

  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Totally blew it in church today. I ate everything in sight. Went way over my calories for the day. When I got home I sat down and regrouped and started over.

    Chicklet - I know exactly how you feel. My mom lived with us the last three years of her life. The last two she was total care. Home Health came in to do medical stuff like changing the catheter and we had a bath lady that came into bath her but the rest of her care was my responsibility. I loved her but I don't know if I would do it again. She had MS and needed to be transfered to the comode with a lift. She sat in her wheelchair for part of the day but was in bed most of the time. I wish I lived close to you so I could help you out. If you ever want to talk or "rant" in private just email me.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi folks..........

    A very quick and late Sunday log in.

    :noway: Way over on the calories today ...:sad: gave up with correct logging of food so actually it is worse than it says!!
    We ended up going out for dinner as it was such a dismal day and as it's DH's birthday next week.
    :ohwell: Oh well .......tomorrow's another day and I have work each day next week so I'll be burning a few more calories that way!!

    :grumble: Car boot was a wash out so we didn't even get there. Rained all day here. We'll have to try again when we can in a few weeks time.

    :flowerforyou: Hope you all have a good start to your new week. New beginings for some!

    :heart: Jackie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Sounds like I'm not the only one struggling with food this weekend.:ohwell: None of us are perfect :ohwell: . For the most part.....we all know how to lose weight, :flowerforyou: but then we gain it back. :grumble: So the challenge is how we handle slips. I am an all or nothing person, so when I'd slip, I'd say.... (before MFP) THAT'S IT!!!! And one sloppy day or weekend would grow into a week and months and then fearing to get on the scale to see how much damage I did..........I'd eat more, because, besides liking food:tongue: ...it comforts me. The moment which defines success, to me, is how I handle bad days.:flowerforyou: So let's forget about the slips and act as if we had a perfect weekend! That's the only way this vicious circle will stop! Yay for MFP!!! And Yay for us who are on this journey! We don't fail when we slip, we fail....when we stay down!!!! Hugs to all! You can do it! I can do it!! We all can do it!!! (I should have been a cheerleader:laugh: )
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    I was shocked and saddened to hear that Jeanne Bice who has been on QVC for years passed away yesterday. She started a line of fun, embellished clothes called Quacker Factory that were misses but specialized in plus sized. She was the kindest and most understanding person, always interested and listened to everyone with whom she spoke and offered them a kind word and a few laughs. Many who called in were housebound for different reasons and she always lifted their spirits and made them feel better about themselves. She will be missed by many.
  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    Thanks to all who sent encouragement with my goal of sugar reduction. I really made a concerted effort today - and did pretty well. Surprisingly, I found that cutting down on sugar also meant limiting snacking! I guess I tend to reach for sugar when I am hungry and on the run.......interesting bit of insight from Day One of my new goal!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Mary - the way you're going, wouldn't surprise me one tiny bit if you were a size 10 in 2011. Oh, BTW, had that beet. Now I really wish I'd bought more of them. It was so sweet and crunchy. Do you use the parmesan cheese, the Kraft stuff, or the real cheese? I say "real" for lack of a better word. I'd love to grate my own, but I'm not sure how it will freeze because I most likely won't use all of it at once.

    Did an hour of the training on the Wii today. While I was on the Wii, I swear I had a couple of hot flashes. For some reason, the people who built this house put a control for the fan on every wall EXCEPT in the exercise room. How I wish I could control the fan without having to pull over the chair and stand on it. Tomorrow I'll take the extremepump class.

    Went bowling, out of 4 games I broke 100 three times. Lynette bought a bowling ball and shoes (I honestly didn't know that they could drill the holes online), then I drove her to Ken's place of business to get his car. Seems he got a migrane and a coworker drove him home, so I drove to her house so she could drop off her car, then we drove to his business. Then I went to Target because they had stools on sale, only they no longer had the ones I liked, they are only available thru the internet. Then I went to Barnes & Noble to get Vince a book. He really likes Area 51 and this is a different book about it. I'd heard about it on the radio. Then came home to make the pork chops for dinner this week. Made the chicken last night.

    Natalie - 12 pounds in 3 months is very good. You should be proud of yourself.

    Found some cherries in the fridge that I should have started to eat sooner, but I totally forgot about them. I had some of them today.

    Sissy - doesn't it feel good when clothes fit???

    Lorri - which step DVD's do you have? I like ones where there is a lot of cueing, not much dancy-dancy stuff. Basic but a good workout, that's for me. I like Gin Miller. The only Cathe step DVD that I have is pretty high impact. But I got it for free so I'm not complaining too loudly. Trust me, my balance is nothing at all to sneeze at

    Target has the dance DVD's on sale for the Wii, only they were out of the one that I wanted and to get the sale price you have to buy both at the same time. So I'll just wait and hopefully go back later this week and they'll have it. They weren't giving out rainchecks (guess the price is that good)

    Well, my experiment taking a bite of that ice cream bar all during the night proved useless. Whenever I eat late at night, I always, always show a gain the next day. And today was no different. According to the Wii, I gained .7 of a pound, even tho I was under calories yesterday. I should have listened to my gut, but I didn't......

    barbie - I'm glad that I'm not the only one who keeps a pencil and paper in the kitchen! In a way, when we go to FL with Ken & Lynette, I may feel a little self-conscious measuring my food and jotting it down. I can log in another day, but I need to have it written down and I know that they aren't really into "healthy" lifestyle. I don't know that I'd call writing things down a healthy lifestyle, but it sure helps me to review what I had, see my problems so I can avoid them in the future or make allowances for them.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I logged my exercise and got to see what the frog on my ticker did when he reached the end of the grass. He did…absolutely nothing! :ohwell: Darn. I was hoping for something cool. (I didn’t spend too much time hoping!)

    I primed the walls of my new space (my apartment in the “big house”) today. Spent almost 4 hours rolling the walls. And I wasn’t tired. :happy: Last time I painted, probably 2 years ago, I was pooped after 20 minutes. The difference amazes me. Seriously, I’m astonished. :bigsmile:

    Jeanne, you did the exact right thing in regrouping. :flowerforyou: I think that’s one of the most important things we can learn. Way to go!

    Jackie, The hot-smoked salmon would have tempted me too! :tongue: Eating out is dangerous. It’s a huge challenge, one that I’m working on. I had dinner at my daughter’s house tonight and did well. Maybe the trick is to do the eating out in a safe environment.

    Birdie, you are so right. I know EXACTLY what you mean. It’s not the slips, it’s the staying down. I’m thinking of an ice skater right now. That ice is cold. Better not to hang out down there. :laugh:

    Michele, I just finished up the last of my grated Parmesan cheese and bought a wedge of the real thing. It was 1/3 the price of the already shredded stuff and the exact same thing, just not shredded. I think I can manage to shred it myself! I think it will keep for a long time in the coldest section of the fridge. I’d be surprised if it didn’t freeze well too. I don’t imagine it would affect the texture much as it’s mostly fat. Anybody know?

    I like the sound of that orange beet. I’ll be looking for them. :smile:

    Good night my dear friends. Early bedtime for me tonight. :yawn:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Just a quick note before bed. Didn't start a notepad so can't respond to all but here are a few

    Jackie I AM your partner in crime, but don't regret today's overage and lack of activity ... much.... Really enjoyed reading on the deck, the garden will just have to wait.
    Lorri thanks for the Cathe link.
    Mimi I believe you WILL, and
    Michele, I can't visualize a bosu with a stabilization handle... ;)
    ? Parmesan? I would grate it as needed, not in advance. I use more Locatelli (a Romano I think), which keeps whole in the fridge (tightly Saranned) for ages. Fresh grated or planed has wonderful full pungent flavor and aroma.
    Love Butter Buds in oatmeal...

    Well thanks to Collycan, tomorrow I'll get back to my morning cider vinegar, gelatine, cod liver oil and vitamin regime tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

    Have to fold that last load of laundry before I fall asleep standing up... have a great new week, lovelies!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Just a quck Hello to everyone as I need to get in the shower.

    Well the sunshine yesterday lasted a few hours and then rained all afternoon and all night! It's a grey day this morning too so don't think we'll see much sun today.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi thanks for the pep talk, last week was a particular bad week, had a little health scare but I was checked out at the hospital I had my boobs squished and x-rayed and all is okay thank goodness. Now I'm just waiting for the results of my smear test, Doc mentioned that it was over 4yrs since my last one so advised me to get it done, thought now is as good a time as any, (before I could change my mind :wink: ) You said I could do anything for 2 days, so I am going to try and cut down on sugar like collycan - as she said, that includes a lot of snacks :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Must dash, I'll finish off reading the posts later, only managed to read a few this morning but wanted to say Hi.

    Take care
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hello again everyone! Hope you're all doing well!
    My new, digital scales arrived today, just in time for my weigh in tomorrow! Hope they are accurate! Wish me luck!

    Chicklet - I really hope you are taking care of yourself? We are all thinking about you! The others are right - you need to make some space to have some YOU time!

    Kathy - sounds like you had a great time snapping up all those bargains! We don't have garage sales around here but maybe we should. There's too much throwing out perfectly good items that someone else could find a use for.

    Mary - Just 5+ miles yesterday. I did some speed walking but didn't time it as it was my day off!! :laugh: :laugh: :noway: Those fish...YUK! the thought of what they might have eaten before - I don't like it! But to be honest, what has put me off so far is that most of the places you can have it done are in the concourse of shopping malls and there's something undignified about sitting with your trousers rolled up and feet in a bucket, in full view of the entire shopping population of Glasgow!! :laugh: :laugh: (OK, I exaggerate slightly!)
    I'm dead certain you will be a size 12 in 2011 - no worries there Gal!
    2.5 miles and OVER your goal! Oh you did WONDERFULLY well Gal! I'm soooo proud of you! Let's keep on walking! :flowerforyou: Not surprised about your new energy levels! Good luck with the decorating!

    Jane - glad to hear your graduation party went well and that your daughter had a fine time! You seem to have had a lovely time with your grandaughter staying over!

    Michele - You are ALWAYS so busy! Just reading your posts make me dizzy! Key Lime bars? Sound lovely! Do you have Alpen Light bars there? I love them for a late night snack and they're under 70 cals = my faves are chocolate/orange and double chocolate. Not sure what the double chocolate means but it sounds sooo BAD but it really isn't! :laugh:

    Viv - I hope your mood settles soon and you are able to get back on track! I've been there with the weight swings but I'm determined it won't happen this time round!

    Lorrie - I've heard Bridesmaids is a very funny film! I missed it at the cinema!

    Cindy - hope you had a great birthday lunch with your mother yesterday! Well done, being organised with the menu beforehand. We don't have that facility here yet and I really wish we did. It must make eating out so much easier.

    Collycan - you're soooo right about thinking positive and focussing on your weight loss! Good luck with halving your sugar intake this week!

    Birdie - hope your cold's a bit better by now! Actually, home made pizza is not such a bad thing for feeding a cold...

    Sissy - congrats on getting back into your smaller clothes - hope it keeps up for you! The hot and humid weather must make it difficult to motivate yourself. I wish we had some over here though! Good luck for next week!

    Corqueen - 6lbs lighter!?!??!?! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: Fantastic! Congratulations at the end of your first week!
    I love the way we can eat a huge plateful of fruit and veg without using that many cals! I had to buy a bigger bowl for my fruit and salad! YUM!

    Barbie - you and your poodles must be very happy with your 'playing'!

    Birdie - I really love your attitude! Handling the bad days really IS a victory! The good days are so much easier in comparison!
    Lorri's advice about turning round at the next exit is really apt, isn't it?!

    Viv - glad your hospital visit went ok - that must be a relief for you.

    Well, I'm off out after lunch to work on my speed more seriously today. Good luck to all of you, whatever your plans! Congrats on any losses!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Had my weigh-in this morning. Down .6 I was hoping for at least a pound but am not surprised since we ate out yesterday. Maybe it is water retention. I've been working out really hard and will continue to do so and by next week I will be out of the 150's.

    I've signed up for the "meet me at the Beach" challenge and will weigh on Thursdays to post on that thread. Maybe I'll just make Thursday my new weigh-in day. Oh, I guess it really doesn't matter.

    We had a good time at my Mom's BD lunch and I did pick a salad with grilled steak. My sister loves to bake cakes and of course had made Mom one. It had homemade caramel icing and yes I did indulge. I think I had been dreaming of that cake. My Grandma used to make it and my sister can make the icing but I have never had any success with it. It was good but I am so glad that the left overs are in another city!

    I hope everyone has a good day & makes good choices!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone,

    :smile: Katy, most of my DVD workouts are step routines. I really enjoy them. Have you tried Cathe workouts?

    I have some step DVDs that I have to find, In the meantime I am doing the Jenny Ford step workouts (they are available for free on her website), I've looked at the Cathe workouts and they look like fun but I can't spend any money on them right now. Maybe in a month or two, though.

    Geri--I find it easier to drink my water while at work, too. I wish I knew why it seems easier to do there!

    Well, time to get ready for work. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    In spite of Denny's on Friday evening and open face hamburgers last evening, I'm still down 2.2lbs this week, so I'm really pleased about that. I was sure I'd be STS.

    Grey day here with forecast of lots of random showers. Lawns were too wet to cut yesterday, so they are going to be too wet again today. Decided not to go lawn bowling this morning as I'm trying to get my work space sorted out. I bought a set of 4 shelves from Michaels to replace a set of plastic trays which were getting very saggy because of the weight on them. However, the shelves are too tall for the space (on a little shelf) and I can't open the printer tray. So now I need to decide whether to move the printer to where the shelves are and vice versa, to whether to take off the little shelf and put the shelves down on the desk top and put the shelf somewhere else - decisions, decisions.

    I have a friend and her husband coming to say in 10 days so I also need to sort out the bedrooms, dining room, living room - oh heck I need to sort out the whole house!

    Natalie - Your 12 lbs loss in 3 months is just right. 1lb per week is the best loss average and that is what you have achieved. I know I lost more than that this week, but there will be other weeks when I don't lose anything.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi ladies. I had a great shopping trip to the outlet mall on Saturday and scored the cutest leather jacket at Wilson's hous of Leather for only 39.99 it was originally $150.00. Soooo cute. I do that great on food this weekend but I didn't do that bad either. My BFF wanted to go to Olive Garden for lunch and I was trying to decide what to get and I am so glad I went with the apricot chicken venitian. It was so good and not heavy like the cheesy creamy pasta would have been and it was served with great asparagus and broccoli. so good and not bad in calories.

    Parmesan cheese freezes fine. I actually buy parmesan, asiago, romano, mozerarella and provalone and shread it all on my own at once and then put it in a big (gallon size) Freezer Ziplock bag (its my version of Kraft 5 cheese shredded stuff) I keep it in the freezer so that it won't go bad. (get moldy) It lasts me about 6 months or so (sometimes longer). And I just pull out some and let it warm to room temperature while I am fixing the meal. it always works great.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Dear Ladies,

    I have not fallen off the earth...just 2 weeks of a house full of family & friends then a trip to MN to give a bridal shower. (It was so fun to see old friends!) Home now and trying to Pick up all the Pieces! Wow...my house is a bit of a mess....little grandbaby things all over. I miss her but not the "stuff" so much!

    It is so good to see new faces here again...welcome, welcome! And good to catch up with the "old" friends here. I read as much as I could and will try to be back later today to catch up more. I did not have my computer on my trip so I have a LOT to catch up with!!!!!!!!:ohwell:

    Take care and see you again soon. Kackie
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Kackie! Glad to see you!

    On the walking front - I got my 3.5 miles in at 4.1 mph and got some blisters on my heels gratis, due to new trainers which I'm not
    sure are right for me anyway, with or without the blisters!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    I weighed this morning and I am down a measly .2 of a pound, so why am I so happy? :laugh: It is the first downward movement in a while...hats and horns please! Maybe going to the gym 3x's a week is what I needed.:noway: ..Someone said something about me being motivated because we have a 45 minute drive one way to the gym...Ladies, I would love to take credit for all the motivation but instead I will give the credit where due...My husband :love: is the one who is the motivator, he is always eager and ready to go to the gym and probably would go everyday if gas were not so expensive and encourages me to go on days I would prefer to not go. I am always glad that I went and actually think it is getting easier to accept going. I have had 2 years of inactivity due to knee pain and it became a way of life for me so to introduce a complete change is a big thing for me.

    We booked a cruise over Christmas this year, it will be great to be out of the cold and in the Caribbean for the holidays. Can't wait, we've been on a lot of cruises in the past but this will be the first one at Christmas time. I love clothes and dressing up and love when my clothes fit and I know they look the way I want them to...so looking forward to all of that on our cruises...Having 2 cruises planned at the end of this year is really a big motivator to me, we have a 28 day cruise from LA to Hawaii, Tahiti and Samoa and back to LA planned for October too. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week, keeps on track and resists temptations. I am off to eat breakfast and get ready for the gym.....Hubby is out in the kitchen getting our post gym snack together right now....xoSissy:heart::flowerforyou:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, finished my first aid courses for a year. Now onto the other stuff. My scale has been getting stronger it says I'm not so heavy, well that is good but it had better say wow you are very light.:laugh:

    Hope all is well here, welcome to the new people and hope our seasoned ladies are still hard at it and setting examples of hard dedication to the followers.

    Taking a short break for lunch, then back to work, keep on the good life ladies, catch you all soon again.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Another pound gone, weigh in this morning.. YEAH ME... taken me since March 7 to lose 12 pounds, but I am truckin along...
    Cycle 1, Day 13, Round 2 of the 17 Day Diet .... will continue until I am done with what I want to lose, about another 20 pounds.
    The sun is shining today, will ride my bike for 30 mintues, and I am playing bridge this afternoon... what a lovely day for a change.
    Ate at Pei Wei last night, had a salad with plain chicken breast, brought my own broccoli to add to the salad, and my own dressing, works great...
    Have a good day.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies.........

    :ohwell: The scales are not budging!! surely they will soon?

    :noway: Today has been a busy one with a new cleaning client. I think I earned some "Brownie Points" along with a colleague ..........grime busters had nothing on this house. It was nearly gleaming when we finished and once clean we can "Keep on top of it"
    A shower, hair wash and even a good teeth scrubbing (Breathing in all the dust!!) was verrrry necessary!!

    :heart: Dh is off at work this evening and #1 son is on the way with his present. Which.....reminded me that I needed to wrap my present...nearly forgot!! #2 son had a good Birthday yesterday too...we're taking his present down next weekend, We're taking#1 GS with us too. The rest of the family are busy with a dancing competition for #1 GD. :sad: He's also just changed senior school after being bullied so needs a bit of TLC.

    :laugh: Must go now as my peace has been shattered ...............

    Back now....at least I've been occupied so no snacking!!! :happy: Verrry pleased to find out that #1GS is enjoying his new school and has made some real friends. The kind that don't pick on him for wanting to do his best and actually try hard in his lessons. :heart: Don't you just want to wrap them in cotton wool?!!!

    :heart: Jackie