Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    cmg-I find if I have a workout schedule written down...I feel a lot more obligated to do it vs just saying what I plan on doing it! As for the main food is either a "hearty" salad with meat and cheese, a deli creations by oscar mayer, a frozen meal, or a can of soup. then I supplement it with: fiber one bars, yogart, jello, baby carrots, and fruit. :smile:

    Anita-thanks! and great job over the weekend :happy:

    AFM-STILL under on my cal goal and I got in my last planned workout for the month today (32 min TJ 3T resistence). I have 3 days until my final weigh-in of the month, and I KNOW that I will not hit my weight goal...I am hoping that I have pushed past this plateau though...we shall see!! :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    where is everybody today!?

    just wanted to post a link to the thread that I started!! One of my July goals will consist of completing 30 out of 35 days (june 29th-Aug 3rd) of JM 30DS so...I thought what better way to stick with it, then to have some people join me on this challenge!! I don't know if anyone wants to start The Shred or not...but I thought that's I'd put it out here just in case :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Tara... I would def join your shred challenge but I am going to be on my cruise for a week or so.... I guess I could be hardcore and use that as my 5 days off..... IDK. big commitment!~! Ill think about it. Lol..

    ~CMG.. good luck on your week7!~!~!

    ~Anita.... going over ONE day during the weekend is a given for me!~! Lol.. you did great!

    AFM, going to the gym for real this morning. My body is SO sore. Yesterday we played volleyball for a good 2 hours, and before that I did a little boxing cuircut I made up. It was pretty cool and it went by extra fast and at the end of 20 min my arms were completely at muscle failure. And I have finally got myself to where I can do the right ab workout and feel it the next day. My abs were never sore, a few of you gave me tips (a few months ago i think) on how to make sure I was doing the moves right, and I FINALLY GOT IT!~! So thank you!~! This week is crunch time for my Friendly WI competition. My friend Rachael is .3 of a pound ahead of me! I can do this!~!~

    Happy monday (i totally forgot what day it was) hehe!~!~!~!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kan-Cool!! let me know if you are up for it?! some of the peeps on the thread are startin a lil later (and finishing a lil later too!) so you could still join in after your trip!! Great job on your workouts, and good luck on your'll do great!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Yeah where is everyone today?
    Tara, I don't think I can do the 30DS with you, on account of my 30th next month which is turning into at least one week of celebrations. Haha. But awesome that you are doing it and I will be here supporting you all the way.
    Kan- Good luck with the wii comp! And man you are going to be feeling awesome and hot for your cruise! How exciting! Where is the cruise?
    AFM- It has been cold again today and I have drunk about a million cups of tea in an effort to warm up. Feeling really sore from my workout on Saturday too! Today I feel like I have eaten heaps, but I guess they have been good chioces because the calories aren't that high at all (think because the soup at lunch is so low).
    That's all. Take care ladies!:smile:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Thanks Tara... still thinking, Ill let you know when I have time to check it out!.

    ~Anita... the cruise starts in Venice and makes 2 other stops at different ports in italy and then a port in Croatia and a port in Slovania!~! Then two full days of sailing on the way back to Venice... thats when Im gonnna get my tan on!~!

    Oh, AND I already checked out the workout equpiment on the boat... its eveything that my gym has PLUS... I know vacation is vacation, but I know I can at least get in a few GOOD workouts so I dont have to worry about ANYTHING while I am there. Its also a good thing that I dont ahve to worry about drinking on this vaca, more money and no need to worry about empty calories or hangovers.... Awesome! :drinker: :love: :drinker: <-- Thats water, the other in is sexy fuel. :smooched:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning All!!

    Sorry I have been so MIA this weekend, but I had my race on Saturday and then I had a surprise party to celebrate my husband finishing his master's. This included his sister flying in without his knowledge, which has meant very little time for MFP. I am super excited for Friday, since its July 1st which means I will get to weigh-in! I don't know what to expect because I have had such an up and down month, but whatever it is I will take it and make the next time better!

    I am trying to decide if I should do a 4th of July 5k. I want to but I have an obstacle course race on July 9th and it might be too much. But the obstacle course race is 30 obstacles in a distance of less than 1/2 a mile, so I am not exactly sure if a 5k on the 4th will really impact the outcome that much. So I have a little bit of time to decide and a week to feel ready for whatever my decision is.

    Gotta get back to work, but I will attempt to update later this afternoon. Only a few more days!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    ashley: well done on reaching onderland! your hard work is def paying off!

    megan: that is amazing timing well done! you should be very proud of your achievement!

    cmg: im going to start week 7 this week too, although now i just run rather than walk! good luck

    anita: i love soups for dinner. winter? are you in new zealand?

    kan: ive joined tara's thread as i couldnt keep up with all the others! when they get busy i just get sidetracked! not long to your vacation! we say holiday here, so vacation sounds quite weird! lol

    tara: i think we do the shred pretty much the same days! so would be nice to keep a check on each other! albeit my altered version! lol!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Monday Lovelies!! I’m hoping to catch up where I left off.

    Meag – looks like you are back on track!! So glad to see you like this!! My how we’ve missed you! We’re gonna kill this one meal at a time…haha!

    Mandy – I know exactly how you feel! Some days I have the willpower and other days I just can’t wrap my mind around the whole process. I know the decisions that I should be making and why I want to make them but on bad days, I throw it all by the wayside and do my own thing. Knowing that mindset is simply destructive behavior. I tend to have an all or nothing attitude and my days get laid out like that. If I make one bad choice then it tends to be downhill for the remainder of the day rather than thinking it was simply one bad choice so there is no need to ruin the whole day. That never tends to be the case though. I have yet to step on the scale and after my weekend, I am not so sure that I want to even want to step on the scale in the near future. I ended up having McDonald’s breakfast this morning on my way into work. The kids and I had to be up early and into work early and my weekend was so busy that I didn’t have time to prepare. I’m hoping that I can still make the month count. We can do it girly!!

    Ashley – great job reaching ONEderland!!

    Megan – great job on your 5K!! That’s awesome!!

    Kandace – you shouldn’t have stepped on the scale again so soon! Your body is constantly fluctuating and hanging onto water and different nutrients. I am sure you will do amazing during your next “scheduled” weigh in!! But sounds like you are doing great with your workouts!! The volleyball sounds like a fun workout!! Your cruise sounds like it will be lovely also!! I took my workout clothes with me on my cruise in January but never put them to use. Perhaps I will give it a try again next January.

    Cmg – I eat Lean Cuisines for lunch. I know they are packed with sodium but I am horrible at packing lunches and such. I try to keep at least 2 at work so that I have options. I find that if I don’t have options then I am more likely to eat out.

    Tara – your challenge sounds killer!! I wish I could join you on that venture because I know I could definitely use it but I don’t think that I could commit that much to it and that would just make me feel as though I’m failing. But I wish you the best of luck girly and have no doubt that you will kick *kitten*!!!

    AFM…I was doing pretty good with my food this weekend until I went out to dinner with my mom…both Friday and Saturday nights. I think I will definitely be able to get my food in check once she moves to Arizona cause it will just be me and the kids. I had a very busy weekend. And although I didn’t get actual workouts in, I washed my car myself on Saturday and the kids had a birthday party at one of those indoor bounce house places so my son pretty much dragged me on the big slide. We had to climb the stairs and I pretty much had to carry him up there and then slide down. I knew that once he got started, he wasn’t gonna stop any time soon. It was a good workout though and we had a lot of fun. Hoping to get a ‘real’ workout in tonight. I’m thinking YBB. Hope everyone’s weeks are off to a great start!!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Morning Ladies!
    Kan- Your cruise sounds divine!! And great that you will be doing it without the booze, congrats in advance for that. I bet you will save loads and you won’t be bloated so you will be able to rock your resort and pool side outfits!! Yeeaaaoooowww!!
    Maria- Yeah I am in NZ. I know it’s really lame that I keep complaining about the cold- last week it was warmer here than in London!
    Bethany- I know what you mean about making one bad food choice and then thinking the day is blown now so might as well keep eating junk. I especially do that when I am hung over, so it’s double bad. Think I need to take a leaf out of Kan’s book and stop drinking. Anyways, sounds like you had a good weekend getting fun kinds of exercise in here and there.
    Tara- Looks like your 30DS thread is gaining popularity! I’ll be interested to see how you all go, maybe I’ll give it a go if I don’t get off this plateau.
    AFM- No news! Just a quick catch up before I get to work.
    X Anita
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Forgot to update about me. Did day 11 of 30ds today. Level 2 back to back! Im enjoying more strength training now. Will try and fit in a run. Currently on tom so weigh in will have to wait. It has been nice not to have to worry abt weight loss.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Anita-LOL I feelya on the 30th!! I had mine last month...and don't worry...these lovely ladies won't kickya out of the group when you hit the big 3-0! :laugh: Thanks for the support (ahead of time) I will def need it!! Too bad about the has been about 105-110 here lately! p.s. I am doing this to hopefully break MY plateau...I'll letcha know how it goes!

    Kan-way to check out the gym on the boat...I did tha same at my hotels for my August trip!! And gotta love the sexying it up!! :love: LOL

    Megan-I think that you should go for it!! The 5K is first so the obstacle run won't affect those results, and the obstacle run is more for fun (I'm assuming anyways) so get 'er done!! can't wait to see how your WI in goes on the 1st...only 3 days left and you finished that challenge! WTG! :drinker:

    Mariam-I am totally in for the shred...starting on Wed...let's do it!

    Bethany-thanks girl!! And have fun with YBB!!:happy:

    AFM-today was rest day, but I got in my 10min resistence band stretch, and my eating schedule is a lil off, since I called in to work for the next 2 nights since my car decided to die on me!! DAMN!:grumble: but I will be under matter what, and I am hoping the change of routine for the next 2 days doesn't throw my WI off on Wed...although with this plateau...who knows!!:blushing:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Tara... again, I LOVE your bathing suit. The colors are awesome and its such a cute style, I dont think Ive ever found a tankini that looked so stylish!. I hope your car finds the strength to come back to life. I am pretty fortunate with my car, Its a 2005 and never even thought about doing anything fishy yet... and the poor girl has over 70000 miles. I dont think your on much of a plateau, I just think you have lost SOO MUCH that your body wants to hold onto those last few pounds that you hate so much. Lol. Your doing great!

    ~Mariam.. Ill try to say a good amount of MFP friends say holiday and that sounds weird to me cuz the Holidays are Thanksgiving Christmas and New Years. lol. Good Job on 30DS!~!~!

    ~Anitia.... Thanks... :blushing:

    ~Guam... I know I know I know!~! I should not have stepped on the scale. I want to write so many BUTS and explain why it was ok, but your right... thanks for calling me on my bullcrap.... No scale to friday. OMG FRIDAY. So close yet so far.

    AFM..... well after telling Guam that I am not going to step on the scale til Friday I realized that my Competition with Rachael is over on Friday. She is ahead of me by almost half a pound. The prize is a 50 Euro gift certificate to The New Yorker and I NEED TO WIN!~!~! I need cruise clothes and its crunch time!~!~!~! I think that I sabotaged myself by slacking on shred. I have been working out like a crazy person, Turbo Kick, Spin 3 times a week and a boxing circuit I have been doing. I just feel like I should have done more!~! I am just freakin out cuz the competition is almost over and I am nervous. Im off to BibileStudy :drinker: hehe...... feed the soul, fuel the body.... eh, it sounded good in my head. LOL>
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kan-thanks girl!! My mom found my suit at Kohls I think?! I wanted a 2 piece with lil boy shorts for the bottom, and a strapless top....couldn't believe that she found it!! As for my "plateau"...I just call it that since I haven't even lost 1lb in 3 weeks!! I am hoping for a decent loss this week so I can at least say that I lost 3lbs for the month...we shall see??? I just know that I am not finished losing...and I WILL get to my matter what!! :bigsmile: Wishing you the best success for your WI on Fri...keep doin what you are doin...and you will for sure hit it out of the park!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies! Been super duper busy with work and life lately and had an absolutely fabulous weekend, so I have been somewhat MIA. Looks like the trend will continue but I'm going to do my best to kick it around here when I can...

    T- Best of luck with shred lady! I know you're going to rock it :bigsmile: I should really check out some of these workouts one day. I've still never once done an exercise video in my life and it seems like so many people just love them... What am I missing here? lol

    Anita - Happy early birthday (in case I miss it) - I always make my birthday a week-long festivity. No shame in that. They only come around once a year and such a good excuse for parties, socializing, and celebrating YOU! And don't worry about eating "heaps" of healthy food. That's how I do it every day! Just check out my diary for a good sampling :laugh: Although today's race day, so probably not the best example...

    EEEP! Race day today! 10K race at 730pm... And I am soooo under-trained and under-prepared. I haven't even had time to THINK about it! Did some weights and a little cardio at the gym last night but it was a half-assed workout for sure. Today I've got my race, then runs on Wed/Thurs with another weights session, rest on Friday (Canada Day!!) and then two more runs Sat and Sun. Sun we are leaving for our 4 days camping trip and I am working on figuring out how to maintain my 1/2 training schedule while we're gone. Any suggestions on weight training whilst camping in the woods? I may just try my hand at some killer calisthenics until I totally drop... And lots and lots of stretching, of course!

    Anyway I really have to get to work. Hope ya'll have a great day today... Sorry I couldn't get around to more of your posts. You're all doing fab, per usual! Just a few more days and then we all get to start fresh so do your best until Friday but don't beat yourselves up. A blank slate is just around the corner! :bigsmile:

    Much love :heart:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Good Luck Meag!~!~! Your going to do fine!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-DVDs are a great alternative to the gym...not only do they save you money, but I know that I am more likely to do a workout if I can do it from home vs having to get ready to go to the gym!! There are hundreds of diff kinds (cardio, boxing/kickboxing, yoga, pilates, stretching, strength, circuit training, and even walking DVDs!) As for the camping and stregth...go back to the basics, squats, lunges, pushups, situps, you can even lift fire logs!! You will do great! goodluck on your 10k too!

    AFM-my final WI is tomorrow...and I am nervous as always!!! eeeeep!!!! Today is my rest day, but I got in my 10min stretch again, and I will be doing the yardwork in un momento for an extra calorie burn!! It should be underestimated burn since it is 105 degrees outside right now!! only 2 day sleft of the month peeps!! have you got your July goals picked out yet??? I do!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hello there Lovelies!

    Anita – I really need to work on losing that whole all-or-nothing mentality!! Perhaps that could be one of my NSV goals for July. :grumble:

    Kandace – Friday is still days away and you can still accomplish a ton in that time. I hope that you are able to stay away from that cake. And although you may not be able to steer clear of it forever since it sounds like it will be lurking around your house for a while, perhaps you could wait until after your WI to indulge…just a thought! :huh: But I like what your friend wrote on your status in regards to all of the things that you could be eating that equals the same amount of calories in that little sliver of cake.

    Tara – perhaps this is the week that your body finally caves and realizes that you are not giving in so it might as well begin to shed those last few pounds that its holding onto!! I am excited to see the results of your WI this week. And tonight is the big meet and greet with the bf and the kiddos. My friend and her family were going to join us also but we couldn’t get tickets for them. Actually I barely scored tickets for the 4 of us. But like everything else, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I am super nervous but super excited too!! :bigsmile:

    Meag – I think your race tonight will be great for you!! :bigsmile: It will give you the opportunity to get your mind back into racing and running…just where it needs to be!! And although you are not physically prepared, I am sure you will still manage to kill it!! Can’t wait to hear your results. And I’m jealous of the camping trip. The kids and I haven’t been in a couple of years but hopefully we can venture out sometime this summer. But most importantly, have fun with the race, the runs, and the camping trip.

    AFM…my son has had a fever of around 101 since last night so I stayed home with the kids. :yawn: But my daughter had testing for a special school program yesterday and today so we still had to venture back down to where we used to live. I am totally enjoying having the day with my kids. I think this is the first day that I have stayed home since we have moved. Food has been so-so today. I don’t think I will be finishing the month strong but I also don’t think that I will be finishing the month horribly. I think my head is slowly getting to where I need it to be and I am already thinking about July goals. The kiddos and I are taking the bf to an Angels baseball game tonight which will be a lil meet and greet for them. I am hoping that all goes well!! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Bethany-thanks girl!! I sure hope that you are right...of course I took a lil peek at the scale today, and if it stays where it's at, I should have at least a lil loss tomorrow!! *finger's crossed* Good luck with the meet-n-greet....I bet it will go great, and it will be such a relief when it is finally just done! way to take the next step :) keep me posted!

    AFM-Like I said was my rest day, but I did get in my 10min stretch and 27min of yardwork in 106 degree heat!! WAY TOO HOT!!!! gonna have to start doin it early morning now I guess!! yikes!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    final weigh-in tomorrow and I have done all that I could do this month! I'll letcha all know how I fared overall for the month and will be waitin to post my July goals ASAP!!!