swimsuit competition...



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    You look awesome hun...WELL worth it =D!!!
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    In Agreeance with Cris, you look fantastic!
  • BeilaLin
    Looking Great!! I'll have to post mine tomorrow! I lost even more weight since I last posted a message here a few days ago!!
  • BeilaLin
    Here's my new picture!

    After 1.5 months, I lost 6.5 pounds!

    ***********Comments are welcomed!!!*********You can also private message me too.*********

    Thank you!!

    JUNE 16, 2011: 155.5 lbs

    JULY 17, 2011: 152.0 lbs

    SEPT 1, 2011: 145.5 lbs
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    Here's my new picture!

    After 1.5 months, I lost 6.5 pounds!

    ***********Comments are welcomed!!!*********You can also private message me too.*********

    Thank you!!

    JUNE 16, 2011: 155.5 lbs

    JULY 17, 2011: 152.0 lbs

    SEPT 1, 2011: 145.5 lbs

    you look great!
  • jessdeweerdt
    wow!! I am so impressed with you guys!! amazing! it really shows what a lot of hard work can do!! I am not very proud to say that I have not worked very hard. Due to a stressful back surgery for my husband the end of July, I have fallen into bad habits, and fallen out of exercise. I do not want to post my pics AT ALL! Looking at my measurements since June I have lost 3 inches in my waist, gained a inch in my hips, but lost 5.6 pounds. So, I am not completely disgusted with myself because of these small victories. I see nothing in the pics, and I sort of expected that. I am posting my pics because I said in the beginning that I would. Looks like we've lost a ton of people, and I don't want to be one of those :) Reminder, I do not wear this suit in public! It's sort of my dream suit, and if I'm going to be completely honest with myself, I need to be able to really see my body.

  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    You guys are all looking great! I slacked off in August and didn't do anything therefore I am not going to the efforts of posting a pic because it wont look any different than it did last month. However, I am pretty positive that it will be much better for Oct 1st...are we still posting pics then?
  • BeilaLin
    Looking tighter jessdeweerdt !!! You do notice the difference! Arms and upper abs are slimmer.

    Yes!! Let's keep this swimsuit competition going till WHENEVER!! We can all take a nice vacation in the winter to some tropical place!! Or at least plan it now, and decide it later!

    Anyways, if you feel you don't notice a difference, try to take the picture anyways. The ACTION of doing something (taking the pictures) will get you THINKING about and therefore REACTING to what you need to do.

    If I didn't take pictures in July (where I didn't see much difference), then you would not see much progression. A stall is okay, it helps you realize it when you take the pictures, and therefore PUSH yourself more and harder!

    That's what happened to me. I stalled, and then pushed myself so that NEXT TIME I would see a difference!!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    YES!!! I can definitely see changes in everyone's pics!!! :) All the ladies are cutting in more at their waists for that sexy hourglass look, and bums are getting perkier in profile!

    To whoever said it wasn't worth posting pictures because you're "plateaued", I say BULLSH!T!!! I plateaued for all of June and I didn't even come close to realizing my progress until I LITERALLY SAW IT IN MY JUNE TO JULY PICS. Seriously, I was SOOOOO close to throwing in the towel! Just forcing myself to do the picture for the thread's sake was my eye-opener and literally pulled me back from the brink. My scale said I lost 1lb all month, but come to find out, I dropped some serious % body-fat! I would have never even thought to have myself recalipered if it weren't for THAT picture. So even if you don't share because you don't think there's a difference take the darn photos anyway; I bet you'll feel like sharing when it's staring you in the face ;)

    I would definitely be interested in continuing the thread; especially since I feel like I'm starting from scratch... all my pics show really from August to September is what a lot of money, a genius of a plastic surgeon and some self-control & willpower during the recovery phase can buy, kwim? I'd like to recover that pride that goes along with seeing REAL changes come by the good old fashioned way again. Plus, it'll be kinda funny to see MellowGA still taking pics outside in winter if it even gets cold down there. This thread has done WONDERS for everyone's accountability =D
  • BeilaLin
    YES! Please take the pictures regardless!

    It doesn't take more than a few minutes to undress, throw on the bikini / board shorts, and take a picture with your phone. That's what I did. You can even save it for later to post if you don't feel confident right now.

    The pictures will keep YOU accountable. That is what it's doing to me.

    Geez, i can't wait for next month already! I really want to show another photo with a difference!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Yes...I will take more pics. I missed July because I was basically gone for the whole month. I am going to give myself a few more days and then post new pics. Promise! And I would be down for continuing this group! We will all be so pale. Ha! I'll be back soon!
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Yep all up for continuing this thread! Swimgodess and Beilalin are right this is a great way to be accountable. I love seeing the difference with everyone. Because I was so late with the August pics I wont post till mid-month by then i'll be bright white again.. :(
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    nice improvement ladies, good job!
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    Omg, Swimgoddess, Beila, and everyone else is looking fantastic!!! I see great differences here. Ok, so I'm going to post mine. Let me pre-empt it by saying I feel like I may have put a couple of lbs back from where I was at the beginning of August--wish I took the pictures then--but whatever. At least I've made a good deal of progress. Here I am:



    I need to take more consistent pics, where I'm posing the same and wearing the same thing in the future.
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Lookin Good Ruby, keep up the good work!
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks! Let's all post again in October.
  • BeilaLin
    FLATTER STOMACH! Nice job rubyrenga!!!

    You're looking GOOD!
  • BeilaLin

    And your arms are much smaller compared to day 1!

    Nice job rubyrenga!!!

    You're looking GOOD!
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks!!! : ) You are looking great, too! It's so exciting to see these results.
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    OK, so I'm game...

    I've been holding off for a bit. so here goes...

    I'll not put June/July up just the late Aug shot and today..
