dishes ....
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    This one is from my first boyfriend (about 15 years old):

    He liked puzzles and video games. I like video games too, but not excessively. The weeks coming up to Christmas he kept telling me how much I was going to love my present, and I told him the same. I got him a pyramid puzzle that when put together, you could figure out what the heiroglyphics meant. He LOVED it. What did I get? A PS2 memory card so that I didn't have to start over everytime I wanted to play Guitar Hero. Hello, it's called UNLOCKING CHEATS.

    I didn't think I had anything until you reminded me of first boyfriends! So my first boyfriend, I met at summer camp, and we tried the whole long distance relationship thing. Which is really pointless at 15. So the most insensitive gift: A pentagram bracelet he shoplifted from Hot Topic, but never had the postage to send. I was raised a Christian so... no real occasion to wear that.... or want to.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    MIL gave me a cross pendant.... I'm Jewish.
    HA!! That is too funny!

    OMG! Really?? Really.
    Unfortunately, really.

    As revenge, I enjoy reminding her over and over that "The Last Supper" was Passover Seder. It drives her bezerk!

    ooh a whole series of "revenge" gifts comes to mind
    a necklace with a star of David or a Chai (spelling)
    Torah and Talmud

    or, if you want to educate her a bit, a copy of the two volume set "The Jewish book of Why" (or similarly titled) I read this in school in comparative religions and it was quite interesting (I was about 12 or 13 at the time, so not a difficult read perhaps she might learn a thing or two)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    MIL gave me a cross pendant.... I'm Jewish.
    HA!! That is too funny!

    OMG! Really?? Really.
    Unfortunately, really.

    As revenge, I enjoy reminding her over and over that "The Last Supper" was Passover Seder. It drives her bezerk!

    ooh a whole series of "revenge" gifts comes to mind
    a necklace with a star of David or a Chai (spelling)
    Torah and Talmud

    or, if you want to educate her a bit, a copy of the two volume set "The Jewish book of Why" (or similarly titled) I read this in school in comparative religions and it was quite interesting (I was about 12 or 13 at the time, so not a difficult read perhaps she might learn a thing or two)
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    A friend of mine was upcountry for work and only got back on his girlfriend's birthday (which is at the start of January). He didn't have time to buy a gift so grabbed the christmas card her parents had sent her, crossed out 'christmas' and wrote 'birthday' and crossed out her parents names and wrote his own. He also gave her an expired first aid kit :)

    He did get her a proper present the next day, but she didn't look too impressed that night.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    My uncle was a big prankster so I guess the year my dad gave him a laminated cow pie for Christmas with a poem about "giving a ****" he probably deserved it. I still remember walking through the pasture with my dad, hunting for a "good"'one and thinking what a crappy gift. Turns out there was a "real"'gift too.. Curvy lady mudflaps for the big rig. (Uncle was a trucker). A very classy Christmas, indeed.

  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    This one is insensitive but also really awkward:

    At Christmas (just 6 months ago) my dad's girlfriend invited her kids, my sister, my wife and me to the house for dinner. She gave everyone their presents but saved 2 for the very end. After everyone was finished opening their presents, she gave the last 2 to me and my wife. Everyone sat there looking at us, waiting for us to open them. She chimed in, "Open them up at the same time!"

    The one she gave to me had 2 hard core pornos in it. One was 3-D and even had 3-D glasses. The other was Avatar themed. My wife got a see-through nightie.

    *dead silence*

    To this day I want to know what she was thinking. What part about those gifts sounded like a good idea? I just can't wrap my head around it. Even my dad was speechless since she had kept them a secret.

    OMG!! I just... I can't... omg... :noway:
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    My brother gave me a poster (which I didn’t want) in the box from a skateboard (which I really did want – he took the box from a neighbor boy, knowing I wanted it). That was pretty insensitive, but yea, I think I he was 12, so I forgive him!! LOL!

    My husband gives fantastic gifts, has great taste and NEVER forgets a Holiday, especially Valentines Day… yup, you guessed it, he didn’t get me ANYTHING our first Valentines Day, he had that “it’s a stupid made up Holiday that doesn’t mean anything” attitude. I thought I handled it pretty well, but I tell you to this day (25 years later) he makes a point of sitting down ANY young man in a relationship and explaining the importance of Valentines Day, including long (and in my opinion exaggerated) examples of the consequences!!! :blushing:

    lol - LOVE THIS! Kudos to yer hubby for teaching the young & uninformed. I dated a Jehovah's Witness - so NO HOLIDAYS or b-days of any sort. This was heart-breaking to me because holidays & b-days are very important to me - it's one of the few ways in which I've very traditional. Going into the relationship he said things like "Why should a person need a holiday to let you know how they feel or give you a gift? Shouldn't that be done daily or at the very least weekly?" Well that SOUNDS all fine & well but the fact remains that in the year & 1/2 that he & I lived together I think I got flowers from him 2x. I will say this - he was great at the necessities tho. If we were in the store and I so much as LOOKED at clothes, he would suggest I get a few things - usually more than I had any intention of buying. If it was something for the kitchen or house - he bought it for me. He made 2x as much $$ as I did and I insisted he handle all our money 'cause I suck at it. So yeah, my money was in there too, but most of it was his. The point is - his "daily or weekly" gifts didn't happen. That's why we NEED holidays to remind us to be thankful (Thanksgiving) or generous (Christmas) or loving (Valentines) or whatever. Yes - we should always be appreciative of our fallen soldiers, but it's important to have a day like Memorial Day to force us to remember.