The June Move-It 360 minutes a week challenge



  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Catching up for Week 3:

    Monday - 30 minutes C25K week 1/day 1, 55 minutes walking
    Tuesday - 45 minutes walking
    Wednesday - 30 minutes hiking
    Thursday - 2 1/2 hours hiking
    Friday - 3 hours walking
    Saturday - 30 minutes walking; 30 minutes C25K week 1/day 2
    Sunday -

    Minutes Left - NONE - at 490 minutes so far for the week!

    Hey CrazyMom, be careful with the knee. I've been there/done that and didn't give it enough rest/recovery time. Paid for it for months.
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Hello Team!!!

    I say we are going to hit 500 posts this month with all the new peeps!!!:bigsmile: You all are burning it up this month!!!!

    BURN BABY BURN!!!:devil: :glasses: :wink:

    Keep up the good work!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, Mollie. You too!!
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    June Challenge - Week #3

    Monday (June 13) - 60 minutes, Zumba
    Tuesday - 60 minutes, Low & Tone Aerobics class
    Wednesday - 50 minute walk on treadmill
    Thursday - 60 minutes Low & Abs Aerobics class
    Friday - 50 minutes Dance Aerobics class
    Saturday - 60 minutes walk on treadmill
    Sunday - 20 minutes brisk walk outside - 360 minutes done!!

    What a beautiful summer morning in New England, gorgeous. Hope y'all had a great week. Happy Father's Day to any of the MFP Dads out there!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 80 minutes, walking/jogging...W1,D2 of C25K...571 calories
    Tuesday, 81 minutes, dog walking/jogging...W1, D3 of C25K...619 calories
    Wednesday, 78 minutes, dog walking/jogging...W1, D4 of C25K...573 calories
    Thursday, Rest day
    Friday, 79 minutes dog walking/jogging...W1, D5 of C25K...523 calories
    Saturday, 31 minutes, Less is More Comcast-on-Demand...261 calories
    Sunday, stay up too late drinking wine last night and off to work...Rest day
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Week 3:

    Monday - 30 minutes C25K week 1/day 1, 55 minutes walking
    Tuesday - 45 minutes walking
    Wednesday - 30 minutes hiking
    Thursday - 2 1/2 hours hiking
    Friday - 3 hours walking
    Saturday - 30 minutes walking; 30 minutes C25K week 1/day 2
    Sunday - 60 minutes walking; 30 minutes C25K week 1/day 3

    Minutes Left - NONE - achieved 580 minutes this week! Unfortunately, back to work I go so no more multiple-hour workouts.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360 min week 6/13/11:

    Mon: rest day
    Tue: 70 min = 35 min elliptical, 35 min weights........................................................................290 min left!
    Wed: 35 min Leslie Sansone 2 miles DVD.................................................................................255 min left!
    Thu: 85 min = 40 min bike, 45 weights.......................................................................................170 min left!
    Fri: 75 min = 40 min Elliptical, 20 min bike, 15 min weight.......................................................95 min left!
    Sun: 100 min = 55 min LS DVD 4 miles, 45 walk..........................................................................5 min over!!!

    TOTALS THIS WEEK WERE: 365 min, & 3,868 cal burned
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Week #3
    Mon. 6/13: 93 minutes walking and 27 minutes circuit training
    Tues. 6/14: 27 minutes circuit traning and 30 minutes C25K(wk2d1, will log it here that way instead of walking/running)
    Wed. 6/15: 24 minutes walking and 27 circuit training
    Thurs 6/16: 30 minutes C25K and 23 minutes walking
    Fri. 6/17: 47 minutes circuit training
    Sat. 6/18: 30 minutes C25K, 35 minutes walking and only 7 Minutes circuit training, my left knee is stabbing with pain! If it stays I will call the doctor, prednisone and anti-inflammatory med., this happened before.
    Sun. 6/19: 15 minutes walking and 10 minutes swimming. Knee still hurts.
    425 total for week 3
    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Week 3
    13/06 - 40 min - C25K Wk7D1 + cooldown, 15 min - playing "shark" at playground with kids
    14/06 - 60min - bike ride
    15/06 - 40 min - C25K wk7d2 + cooldown
    16/06 - 45 stationary bike + 30 min garden work
    17/06 - 0 (tweaked knee on bike day prior)
    18/06 - 120 min garden work
    19/06 - 60 min garden work + 20 min walk

    Total for week - 430/360...but feels like cheating as 3 of the days I didn't really "workout". At least I was moving, but hoping knee feels better and can get back to serious cardio next week. But, on a positive note, our garden looks REALLY good now!

    Week 1 - 385
    Week 2 - 483
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Week 1:

    Monday, May 30 I walked an hour (in 2 walks) today with my two sweet girls!
    Also did some strength training.
    Tuesday: Walked 40 minutes, played at Splash Pad w/daughter 1.5 hours (about 15 min of sitting), strength training 20 min
    Wednesday: Walked 60 minutes
    Thursday: Walked 60 minutes
    Friday: Walked 40 minutes, strength training 20 minutes
    Saturday: was a bum :(
    Sunday: splash pad play w/kiddo - 2 hours + walked 30 minutes, heavier housework 30 min, strength training, 30 min

    Week One Total: 380

    Week 2:
    Monday 6/6 - none :(
    Tuesday 6/7 - 30 min walk
    Weds 6/8 - 60 min walk, back on track!
    Thurs 6/9 - 80 minutes of walking, 15 min strength training
    Fri 6/10 - 60 minutes walking
    Sat 6/11 - 60 minutes walking
    Sunday - 30 min walking

    Week 2 Total 325 of 360 minutes. I'll beat it next week!

    Week 3:
    Monday 3/13 - walking 60 minutes
    strength training 20 minutes
    Tuesday 3/14 - walking 85 minutes
    Weds 3/15 - walking 50 min
    Thurs 3/16 - walking 30 min
    Friday 3/17 - walking 60 min
    Sat 3/18 - walking 60 min
    Sun 3/19 - walking 40 min

    Week 3 total: 385 minutes
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all!! Great job last week!! I guess I will be the 1st to check in this week!!! We have about 2 more weeks so let's blow June out in good fashion with the awesome summer time weather!!! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:

    360 min week of 6/20/11:
    Mon: 35 min Leslie Sansone DVD...............................................................................325 min left!!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Week 4 (sorta 4, but there's really 4.5 weeks in June...):

    Monday - attempted C25K but extremely windy, so it turned into 10 minutes jog and 40 minutes walk; an aditional 30 minute walk with the dog; and a 30-minute Leslie Sansone dvd (110 minutes total)
    Tuesday -
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -

    Minutes Left - 250
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Week #4
    Mon. 6/20: 35 minutes walking, knee still hurts
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    life took over last week so i didn't check in as much as usual...

    monday: 2.7 mile run 27/228, walk 75/279
    tuesday: 2.7 mile run 27/259, clean 35/86
    wednesday: 3.2 mile run 34/309
    thursday: nada
    friday: 2.7 mile run 26/250
    saturday: nada
    sunday: 6.15 mile run 65/583
    last week: 313 minutes/2213 calories

    this week:
    monday: 2.5 mile run 24/219

    to go: 336 minutes/ 2281 calories
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    New Week

    Monday, 62 minutes walking/jogging, W2D1 of C25K...479 calories
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    June Challenge - Week #4

    Monday (June 20) - 60 minutes - 45 minutes aerobics, 15 minutes strength training
    Tuesday -
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -

    Wow, this month is just flying by!! Hope everyone has a great week!!
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    I totally forgot to give my update. I hurt my knee so I couldn't workout for a while. Now, I am having to take it slow and am not liking it one bit. But, I have to make sure and take care of myself. So, I will do this when I am able to get back to doing what I was doing before good luck to you all in this challenge.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    cfehnel, remember with a sore knee, you can still swim or bike ride...I agree that rest is the best...but, try to think outside the box
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I fell off last week. I did still workout but I know I didn't hit 360. This week I will for sure. I'm doing a relay for life on Saturday so I'll be walking a lot, over 24 hours.

    Monday - 60 minutes turbo fire
    Tuesday -
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -

    Total - 60 minutes
    Remaining - 300 minutes
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360 min week of 6/20/11:
    Mon: 35 min Leslie Sansone DVD...............................................................................325 min left!!
    Tue: 35 min LS 2.5 miles...............................................................................................290 min left!!
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    360 Moving Minutes - Week 4

    Monday (June 20) - 79 minutes walking 587 calories burned (HRM)
    Tuesday - (June 21) -
    Wednesday - (June 22) -
    Thursday - (June 23) -
    Friday - (June 24)
    Saturday - (June 25) -
    Sunday - (June 26) -

    Minutes Left - 281
    Total Calories Burned - 587

    I didn't get to walk/jog last Saturday or Sunday - was on a road trip with family to celebrate my great aunt's 98th Birthday!!! So I celebrated all weekend and didn't think about walking or jogging but got back into it on Monday!!

    I hope everyone have a fantastic week!!