

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I got back from the lake last night just in time to zoom off to Bible school. I will be helping there every night this week, and then Friday I am headed to Nebraska for a camping mini family reunion with some cousins that I haven't spent any time with for years.

    I had a great weekend at the lake, and I am really tired today, but did force myself to go out and walk for 30 minutes to get going again. We won't talk about my bathroom scale.

    Happy belated birthday to Ldspill, and happy birthday to tiarapants!

    I've got to get some work done around here before I leave for church. They are feeding me there, but it is kid friendly food, so not the best for me. I have decided to just go with the flow, and hope a burn a few calories chasing them around!
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Had a better day today than yesterday. Stayed on my food plan, did water aerobics for an hour and walked a mile!

    Hope everyone is doing good it sounds like you are. YAH!

    My computer has been acting up today so I just wanted to get a short message on here before it shuts itself off again.

    Thank for all the support and encouragement.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY tiarapants.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    You know, Cindy talking about never having luck with the icing got me to thinking. How many times I've made fundge and I can never, ever get it right. It never has the same consistency as the stuff you buy in the grocery store. Maybe it's because I don't use all those stabilizers and junk, just real butter etc. At least that makes some sense to me.

    I was really hoping that the Y meeting was this week, but it's next week. Yuk! Looking ahead, that means that I get to get up at 5, get there by 7, the meeting usually lasts until about 8:30, then Newcomers has the board meeting at 10 which they've asked me to take the secretary's notes on so I can't miss it, after the board meetings I usually go to mahjongg at 1:30 since the board meetings last until around 11:30-12. Mah jongg is from 1:30 to about 3. Usually I go and bowl a few games on Tuesdays. Not sure when I can get in exercise. Maybe I can run to the Y from 11:30-12:30, then change, then go to mahjongg. That night I'm hosting bunco at my house so I'll need to clean and make a dessert. I've already decided what I'm going to make -- a lemon cheesecake and have some fruit. I don't know what it is, but I know that in a sense I'm addicted to exercise. I just feel badly if I don't exercise. Well, I'm getting ahead of myself. Today I'll take the extreme pump class. Tomorrow I'll do a downloadable workout for spinning.

    Talking about where you find it easier to drink your water. Whenever I'm bowling, I find it easier to drink. Can't explain that, maybe it's because I'm working (exercising) and working up a thirst.

    genelace - Honestly, I like going to Denny's. They have this grilled chicken that's on the senior menu. I get that along with some veggies and water to drink. Quite filling, and not a lot of calories. Check their menu. Yes, there are things that will blow your diet to smithereens, but they also have some good items on it.

    If I HAVE to get something from Olive Garden's dinner menu, the apricot chicken is the way I go. But the sodium! I usually get the chicken spindini and instead of the potatoes get two helpings of veges. The chicken spindini is only on the lunch menu, but they will serve it to you at dinner time. I ask that no sauce be put on it, because once I think they did. I really don't see where it's really needed.

    Welcome back kackie. You've been missed. Glad you had such a good time.

    Another day of running around. Took an extreme pump class, then went to two food stores for a little bit because I was in that area, stopped at a pharmacy, then went to the senior bowl. Boy, did I do crappy today! Out of three games, not once did I even break 100. I did get close twice, tho (we won't even mention the third game)

    Mary - have a great time in Nebraska. How long will you be gone?

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Good Evening Ladies:

    Hope you all have had a good day.

    tiarapants - Happy Birthday, Hope you had a good one.

    Barbie - enjoy your "free time" with your poodles.

    Jeanne and Jackie - don;t worry, you will get back on track.

    Birdie - I loved your post, so wise.

    Michele - sounds like you are sue getting one whole lot of exercise.

    Mimi - good luck with getting your new room done. What colour are your painting it? Look at how much you have changed with your exercise, that is amazing.

    wizzywig - hope you are okay.

    Cindy - good luck with your "meet me at the Beach" challenge.

    Kathy - I think we drink more water at work because we are distracted and don't notice how much we are drinking.

    Kackie - hope you had fun with your family and friends.

    Linda - sorry to hear you got the blisters on your feet.

    Sissy - glad your weight has started to move for you. That's great about your cruise. My husband and I and going for a cruise in September.

    Mary - happy travels.

    Jackie - you are absolutely right, you just want to wrap them up in cotton wool and protect them forever.

    Well, I guess that is it for tonight, Ladies. Take care and I will talk to you later.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I’ve been working on the computer all day. :grumble: Not fun. No walk for me today. :noway: I plan to do some painting though so should earn a few calories. :happy: Tomorrow, I’m getting’ outside when the birds wake up. Gotta beat the heat. Yep, the heat. I knew I’d be complaining about the heat before long. We got about a week of springtime weather!

    Amanda, happy birthday! Hope you’re doing up the town – all month! :love:

    Barbara, I’d like to check out the Parmesan (or Romano) you use. I’m hoping the cheese I bought will be good. I bought some fancy pantsy Parmesan a few months ago – with a price tag to match. Ended up giving it away. :angry: I guess I have plebian tastes! Good point about grating only what you need. That’s my plan too. You’ll be back on track in no time. Just use your GPS, as Lorri mentioned!

    Viv, You’re back on track with a vengeance! Way to go. :flowerforyou: I’m glad the health scare turned out not to be scary. I hate that.

    Linda, just 5 miles. Is that all? :noway: You’re amazing. You just get faster and walk longer every week. Way to go. Bummer about the new shoes. Shoes are so important.

    Cindy, you had a good day. Good for you! :flowerforyou:

    Genealace, great job! :flowerforyou:

    Robin, the jacket sounds cute. :happy: Good buy! Good for you on a healthy choice at Olive Garden. :flowerforyou: That’s gotta be one of the worst places for calories. I like your idea of shredding then freezing the cheese. I could use my mom’s food processor. That makes short work of shredding. Or, I could just shred a little at a time. :laugh: (Such problems!)

    Kackie, I always miss you when you’re gone. :heart: I’m glad you had such a good time though.

    Sissy and Natalie, congrats on the progress! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jackie, your DGS sounds like a prize. I’m glad he found a school with nice kids. That can be such a problem. One of my DGS is a little quirky – darling but quirky – he could spend all day and all night on the computer. He moved to a new school during the year last year and had a hard time making friends. Now he’s at another new school. I do wish I could wrap him up and keep him safe.

    Welcome back, Mary. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

    Time for a nice big, crisp, refreshing green salad. Yum! :drinker:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Made hubby a ham steak, I did not eat it, except for 3 bites, as the sodium was way high, he ate 1/2, will have some for breakfast with his eggs, then I will throw the rest out.. what did I have, a turkey burger, broccoli and a salad.

    same old same old same old, but I am getting used to it, I did buy at Sam's Club, some parmesean crusted Tilapia, which I thought I would try, not sure, but the sodium was not to bad, that is what I look at now.

    Going out for lunch tomorrow, will order a garden salad, bring my own chicken and broccoli to put on the salad, and there you go, lunch!

    Take care, have a good evening.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening everyone…
    It was a busy day around here. A couple of weeks ago, we all had a cookout ( we live in a duplex –I bought this house with our neighbors 23 years ago then met my husband…we all get along great). I brought some turkey burgers which about melted into the grill. So my neighbor decided he was a mission to find a make a good turkey or chicken burger. Yesterday afternoon we made a recipe that he found and did dinner last night. The chicken burger was delicious. You do cook it in a pan.
    I am so lucky to have that kind of support from my friends.
    I did get a light workout in yesterday. I didn’t get to the gym today. I am not supposed to do any strenuous activity or heavy lifting (eye surgery last Friday) but I know that I could do a workout ( as long as my eyelids don’t sweat…ha). I just know that when I have a bump in my schedule, it is so easy to get out of the routine of exercise for me. I really feel on a roll with it so I need to keep the schedule up.
    Birdie…. Your post about the pizza on Sunday night was a great reminder for me about sharing our struggles as well as our successes. This is something to be in for the long haul.
    I am seeing that sometimes my struggle is more to do with how I can “set myself up” and with the actual food choices etc. Knowing what I need to stay balanced is such an important part in all of this!
    Have a good day.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Michele - I did look at the grilled chicken on the seniors menu at Denny's but I seem to remember that it was on a bed of rice (have to ditch that if it has peppers or onions in) and I think it said it was seasoned, so then that is out too. Don't do seasoning except salt because I'm allergic to pepper (and peppers, and mustard, and chili, and curry, and anything spicy, and flax seed, and tree nuts - just to mention a few!), so I have to be able to identify something that I can be sure doesn't have anything on,or is coated in anything. That's why I gave the sausages away. Still, I don't expect we'll be back to Denny's for a while. There are so many restaurants around these days that we are spoiled for choice.

    Went to visit my friend in hospital but he was having a bad day, so I only stayed a few minutes. As I couldn't find the papers he wanted he thinks that his daughter probably threw everything out. So, he doesn't have the receipts and things he needs to complete his income tax.

    Anyway, off to bed. C U on the other side.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: today was my day for a naughty meal.....hubby announced this morning that we were going out to lunch and gave me three choices----I chose Mexican knowing it would be bad on calories and sodium and I was right, but it was deliciouss
    veggie chimichanga, rice and beans, a few tortilla chips, and pico de gallo. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my pedometer says that I've walked over eight miles today but even that won't match the big lunch :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR YESTERDAY AMANDA :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope you had a good one.

    Sorry I can't stay, I'm late for work (surprise surprise - how unusual :laugh: )

    Chat again soon xx
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my lovelies

    This is a fly by posting as I'm rushing through today.

    Thank you all for my birthday wishes! I had a great day and did something that I have never done before. I've been a redhead all my life and haven't been able to have my hair coloured as I'm allergic to most hair dyes. Anyway, yesterday I found somewhere that uses a completely natural product and I'm now blonde! Only problem is that DH not too keen - he said he's always loved my natural hair colour and why mess with perfection (back handed compliment?) Still, I like it and feel very brave.

    Will try to post a photo later on when I get home from the gym.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Hello Active Ladies!!!

    June Babies -- Happy Birthday!
    Natalie -- Congratulations on your 12 lbs and restarting 17DD
    Mary -- Happy Anniversary
    Birdie -- Read your crazy neighbor story to the family.
    Dee -- Sorry for the loss of your beloved Katy

    Chicklet -- Congratulations on your new bathing suit, weight loss, and guy friend! I am so sadden by the challanges of your fragile mother. I agree with others that you need a face-to-face support group. If you cannot find one in your area for caregivers; perhaps Alanon or Overeaters Anonomyous would help.

    Bkrbabe 57 - You look awesome!! Thank you for the pictures.
    Mimi - You will be size 12!!

    I just returned from Cape Cod where I worked on getting a house ready for the rental season...Very little play; mainly work where to prepare meals felt like taking time away from my goals. =( Also, very little structure so I wasn't eating my 3 meals and 1 snack. The house looks great though and when I return, I get to play in it with my 7 year old grandson!!

    I returned home to Brooklyn last Thursday to the end of a heat wave....Uuuugggg...It took me until yesterday to get back on MFP. I will weigh in tomorrow. The good news is that I have been on the 17DD - I have a yogurt for a snack before bed but no mindless night snacking!! I saw friends Saturday night who raved about how good I look.

    Make it a great day!
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Tiarapants - Is that a picture of your new blond hair???? If so, your hair looks great!! Let me know if blondes have more fun!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Looks like it might be a nice day here - still haven't cut the lawns they have been too wet. Neighbour is having a garage rebuilt and this morning the workmen decided that it would be a good time to throw all the bits of concrete into the metal skip, starting at just after 7:30. It might have been nice if they'd done that yesterday afternoon instead of finishing work at 3:00.

    Off to lunch at a friend's and she knows of my allergies and asked if I could eat quiche with onions. She is serving it with salad so I told her that just a salad would be great. Then I have to leave early (eat and run) to go to a meeting at the bowls club.

    Need to get out and plant my tomatoes - only have 4 plants this year but they need to be in the garden, not in the sunroom.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I just returned from Cape Cod where I worked on getting a house ready for the rental season...Very little play; mainly work where to prepare meals felt like taking time away from my goals. =( Also, very little structure so I wasn't eating my 3 meals and 1 snack. The house looks great though and when I return, I get to play in it with my 7 year old grandson!!

    I use do rent a house in Eastham and my brother owns a house in Falmouth. Where is YOUR rental house?

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Evening everyone…
    It was a busy day around here. A couple of weeks ago, we all had a cookout ( we live in a duplex –I bought this house with our neighbors 23 years ago then met my husband…we all get along great). I brought some turkey burgers which about melted into the grill. So my neighbor decided he was a mission to find a make a good turkey or chicken burger. Yesterday afternoon we made a recipe that he found and did dinner last night. The chicken burger was delicious. You do cook it in a pan.

    I love turkey burgers on the grill but you do need to use a grill basket for them! Have a wonderful day, everyone! Need to get to work.
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I think I'm getting my act together. I've been swimming already this morning and am right on target with my food plan. I went out to eat with a girlfriend yesterday and had 1 egg and toast so that wasn't to bad. Went to water aerobics and walked yesterday so I worked off the calories.

    I have to run - gots lots of stuff to do before my doc appointment this morning.

    Happy Birthday to all those who have June birthdays.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: today was my day for a naughty meal.....hubby announced this morning that we were going out to lunch and gave me three choices----I chose Mexican knowing it would be bad on calories and sodium and I was right, but it was deliciouss
    veggie chimichanga, rice and beans, a few tortilla chips, and pico de gallo. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my pedometer says that I've walked over eight miles today but even that won't match the big lunch :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbie YOUR naughty meal does not sound so naughty to me!!!:laugh: Only a few calories over. Don't be so hard on yourself!!:wink: Now when I say that I have a naughty meal.:tongue: .....well let's just say I'm not only 92 calories over!!!:laugh:
    You're an inspiration to us all!!!:wink:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good morning ladies, just finished my coffee (with creamer and sweetner, don't deny myself of that), and egg salad, and cantaloupe (I know, not in cycle 1, but what you gonna do?), anyway, I am off to take my Therapy Dog to the nursing home for her visit with the people, then to lunch out with a friend, will order a garden salad, taking my OWN turkey (low sodium) and broccoli to add to the salad... not sure for dinner yet.. perhaps another turkey burger (look like one)..
    Have a good day, will be back later..