Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Ima-sorry to hear about all of your "dilemmas" going on right day at a time girlie!! Sounds like your body may be wanting either more protein in the afternoon or less sugar...maybe you could try a protein shake vs the slimfast? (just a suggestion). :smile:

    Megan-thanks!! I really do not like NOT hitting my non-scale goals for the month...the scale sometimes does what is wants (and it's mostly outta my control), but my other goals are completely up to me to finish!! So when I keep my mindset like that...I just do it! I have been stretching a lot more lately too...JM shred really "tightens" up my muscles and I hate feeling like that before a weigh-in!! Last thing...WATER, WATER, WATER!!! :drinker:

    Krista-I will tell you what everyone has told me throughout this whole thing, "a loss is a loss, be happy with it no matter how much!" My in place until she gets there with your treadmill...still a good calorie burn and you're moving right?! :wink:

    Bethany-good job at the movies!! It is always nice to be able to go without feeling like you NEED to have something!

    Aly-just stay focused...if you eat the right amount and kind of should be as good as gold!

    NON-SCALERS-I am kinda interested in knowing how you are all doing as well!! We heard from Megan, Aly, Bethany, and I think Mariam said she is still on track with it so far too?! Is there anyone else doing it this month? Just curious!

    AFM-1,000 cals EVEN for yesterday and my avg will be where I wanted it to be for the week!! I had a rest day today, but ended up doing my 10min stretch to loosin out my muscles from the shred yesterday. My WI is tomorrow and, as always, I am not very excited for it...I'm thinkin (from todays number) that I maybe didn't lose anything this week...I HATE plateaus!! :noway:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Alright, I guess I did have some time. I don't have the time to catch up with all you lovies but I wanted to fully check in.

    I have been struggling with my Half Ironman training, I mean I am kicking *kitten* at it but it is truly taking a toll on my mind to not have any free time ever. I have been doing this for over a year now and I am so ready for a break. I know some of you have been hearing this and then I go sign up for another one but this is for real. I know my weigh loss is suffering and I am just plan tired. I am trying my hardest with tracking during training but on the weekends I just can't do it all. I am very good during the week, and on the weekends I burn somewhere between 2000-5000 calories with my training. I am going to have to just be ok with the fact that I might not lose and I might even gain due to all the muscle I am building.

    Today I have some sort of rash as well as bad cramps, needless to say I am not training tonight. I feel guilty because I only have 5 weeks until my race but I know that taking care of my body is more important than doing a half-A$$ed run tonight.

    Thanks for listening to my rant, I will try to get up to checking more often and chatting with everyone when I get the chance.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Just dropping in to say hello again!!

    I just went with my friend to play some tennis. We played for 47 minutes and I burned just over 450 cals so I am currently enjoying a serving of strawberry sorbet.

    I also enjoyed a delicious chicken pita for dinner. It was wonderful and just under 300 calories. Any ways just wanted to say hello!!!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    tjradd-Do you have any suggestions for protein shakes? I can't find any that I like...all of them taste icky. That's why i drink Slim Fast...I like the taste and it's decent on nutrients. If there's a yummy chocolate protein shake out there, I'd much rather drink that!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Aly-sory to hear that oyu are not feeling par right now...hope you feel better soon!!

    Megan-completely jealous that you got to play tennis...I need me a new partner so I can play again!! it is super fun and a great workout!! hope you enjoyed that sorbet!

    Ima-I do know of a really good protein powder...but I am at work and it is at home!! My bf uses it too, so I will talk to him in a bit and see if he can get me the name! It tastes decent and is only like 120 cals, with 26g of protein, and 5g of fiber too I think! I will keep ya posted!

    AFM-i think everyone is trying to sabbotage my diet!! Sunday there was pies, licorice, and crunch n munch, last night there was pie, and donuts, and tonight there is licorice and a ton of cookies...WTH!!! Sun I managed to walk away with 2 forkfuls of pie, Mon I had none, and tonight so far I am good as gold!! super hard temptations though and it sucks with WI tomorrow!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hey ladies! Quick post and will update later.

    had a very long day at work full of meeting monday.had a late evening onee where we were meant to have dinner at 8.30 which turned into 10! So got home at 12 and still not recovered. My daughter Keeps waking at 5am which is also killer. I feel like a zombie and am feeling icky from the food on mon! Fingers crossed for some sleep then all will be well!

    I got my zumba workout yesterday! Awesome burn of 570 woohoo!!!! Shred tonight! Will go back up to maintainance tomorrow I think. Still not weighed in! Getting harder now that its sso near!!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Mariam.... good job on now WI~!~!~!

    Guam... I LOVE your Proud list!~!Think aobut that stuff anytime you have a rough day!~! Your awesome. :)

    Tara... I feel like the world is against me and my diet also!~! We can do it though!~! Good luck on your WI!

    ImaRunner.... I JUST started upping my protein since I am workong more on toning and I dont like things in a bottle. So, i make protein smoothies. I bought Whey protein and I mix a scoop into whatever smoothie I make. This morning I used a banana and some vanilla greek yogurt, the prtein powder and some skim milk just to loosen things up. Throw in some ice and bland away!.. It was great and I know exactly what was in it!

    Aly... dont let yourself get overwhelmed. It sounds like your body is really telling you that you need a break. Relax!~!~!

    AFM... doing ok today. Worked out this morning, its pretty nice to have the day to myself and not have to worry about it anymore. I know I have said that before but when the alarm clock rings the LAST thing I want to do is workout! I just think about it too much and when I know I am getting up to workout it just makes it so much harder. Oh well, I did it today. Spin tomorrow. I am doing pretty good with this exercise thing this month!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    Megan - Tubing sounds like so much fun, even getting flipped! Glad you're no longer super stressed out and that you feel focused and not tempted by the scale. Good luck with your race on Saturday!

    cmg - Awesome news about the paper!! Totally understand that feeling of weight lifting. Such a great feeling to be able to focus on better things!

    Tara - Good luck avoiding the "sabotage." It sounds like you're doing great avoiding all of those temptations. Way to go!!

    Kandace - I love your idea to share what we're all proud of. You, Tara and Bethany have accomplished some incredible things and should be very proud of yourselves.

    AFM - I'm finding it pretty hard to be proud of myself at the moment. I graduated college less than a month ago, but it feels like its been a really long time. I'm unemployed with a really part time unpaid internship and I'm just feeling lost about where I am right now. This is why I'm trying to get back into my healthy lifestyle because it is something that would be good in my life that I can control. It's been hard lately because friends have been visiting a lot this week (more to come today) and we keep going out to eat - which is hard on the calories and the wallet! (Though I'm not complaining about last night, we went to this absolutely fantastic sushi place - I've never had sushi like it before, SO GOOD). I know I need the motivation to just get up and get moving in the morning. Working on it.

    Hmm, that was all pretty negative. I do take pride and pleasure in little things even when the big picture is a mess. The boy visited on Sunday and instead of going out to eat, I cooked dinner. Found a recipe for Pan Seared Chicken in Apricot Sauce - which was fabulous! And I served it with sides (which I almost never have the patience to make). And I made baked acorn squash with some vanilla ice cream for dessert (again, I almost never make or even have dessert, but this was wonderful). The boy was not as enthusiastic as me. He liked the dinner (and suggested that I make more sauce next time to put over the rice) but called the dessert "interesting" - which is a nice way of saying wtf is this??
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Thanks for the comments everyone, sorry for the pity party things have just been crazy and now I know to take breaks in between races.

    Stuartme123- I know where you are coming from, I graduated a few years ago and went through 4 jobs and was unemployed at least 2 times for over 4 months. It is tough out there but just keep chugging along. I would say focus your energy on being as healthy as you can and just keep throwing out your resume. Maybe you could find a paid part time job while you do your internship so you are making some money, just a thought.

    Tara- thanks for the constant encouragement. I really appreciate it, I am just spread pretty thin this month, I need to make sure that doesn't happen again for a while haha.

    AFM- I went and did spin last night instead of running and lifting. I am going to take today off and go do laundry, I might try to go run but I think I will save that for Thursday morning. We are going on a 1 night camping trip on Friday night so that should help break things up a bit. I need to get back into working out in the mornings a few times a week so I am not so tired when I finally get home at night. Food has been pretty good, not much else to report.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump Day Lovelies!!

    Tara – thanks!! But the whole movie thing just happened to work out to my advantage. Since the bf changed date night on me last minute, I had already eaten and he wasn’t particularly hungry…which completely worked in my favor because he is the one that always gets popcorn and stuff. Stretching on a rest day still sounds like a good idea!! And I have to thank you for introducing me to YBB cause I finally tried it last night and LOVED it!! Can’t wait to do it again!! It was the perfect combination of everything and I didn’t feel like I worked out that long either. And I loved that it wasn’t all skinny girls on the video too! LOVE it!! And great job fighting off the temptations!! I had to do the same last night!! So…the boyfriend will be meeting the kids on Tuesday at an Angels game. He was not a fan of the idea to begin with but I also kinda sprang it on him rather than talking it over with him. But I told him that he was gonna have to meet them eventually. He agreed. So that makes me feel a little better. I will talk to him more about it tonight when we get a chance to actually talk.

    Aly – hope you are able to get some much needed rest and relaxation tonight!! Your camping trip sounds like fun…even if it is only one night!! I am hoping to take the kids camping sometime this summer. My roommate just told me the other night that she was taking her kids to Yosemite over the summer and invited us to go along so that just might be our camping trip. I love Yosemite and it has been far too long since I’ve been there.

    Megan – sounds like a very good treat after your little WO!!

    Kandace – thanks girly!! You are pretty awesome yourself!! You have a ton to be proud of. Maybe you should post something good, positive, or a quote at different spots around your house to remind yourself!!

    Meredith – I am sure that things will all work out in time!! I am currently debating updating my resume and getting to work on finding a new job. There are definite downfalls where I am at now but I have a job here, get paid decent, and get time off whenever I need to attend to family/school obligations. Just take one day at a time and I am sure that things will work out for you!! And awesome job making dinner for the boy…even if he wasn’t too sure about it!!

    AFM…ended up going out to dinner with a friend and her daughter last night. I think that I did pretty good in regards my food choices. I was looking over the menu and chuckling to myself that I know longer look at the menu items but the calorie count to choose my food. Amazing how things change!! My friend also asked for a bread basket and ordered mozzarella sticks and I didn’t cave in to either one!! By the time we got home it was after 8pm and I was more than ready for bed since I was still lacking sleep from hanging out with the bf the night before but I kicked that thought in the *kitten* and decided to try out Yoga Booty Ballet and I am sooooo glad that I did!! It was a great workout and a great combination of yoga and cardio. I am definitely putting that on regular rotation. Tonight, I have to drive to LA to pick up my son and will be stopping to take my daughter out to dinner for finishing up her first year of school with flying colors. I’m a proud mama. But we are going to a restaurant where I already know my options and I’m looking forward to some last minute quality time with her before we pick up her brother.

    Make it a great day Lovelies!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick pop-in... Been in the emergency room for the balance of my last 24 hours so I haven't been able to log in, naturally. Things have been very tough on my end these last 5 days. Really really sick and only just finally starting to eat and feel normal again. As crazy as it sounds, I am still managing to feel guilty about eating carbs as my safe food. The dr's basically recommend anything easy to digest and not too flavourful, which for me just means NOT WORTH IT. So yea, I'm dealing with a lot of negative food thoughts. I have no interest eating crackers or having soda or any of that other junk. Not only does it all taste terrible to me, it's also all stuff that I absolutely never eat. Really struggling with that because I am having insane cravings for ice cream, chocolate, fruit, coffee,, yogurt and lots of other things that I shouldn't be eating right now... Yarg. I want to eat something that tastes good! :grumble:

    As for the protein shake question... I have used the following and like them all!

    Allmax IsoFlex Chocolate
    Allmax IsoFlex Chocolate Peanut Butter
    Cygen NutriWhey Isolate
    Kaizen Decadent Chocolate Isolate

    They were all totally adequate for chocolate protein shakes. I recommend almond milk, protein powder, cocoa powder, PB, spinach and frozen fruit. YUM!

    OK Im going to get off and get back to resting. Take care ladies. Much love. :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    just had stuffed cubanelle peppers for dinner from the clean eating magazine and they were delicious!!!!! Going to go to bed super early I think because I have been feeling pretty tired. Sorry I haven't been here today to update, not really anything to exciting going on- see you ladies in the AM!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mariam-Great self control on the not weighing in!! WOOT!! I hope you get some good sleep and are more rested soon :smile:

    Kandace-we do GOT this for sure!!! you are doing great with your workouts this month...keep it up!

    Meredith-thanks!! Sounds like you did have an interesting is hard for "non-dieters" to get used to healthy's a learned taste IMO, but good job on doing it...if only I could learn to do the same!! :embarassed:

    Aly-you are very welcome....just keep on trekkin girl!

    Bethany-you are welcome for the YBB...I told you it was awesome!! I am glad that your bf agreed to the meeting...that is why I tried doing it so early on...the longer you are seeing someone without the kids involved...the more they get used to the "just you guys" time and the harder it is to get them involved in the future!! I am sure it will good great! :smooched:

    Meag-sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well :sick: maybe you could try wheat thins instead of saltines, and orowheat flax seed thins instead of bread...not great and still a ton of carbs, but def better choices then saltines and bread!! Hope you feel better soon :heart:

    Megan-i like stuffed peppers...what were yours stuffed with?

    AFM-well...ZERO loss on the scale again!! I sure hope that this last week of June holds some good numbers for me!!!:grumble: I will be under my cals again today, but I am having one of mine and my sons fave meal...mac and cheese with tuna!! YUM!!! and my workout is done (27min TJ lower body). Tomorrows workout-BL bootcamp!

    * 8 days left ladies! let's kill it!!:drinker:
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    At the end of May I had cortisone injections in my right SI joint and in my L5 facet for the treatment of chronic pain that I have had for 2 years. I haven't been able to run much since 2009. I was excited today because I had my follow-up appointment and was ready to be cleared to run...I needed good news this week...just a little.

    My hopes were dashed. Again.

    The pain is 85-90% better than it was before the cortisone, but my doctor is still concerned because the pain won't go away unless I tighten up my muscles and the joint. So, physical therapy 2x a week for 4 weeks it is...and no running for AT LEAST 6 more weeks.

    So much for my good news. My reaction? I ate whatever the hell I wanted tonight. I'll feel bad about it later.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Ima-sorry to hear about your running news :( just keep doing what you are "suppossed" to and you will be running in no time at all!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Runnner... your news totally sucks!~! I am mad with you!~! Just think though, in the long run you dont want to injure your self further. wait it out, heal your body and be nice to yourself!~!~!~! Being nice to yourself means NOT eating tons of crapola. Sorry, that sounded a little mean.... but you need to do things that make you feel GOOD, and now you know that eating tons of crap doesnt do that. I think physical therapy is a good place to start and then, maybe treat yourself to a manicure or a Skinny Latte!

    ~Meag... You be nice to yourself too! You will get better soon, you have created a Machine of a body and that machine wants to start back up... just give it time and you will be right back where you want to be. :tongue:

    ~Guam... good job on going out to eat and staying with healthy options! I cant say no to bread.... your a stronger person than I am!~! :love:

    ~Tara..... do you zig zag your calories at all? I do only cuz my body wants me too. If I am more hungry one day I just eat more so I end up with a natural zig zag most of the time. What I zig zag and workout enough I loose pretty well. Plus, just think of how great your gonna feel when that scale DOES move a little.... its worth the wait. :bigsmile:

    AFM.... Feeling pretty possitive today. (I guess you can all see Sorry if I sounded a little preachy. I am super proud of myself for all the workouts I have done this month. :drinker: I am on schedule to finish 30Day Shred as well, which was one of my goals. I havent been running like I wanted to but I should just give up that hope, I just dont like it. LoL. I also didnt expect to have this spin class.. so I have dont 45 min of spin 3 times a week, thats almost 1000 calories right there!~!~! I am super excited about the scale tomorrow. I am weighing in at my friends house (the friend who I am racing to loose more weight than) next WI is our second to last so its a BIG ONE!~! Well, gotta run.... I have a meeting tonight.... going to go get my AA on :drinker: !~!~!~!~! LoL.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies!!

    Meag – I am so sorry to hear about your trips to the ER lately!! I know that you have worked so hard in the past few years to get your body image up to par and you have still struggled with it on occasion but keep in mind that the most important thing is to get you healthy again. Please keep that as your main focus because I know that once you are a healthy girl again, it will only be a matter of time before you start seeing the body image that you want again!!

    Megan – your dinner sounds so DELISH!! I bought the Clean Eating mag once but never ended up trying any of the recipes. Perhaps I should give it a go again.

    Tara – well debating on calling off the whole meet and greet with the bf and the kiddos. Need to talk it over with him rather than communicate via text. We shall see!! And sorry to hear that you didn’t see the scale move again for another week. I hope you don’t lose the wind in your sail but will use it as motivation to keep truckin’ along!! You have been doing so great girly!!

    Mandy – sorry to hear that you didn’t get the answer that you were looking for but the physical therapy sounds like you could come back and hit it strong when you are ready!! And don’t let one night of binging detour you from your path to a healthy lifestyle!! There is still one week left in June and you can still make it count…and I have no doubt that you will!! I have been doing good with my avoidance of fast food but ended up taking a couple of bites of my daughter’s pizza last night at the restaurant and although it was nothing like the greasy messes served at pizza chains, it was still pizza!! Keep up the great work girly!!

    Kandace – I love bread…and carbs of just about any shape and size but I am pretty determined to finish out June strong. I always tend to fall off the wagon as the month comes to an end but I want to keep it up and finish strong. And I am hoping that I am getting things down in my routine and schedule so that my avoidance of the scale for the month will show me some sort of drop when I hit the scale on July 1st. We shall see!! And glad to see your positive and perky!! Wish you the best on your WI and can’t wait to hear the results!!

    AFM…dinner choice last night was pretty good but then my daughter talked me into getting us dessert. But after logging everything, I think I ended up doing better than expected. I’m thinking Turbo Jam tonight and a yummy healthy dinner.

    Hope you lovelies have a great day!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Tara: sorry to hear that the scale didnt move again for you. i agree with Kan, have you tried zig zagging your calories? i do a natural zig zag everyday. try it, you may find that it works for you. Most people have used it to get out of a plateau. Hope it moves for you soon, as you are a great motivator and you work sooo hard!! :)

    Kan: great to see you in a positive mood! and yay for the shred too! im still shredding every other day, albeit two levels back to back! i find that i dont burn enough doing one level alone! As for running, its not for everyone. Spinning is a fab fab exercise! i wish they had times which were suitable for me!

    Guam: treat every so often is ok! have fun with your turbo workout! i havent heard of these before, are they any good?

    AFM: im going to up my cals to maintainance again! im getting hungry! so im going to listen to my body and start eating more!!! still on track with my workouts! will do my shred again tonight (2 levels) and then run either tomorrow or sunday! Im going to stick to running once a week! and will soon try the one hour runner as i can easily run 25-30 mins now! but will keep using the c25k podcasts as the music is already on until i sort my playlist out!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Good afternoon ladies...!

    **WARNING - Tons of selfishness follows**

    Been really struggling with motivation to respond much at all here lately. I haven't had much of anything positive to say and I dont really want to be bringing you all down with me, so I have been keeping to my status updates and what not. Sorry for not being nearly as supportive and encouraging as I try to be these past few weeks. I am definitely going to step up my game in the next little while to make up for it. Could be good for me as well :happy:

    Definitely struggling with a lot of negative body image problems, mostly due to my perceived loss of fitness and my body shape changes out of lack of serious training and becoming a little more slack on what I eat lately. I can tell that my body today compared to my body in Feb is definitely softer, flabbier and less fit - and that is a tough thing to swallow for sure. Although some of the circumstance was out of my control I know that there are things I could have done better and ways I could have negotiated my fitness goals accordingly to maintain more positive self-esteem.

    1) I definitely need to make strength a priority. In the short term, I find strength training REALLY unfulfilling. I don't enjoy it at all, and to be honest, I really just love the high I get from chasing a burn - something I can't experience with strength training. Running is a different story and I know I can get back into that, and I will. But when I felt my absolute best physically was when I was lifting 2-3 times a week and could really tell that I was building lean muscle and getting toned. Definitely need to fit it in, somehow.

    2)I also REALLY need to get back to my 1/2 Marathon training... Like, seriously, girls. What am I doing here!?!? haha I'm never going to run this damn thing if I don't start training again. I know I can do it. Just have to put my mind to it, find the time, and put my feet to the pavement. Other parts of my life will absolutely have to be put on the back burner. No more excuses - I want to do this for me.

    3) Lastly, I need to stop giving myself permission to self-sabotage when no one else is around. Late-night snacking and taking bites here and there for no reason just makes me feel like a secretive eater and extremely disordered. I know that it's OK to indulge now and again, so I don't need to be "sneaking" small little bites of things every single day. I need to plan out my indulgences and the rest of the time I just need to stick to the plan, eat well, and feel good. Emotional eating needs to be a thing of the past.

    I know I already have goals for June, and I totally stand by the spirit of the group and seeing your goals through to the end, but for this month I'm not going to bother. I don't even remember what my goals were but for the remainder of this month these three will be my focus. Going forward, these three items will make up the base of my summer "plan". I know that if I can hammer down these three issues I will be miles ahead in the realm of "taking care of me". I will feel better, look better, and have much more to offer to those around me - emotionally and physically. That's not to say that I won't have other mini goals, but these three big ones will be the superstructure for my summer -- which it seems is already filling up really quickly with road-blocks to healthy living...

    June 25th - Tyler's family is having a "day at the beach" thing at this uncle's cottage on the lake, which means food and drinks all prepared by a very traditional, "white bread" kind of family. Typically there isn't much in the way of options for me at these functions, so I told them we'd bring a fruit tray and usually I can manage to get some kind of lean protein cooked up and then just opt not to sandwich it between pieces of sugar-y white bread. Lots of water, some salads, and a bunch of snacks that we're going to pack ahead of time, and I'm good!

    June 30th - Meet-up with Ty's coworkers on a patio - How to avoid unwanted calories without looking like a prude...? Hmmm Should be fun. I sense that "Perrier and lime" might not go over too well. Maybe I'm just being over sensitive...

    July 3rd-6th, Tyler and I are taking a 4 day camping trip up in a large provincial park where we both spent our summer vacations as children. We love the outdoors and thought this would be a perfect and inexpensive way to spend some quality time for our anniversary. I will have no internet access and no means of logging, but I will have PLENTY of time for fitness and plan to run and cycle every day :bigsmile: And of course, I'll still be eating well along with a few of the necessary camping "treats" :blushing:

    Aug 1st weekend - Tentative trip to Ottawa, again. These are always a nutritional disaster. My bff has the most heinous eating habits I've seen in a longgg long time... Not too sure what my action plan is on this one...

    Aug 6th - Wedding for Ty's co-worker - Traditional Italian wedding and reception. Have I mentioned that Italian food is my least favourite of any cuisine? Hopefully I can just eat a bunch before hand, struggle through the service and reception, and then have a really satisfying snack when we get home. Oh and I'll dance my butt off too :glasses:

    Aug 11th-15th - WARRIOR DASH!!! This is going to be an amazinggggg weekend. We are leaving Canada Thurs night and driving to Rochester to spend the night, then heading up to Albany on Friday to spend 3 nights, run the WD with some amaaaaazing, super cool and really motivating MFPals, check out the sights, and then drive home on Monday all sad and not wanting to get back to work... I know we'll likely be eating out a lot, but hopefully we can walk a ton, I can use the gym at the hotel whenever we have some spare time, and we'll be running the race, so that should burn some cals as well...

    Aug 22-23rd - My work is holding an out-of-office "retreat" at White Oaks Spa and Resort for two days... I assume that this will include all meals, which will be a challenge. Still waiting to hear more details but hoping at least the resort will have a killer fitness facility to use...

    OK that was way more information than any of you needed, right? Hmmm... yea so this summer is feeling overwhelming. Lots of stuff going on that is at least partially out of my control. As many of you know, I do not deal well with lack of control at all. I think that in order to reign in my body image problems I need to just focus wayyyyy more on fitness and allow my food choices to just be good and healthy whenever possible. Meeting my fitness goals should keep me from feeling too guilty about eating poorly now and again.

    Now I just have to figure out exactly how I'm going to fit all this fitness in.... :ohwell:

    OK Enough selfishness!! I promise you all that my next post will be totally unselfish and encouraging to all of you. Although, truthfully, it looks like you're all doing amazing without me! :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kan-I wouldn't say that I zig-zag exactly...but i do ramp up and down a little bit 1000-1500 (1300, 1500, 1500, 1300, 1300, 1000, 1000) <<<that's usually about how it goes for me:smile: I totally understand you not running....I am not a huge fan of it either...but I guess we all can't be right?! Good luck on your WI tomorrow!!

    Bethany-I'm still worries! As far as the meeting would be better to talk to him first, but he is also probably so used to it just being you 2 is gonna be weird for him to have your kiddos around at first!! Don't be disappointed if he isn't as "excited" to meet them as you takes time! Also...don't let him talk you out of it for a lot I said yesterday, the longer you wait the harder that it will be...good luck girl!:heart:

    Mariam-thanks! I am still in it to win it...I'll work through this in no time! Enjoy those extra cals for me...woulda?! :laugh:

    Meag-first of all..I think that you are def too hard on yourself. 2nd of all, I think that it is great to re-evaluate and update your goals...why don't you recopy and repaste the list and add em...who cares if there is only 7 days left...if its on the list, it someohow makes you feel more inclined to do it (or at least, it does for me). 3rd of all...your summer sounds pretty busy, and it's too bad that we won't be crossing paths, as I will be in Montreal, and then down in Niagara around the same time that you are in Rochester!! Oh....any ideas for "must-sees" while we are in Montreal, Toronto, or Niagara?? Just in case I missed something! :wink:

    AFM-moving in the right direction still...workout is done (30min BL bootcamp), either goin to the movie with my son and bf tonight or tomorrow...but planning on getting subway again before and then bringing in a caramel frap light from Starbucks for my treat! Have a great weekend ladies!:happy:

    7 days left!! :glasses: