

  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Birdie M - Wellfleet
    rjadams - Sent good energy & prayers to your situation

    Lost 3.8 on 17DD Cycle 2 which lasts 14 days!! Was so surprised at the weight lost that I got off and on the scale again!:noway: Anyway, I am very pleased. Busy day of errands

    Make it a great day everyone!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Another nice day here - going up to 29c today.

    Neighbour's workmen started with a concrete cutter at 7:14 - please have a little consideration for your neighbours who don't have to be up at the crack of dawn and the house at the back has little kidlets, so I bet they weren't happy if the kids were woken up.

    Chiclet - I don't know what the situation is in the US. In Canada there are some places where patients can go for a limited period of time so that their carers can have a break. There are also day care programs where people can go for a day program (some of these are for altzheimer patients so that the family can do grocery shopping. I have a friend who has altzheimers and even though she lives in a senior residence with care, her family has her organized to go to something different each morning so that she is getting stimulation rather than just living in her unit in the residence.

    Had a nice lunch with friends yesterday, but had to leave early to go to a meeting. And then didn't feel like cooking for myself in the evening so didn't eat well. Was within my calories but not very healthy stuff.

    Off to lawn bowl so that gives me a good chunk of activity - 90 minutes for one game.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :happy: Stopping in to say hi.

    Today is a busy day. I started with a tough Cathe Legs & Glute workout. I love the feeling of accomplishment after completing a challenging workout.. The fear of not being able to walk after all those reps is something I'll have to work out.

    The last few days I have been really hungry. I just can't seem to eat enough:drinker: . I am hoping that increased hunger is a sign of increased metabolism.

    :smile: Have a great day
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Good morning everyone. :happy: We have another beautiful, sunny day here. I wanted to get out of the house for a walk by 7 am this morning to beat the heat but stayed up reading until midnight. I didn’t wake up ‘til 7! :laugh:

    I think the temp will be okay if we walk at 8:30 or 9 though. I’ll wear lighter clothing. Yesterday I wore jeans and long sleeves. :noway: Not the best choice. No wonder I thought it was 80 out. It probably was only 70 but felt like 80!

    Poor Izzy doesn’t get a choice about what to wear. She’s scheduled for a haircut and “do” next week.. She looks like a petite Benji with her longer hair but will go short, and look like the skinny mini she is, for the summer.

    Yesterday was a good food day. Barbie, you’re right. The detours are getting shorter. That was my shortest binge on record. Hah! I didn’t realize that until you mentioned it. :laugh: :laugh: :happy: :happy:

    Cindy, lol at the picture of your DH instructing you on breastfeeding. :laugh:

    Mary, carrots and low-fat ranch. That’s a binge worth having! :flowerforyou: The pleasure without the guilt. I’m looking forward to getting your low-fat ranch recipe.

    Jackie, put your braised beef and my vile salad together and we’d have a fine meal. :huh: Onward and upward. (It’s the only way we can go. :laugh: )

    Teresa, I can have chocolate around most of the time, peanut butter too, as long as I weigh it and log it. It’s when I nibble that I get in trouble. Don’t set a box of chocolates on the coffee table or I’m a goner. :tongue:

    Robin, my fingers and toes are crossed. Being unemployed is no fun. I’ve turned it into retirement but you’re too much of a spring chicken for that. Hugs. :heart:

    Collycan, cute pic! It’s strange how some things can send us for the fridge. For me, it might be stress. And, Sally was right about the trigger foods.

    Vicki, having a ball and losing weight?! Wow. Good job. :flowerforyou:

    Sally, good progress! :flowerforyou: The weight loss can be higher some weeks than others. I figure it all evens out. 4 lbs in 2 weeks is fantastic!

    Barbie, good for you for cleaning things out. It’s hard to do. I find I feel lighter after I’ve done it. You’ll still have the memories of all the good times. I love that two friends who couldn’t stand each other stood each other anyway to help you out. :laugh: That’s true friendship.

    Michele, my brain can barely keep up with the whirlwind of activity that makes up a single day for you. :noway: I have a picture of you in my mind – running from one activity to another, jumping into your swimsuit, peeling it off to get ready bowling, bowling shoes on, bowling shoes off, then on to the next activity. Repeat X10…I don’t know how you do it. :laugh:

    Chiclet, you sound awesome! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Just right on the attitude, never mind how your mom’s acting. She’s a case isn’t she?! You could write a book.

    I’m in favor of earplugs when she whines and serving her food at an appropriate distance for her to walk. If she wants to eat, she’ll get herself there! If she’s going to act like a child, treat her like a child.

    You could use the treats she likes as a reward for her working hard at her rehab. No work, no reward.:angry: I’m usually a softie, but deliberate self-indulgence doesn’t get you any points in my book. :laugh:

    I’m glad to see you showing your spirit. You go, girl! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    The girls and I went to a signup shebang at the library for the summer reading club. They each got a free book and, the real draw…a popsicle! We sat on the lawn for an hour listening to a marvelous storyteller/singer then we went inside the library and they checked out 25 books. That’s a record. I asked the librarian what the limit was. It’s 100 books! I found another Mo Willems book for them. Can't wait to look at it. (As I said, it was "for them"! :laugh: )

    Svelte, congrats on a good weight loss. :flowerforyou:

    Genea, lawn bowling sounds fun. :happy:

    Lorri, you’re doing an amazing job with your Cathe workouts. Your metabolism has no doubt increased. How lovely that all that muscle is burning more calories even when you sit or sleep. :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Okay, enough time on the computer. Time to get out and about. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. (And, for some of you, it’s evening, so good night!)

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I got on scale today, one pound UP from yesterday, but yesterday the scale said a weight I have not seen in 10 years, so I doubt it was correct, I am not recording yesterday's weight, but it's good to know that the scale can say that!! HAAAA, well, back to reality this morning, the scale did say that I was .4 down from the day before yesterday, c1d15r2, not looking forward to c2, as I did not lose anything when on it last time...

    I think that rain is the summer of 2011 in Chicago, we have NEVER had so much rain, golf has been cancelled I don't know how many times, as well as playing outside with grandkids, amazing, and then there is FLORIDA, a drought.. and the fires in AZ, all these things, global warming the cause????

    Have a good day
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I got on scale today, one pound UP from yesterday, but yesterday the scale said a weight I have not seen in 10 years, so I doubt it was correct, I am not recording yesterday's weight, but it's good to know that the scale can say that!! HAAAA, well, back to reality this morning, the scale did say that I was .4 down from the day before yesterday, c1d15r2, not looking forward to c2, as I did not lose anything when on it last time...
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    I got on scale today, one pound UP from yesterday, but yesterday the scale said a weight I have not seen in 10 years, so I doubt it was correct, I am not recording yesterday's weight, but it's good to know that the scale can say that!! HAAAA, well, back to reality this morning, the scale did say that I was .4 down from the day before yesterday, c1d15r2, not looking forward to c2, as I did not lose anything when on it last time...

    All the Chicago rain is probably adding water weight to your weigh-in.:wink:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    someone posted this on Facebook and wanted to share with you all.
    The scale can only give you a numerical reflection with gravity.That`s it.It can`t measure beauty,talent purpose,life force,possibilities,strength,or love.
    Don`t give the scale more power than it has earned.
    Take note of the number,then get off and live your life.
    You are beautiful.
    By Steve Maraboli
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I've been in kind of a funk the last week or so. I know I should just eat right, exercise, drink my water and all will be good. Yeah, right. I have been trying real hard to see my glass half full. I feel great. I have lost 30 or so pounds. I have no major health issues. I exercise hard for 1 1/2 to 2 hours a day. I eat around 1300 - 1500 calories a day give or take. I have an occasional slip up but nothing major but I have lost basically nothing since December. I never used the MFP counts for exercise but was using the ones on the gym machines. I was/am eating about 1/2 my calories back to get me to the 1300-1500. Nothing was happening so I got an HRM to check my exercise calorie burn. The Polar 4 showed a smaller calorie burn for some activities so I have been using those numbers and still nothing. I have varied my exercise - still nothing.

    I will continue with what I am doing because it is a healthy way to live and I feel good. I am just not losing weight anymore and can't help but be disappointed by that. I could always try reducing my calories to a strict 1200 but I am afraid if I did that I would not be willing to keep it up. I can live with what I am doing now but am bummed that eating right and exercising isn't getting me to where I want to be.

    I don't like being a Debbie Downer but those are the facts. This is a great program and has done a lot for me but may not get me to where I want to be weight wise. If so, I am still much better off than I was before I found you all.

  • tetadan
    tetadan Posts: 8
    Faye, don't beat yourself up. Maybe your body is in starvation mode and you need more calories because you are working out so much. Have you lost inches? Inches are more important than pounds, remember fat weighs more than mussle. Keep up the good work.

    Good morning to all, I've not read any other posts for the last couple of days, will try to catch up at luch.

    Have a great day!

    Diane :flowerforyou:
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    Janemartin02, I think that facebook post says it all, we cannot be measured by pounds and ounces, one is so much more, we really need to understand and embrace this philosophy.:flowerforyou:

    Chiclet, I know you feel you are banging your head against a wall and it is doing no good. My stepmother has advanced alzheimer's and my daughter and I have the responsibility of her care even though she was only married to my father less than 2 years and was married 4 times before she married him, she designated us as her caretakers and trustees of her estate, so it is a big responsibility...she is 88, physically strong and healthy but she is incontinent, cannot carry on a conversation and does not even know us anymore, some of the decisions we have had to make have been very stressful and there was a huge amount of guilt when they were made, she lives in a locked alzheimer's care facility now and it has become much easier for us to go about our own lives, before we felt we were "on call" to reluctantly attend to her every need. We had the advice of an attorney, a psyciatrist and her physician telling us to put her in the facility. I understand how hard this is for you, she is your mother, because even though this was my step mother the decisions about her care were difficult for us to make. I hope you can find support and help so you have peace of mind to make the decisions you face, you deserve a life of your own and you deserve happiness. I know you don't know me and maybe I should not say all that I said to you, but I feel you need some help and guidance to get yourself through this time in your life. (((((( )))))) you also need a lot of hugs...let me give you a good one!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We are off to the gym and to the grocery store today...think I will bring home a cooked rottiserie chicken from walmart, along with steamed green beans and a big salad, for dinner and a snack of cantalope for later in the evening. :drinker:

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies,
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Back from bowling - it was very hot on the greens. Tied game today but we are counting the points not who wins and loses.

    Faye - if you are maintaining at 1300-1500, then perhaps you need to do a week at 1200 to see if you lose. It wouldn't be for always because you know you maintain at the higher level. Perhaps you need to shake things up a bit. I know that there is a philosophy that you go few calories one day and then lots of calories the next day, then back to the average for a couple of days. I haven't tried it, but I think they do it on WW - can't remember what they called it.

    Chiclet - well done! Whether it does any good or not remains to be seen, but at least you aren't bottling it up inside you and carrying the mental burden as well as the physical ones. Would your mother have to go into full time care? Does she realise that if you can't cope that her living in a facility is a possibility? A friend of mine was looking after her husband who had altzheimers at home. She took him everywhere with her - theatre, shopping, etc. She coped with him over the Christmas and he was gradually getting more and more difficult. One day she put his coat on him, got him in the car and drove to the hospital. Went in, got a wheelchair - put him in it took him inside and said "I can't deal with him anymore, someone else will have to cope". Then she turned round and walked away. They found him a space in a residential home and she still went to see him several times a week, but was so relieved that she had her life back.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi lovely ladies................

    Another quick post....becoming a habit methinks!!

    :ohwell: Dh has gone to work early again leaving me to fend for myself for tea.
    As I'm in a "can't be bovvered "mood...........:bigsmile: .I had breakfast again!! Oh! and I only had two of his chocolates that I noticed he'd opened during the day. ......he should've taken them with him!!

    We went to the dentist this afternoon for clean and polish. DH had our usual dentist and I had......:noway: "The Hygienist from HELL"
    My mouth feels as if I've been chewing razor blades.........:sad: .not that I really know what that feels like!!
    I promised to floss more ....I would've agreed to anything to get from her clutches!!..............:laugh: Teeth are clean though!!

    So...........methinks I may well go and lay my head on my pillow.......even though it's very early. I had a very busy morning, tomorrow is a double cleaning session and on Friday it's back to being a "Grimebuster" again!!:yawn: A few extra zzzz's are in order I think.
    Would you want to bet that as I sneak my very early night..... the phone will ring or someone will call and catch me out!!!
    I find it very hard to sleep sometimes............laying awake with my mind filtering over all sorts of nonsense sometimes. I haven't got the work stress excuse now!! so what on earth keeps me awake??!!!.......in the end I revert to taking an anti histamine that makes me drowsy.........What do you all do to get to sleep??? Answers please.........not on a post card!!

    So..........have a great evening all. I'm hoping to post tomorrow refreshed and ready to go at full pelt!!

    :yawn: Jackie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Interview went well. Now we wait. I hate this part. :ohwell:
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Wondering what else can happen to me health-wise! It all started last October when after going to the gym I had palpitations all day. Overnight in hospital, cardiology appt, treadmill test which had to be stopped as my BP went dangerously high. 24 hour monitor & the consultant changed my BP meds but no mention of a follow up.

    Pleurisy in time for Christmas was fun - not!

    In January, an out of the blue a cardio appt where they decide I have an irregular heartbeat - sometimes, called non sustained ventricular tachycardiaI & need an ultrasound of my heart.

    Mid April I get a cold. After 2 weeks I have very bubbly breathing & coughing, Doc says chest infection, have anti-biotics. A week & a bit later, as I'm no better another Doc gives me more anti-biotics & steroids. After another 2 weeks, see a 3rd Doc & leave with yet more anti-biotics & instructions to visit the hospital for a chest xray. As I felt better I haven't had the results of the chest xray yet but I figured as the surgery hadn't phoned, it was ok.

    Back to the cardio who tells me the ultrasound showed my heart was pumping strongly but.......... there is a thickening which needs to be investigated so I'm currently waiting for an appt for an MRI.

    I feel I finally have my weightloss act together after finding MFP & now it looks like I may have cellulitis in my ankle so back to the Doc tomorrow. I see more anti-biotics in my future.

    Please don't think I'm after sympathy especially as there are those more deserving. It just seems that for the last 8 months my health has gone downhill. I know I have a cheek being new to the board & not posting much so far but I'm just so fed up with feeling yucky & needed a whinge. Geri
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    Today we had a vegetable lunch. I picked squash and made a squash casserole. I also picked our first green beans and made green bean almondine. Sliced tomatoes and some hot peppers from the garden. For dessert I made a blueberry pie with berries I picked this morning. The thing that had the most calories was the pie but it was worth it.

    My tomatoes are coming along but not anywhere ready for picking. I've planted the okra twice now and it still hasn't come up for some reason. Maybe the seed is old. I'm going to try one more time but this time I am going to plant some pole beans with it and maybe one will come up. If they both come up then the beans can just climb up the okra. i don't know if it will work but I'll see. I have heard of having beans climb up corn but I'll see what happens.

    I also planted some potato in hay. That's an experiment too. I have a friend who did that this year and I will be curious to see how his turns out as we used different planting methods. Next year I may change and try something different.

    The field peas I planted look really nice. I just hope they don't get buggy and ruined before they are ready to pick. We have a pretty big problem with Japanese Beetles towards the end of June and into July.

    My Son started taking the 30 yr old wall paper off the dining nook walls today. I'll be glad when the painting in there and the kitchen is done. It needs it so very badly. I have just never been into decorating and it is a little daunting to imagine what I think I would like in there. All I know is that I do not like dark paneling or dark cabinets in my kitchen and will be glad when that is changed. The floors need to be redone too.

    I saw on-line a recipe for homemade dishwasher soap. I had all the ingredients so I've made some. I'll let you know how I like it. My first load is in the dishwasher and I am waiting for the results.

    Have a good evening and for everyone who is having difficulties hang in there.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I get weighed every Wednesday and part of my being accountable is to report my results. I gained 3 pounds from my lowest weight.:ohwell: It does not surprise me as I have had an off week with eating foods I don’t usually eat:embarassed: …. as well as not exercising because I hadn’t been feeling well.:yawn: Yesterday and today have been very clean days and I’m sure I will drop those unwanted pounds:bigsmile: . But this is exactly why I love this program. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: If I track…..honestly….I can’t blame the weather for bad results:laugh: . I KNOW what I went over on so it makes sense that a couple of pounds came back.:ohwell: Before MFP I would have avoided the scale for months:noway: . Now….even though I REALLY wasn’t looking forward to weighing myself, I’m glad I did.:smile:
    My hubby has a virus:sick: and a cold and I’ve been fighting it. I exercised this morning anyways but I could tell I was pushing:yawn: . I had a very busy day at work and am very tired, so this post will be brief.
    I haven’t even had time to read the posts but will try to catch up on them later.
    Have a lovely day, everyone and stay positive! That’s the engine that keeps us going!:drinker: :smile:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies!

    I am struggling to get myself back on track again...every little trip or group of visitors is such a challenge for me. The heat makes the outside walks less fun these days so I have to get back to my indoor DVDs. I can do this...but some days require more effort than others........

    Amanda: Love your Happy Birthday Blonde Hair...very lovely! And how wonderful that your DH likes you just the way you are.

    Barbie: I am glad to know you have a naughty meal just every once in a while...I know that won't be something you do often, so hope you enjoyed it!

    Mimi: I never like salads that I make as much as those others make for me, but I always make my own dressing...it is such an easy thing to do and I hate to think of all the strange ingredients in most. I love the sound of the Fig Balsamic & walnut oil...I will give that one a try for sure!

    Cindy: Your vegetable lunch sounds so yummy! This time of year is such a treat for the fresh produce. My small grape tomatoes are coming in great quantities, but I still haven't gotten a real tomato yet. Our drought has stalled things a bit I believe...irrigation just isn't the same as Mother Nature's water! How nice to have a son taking off your wallpaper for you! That has always ended up being my job...and it isn't fun!

    Geri: Hope things get better for you...and don't feel bad for venting here....that's what we are all here for!

    Robin: I hope your wait isn't long...glad to hear the interview went well:)

    Faye: Hang in there! You are doing all the right things and your body is benefitting in many ways...the scale will follow...I loved the facebook quote about the scale.......but we all do want it to move down anyway!

    Better go outside and water more plants! We NEED RAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Take care all of you...sorry not to reply to more of you individually, but so glad you are all here. Kackie:heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Geri - It is okay to tell us what you are feeling. You are right, you do deserve better! I hope your issues are resolved soon.

    Robin - Wishing you luck. Glad the interview went well.

    I've got to go get ready for Bible School. Just two more nights. Last night was eventful. A mother who doesn't have custody tried to snatch her 7 year old from my group and got as far as the car with him before he got away. He was scared to death of her. The police ended up coming. I don't want to repeat that experience.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you're having a fine time!

    Mary - what willpower you show with your carrots! How did your GP appointment go? Hope all is ok :flowerforyou:

    Jackie - I love your stories! You always make me laugh! For sleeping? I find I have less of a problem when I've been working out! Otherwise, I keep a really boring book by my bed - that soon knocks me out! :laugh: :laugh:

    Robin - fingers crossed for you on the job front! Times really ARE hard!

    Collycan - training days and hunger! Could it be because they are sooooooo boring? I know I've been to a few of those where
    the trainers just love nothing better than the sound of their own voices! :noway: :laugh: :noway:

    Cindy - how wonderful to have your home grown veg for lunch. I bet they tasted MUCH sweeter than shop bought! That blueberry pie sounds to die for! Your garden seems like a real Eden! Enjoy!

    Kackie - great to hear from you!

    Well, it's late here, so have a good day everyone! And good night!

    Mary - I bet Izzy will look cute in her new hairdo! She's bound to feel the benefit too! You really seem to be enjoying a fun time with your girls right now! They seem like great company!

    Yesterday, on my walk, I looked in 3 different shops trying to find a good pair of light walking shoes. After looking on a few websites, I thought I had a vague idea of what I was looking for - something to help me with speed. Anyway, I got lto the first shop and spoke to a really pleasant young man, who advised me on a particular shoe. They didn't have that model but he suggested another shop that did. When I got to that shop, I spoke to a young woman who suggested that a range of other shoes was better for my purpose. In the third shop, a young man suggested yet another type of shoe. I started out with a vague idea and how I'm completely confused. Oh! No! That's not strictly true! I've decided I want some grey ones with maybe a lime green stripe in them somewhere!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You'd think picking a pair of shoes would be easy, wouldn't you? :noway: :noway:

    Faye - I'm so sorry that you're feeling bad! I seriously hope something happens soon to turn you around again! Diane's suggestion is a good one! Whatever you decide, you need to take care of yourself