Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies and happy hump day! June 29th already... where does the time go!?!?

    Looks like we're only up to 12 pages this month. I guess the warmer weather is keeping folks offline and in the sun. Who can blame them! I know we've been busy though, myself included. I've hardly had time for any updates at all. Either way - As long as we're sticking to our personal goals, maintaining our priorities, and keeping health and fitness in our sights, I think we're doing damn well.

    T- Good luck on your final weigh in. You always seem to rock it. Try not to focus so hard on the numbers... I know it's near impossible but you have been kicking *kitten* and maybe strength and toning should be your next major focus. Looking forward to seeing your results either way :bigsmile:

    Bethany - Thank you as always :happy: The race definitely was great for me - mentally and physically. Sounds like you had a STELLAR date with the kids/boy planned - LOVE BASEBALL GAMES! Hope you four had a fabulous time and that the kids really enjoyed pal'ing around with the new addition :wink: I am sooooo pumped about camping this weekend, I cannot even express it. You guys should plan a little trip, or even just a local one night camp-out. As kids we used to always love camping in the yard. It's supreme-lame but we could always make our own fun. Just gotta do whatever you can make work (financially and otherwise). Hope your little guy is feeling better...

    Race results - I PR'ed that b*tch, ladies!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Chip time: 01:00.30 (previous PR (01:01.01) - Overall pace 9:47 :bigsmile:

    Felt damnnnn good. I ran really hard, negative split my race (first 5K in 30:45), and for the last 2K just went balls to the walls, all out, and left absolutely everything on the road. I have never been so determined in my life. I just WANTED it soooo bad.

    Hope we're all feeling the same desire today. Just get it done!! :heart:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    OMG~!~! WED!.....

    ~Meag.. congrats on your race!.... see, I knew you would do great! You rock!

    ~Tara... be careful out there in that heat!.. drink water, wear sunblock!@!~!~! Good Luck with you WI, you dont need it though!~!

    ~Bethany... I am trying to stay away from the cake. I did have a BITE.. but thats all. lol. Sometimes its not as hard but other times its just like IMPOSSIBLE to stay away. It kind of scares me actually cuz thats how I feel about alcohol, and we all know that didnt work out well for me. So I need to practice self control in ALL aspects of my life... practice practice practice!~!~! Have fun at your game tonight!~!~! I too believe that everything happens for a reason, and Im pretty sure this ones going to go well!~!~!

    AFM.... Nervous about WI on friday. I know I have done everything I could this month. I have REALLY stepped up my work outs and I have been doing very well with my food. I dont think I was over much at all, and if I was it was my birthday or only a few cals. The thing that bothers me though is that for the last two weeks I have been very naucious (sp?)... I am ok today which is weird cuz I didnt have time to eat much at all so I should be starving. (Instead I made a choc protein shake so I dont get crazy hungry and binge) But I would think that the day I WOULD have an upset stomach is the day I didnt eat much. But for some reason I was naucious all the other days that I was eating ok. I just dont get it. I havent changed much of what I am eating, or taken any dif meds... I have been working out much more so maybe I need to up the protein. IDK. Maybe thats why I am so nervous about WI, i dont feel like I have lost anything cuz my stomach has been sick half the month. Well I guess I can only hope that it stays away now and wait to see what happens with the scale on Friday!
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    KanCrav: i'm sure your going to do fine with your WI. Also remember that you have accomplished alot this month and you should be proud of what you have done!

    Meag: Great job on your race!!! way to PR!!!!!!! I think this is just want you needed to pull yourself out of the slump that you were in!! Way to go and keep up the great work!!!!!

    Tjradd: You'll be fine at your final WI just remember all that you have accomplished this month and the goals that you have already completed! Also I like the idea of planning my workouts ahead of time but instead of the month i'm going to plan them weekly because with my work schedule i never know what I will be working till the week of.

    Guam: I hope that your son's fever went down and that you'll had a spectular time at the game!

    ASM: Yesterday, I completed W7D2 of C25K, just one more day left to completed before I started W8D1. I never I would come this far and this is coming from the girl that got winded walking up a couple flights of stairs who is now running for at least 25 mins at a time! All that I need to work on now is quickening my pace just a little. Also I started 30DS 3 days ago and man is it killer! All in all my june goals have pretty much been met. I do have another question for everyone (sorry i like playing the questin game lol) What is your favorite time of the day to workout? Me, I like doing the shred in the morning and running in the evening when it has cooled down alot.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump day lovelies!! I am back to the grind today!!

    Tara – I am anxiously awaiting your results!! :huh: You are so inspiring!! You continually keep me in awe that you are always able to stay on task without being distracted by the things life throws at you. Keep it up girly!! And the meet and greet last night went fabulous!! So glad that we all survived it!!

    Meag – great job PRing at the race girly!! :drinker: I knew you would kill it!! And I am definitely gonna look into camping with the kiddos. I think a weekend away would be great for us. We no longer have a yard so we can’t campout like that but don’t think I haven’t thought of that either.

    Kandace – I know exactly what you mean!! I find that when I am tired :yawn: and run down, that’s when I am more likely to make poor choices. Like I simply don’t have the energy to fight myself so I give in to temptation even though I know its not what my body needs. Lately I have been attempting to listen to my body when I do decide to indulge in a piece of cake. I ask myself if I am truly enjoying the cake or if I am forcing myself to eat the cake. If its being forced then I throw the cake away cause there is no reason to waste calories on something that I am not even enjoying in the first place. And sorry to hear about your nausea!! Hopefully that will come to an end shortly!!

    Cmg – great job sticking with C25K!! :drinker: Personally, I love working out in the morning. Getting your blood flowing and your heart pumping like that is a great way to start the day. And then I can also figure out my food calories for the day a little better. However, I am not a morning person so that rarely happens.

    AFM…thank you for all of the well wishes for my son. :flowerforyou: His fever reduced right after we woke up from his afternoon nap yesterday. It was the weirdest thing because he didn’t have any cold or flu symptoms, just a fever. But that also meant that we were able to make it to the game last night with the bf which was so much fun!! :love: I didn’t want the night to end. The kids were really good and by the end of the night, they were all joking and playing around together. So glad to have that done and over with. Perfect night for our 10-month anniversary. NO…I don’t celebrate every month but it worked out for me. I am trying to plan a weekend getaway for just the bf and I for our one year anniversary :smooched: which should be great motivation to stay on task and drop this unwanted baggage that I have hanging around my body. Although I was very good at the game last night and didn’t indulge in any of the candy and snacks that I had brought for the kids.

    Well lovelies, the month is slowly coming to an end. :sad: I can’t believe that half of the year is over. :noway: I hope that you have made your time count!! Begin thinking about your July goals and focus on what it will take keep your focused and on track. The past is behind us and there is nothing we can do to change it so lets learn from our mistakes and make corrections so that we can avoid them as much in the future.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Ladies, I have been MIA lately because I am super busy with training and work and everything in between. I only have about 4 weeks until the race so I am just trying to not go insane.

    Regarding training- I appreciate all of your good words and also concerns, but I am training with professional coaches and I am on a set schedule and I do the workouts they give me and sometimes I even take an extra rest day. I know it might seem extreme but to be doing a race that is a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride then a 13.1 mile run is very strenuous and I have to train for long periods of time in order to build my fitness. Don't worry everyone I am being healthy and eating all my exercise calories and then some hehe. I am working with professionals that have been doing this for years.

    AFM- I am feeling pretty good, I don't have the time to track as diligent as I could and I basically stopped weighing myself until after the race. I am debating about even being a part of this group in July since I don't have much to bring to the table. I love reading all of your stores of success and not so great moments so I will always linger, maybe put in my 2 Cents from time to time. I am proud of all of you as well as myself on this lifelong journey.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-thanks! oh, i did start adding in a ton more strength and toning in June, and this month I will be doing the shred (which is a bunch more strength and toning) and upping my protein and cutting back on my carbs a bit!! Overall, it should be a great fitness month!!! Also...I am setting my lbs lost goal pretty low (for me) in July...cuz I know that it will just be harder and harder to have big numbers lost...thanks for lookin out for me, as always! And one more CONGRATS on your awesome never cease to amaze girl! :drinker:

    Kan-thanks girl...I was pretty pumped with the scale today!! you will see how I fared on my post below!! I always drink a ton of water when out in that heat...after 8 years of living here...I have learned quickly to be safe while doing ANYTHING in 100+ heat!! Sorry to hear that you aren't feelin well....maybe you are right about the protein...I know that I will be upping mine this month while I am doing the just makes me feel better to get more protein while I am working out harder...maybe you are the same?! But I am sure that you will do great on your WI...and even if you don't "win" the challenge you should still look at the month as a win in did great! :flowerforyou:

    cmg-thanks to you too :smile: I started the shred we will be pretty close on our completion date for it too!! congrats on your running btw...I never have seen myself as much of a runner...but with all of you ladies on here doin it...I may just give it a try soon!! As far as working out...I have to do it first thing when I get up...otherwise I tend to get "too busy" with everything and would never get it done!! PLUS, once I am showered and dressed I dont like to get all sweaty and have to do it again! :blushing:

    Bethany-super stoked to hear that the meeting went well!! i'd be willing to bet that it will make not only your life much easier...but also help you guys to grow even more in your relationship...CONGRATS!! Thanks for keepin up with my crazy goals and my progress...i really appreciate it...and I love your attitude about the past, present, and future!! :smooched:

    Aly-I like to read your posts on how you are doing....we all have our off days, and our "rants" but that is what we are here for...ourselves and each other!! I would hate to see you leave the group due to not feeling of value to are a great motivation with your tri training and completion and I would personally hate to see ya go anywhere :happy:

    My June Goals were: lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.

    My June Results: lost -3.2lbs (finally broke my plateau!), followed my WO plan to the tee (and even added in a couple of extra stretch days), tried 1/2 new recipes, made avg cals 3/4 (1366, 1753, 1398, 1319), and only went over my 4 days for the month!

    ~so all in all, I am pretty pleased with my results for the month!!! and i FINALLY hit my 100lbs lost! I will be posting my new July goals when the thread is up and running!! In the meantime, I will be rooting y'all on for these last 2 days! :heart:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Tara - you are being far too modest!! :tongue: You fought through your plateau and after continuing to push on for weeks, you still managed a loss!! You kept with your goals while still dealing with everyday life situations (the not-so-cooperative car)!! You have lost over 100 pounds!! That is an entire person!! :noway: I had no doubt that you would kill it and in fact, you did!! Great work girly!!:drinker:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Tara- Thanks so much for your support. It is challenging keeping up with this group when there is not a while lot of time, but I will trudge on! I think I am mentally and emotionally wiped from this past weekend where I did a 110 minute run on Saturday then previewed the swim/bike for the race which was a full day of training (and 4 hours of driving). It has taken me a few days to feel back to normal. I agree with Guam you have killed it this month!

    A note about myself- This weekend I was scheduled to do a practice triathlon, which would be pretty intense and in 92 degrees heat. It would be good training for my race but I have other obligations. I have been going back and forth mentally telling myself I can do this even without that day of training, Missing one day is not going to make me suffer in the race. It is just hard knowing I am so close to the race and it is scary. I have never done this much distance, and it will be hot in Wine country. I know I have the strength and I just have to dig deep. The guilt is what gets me every time.

    Thanks for hearing me out peeps. I will come assess my goals tomorrow, and I know my July goals will be sparse hehe.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Bethany-thank you so much for your kind words!!! I even surprised myself with stickin too it throughout that month long plateau!! In the past...whenever I hit one, I would just give up immediately!! I guess it just goes to show you, if you want something bad enough, you're gonna get it no matter what!! Thanks again sista!! :bigsmile:

    Aly-thanks girly!! I am glad to hear that you are gonna be stickin around for a bit longer :wink: Even if you don't have huge July goals, or can't come on and comment to everyone, everyday...we are still glad to have you!! Maybe you could just make your goal tri training and wedding planning related??? that way you are getting done what you need to, and not adding a bunch of other stuff to worry about to the mix! p.s.-NO guilt about missing one day of training...doing a Tri is suppossed to ADD to your life experiences...not take away from your other ones!! :flowerforyou:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Eeep! Last day of the month ladies! MAKE IT COUNT! :drinker:

    Today's gearing up to be ri-donk-ulous. Since everything is pretty much closed tomorrow for Canada day I really have to haul *kitten* to get my errands done today plus a killer workout per my schedule. Preparing for our camping trip is really keeping me tied up. I am trying to do it as healthy as possible but that requires a LOT of prep and it's just really stressing me to the max. No time at all, it seems. I haven't even had time to see the boy since the weekend. Hoping to get out of work early today, hit up the gym, run some errands, make dinner and then just BREATHE a little finally tonight. I am desperate for a break. Seems the last few days I've just been run off my feet. Work is absolute chaos right now and I'm lucky to even get a 5 min break throughout the day. It's just really dragging me down - Cannot wait to get out of the city and just forget about it! :bigsmile:

    Aly - I totally know what you mean, and its great that you have such experienced trainers helping to coach you through your triathlon prep, but training of any kind definitely has to be catered to the individual in every case. I don't mean to nag or anything like that, just want to make sure that if your training is taking away from other parts of your life in a way that just doesn't work for you, or if it leaves you feeling absolutely drained and without anything left to give, then something's gotta change. All that said, I really do understand the drive and push to train train train and I fully support you :bigsmile: I know you're going to be amazing. Just don't want to see you burn out, lady!

    Beth - Sounds like you've got a lot of wonderful stuff planned. Great to hear the kiddo is feeling better and that you are looking into doing something special for your anniversary. I definitely think it's important to nurture "us" and the relationships that matter even when it feels like we haven't got the time. Even when I am suuuper pressed I always trying to take some time to do something fun for me and to spend time with Tyler because it grounds me and makes me feel human again (because as you all know, I'm 50% woman and 50% machine). So do it! It pays dividends for your mental and physical health and it's just nice to celebrate with loved ones, regardless!

    OK I have to get moving. Will be posting the JULY challenge tonight but I may not make the midnight cutoff. Things are going to be busy but it'll get posted sometime around 12am....
    I'll leave you with a few links to pics of my race on Tuesday. I love them and couldn't wait to share them with all you wonderful gals! :bigsmile:

    Meag :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    So I know I haven't posted in a little while, but I have been reading! I have just been busy and not really feeling like I had much to contribute or the time so I figured I would sit back and relax by reading all of your wonderful reports. Tomorrow is July 1 and my weigh-in day after 4 very long weeks. I have resisted the urge to step on the scale and at this point I am so nervous I am just hoping to maintain, although the past couple of days I have felt skinner than usual and a lot of people of been saying that I am melting away. We will see come tomorrows weigh-in. I am also thinking about what my July goals should be.... I might not make a pound goal so that I don't put such a huge pressure on myself and concentrate more on Fitness. Any ways, I'll keep you guys posted!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-LOVE the pics!! have fun camping...and take an extra few breaths for me!!

    Megan-I am super excited for your WI tomorrow!! I feel like you have done a pretty great job this month, personally, and I sure hope that the scale reflects all of the hard work that you've done! Just remember...the scale is not everything though, make sure to check your measurements too, and take it as a lesson learned....your health is what matters, not some number on the scale!<<<I know that may sound silly coming from me...the "queen of the scale"...but I really did learn this valuable lesson when I did the non-scale challenge and I hope that you did too :) regardless....good luck to you, and I will be sendin some good vibes your way too!

    AFM-L1D2 of the shred done!! yup, that is one of my July goals!! I can't wait to post the rest! I feel like July is gonna be a great month, with some great results for me, and a few others on here ;) be ready for it!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Afternoon Lovelies!! This forum seems to be moving at a snail’s pace today. I am sure its because you are all out trying to do your best for the last day of June!!

    Meag – sounds like once you are out of the city then you will be able to enjoy the countryside and some quality time with the boy. Do what you can to prepare in the time you are allotted but unfortunately, you will just have to make do with the things you have. And I love the race pics!! You look so focused and determined in that one. Great job girly!! So glad to see you back at it!! How is the foot?

    Megan – I am sure you will see a loss when you finally step on the scale. I was tempted to step on there today but decided I would actually wait until tomorrow. Although I don’t expect the number to move at all unless it goes up. I should have probably been the one to stay silent this month because I have not stayed on track and been focused. I could use all of the things that I had going on this month as excuses but I know better than that. It’s my life and I am in control. Like Tara said, if you can achieve anything if you want it bad enough. Apparently, I don’t want this bad enough. But I am super anxious for your WI tomorrow!! Woohoo!!

    Tara – great job getting a head start on your July goals!!

    AFM…late night fast food dinner with mom last night! I’ve realized that I enjoy staying in my bubble because I am less likely to make bad choices when all I have is good food in the house. The ladies in my office are also bad influences. And I easily give in when tempted. I used to be soooo good at sticking with MY diet and MY workout plan. I need to get back to that mentality. I need to do it for ME and for no one else!!

    Hope everyone finishes the month out strong and has their July goals in mind!! And thank you Meag for taking time out of your busy schedule to post July’s forum!! I know that you weren’t the one that started this challenge, in fact, haven’t seen Amy in months, but its because of your willingness to get us going each and every month that keeps this great group of people continuing to posting each month.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Megan: good luck for tomorrow! bet its been difficult not to jump on the scales every week! hope you get the results you want! my weigh in is kind of scuppered as TOM was 3 days ago! so i may weigh in or leave it until saturday! im hoping to have maintained

    Meag: well done on your race and time! its an amazing achievement! im far too chicken to sign up to any races so admire people who do!

    Tara: well done so far lady! you sould be very proud!

    guam: good luck with your weigh in tomorrow!

    AFM: been busy with work lately and trying to spend more quality time with my daughter and hubby. so internet time tends to be limited! get a chance to read quickly but not enough to post as well! thanks for letting me in the june group, i know you all know each other well and sometimes i feel like the odd one out! however, you have all been supportive and have helped me to re-focus!

    my june goals: well ive continued with zumba, as for c25k i wanted to get to week 8 which i havent. however i can now run for 25 mins which is a massive achievement for me! my eating is better, not squeaky clean but the scale challange has helped me to re-focus and make better choices.

    will post my july goals soon. and will let you know when i weigh in! im hoping to have maintained btw 122-123lbs!
  • mmcdonald03
    Are you going to have one in july as well? I could use some support in my weight loss efforts.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    mmcdonald - we have been doing this for about 8-9 months now. The link for the July challenge will be posted in this forum later on today/early tomorrow.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.

    June Results- Well I didn't weigh in and I am still not weighing myself until August now. With training and all that comes with that I just don't want to think about the number. I am loving the freedom but I know that when August rolls around I will have to get back on the scale 1 time a week. Until then I am staying Strong with my non-scale goals, I am trying to stay in a basic calorie range when I can and on the weekends or really long workout days I just try to eat as healthy as possible to fuel myself. I have been stretching a lot more and using my foam roller after runs and bike rides to help stretch out so score! I haven't been checking in emotionally but I know that not putting my worth on the number on the scale has been helping a lot. I only have 4 weeks until my race and I just want to make the best of it and be as healthy as possible for the race.

    July goals to come next month, they will be very Light goals!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    For ALL you kick *kitten* ladies:


    Oh and AFM - Today was a brutal food day. I have been eating and eating. Sometimes purely out of hunger and other times for silly emotional reasons. Tomorrow's weigh in should be interesting... I hopped on the scale at the gym after my workout today (with shoes, silly me) and I was really quite light. Have no idea what to expect! :ohwell: Considering how much I ate today it likely won't be pretty. Thankfully, 1/2 Marathon training should balance that out over time. Just have to stop allowing myself to totally derail because of summer, work, patios and other commitments. Way too much late night junking. Once I get back from holidays (camping = hard food choices but loads of exercise) I will be 100% back on track. Promise! :bigsmile:

    Anyway, post your goals in the new thread and let's get this thing going. I'll be back tomorrow to update and state my new goals for the month. They will definitely be tailored to my new targets (1/2 Marathon prep and working on "me") and will be totally un-focused on the scale, as usual. Hope you all have some great ideas for me to steal by morning :wink:

    Sleep tight! :heart: