

  • gail0713
    gail0713 Posts: 7
    My name is Gail and I am 55. I am new to MFP. I started on May 28. I have lost 11 pounds. I love having a way to track my food and exercise. I am doing Atkins with a friend of mine, but she is not on MFP. I have a hard time eating my calories when I exercise, but I am trying to stay within my calorie count. I would like to have some friends on this website to talk with and get help when I need it and to offer help if I can.
  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    Mimi: Thanks for your comment about starvation mode and dieting. I am just feeling frustrated because the scale WON'T budge! Maybe I will try measuring inches instead of pounds...and I will definitely try making more of my calories veges and fruit :smile:

    Mary: "Death by InService" definitely describes what happens to all of my will power on those days :laugh:

    Birdie: Thanks for the Kale recipe - with my osteoporosis I have been trying to eat more spinach, kale, and collards. Sure appreciate the recipe that should make the kale more yummy (i.e. palatable!!!)

    You guys are the BEST! I can't tell you how much this thread really motivates me :happy:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Getting to the gym today was a struggle for me....but I got there so I consider that a victory! I exercised yesterday and found that my body felt sluggish--even my heart rate was low throughout the whole time. Today I was tired but eventually my energy kicked in and it actually felt good doing to workout (today was eliptical, weights and bike).

    I showed my friend this site and she logged her food for yesterday. She was shocked with how fast things add up. It really gives me some appreciation of the work we've been doing.

    Faye---I can definitely relate to your frustration. I think the slowness of the weight loss is such a hard thing to keep your motivation going. I like your idea of thinking of the bigger picture—that we are living a more healthy life style. Getting feedback from the others on this board may help too.

    Geri…what a series of challenges you have had. I hope things sort themselves out.

    Birdie…I do learn so much from you. I think the weighing and accountable is really important. I have lost lots of weigh in other programs and the pounds found their way back by me not getting on the scale for months. Now, I do weigh daily and I know that there will be variations but it does keep me on top of things. I also write in down so I can see the patterns --- I don’t think I would have stuck to the program as well without the information from MFP.

    Kackie…I understand the struggle of getting or staying on track. I know that this is a busy time of year and I can feel myself get anxious with all the social events and thinking of my food plan.

    Amanda…so glad that you are feeling better.

    Mary…Hope you have a wonderful time.

    Welcome Gail…this is a great site. Feel free to friend me.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    genealace - panko are japanese breadcrumbs. I get the whole wheat ones and then put them in a food processor to make the pieces smaller.

    Did a DVD today by Jari Love called Extremely Ripped. Tomorrow I'll do a Leslie Sansone DVD then go to mahjongg and then probably bowling. I got 2 coupons for 3 free games and Vince has one. Jessica will be here tonight so if we all go, we can each bowl 3 games for free! Or if Jessica wants to go to the Humane Society, I may skip mahjongg.

    mary - I usually put ice cubes in the pan after finishing hard boiling the eggs. Perhaps the eggs that I have are too fresh????

    Vince's knee is bothing him and it seems to be getting worse. He says it feels like when he had the torn miniscus. Tomorrow he's supposed to go to an orthopaedist. Interestingly, the same practice that I went to when I broke the bone in my foot a few years ago. At that time the other practice in our area didn't take our insurance so that's why I went there. Now they take our insurance.

    Faye - what a neat suggestion to use a teaspoon for getting egg shells off! Next time I'm going to give that a try. Thanks

    I bought these tablecloths on sale with 30% off coupon, now I need to cut them down to fit our banquet table and an Ikea table that we have. I did one today, it took me about 3 hours. Maybe I'll do another one tonight or wait until I have lots of time.

    cherub - I ran your recipe for the salmon burgers through my Master Cook. I only input the panko, garlic, I used the canned salmon rather than fresh, egg, soy sauce (reduced sodium), lemon juice, and salt. One of 8 burgers came out to 92 calories each. Now to try them to see how large or small they are when you make 8. But even if they are small, at 92 calories each, you can have two. Thanks for the recipe.

    msh/Mary - have fun at the rreunion!

    Welcome gail! You've come to the right place. Tell us some more about yourself.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello

    :smile: Cathy, how wonderful that your son graduated and did so on the Dean’s list. That is a great accomplishment.

    :drinker: Birdie, Thanks for sharing the Kale recipe. I’ve copied it and will try it one day. Sounds as though it will go great with some fish or chicken.

    :smile: Gail, welcome. Thisis a great group. I'm glad I joined this group.

    :grumble: I understand the frustration with slow weight loss. I gain weight just thinking about food. However, once my body has imprisoned weight it is stored in my stomach for maximum security. I keep thinking the tunnel for escape is through exercise and food control. I’m convinced that if I keep digging, I’ll see the light. If not, I should at least have some :smokin: smokin arm muscles.

    The men in my family are coming to my house this weekend for dinner:drinker: . I'm having a hard time plannnig a menu that will help me stay balanced with my food choices. Although, I am a cake person, my favorite pie is pecan pie, which happens to be my father's favorite. Pecan pie is part of the menu. The pie won't bother dad, age 75 , who runs about 10 miles 4 to 5 times a week. :ohwell: As for me, I need to start walking now and keep doing so until Saturday.

    :smile: Have a great weekend!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    They decided tonight to move my mother to the hospice wing of the hospital. I am tired and weary from playing peacemaker with my siblings, but I will survive. I still plan to go to the reunion, as 2 of her 3 brothers will be there and I can talk to them in person. Mom was the one who pushed me to plan the reunion, in hopes that she could attend, so it will be a little hard to go without her. I will get home on Sunday, and plan to go to see her on Monday. I don't know how long I will stay. I have changed my profile picture to a picture of her, two of my grandsons, and my grandniece on her 82nd birthday 6 weeks ago.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    My name is Gail and I am 55. I am new to MFP. I started on May 28. I have lost 11 pounds. I love having a way to track my food and exercise. I am doing Atkins with a friend of mine, but she is not on MFP. I have a hard time eating my calories when I exercise, but I am trying to stay within my calorie count. I would like to have some friends on this website to talk with and get help when I need it and to offer help if I can.

    Welcome Gail to this great group, there are many here who will help you in any way they can....

    Had a good day, ate salad 2x today, went out, for lunch, had a chopped salad with chicken, too many tortilla strips tho, picked some out... went light on the dressing, took the rest home, had it for dinner.

    Tomorrow I play bridge... suppose to be nice out, will ride my bike outside..

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Mary,love the pic.prayers for you and your family.
    Hope everyone has a good night.
    Take care
    Praying for those of you that are having some real struggles latley.
    welcome Gail!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning.

    I just wanted to send out hugs to everyone today. Some of you need them, some of you deserve them and some of you just get them!


    Amanda xx
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    I didn't have a great day yesterday food wise. I didn't sleep good the night before and was especially cranky yesterday. I only woke up once last night so I'm planning on a better day today.

    My son and his girlfriend painted all the shutters and a porch bench on the house yesterday. I couldn't believe how faded they were. They look so good.

    Hubby is still working on my car trying to diagnose what the problem is. He thought he had it running and took it for a test drive. It was running well and when he was almost home it cut off but thankfully it was downhill and he was able to coast back home.

    Well, I'm going out to water the garden. We are supposed to have temps back in the 90's today so I want to get my outside work out of the way while it is still cool.

    I hope you all have a good day and make good choices! (I'm telling myself that too!)

  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Morning everyone.

    Welcome Gail, glad to have in the group.

    exermom, I give Spock (our diabetic dog) insulin twice a day. 7 a.m. & 7p.m. He eats when he gets insulin to. He's doing fairly well but from the variences in his blood test I doubt that he'll ever be off insulin. He's 13 yrs old and has other health problems to. He has cushings disease and is totally blind. But he gets around the house pretty well and still goes out and runs in our fenced in yard. We have 2 other dogs and 1 cat. All are considered geriatri because they are over 6 years old. The youngest (Lila) is 8 and takes phenobarb 2 times a day for seizures as she has epilepsy. The others are O.K.

    Well I weighed in this morning and paid for my foraging episode on Sunday morning. I gained 1 lb. and 3/4 " on my waist. I've been really down this week and haven't done all the exercise I should have done. I'm also extremely tired so it's hard to get going. On Wed our water aerobics instructor took our BP and pulse to show us how the exercise affected our body. Mine were so low she kiddingly said I was dead. So if it stays that way I may go into the doctor to see what he has to say. One of my problems is that I'm on so many meds for so many diagnosis that I really don't want to add any to the mix.

    Well I'm off for the day. I plan to go to water aerobics today so maybe that will perk me up. Thanks for listening. You guys are great!
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Good morning.

    I just wanted to send out hugs to everyone today. Some of you need them, some of you deserve them and some of you just get them!


    Amanda xx

    Amanda, that was so thoughtful. Thanks.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Wow, Friday already, I can't believe how quickly time flies. :noway: It's a gym day today and it's always a very slow uncrowded gym on Fridays, I guess everyone is busy getting ready for the weekend. The room where the weight resistance machines are faces the afternoon sun and it gets super hot in there inspite of AC, they keep promising a fan but so far it hasn't happened..it is really hot in there and I have to really keep talking to myself to hang in there when I am exercising instead of quitting and going to a cooler area of the gym.

    Instead of a big heavy, meat filled BBQ Father's Day meal since both Robert and I are eating healthy and working out regularly I wanted to do something different. I bought shrimp and crab legs and will make a nice seafood salad for him for Father's Day. I passed this by him first though, didn't want him to be expecting one thing and get another, he thought it was a great idea.
    Will make a dressing with low calorie thousand island and some lemon juice with a little Old Bay seasoning thrown in too.
    Wish I could think of something light and lemony for dessert, any suggestions? Maybe I can find a lemon sorbet at the store.:drinker:

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies, stay focused and on track. I love the saying "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" and I agree, that skinny feeling is sooooo wonderful and satisfying.:flowerforyou: Sissy:heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! all!happy Fri to you all!
    Amanda,I need a hug.Having trouble wit the food lately.I`m ok at home.It` s going out -birthday parties,graduation etc.
    I have to do better.Don`t want to put all the wt back on.Also am not a good example to my daughter.
    Cindy,I have been having days like that.
    Sissy,love you idea for Father`s day,enjoy.
    Take care
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Mary – I hope you get some satisfaction from the family reunion. Hopefully talking to your mom's siblings will help you. That is a great picture of your mom and the kids. She looks very happy.

    Cindy – Wouldn't it be great if we could unhook our mood from our mouth? I'm working on it and probably always will be. I sure hope your car gets debugged and on the road again. I just went through that myself and agree it is very frustrating! :explode: At least you have a mechanic in the family; that's something in your favor.

    Sissy – That is a wonderful idea for dinner.:happy: I am planning on seafood as well. DH will get his sauteed in butter and I will have mine grilled or steamed in a salad. It would be easier if we ate the same but at least he doesn't tempt me to eat what I shouldn't or buy me candy like some DH's do.

    I am making red velvet cupcakes today, as today is his birthday. That way he can have a couple, have a few more Sunday and the rest I will freeze for a 4th of July get together.

    I am making a vow here to not eat a one or lick the frosting knife! I know what they taste like and I'm not giving them up forever after all. However, I have almost forgotten what it feels like to be a size medium. I intend to be reminded soon! :angry: <-- this is my determined face, not an angry one. :laugh:

    I'm off to water my poor plants. The heat and drought is doing a number on them. The smoke is very thick today too, so I will do it as quickly as possible. Then get the cupcakes made and hit the gym before they close at 6. As someone else mentioned, the place will be nearly abandoned. Friday doesn't seem to be a popular gym day.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    OK, the scale is defrinitely goofy... not sure what gives, weighed myself (not offical which is MONDAY) but it said I weighed 2 pounds more than yesterday, then AFTER my shower, with WET HAIR, it said I weighed a POUND more than yesterday>????? hUH? Guess i won't believe that darn thing eh?

    Changing subjects, HOW do you cook a pork tenderloin??? (it's the skinny long thing right?), Never cooked one before...
    Want to grill, so what do you marinate in, or do to it, how long you cook it?

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, another hot day in the week. Hope the weekend stays dry, at least during the day. Getting on with exercising, and seeing some strength in my abdomen especially when I walk and sit. Not working too hard, but that is okay, especially right now. Was out with the girls last night celebrated our managers departure, she is retireing, can't wait for those words to slip out of my mouth. Had a fish and chip dinner, and drank a pitcher of water, not bad at all. Seems that I am eating my "right" foods more often and getting through the day with no cravings or wishes for other things. Weight dropped three pounds last week, but I don't know what it will do this week. I have almost 15 pounds to lose before I reach the weight I started here with (168) But I am focused on eating right and doing some walking, so that should help some.

    Newest job is stressful at times, trying to stay on the neutral path, don't take sides or get involved in some discussions. Hard thing to do sometimes. Hope all is well here, everyone on track and keeping the determination alive. I'll catch you all again some time soon, I am not on every day, after work my feet and legs are so sore, I just go to bed and hope for a sleep to happen at some point.

    Love to all...

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Good morning,

    Mary, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Your mom sounds like a sweet woman. I'm sad for you. :heart:

    I'm heading to the Bay Area to spend Father's Day weekend with family. :happy: I'll stay until Tuesday. I may be scarce on here the next few days. I'll miss you.

    Congrats to everyone who's doing well. :flowerforyou: Welcome to everyone new - you've found a wonderful, motivating group of women. And, to echo Amanda, hugs to everyone who needs one. :heart: :heart:
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :drinker: Yesterday, for the first time, I used peanut butter powder in a protein smoothie. I loved it. Tthe taste was great. Two tablespoons was only 45 calories compared to about 200 calories for 2 tablespoons of prepared peanut butter. The powder can be used in various recipes.

    I learned about the peanut butter powder in another MFP discusion. Here is the link for fhe powder peanut butter: http://www.bellplantation.com/ The company does sale sample packages.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    No bowling this morning the rain started just as we were getting ready to bowl. So we waited, but people decided to check out before waiting to see how long it would rain. After 15 minutes I checked out too.

    Then I was able to get my grocery shopping done, and now I'm off to find my dining room table. I know it is in the dining room somewhere, just have to unbury it! Have friends coming over on Sunday, so need somewhere for them to eat.

    Quite hot and humid now the rain has stopped. But I still need to go out and water my hanging baskets because they are under the overhang of the roof so don't get watered even when it rains.