Paleo Diet



  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178

    OP if you are seriously interested in it, reading The Primal Blueprint is IMO a great place to start. Stop believing the government version of healthy which was literally determined by politicians and not scientists. And it it is not "hard" at all. I work full time, have 5 kids, 4 dogs, 6 chickens, and a husband, and manage to make primal meals for all of us. wondering how processed salami and 'Dunkin Donuts - Large Iced Coffee W/Cream and Splenda' fall into the primal format

    wow rude....A person deciding to follow a type of lifestyle does not give someone else the right to judge what they do...Freedom and all that.....I follow the eating right lifestyle but look at that I had an ice cream cone the other day....Take the plank out of your eye before the speck out of thy brothers....and what is worse is no mediator took this out....Everyone is entitled to an opinion...the only time that becomes wrong is when it is a judgement...LEARN THE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    You can actually drink wine on the diet :)

    Yes, but only on occasion. Alcohol really messes with the fat burning process.

    But it tastes so good and makes me feel warm and happy. :love: I drink wine just about every night and I've been losing steadily with my whole grains and beans. That said, I do not have any other health problems such as diabetes or insulin resistance because I've avoided simple carbs for about 10 years now.

    Can anyone say oxymoron

    REALLY???????????????????? can anyone say JUDGEMENTAL!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member

    I beg to differ with you on this point. Sugar cane does indeed cause a massive spike for diabetes. Not recommended! Warning....this is not an option for people with metabolic issues!

    "Moreover, cane cutters would cut and move by hand as much as seven tons of sugarcane each day, which required an extraordinary effort that suggested to Campbell...that a physically active lifestyle might ward off the danger of excessive sugar consumption perhaps by burning the sugar as fuel to maintain the necessary "huge output of energy" before it could do its damage. - Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes."

    Okay, there's a little more detail.

    Bingo! It is less about the sugar that they ingested and more about the butt load of physical activity in their daily lives! If they stopped being physically active and continued to eat the sugar cane they will develop diabetes!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I have been toying with the idea of starting to try a paleo -ish lifestyle. I do crossfit (and totally love it) and a lot of people that crossfit eat paleo. To be honest, every time I see one of these threads talking about paleo it's the paleo people that turn me off. I agree with the one poster who said paleo people tend to bash everything else. I can see that it's not for everyone and everyone has different motivations/reasons for eating the way they do, but why do so many of these "paleo" eaters come off so elitist? You know you really put a bad taste out there for those that are considering doing paleo.

    Personally, I'm most concerned about giving up so many things at once. I can do no grains, that's fine, but beans and dairy too, that's going to be rough. I try to eat clean most of the time (this past weekend, and the left overs this week have been an exception) so it won't be that much of a change, like I said, just restricting so many items at once will take some effort. I'd be open to some support from those of you that are paleo but I don't need anyone telling me this is best and everything else sucks. I don't believe in that, there's a plan for everyone and they don't have to all be the same. Just because one person is a vegatarian doesn't make them the devil, and by the same means, just becuase you're paleo doens't make you god. So any open minded paleo people that want to help me out, I'd be open to that!

    I would be interested in examples. If you have followed the “paleo” threads you have seen me, I post on most of them when I see one. In all the threads I have seen about Paleo, I have never seen a “Paleo” person start the attacks, it has ALWAYS been in defense against the lies and misinformation and attacks by the, everything in moderation,,,,,,,,,, (I’ll be nice) people. I admit I have a bias and maybe I don’t see the elitist attitudes. Take this thread for example, the very first response was to question it as a “fad”, and fad carries the connotation that you must be easily duped to fall for that “fad”, in other words you are an idiot for falling for a fad, while I am so much smarter because I do everything in moderation.

    And then we have the folks that will pick one thing out of the diet and assume that everyone is eating only that one thing and eating it until they can’t stand and say “See this diet sucks compared to my moderation diet”. Really? This is a back handed attack, this is elitist. We also have those that accuse us of being hypocrites if we dare to eat one thing that is not “on” the diet, and again hold up the everything in moderation moniker, well after all if you do “everything” in moderation then you can’t possibly go off your diet, or can you. Any of these “superior” human beings ever go over their moderation?

    Seriously, you're going to try to attack me on this for my opinion. This is exactly what I'm talking about, and here I'm trying to make an effort and eat paleo, way to go. You people are adults get over yourselves. I'll find "support" somewhere else.

    That was an awesome response... Why does everything have to be attack....judge...what ever happened to support...Who cares who starts it....who bashes more who bashes is all still bashing and we get enough of bashing in every part of our lives....our co workers our family, people we know.....Bashing is what got a great many of us overweight...Lack of knowledge and accurate information from the GOVERNMENT AND BOOKS is what has gotten the world here.....How about everyone get over their selves and share the success...promote what is working FOR SOMEONE!!!! IF IT IS WORKING IT ISN'T WRONG! it does not have to work for you to be right.......Who the heck cares where sugar came from...does it make you fat? why does it always have to be a pissing match of who is right and who is wrong....No diet works....simple really...People eating Paleo don't call it a diet and people eating healthy don't call it a diet....the stock market was a fad once too...has made people a lot of money....and on the other fence the government was once a fad too..look at the bad it has causes......We are all learning.....simple really...learning......L E A R N I N G!

    Why is this bothering me so much???? because it is crap....because we are judged everywhere and don't need to be judged here....because I am trying to lose (LOOSE) just to upset you because how I spell is going to matter to some...weight...because our kids are judging their peers and hurting them and they are learning it from us...because it is really easy to throw some shots on a computer...because it is so important to be right instead of helpful....because like everyone else if I knew what was good for me I would NOT BE FAT!!!! because I am need of help....because most of us on here are in need of help...because I watch people give up everyday because of judgement.....

    BECAUSE NON OF US ARE PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You can actually drink wine on the diet :)

    Yes, but only on occasion. Alcohol really messes with the fat burning process.

    But it tastes so good and makes me feel warm and happy. :love: I drink wine just about every night and I've been losing steadily with my whole grains and beans. That said, I do not have any other health problems such as diabetes or insulin resistance because I've avoided simple carbs for about 10 years now.

    Can anyone say oxymoron

    REALLY???????????????????? can anyone say JUDGEMENTAL!

    ROFL No, guilty as charged. :blushing: What I should have said is I've been avoiding simple carbs in my food. I don't eat or even like sweets much and only eat white bread or pasta when absolutely necessary (e.g. a friend serving it for dinner. I won't be rude). But try to take my long stemmed glass and you just might lose a hand. :drinker:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    Can anyone say oxymoron

    REALLY???????????????????? can anyone say JUDGEMENTAL!

    I know it’s a big word and all, but you need to look up oxymoron, then look at his post, if you need help send me a PM I will guide you thru it. :wink: