most insensitive gift ever...



  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    For my birthday my boyfriend didn't get me anything. I know he was low on money and had to pay his car insurance that month, but seriously? Plan ahead a bit... So the next day, "to make up for it until I get you a real gift," he got me a bag of beef jerky, five $1 scratch off tickets, and a stupid gag card with a hamster saying "I'm giddy whenever your near, and please dont get mad but I just have to add" (OPEN CARD) "You look really great from the rear!" By the way, that was my 17th birthday. Scratch off tickets? At least I got two bucks out of them.

    I don't think guys realize the $$ is NOT IMPORTANT! For the $10 he spent on that silliness he could've put some thought & effort into something that would've touched you. I could care less what a gift costs - and honestly if they want to get me something from a yard-sale or Dollar Tree store I wouldn't mind if that's all they could afford - as long as they were THOUGHTFUL in what they chose. My mom collected the big porcelain Precious Moments dolls - she did NOT collect dolls in general. But people who knew of her collection would often default to just buying her some cheap doll because they didn't want to put more thought into the choice. That always offended her.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My aunt and uncle/cousins one time gave me a re-gifted orange watch and a cow pie candy. when I went to return the watch, the mall kiosk that they got it from, informed me that they don't sell anything like that.. bah!

    Also, I graduated college this past fall and these same family members only sent me an email and my uncle called my house and left a message that sounded like he had been smoking something for awhile... and they wonder why we never want to see them.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    When I was a young teen, having Christmas with all of my family... I have three very competitive brothers and being cool was Very important.

    So anyway I get this big present to open in front of everyone and apparently the gift tags got switched around because when I opened it and pulled it out of the box in front of everyone, it was a lacy, frilly pink nightgown - intended for my grandma.

    I'm sure yer brothers didn't rib ya... much :wink:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I :heart: this thread!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    My daughter got a barbie doll from my FIL and his girlfriend.....great gift for a girl if she wasn't 16 years old!
  • Eliza1980
    Eliza1980 Posts: 303 Member
    For a wedding present my husband and I received a giant Christmas snowglobe. The wedding was in October and my husband doesn't celebrate Christmas. It was given to us by the Justice of the Peace who officiated our wedding and is a friend of my husband's family. She also didn't show up for the rehearsal. Also for our wedding we got a garbage can from my husband's step brother.

    At work we were doing a secret santa. the day of the party the girl i had didn't show up and she also happened to have my name as well. the next day at work I told her i brought her present and we could exchange at lunchtime or something. She just stared at me blankly and then asked if we could do it at the end of the day. At lunch I watched her walk across the street to the dollar store. She bought me an angel figurine and a pair of socks and gave them to me in a plastic bag. My boss felt bad and gave me another gift the next day.
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    My ex and I had at the time agreed to buy each other promise rings since we were dating long distance. He kept pressuring me to buy him an especially expensive ring (600-1200), even going as far as to say the cost of the ring showed how much I really cared about him. Very shallow I know... He then presented me with a ring (in a half broken box) he insisted was worth $3000. I used to do jewelry making as a college art class and knew instantly this was a BIG LIE. I could see it was in no way worth more than 200, which is more than he could afford anyway. I got him one worth 200 but priced 150 and refused to tell him the price. Turns out when I went to get my ring resized (it was 3 sizes too big) the jeweler told me the whole ring was in the most worth 30 dollars! Later on his GIRLFRIEND called me and we both discovered his double life and that he had actually stolen her ring from her jewelry box, and he had thrown mine away saying it was a cheap fake. I think I know WHO the cheap fake is!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    An Ex-boyfriend that I was living with at the time bought me a sewing machine. Not a bad gift, only problem is: 1) I don't sew 2) never have even expressed an interest in sewing 3) Didn't want to learn to sew! So Wt??? When I asked him what he was thinking...he thought it would be a good idea if I learned to sew so we could save money and I could learn to sew HIM shirts!!

    lol obviously his little money-saving scheme had little research behind it - by the time you've bought fabric, thread, needles and other supplies, and maintained the machine. . .sewing is NOT a cheap little hobby anymore. . .
  • vladikavkaz
    vladikavkaz Posts: 137 Member
    I was a terrible boyfriend one year, to an ex way way back.

    My birthday is a couple of days before valentines day, and for my birthday she'd bought us a trip to Dublin, in Ireland.

    So we left on the 13th to get there, and the next morning I was woken with 'Happy Valentines day', with presents and card.
    I headed straight for the loo, where last nights pint of Guinness or twelve made themselves known again. And there I stayed for the next 4 hours.
    And I'd forgotten to get her anything.

    She was understandably upset and we split up 4 years later.
  • jessgallison
    This gift isnt at all insensitive, because its actually really really sweet, if perhaps a bit misguided. My boyfriend gave me a really nice REI sweatshirt...I was super excited (because I'm a big backpacker and really could have used one) until I realized that it was MASSIVELY large. Like, it was a mens medium when I wear a womens small. I think he could tell I was starting to be confused / hurt when he said, 'i got it too large because I know how much you like to wear mine and I thought you would like a big comfy one like it.'

    That was def. an 'awwwww' moment, except...I like his because I get cold when i'm trying to look cute and didnt want to wear a fleece jacket. Also, his smells like him and is just comforting that way. Basically I wasnt going to carry around a jacket that was like...5 sizes to large. I ended up just wearing it around the house to make him happy. It was kinda bummer, because after that I couldnt really ask to wear his either because he just bought me my own...
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I was with my ex for 8 years his birthday was the month before mine i brought him to paris for 3 nights,booked him rally lessons and got him a ipod. 4 weeks later i wake up on the morning of my birthday and he is not there. Turns out he had gone to a car show on the other side of the country and did not want to upset me so got up before me and left. His reasoning he had booked the car show 2 months before!! Eh hello my birthday is on the same date every year. Idiot.
    I did not want gifts but not to be even there to say happy birthday..I had to attend my birthday party on my own with everyone asking me where he was.
    We broke up that day.

    My current boyfriend(who is amazing) brought me a set of golf clubs when we were only dating a few months.
    He is a professional Golfer and i am a girly girl and had never even held a golf club in my life.
    So imagine my face when he handed me them.
    I just kind of looked at him.
    When i unwrapped them i had realised he had customized them for me with baby pink grips with black glitter shafts and my name.
    Cute lol
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    My husband is pretty good about giving me nice caring gifts so I'll have to relay what my friend's husband did one Christmas. They have a small townhouse in Oakland so space is a premium. She wanted a sewing machine but he argued that it would take up too much space so he bought her one of those $19.99 Handy Stitch things seen on an infomercial and that was her only gift. To top that, he bought himself a kayak a week later that now just sits in the hall closet.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    My husband bought me toe socks. I have webbed toes.
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    A CB and whips for my NOT a trucker.LOL
  • msronnell
    msronnell Posts: 16 Member
    Our co-workers used get everyone a regular cake with our choice of flavors on our birthday. This had been going on for years, so it was nothing new. So when my turn came up one year they had gone and gotten a huge ice cream cake instead. When i asked if we were changing traditions, they said no, it had been a while since they had an ice cream cake (we've never had one at work... EVER! ) so they thought they'd get one on my birthday. Sounds nice huh? well, i am the only one in the office who is & have been LACTOSE INTOLERANT for years... its not a secret, everyone knows it. "They claimed they had forgotten.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Damn, This is a tough room! I guess I won't say ANYTHING about the year I bought my wife road flares for her birthday. It's a long story, but I can see there would be very little appreciation for my gift.
    Oh I don't know. I mean, what if she breaks down late at night and could use them to alert drivers she's there? Keeps her safe. Shows you love her. I think it's romantic. Women just don't get it.

    hehehe, there's nothing wrong with giving your lady road flares, or things of that nature to keep her safe. BUT WHY OH WHY do you think you should give such a thing to her as a 'GIFT' on a "special day"?? hahaha, If it's just some random Tuesday and you say Hey hun, I was thinking of you and I want to make sure you're safe, here's a kit of jumper cables, fix a flat, and road flares....there would be NO issues. Or you could always take it a step further and say "Hun, I was thinking of you and want to make sure you're safe...This is Sven. He's going to be your personal body guard/choffer from now won't need a jack cause sven can lift 400 lbs with one arm...."
    Whoa, sorry...little day dream there ;)

    lol my ex gave out road safety kits one year for Christmas. I actually still have it and use it, but at the time it kinda bummed me out. It's not a very romantic gift to give your girlfriend and everyone in his family and random people like his parents' friends!
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member

    Ok, I don't know what that means but I'm kinda scared to google it!
  • Eliza1980
    Eliza1980 Posts: 303 Member
    Our co-workers used get everyone a regular cake with our choice of flavors on our birthday. This had been going on for years, so it was nothing new. So when my turn came up one year they had gone and gotten a huge ice cream cake instead. When i asked if we were changing traditions, they said no, it had been a while since they had an ice cream cake (we've never had one at work... EVER! ) so they thought they'd get one on my birthday. Sounds nice huh? well, i am the only one in the office who is & have been LACTOSE INTOLERANT for years... its not a secret, everyone knows it. "They claimed they had forgotten.

    A few years ago my mom got me a cake with fruit on top, including kiwi. I am allergic to kiwi and so is my husband. My own mother forgot and its an allergy i've had all my life!
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    One year for x-mas, my dad got me a brush set. I had dreadlocks at the time. You might think it was a hint he didn't like my hair. Nope. It was just that long since he had seen me....