Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I"m sorry I haven't been on here much to comment on everyone's success this month!

    As a military family, we move pretty much every year. This year is no different. My hubby has been in Ft. Benning, GA since the 8th of this month for training and gets home on the 28th. Last Thursday I got a call from him saying were moving on base to Ft. Rucker. It's only an hour away so it's no big deal and I automatically assumed I would have to pack up the house. We are scheduled for vacation for 2 weeks starting on the 30th of this month so I had to have the whole house packed up by then! Crunch time! Or so I thought! I found out today that we qualify for a government move which upsets me considering I spent the last 4 days packing!! GR! I go to Ft. Rucker tomorrow to see our new house and sign all the paper work AND get out govt move scheduled. Sheesh, it's been a busy week!

    So, I have to get all this stuff done and setup before hubby gets home, go on vacation and then come back to the new house, have the movers unload our stuff and unpack! Busy busy!

    Goal for this month was to lose 8.6 pounds to get to ONEderland and today I weighed in at 201 exactly! So, since today is pretty much over, I have 6 days to lose 1.1 pounds to see 199.9 on the scale! I know I can do that!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great week! Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! :D
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Ashley-good luck on the move and on reaching your goal for the month!! you are almost there....keep it up!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    This is going to be a selfish post. I've got an alarm set for 5 1/2 hours from now - but I don't think I'm going to have a chance to check in over the weekend, so I want to check in now.

    Aly and Bethany - thanks for your words of support after my last, rather negative, post. All you ladies really put a smile on my face even when I'm feeling bad about myself.

    Biked to my internship today - really is a nice way to get the day started (except for the fact that I'm sweaty for the first 15 minutes of work). Breakfast and dinner were pretty good, but I ate poorly in between them. Some friends visited me and my housemates last night. When I got back this afternoon, they were all still hungover and even though I wasn't, I ate the same "hangover food" that they did. Poor choices.

    I'm kind of nervous about the next three days. The boy is getting commissioned tomorrow (well today...). I'm going to the ceremony in the morning and the party that his parents are throwing later in the afternoon, then out to a bar with his friends after. He lives about 2 hours away, and I'm staying there all weekend. We're going to a benefit salsa dance on Saturday night (which should be tons of fun) and his brother and sister-in-law's baby shower on Sunday. The weekend is jam-packed full of celebrations and outings and I have no idea what is going to be available for food, and I know I'm going to be too busy to log. I'm hoping I'll be able to have healthy breakfasts as a positive start to the day and just try to make smart choices for the other meals. Despite the past few sentences of worrying/complaining, I am really looking forward to this weekend and I'm so so proud of him. I just think that if I write the challenges of this upcoming weekend on the thread, I will be more conscious of my choices.

    Happy Friday everyone!
    :heart: Meredith
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    HAPPY Friday everyone!~!~!

    My WI went well, I guess.... 2 pounds down. So, I officially have 3 pounds to loose next week to make it to my goal!~! Ahhh! I can do it though, maybe!~!

    I am super tired but I wanted to pop in and say hi. This 3 spin classes a week is freaking killing me!~! I am glad that I have the weekend to recover though. Early to bed for me, good night ladys.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday Lovelies!!

    Mariababe – I love the Turbo Jam workouts. If you like kickboxing and fast-tempo music then I am sure you will love it too! And its always good to treat yourself once in a while but my problem is that I give into treats far too easily. Yesterday was cake day at work for this month’s birthdays and of course I indulged. I am hoping the weekend will be better. And great job at being able to run 25-30 minutes!! I need to get back to my C25K training but now too sure how I can make it happen. But when there’s a will, there’s a way. Need to get that sorted out. I miss running!!

    Meag – never thought I would see you throwing your goals to the wayside but I’m loving it!! You have been through so much in the past week and even the past few months that I think your focus should simply be getting better and healthy again!! Its good to see you relinquish control from the things that you hold such a tight grip on. I hope you are able to get back to your usual self soon cause it sounds like you have an amazing summer to prepare for!! I am envious of that spa getaway with work!! Hope you are able to truly enjoy it also!!

    Tara – so glad to have someone in the same boat!! The bf and I have yet to “talk” about it just yet but that will come. He seems to be unavailable lately. Not because he’s avoiding me but because he is busy with life. I am sure it will work itself out…just like everything else!! And great job keeping your mind where you need to!! You are a stronger woman than I am!! Keep it up girly!! And you will end up where you want to be!!

    Ashley – although you busted you’re *kitten* for those 4 days, I am sure you got a good burn and at least you will have tons of help now!! Hope all goes well with the move!!

    Meredith – sounds like you have a fun but busy weekend ahead of you!! And although you aren’t able to plan ahead, just try and make the best decisions that you can. I am sure you will be out having fun and the last thing on your mind will be your healthy lifestyle but do the best you can and most importantly, remember to enjoy yourself!!

    Kandace – a 2 pound loss is great!! I am getting very anxious to step on the scale!! Keep up the great work girly!!

    AFM…yesterday was cake day for the monthly birthdays at work and I couldn’t say no to cake. So I made sure to go home and get my Turbo Jam on. However, I didn’t last very long. I definitely need to work on getting my stamina back so that I can workout longer. That’s one thing that I don’t like about working out at home, I can throw in the towel and no one will really know. But the kids also kept interrupting me and that was getting annoying. Tonight I am going out to dinner with my mom. I know that I am going to overindulge so I am trying to be conscious of my choices throughout the day. Tomorrow should be a nice lazy day at home. Gonna try and find a park close by the house and maybe take the kids for a picnic. Sunday will be busy!! Church, birthday party, and then a baby shower. Should be fun though!!

    Hope you ladies have a great day!! I am going to try and be around this weekend!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    hey everyone! Just a quick post to say hi! I have my 5k tomorrow and I am super excited and nervous at the same time! I just want to run the entire time and I am hoping that the motivation of it being a race will get me through it and help me to run a nice time. Like I said before anything around 36 minutes and I will be one happy camper. Alright! I am off to get a little more work done and then home for a nice long walk and a stretch before picking up my race packet! See you ladies later!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meredith-good luck this weekend...enjoy, keep on moving, and try the best that you can!:wink:

    Kan-you can do it....but if you don't just know that you have still done a great job!! CONGRATS on the 2lbs...that is awesome!:drinker:

    Bethany-have a great weekend!! and I am sure that your stamina will be back to norm in no time...just keep on going girl!

    Megan-the 5K will for sure motivate you to run as much and as quick as you can!! You are going to great so...I won't wish you good luck but instead great success!! can't wait to hear how you did!! :flowerforyou:

    AFM-managed to eat well yesterday...even with subway, the movie, and the bf being here!! Got in my planned workout for today (20min yoga burn and 10min yoga relax) and will be heading to the beach in a few then gotta figure out what's for dinner?! Have a great day ladies :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone, It has been busy busy lately, but I am feeling like I have been on track. I am still not sure what the scale will say on thursday but hey that's the name of the game.

    Tonight we are camping for a night and I am going to try my hardest to track everything I have tonight even though I know I will be going over on cals with beer and smores. I have a 70 minute run tomorrow at the site with a fellow camper so that will be great. I have a fairly big workout on Sunday a swim/bike/run up at the course to see it before the race. SO I will be super mellow Saturday night in preparation for that. Next week is the end of the month and my WI, I am not sure what it will say nor should I care. I am being healthy and that is what matters the most. I am really learning to just be healthy most of the time and that is a win in my book. I was having some financial issues and we are going to cancel my gym membership as soon as my race is done, then we are going to go to a cheaper gym. I am also notifying my coaches that I will not be working with them after my race. Hopefully this will help with everything as far as sanity and money goes. I am lucky to have an amazing fiance who doesn't mind helping me out A-Lot with money.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I forgot to say good luck to everyone this weekend and please enjoy yourselves during your journey. We only have one life we might as well make the most of it.
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,
    Wow we are almost at the end of the month!

    Kan- Awesome that you had a 2lb loss!!! Go you !!

    Tara- I like your way of zig-zagging. Just because you get to have a bit of variation with your food, and if it works with the weight loss that is great!

    Bethany- I can never turn down cake day at work either!! So hard!

    Aly- Enjoy your camping and your 70 min run! Your dedication to your race is really great. I know what you mean about spending too much on gym memberships, trainers etc, training for my marathon last year cost me a fortune! It is half of the reason that I don’t want to do another one.

    Meag- I really like your new goals and your new spirit. I have found you to be really supportive this month so thanks for that. Looks like you have a few busy weeks lined up, but you have some strategies to cope with all the difficult food situations so I’m sure you will be fine. And I am totally jealous because you are doing so many fun things, lucky you.

    AFM- I had a talk with my trainer this week because I feel like I haven’t been loosing any weight lately. He has recommended that I start eating better morning and afternoon teas, so I am going to try that for the next few weeks. If that works he reckons I may need to up my calories but I just don’t get that so don’t really want to try. Today we are doing a catch up work out because we will miss tomorrow. Tonight I’ve got my family coming over for dinner so I’ll try to cook something healthy-ish. Tomorrow we are off to a rugby game for my nephew’s birthday, as long as I avoid the chips, hot-dogs and beer I’ll be fine!

    OK gotta go ladies, sorry about the excessive use of exclamation marks today !!!

    x Anita
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Just popping in to sayy that i finally feel like I am back on track!!! After a week of stressing out, writing a paper, working, blah blah blah I finally got to go run again. Never thought I would be soooo happy to run lol and I ran for 25mins without wanting to die after wards yay go me =) So with C25K i'm done with W6D3 and ready to move on to week 7 in two days! Soo as of now I feel like I'm on track with my june goals!

    i just want to tell everybody good luck with all thier weekend goals and plans!!!! Im sure everybody is going to do amazing!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Kinda BUMMED I stepped on the scale this morning just to make sure my 2 pounds were still gone and they are NOT. 139.5. So thats only a .5 loss, and that makes my friends scale the correct one. WHy would my scale lie to me? Why did I step on it in the first place??? Crap.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Getting ready to head out the door for my race. I am super nervous and didn't sleep great last night because of it. I know I'm the only one who has put any pressure on myself but I just really want to do a good job. I'll let you ladies know how it goes when I get back!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning all!! Well... It's Sat and I was up at 6am. Still feeling not 100% and my stomach was really bugging me this morning. Despite a super late night I couldnt sleep so I am up and should be heading out to the market shortly with the boy. We've got an action packed day so this is going to be quick...

    Decided that excuses were a thing of the past this week - 1/2 Marathon Training begins Monday! I have my schedule all printed out, including holidays and races, to make accommodations. I am pumped. Gotta figure out my strength component yet but it's in the works. By Mon I am going to be 100% back on track!

    Megan - GOOD LUCK LADY!!!!! :drinker: You are going to rock it! Can't wait to hear your results! You know you can run the whole thing. You've done it before and you can do it again - it's all mental! On occasion our body's just cannot deliver, and that's OK too. The important part is knowing when it's your body or your head that's giving in. If it's the latter you need to figure out what's causing you to doubt yourself, acknowledge it, and fight back. You can totally kick this race's butt!

    TJ - Love love love the new pic - summer at it's best! Such a super cute outfit too! Looks like you are doing great sticking to your plan and staying on track .... Who's surprised!?! :tongue:

    Aly - BREATHE! Seriously. You are notorious for over-training and from one obsessive compulsive/control freak to another - take a break! It sounds like training at a new gym might help with your stress a lot. It might not be the training ideal, but you definitely need a breather. Training 4 hours a day is just not responsible if you want to live a healthy, happy, and balanced life with friends, a fiance, good food, a job and some sleep in there somewhere. Take some time to you every day and just breathe. Focus on what's important and re-center. Even if it's just 5 mins. Sometimes we need to force ourselves to keep our priorities in focus amidst the chaos that is life as a fitness/health enthusiast :bigsmile:

    Anita - Thanks! I have to say that I am loving your posts and attitude as well! :bigsmile: Honestly though, this is not a "new" me. This is the old me that's reaaaally been struggling to come out the last few months. Injury + illness and a serious lack of training due to my new job and all matters of life chaos have thrown me for a HUGE curve and I've been totally down and out the last while. But I am committed to coming back and being self-positive and as encouraging as possible! Hope we can continue to all be there for one another when necessary. I think no matter how long we've been at this we all need a good pick-me-up sometimes! :flowerforyou:

    cmg - Welcome back on track! let's do this thing together! :drinker:

    Kan - STOP! Bummed? About ONLY losing 0.5lbs? Come on missy - That's NOT negative self-talk worthy. Dig yourself right out of that pity party and get back to feeling good about your progress. Start with recognizing how damnnnn good you look in that profile pic! And how much weight have you lost so far? We can't all be runners and we can't all lose 2lbs a week - in fact none of us should be - but we can work towards being good to our bodies and ourself each and every day, starting with checking out attitude in the morning and making sure we are giving ourselves every possible chance to succeed. So enough with the scale and the double checking and enough with the feeling sh*tty for being not quite as light as you *thought* ... It's not worth it! Smile and be good to yourself today! :bigsmile:

    Beth - Thanks lady! :bigsmile: You always know how to put a smile on my face! Throwing my goals out the window may be a bit of an exaggeration - let's just call them "adjusted" for now :wink: I have to start recognizing what habits make me feel unhealthy and unhappy with myself instead of which habits I think are going to make me fat/lazy/gross... The latter is just ridiculous. I'm not about to gain back all my weight if I have a beer once in a while, or stop logging on weekends. I have overwhelmingly healthy habits and moderation is a part of my life now. It's not going to change. So the behaviours I need to focus on are ones that are going to make ME FEEL GOOD! Lesson learned! Sounds like you are having lots of great social food events but making them fit into your life with exercise and other healthy choices. That's a great way to make it work! I am trying to do the same these days ... Moderation moderation moderation!

    OK ladies I better run. Keep at it and stay good - June's almost over! One last week!

    Meag :heart:
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    How have I not lost weight this month?! I have fruited myself to death, barely had any Coke, I have not had pizza or McD's in for freaking ever (for me that is a couple weeks)...AHHHHH!

    Some days I feel like I can do it...others, I feel like I am doomed to be fat. Yep, I'm still grouchy.
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I weighed in at 199.8!!! Feels so good to be in ONEderland again. I haven't seen a 1 in front in 4 years!! :D
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Ok ladies here are the stats:

    Clock time of 36:48 (no chips but I believe my watch said something around 36:3p)
    That's a PR by 10:15 woohoo!

    I started running with the 11:00 pacer until we hit 1 mile and the read out 10:25- umm yeah I can't sustain that for 3.1 miles. Needless to say such a fast first mile hurt me a little bit and the course was hillier than I expected so I had to throw in some intervals of 1 min running 30 sec walking. I'm totally ok with this seeing as how my HR was staying in the very high 180s which is not were I normally have it while running.

    I hit my time goal of getting in during the 36th minute so I am very pleased with my results and I'm ready to start the next one! Thanks for your support even when I didn't believe in myself!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Aly-I agree 100% about living life to its fullest...there is no point in doing all of this, if you can't enjoy what you have and what you earn every single day! Have fun camping...and have a s'more for me!!:glasses:

    Anita-so far my way of eating has worked out pretty well for me (cept for this month's plateau), I understand where your trainer is going with the increased cals...he is thinking that your body is wanting more cals to keep it going properly...a lot of people consider "starvation mode" as a huge issue with plateaus and diets....they recommend upping your cals by 100/week and see how that goes for a couple of weeks...if you aren't losing still after that, then try going back down to your normal will get past I am sure I will soon too :flowerforyou:

    cmg-good job on your run...glad to see that you are back on track!

    Kan-NO stressin about the scale!! I recommend going with what YOUR scale says all of the time, and logging that on here towards your true journey. Use your friends scale ONLY for the challenge that you guys have going on!! Scales differ all of the time, and your weight does too!! No worries! :flowerforyou:

    Megan-CONGRATS on your race time!! Not only did you get in your time goal...but you killed your PR!! WTG!:drinker:

    Meag-your pic looks yummy!!!! Thanks about my pic...I have been stickin to everything pretty well...even though my scale doesn't agree yet!!:grumble: Glad to hear you're ready to kick it again!! have fun with the bf this weekend!

    Ima-I am in the same position this month....don't give up!! My best advice is to open your food and exercise diary to your friends (if it isn't already) and see if anyone has any advice for you. My advice is to make sure you are eating as close to your goals as possible, watch your sodium intake, and drink your water!!! Also be consistent with your diet...this is key!:flowerforyou:

    Ashley-CONGRATS on reaching onederland!!:drinker:

    AFM-ate good again yesterday (can't wait to see how my sodium has been for the month...even though I wasn't tech watching it), and got in my planned workout today (27min JM 30DS)...tomorrow is TJ 3T and then my 2 rest days before I start my planned July WO's!! Only 5 days to go!!! Finish strong ladies! :heart:
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    meag: Its great that your getting back on track and gonna start your 1/2 marathon training!!!!

    runner: don't worry the weight loss will come! Don't get discouraged, these things do take time and I know how you feel. At the beginning of the month I was on track but my weight didn't change, the thing i did notice was that my pants didn't feel as tight. So if anything maybe you are losing inches just not the weight. But great job on abstaining from fast food and pizza!!!!!!

    Ashley: congrats on hitting ONEderland .. great job!!!!!

    mking: great job on your race!!!!

    tj: i think I'm going to take a page out of your book and plan next months workouts, maybe then I will be more motivated to workout, since I'll have a set schedule.

    AFM .. nothing really new to report. I do have a question for everyone though, for those that pack thier lunch, what do you pack? I'm having trouble trying to find things to pack in my lunch, I recently stumbled upon apple straws (DELISH!) but I'm looking for other things to pack also. Start W7D1 of C25K, I'm excited!!!!

    Great job everyone!!!!! Keep up the great work!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Megan- Great race time! Congrats!
    Tara- Cool new pic
    Ashley- Yay you for achieving the weight loss you were after!
    Meag- Exciting that you have committed to a half marathon. I think it is the best distance and a lot of fun to train for, so enjoy! I too am thinking I should sign up for a half.
    CMG- I am really into packed lunches, especially now that we have a mortgage! I really enjoy figuring out the calories and cost per serve! (What a nerd). Right now it is easy because it’s winter so I just make a big pot of soup on Sunday and take it for lunches during the week. Not sure what I will do in summer though, maybe salads? I would love to hear other people’s ideas. Good luck for week 7!
    AFM- Weekend has gone OK-ish. I’m sure my calories would have been over on Saturday but I went OK on Fri and Sun so I’m OK with it.
    Hope the rest of your weekend goes well ladies!