swimsuit competition...



  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    great job ladies
  • westo22
    westo22 Posts: 76 Member
    Well done!
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    Well done everyone!!

    I'm posting in a week (august 14-15). I started this late, so I guess posting mid month and reaching out to every one again will serve as a reminder of the half way mark and and remind everyone to keep staying strong and keep getting into the shape you want!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Had to do it with no pc lol...so excuse and blurriness, it general color crappiness!

    Month one:

    Month two:

    Month three:

    Some differences...mostly between month one and two though I think.

    Can't wait till next month :)
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Cris: YAY! Your pecs (read: NOT moobs) officially stick out further than your abs in profile! Pretty effin sweet :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Cris: YAY! Your pecs (read: NOT moobs) officially stick out further than your abs in profile! Pretty effin sweet :)

    Lol...I hadn't noticed...but you're right lol. Cool deal :D!
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    I really dont see a difference but I'll let you decide


    July on left AUgust on right
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    5 more days until i post my new pics!!!!!
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    I totally forgot to post for August! Everyone who has posted looks fantastic!!! I think I looked better in mid- to late-July than I do now, but whatever. I'm sure there has to be some difference, bc I have lost since then. Will post soon.
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    I will post soon...bloated for some reason...give me like 3 more days to lose another pound.
  • jessdeweerdt
    ahh.. it's the 19th and I never posted an august pic (husband was having surgery blah blah blah).. should I take one now so close to september? or just skip?
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    ahh.. it's the 19th and I never posted an august pic (husband was having surgery blah blah blah).. should I take one now so close to september? or just skip?

    Do it whenever you want to I guess. I would have done it August 16-17 (my one month mark), but I want to lose 2 more pounds to show a difference.

    I may take my pics in a few days! Cross your fingers for a 2 pound loss that I'm working on!!
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    Okay, So I'm going to wait until Sept 1 to take more pics.

    I did manage to lose a few more pounds, but since Sept 1 is a week away, I'll just restart my picture taking on the first of the month.

    I will also be doing a colon cleanse next week so that should flatten my tummy more.

  • westo22
    westo22 Posts: 76 Member
    I will update in September. I had an interesting July/August. My weight and motivation went UP DOWN UP DOWN (left right left right select start.... Gold star if you can name the reference)
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    7june2011001.jpg June
    July12011Progress001.jpg July
    IMG_1595.jpg August

    So I'm a bit late with the August pics, I've been away for 5 weeks, havn't lost anything but not gained either and cant see much change except for colour. Hard work coming for Sept pics! Well done to the rest, looking good!
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    I will update in September. I had an interesting July/August. My weight and motivation went UP DOWN UP DOWN (left right left right select start.... Gold star if you can name the reference)

    You forgot "A , B" !!

    Street Figher!!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I totally forgot to post for August! Everyone who has posted looks fantastic!!! I think I looked better in mid- to late-July than I do now, but whatever. I'm sure there has to be some difference, bc I have lost since then. Will post soon.

    I get what you mean, even though I think I was down 3lbs and a 1/2" of both waist and hips in August from the July pic, the July pic still looks a million times better for some reason and I'm still using it as my avatar. Maybe like Cornock said, it's that I had better coloring/tan plus perhaps lighting, IDK.

    I'm just over 2wks post-op from "mommy makeover" surgery. I've actually already posted a bikini pic in another thread here at just 9 days post-op when the swelling was far worse (+3.8lbs & almost 3" between ribcage and waist, eek!), but as you can see in my siggie, I've kept track of my stats from that quite well and I'm down to almost NO swelling (+0.6lb & just +1/2" on waist, yay!) and was cleared to switch from Tylenol to Motrin yesterday so that should really help nix the last of it :) so I'm pretty sure I'll participate on Sept. 1st. Fair warning though, I've probably lost a little bit of muscle tone especially where the tummy tuck swelling camouflages my (newly repaired) abs and because I went with dual-plane/partially under muscle implant placement, the girls will be riding a little high until those muscles relax and they drop to their more natural and permanent position.

    Less than a week everyone!!!! :D
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    I lost the weight I wanted to lose!! Now I just have to MAINTAIN it for Sept. 1.

    I'm gonna post my pics for REAL this time!

    No more excuses, no more skipping photo shoots for this competition.
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189

    I meant to say " I lost the weight I wanted to lose FOR AUGUST "

    I'm not nearly at goal yet!
    But I made my August Mini goal (somewhat).
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Okay, forgive me for jumping the gun here, but I have WAY too much stuff I gotta get done tomorrow to be able to take the pics then and do all the editing so everyone can see them together. But I did literally just took these this a.m. and edited after I got back from the gym.

    Uh, yeah... "Mommy Makeover" surgery 19 days ago; (1.) full abdominoplasty/"tummy tuck" with muscle repair, (2.) only about 20-30cc of lipo to the flanks/"back part of the 'muffin top' area" (otherwise my surgeon says it looks "odd" without it) that's all he could find at my 19% bodyfat, YAY! and (3.) Silicone implants to take me from a 34B to a 34D (I was naturally a perky 34B before kids, but each pregnancy and breastfeeding took me up to a natural D-cup, so I still had the *space* for them, just not the *filling* anymore, lol).

    Between my August 1st pics and my surgery on the 12th, I went from 153.0lbs to 151.0lbs!! I of course gained quite a bit of water/swelling weight from the surgery but have fully recovered swelling-wise in both weight and inches since :D I'm currently weighing in at 153.6; 2.6lbs of that are my new silicone assets, so I'm technically back to my pre-op weight! Started easing back into my gym routine two days ago and simply maintained my pre-op net calorie setting while I was taking it easy.

    Keep in mind my new assets have another month or two to "relax & drop" into a more natural position and once I'm cleared for ab/core work at the gym, I'll regain my ab-definition. I'm THRILLED with the results thus far, just impatient to see my final results which can take up to another 5 and a half months...
