"Totally Tall" Women of MFP (5'9" and up) Open Group



  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    6ft. Worried about whether I'll ever lose the huge legs (thighs and bottom especially) that sprouted on me between 7th grade to college graduation. Less junk in the trunk and less noise in my thighs, please and thank you lord. willing to put in the effort, praying for the results.
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    I have since gotten over my insecurities of being tall - people have caught up, and well, I like being tall now! But with all my years of crouching so low, I now naturally crouch! (And this isn't just bad posture, it is severe crouching!!). I don't mean to do it, but all the years of doing it has made me naturally do it! Because of this I don't "carry my body / weight" very well - my gut sticks out and it's just... bad. If I make an effort to stand up straight I actually don't look that bad. I look skinnier and more confident, but it takes SO MUCH EFFORT to stand tall. People tell me all the time to straighten up because I look better that way, but it is hard...

    Anyone else with that problem???

    I don't have that problem, but I was wondering if you spoken with your physician or a chirapractor about this? It seems to me (but who am I lol) that it could be corrected over time with the proper attention and exercise to stretch and strengthen the muscles around your vertabrae. I wonder if hot yoga would work for you to limber that up....

    For me it's not an issue of chiro or yoga or any of that - its an issue of society. I'm a tall 6ft - and i have a long torso too. Most desks, chalk/white boards, chairs, anything really, are too short for me. To sit tall and work at my office, my arms HURT because my arms don't get the support a 'normal' height woman would have; because they don't naturally sit at 90 degrees like my co-workers, my arms are at an awkward 100-110 degrees if I sit up properly.

    Car seats are a similar issue - I can't get a car seat to angle correctly to support my height (in my parent's cars) so when I drive their cars, my lower back starts to hurt rather quickly. Grrrr society and its still 'averages!'
  • DebbiHE
    DebbiHE Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'10 and love it! My hubby is 6'4, so I can still wear heels when we go out. I'm definitely excited about getting my weight back to where it was!
  • livesthere
    livesthere Posts: 71
    I am 6' and I weigh 138! I just started a healthy diet and working out.. I have lost about 12 pounds in a short amount of time and I am not hungry on my diet. I used to snack all day and eat very unhealthy foods all the time, but now I am a completely different person. I have always loved being tall!!

    Congrats on your weight management! I am 5'11.5" and I also love being tall (except I didn't as a kid so I slouched down... and now that I have come to terms with my height I have a natural slouch... not pretty at all).

    My goal weight is 150. I have been there before at my height and people would call me skeletal. I am just wondering how you got to 138, if you consider yourself healthy, and if you get any comments about how skinny you are? I just think that 138 is a little underweight for your height. According to the height / weight chart often referred to on this site, you are currently underweight. You look GREAT in your picture... was just wondering about it, that's all.

    Hi, just to put in my two cents:
    I am just about 5'11" and currently weighing around 165. People say it's "healthy" but my natural, normal healthy weight is about 135-140, which I was until I had my son, after I had my son, and just up until a few months ago when I've gone through some hard times and put on extra weight (fat not muscle!).

    You can't go by a chart to tell you what you should weigh, it has to be when you feel good. Because right now, I know it's not my real weight... So I think each person's body is just so different you can never go by a chart. :)
  • chambo918
    chambo918 Posts: 4 Member
    What a great conversation this is! I LOVE being tall at 6 feet :) In fact in my family growing up I thought I was short!

    My grandma is 6'3", my dad is 6'7", and my tallest cousin is 6'11". At 6' I'm the shortest person on my dad's side of the family!
  • Aspiringspeechie
    Aspiringspeechie Posts: 2 Member
    Oh I know how you all feel. I'm 5'11" and I have always stuck out. When I was younger I think that I always thought I was bigger and so didn't like doing sports and stopped it. Now I look back on the pictures of me when I was younger and see that in fact I was fine for my height, wish I'd seen it earlier, maybe I would have carried on with all the sports I did and wouldn't be in the situation I am now.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Finally! Women I can relate to! Most of my friends and family are shorties! I'm 5'9". Started my weight loss journey at 265. I'm now 225 and I thought my goal would be 165-170, but I'm seeing posts on here of taller women whose goals are in the 150's or lower, so maybe I'll rethink that. In any case, I have a long way to go, and it's nice to have support from MFP! Also, I'm a professional photographer, so I make sure I'm never in pictures, because I get to be the person behind the camera. However, I don't have any pictures of me at my high weight., or of me at my current weight. So maybe I'll brave it and take a pic of me for my profile...
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Are any of you tall, lovely MFP members doing Atkins?
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Are any of you tall, lovely MFP members doing Atkins?
    I used Atkins and *A LOT* of cardio to drop my weight down to 93kg from about 117kg (258lbs to 205lbs) in about 6 months in the run up to my sister's wedding. I was on the 'induction phase' for the whole period and found it was ok - it's not all butter and fried food. I'd have eggs for breakfast, a salad for lunch and often another salad for dinner. Boring but not unhealthy.

    Having said that, the weight didn't stay off. 2 reasons for that I think - I couldn't eat like that permanently 'cos I like my carbs :laugh: and I had some personal issues which I dealt with by eating and drinking too much.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Fellow tall ladies unite! :laugh: Love this thread!

    I'm 6 feet tall - wear size 11 shoes - currently weigh 175 and wear size 12 clothes. And I think I look GOOD!

    I LOVE being tall. Granted, I didn't like it when I was 5'10 in the 6th grade, but I love it now. Most girls would kill for our legs and for the way we can "hide" weight well. Most of my life I've hoovered around 200 pounds / size 16 XL. Even being athletic and playing college basketball I weighed 195 - seems CRAZY! My original goal was 175, but when I got here, I lowered my goal to 165 because I still see and feel more fat I want GONE.

    I eat about 1500 net calories per day. I was doing 1200 at first, but now I bumped that up a little and still have kept a good weight loss pace.

    Hubby is 5'10, and he LOVES me being tall! :blushing: Love my high heels! OH - for those of us in the business/professional world - don't you just love being taller than all the other MEN! It's such a powerful position! :smokin:

    I tend to carry my weight in my thighs and hips. Waist and upper body is smaller than bottom half. I have good luck with Loft pants - Julie style, and the Curvy style of Gap pants. Love me some Nordstrom for shoes. DSW is okay too. Nine West, but you have to order them online most times.

    Keep up the good work everyone!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    OH - for those of us in the business/professional world - don't you just love being taller than all the other MEN! It's such a powerful position! :smokin:

    LOVE this! I tell my husband all the time that I love wearing my 2-3 inch heels to work and having those cocky SOB's I work with have the look up to me to talk!! LOL!!

    I also love that, now that I am a size 4, I get "those" looks all the time!!! Legs that go on for days! I used to hate being tall me know it is the best thing in the world.

    Wear some super cute heels and a dress or skirt that is a tad above the knee and look ridiculous hot!!!!

    Tall girls are really HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I am 6' and I weigh 138! I just started a healthy diet and working out.. I have lost about 12 pounds in a short amount of time and I am not hungry on my diet. I used to snack all day and eat very unhealthy foods all the time, but now I am a completely different person. I have always loved being tall!!

    Congrats on your weight management! I am 5'11.5" and I also love being tall (except I didn't as a kid so I slouched down... and now that I have come to terms with my height I have a natural slouch... not pretty at all).

    My goal weight is 150. I have been there before at my height and people would call me skeletal. I am just wondering how you got to 138, if you consider yourself healthy, and if you get any comments about how skinny you are? I just think that 138 is a little underweight for your height. According to the height / weight chart often referred to on this site, you are currently underweight. You look GREAT in your picture... was just wondering about it, that's all.

    Hi, just to put in my two cents:
    I am just about 5'11" and currently weighing around 165. People say it's "healthy" but my natural, normal healthy weight is about 135-140, which I was until I had my son, after I had my son, and just up until a few months ago when I've gone through some hard times and put on extra weight (fat not muscle!).

    You can't go by a chart to tell you what you should weigh, it has to be when you feel good. Because right now, I know it's not my real weight... So I think each person's body is just so different you can never go by a chart. :)

    I'm 5'10 and 132 and I DO NOT look too thin at all. I still have my thigh issue that I am working through (thunder thighs) and I am in a size 4. All i am doing now is toning up.

    My point: I think you should weigh what makes you happy. I get comments all the time from my family about being too skinny, but I'm not and for the first time in several years, I am happy with MYSELF and that is what matters!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    As for jeans I only have american eagle jeans because they're super long and at a great price!

    I had no idea AE had long-length jeans! AAAAAND they go up to size 18! Depending on how generous of a cut that 18 is, I might actually be able to find a pair of jeans from them :D Thanks so much for the tip!

    They actually carry extra long length online
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Hey ladies let me know if you want to incorporate monthly goal or challenges. I was thinking about creating a Totally Tall Women banner we could put in our signature. Just let me know and we can collectively come up with something.

    Love the idea =)

    cool! once more ladies reply we can come up with something.

    Um, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Lydvicious
    Lydvicious Posts: 28
    I'm 6'0 and proud to be a member of the Totally Tall MFP group.

    I've always been tall and skinny, and once I had my daughter I "filled out" now I can't fit into any of my jeans...which us tall girls know is traumatic because we pay at least 2-3x more than the average girl to get jeans that fit. So I'm working my butt off, literally, to get back into my size 2's.

    Wish me luck!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm sorry I'm a day late with the challenge.

    CHALLENGE - START 6/21/11 END 6/26/11


    I thought this would be a awesome challenge to work on endurance. Remember you don't have to do them all at one time but make sure they count. Get that heart rate up, keep your core tight and breath. Report your daily completion. Good luck ladies!

    Crap, I just saw this challenge. I would love to join but a little late. I will just participate from 06/24/11 to 06/26/11. Better late than never!
  • Lydvicious
    Lydvicious Posts: 28
    Hey ladies let me know if you want to incorporate monthly goal or challenges. I was thinking about creating a Totally Tall Women banner we could put in our signature. Just let me know and we can collectively come up with something.

    Love the idea =)

    cool! once more ladies reply we can come up with something.

    Um, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's a great idea!!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    The challenge this week is a 100 jumping jacks per day. If you can do more then go for it! Post here when you've completed your daily challenge.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm sorry I'm a day late with the challenge.

    CHALLENGE - START 6/21/11 END 6/26/11


    I thought this would be a awesome challenge to work on endurance. Remember you don't have to do them all at one time but make sure they count. Get that heart rate up, keep your core tight and breath. Report your daily completion. Good luck ladies!

    Crap, I just saw this challenge. I would love to join but a little late. I will just participate from 06/24/11 to 06/26/11. Better late than never!

    Exactly!! Love the attitude!


    200 Jumping Jacks completed
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm sorry I'm a day late with the challenge.

    CHALLENGE - START 6/21/11 END 6/26/11


    I thought this would be a awesome challenge to work on endurance. Remember you don't have to do them all at one time but make sure they count. Get that heart rate up, keep your core tight and breath. Report your daily completion. Good luck ladies!

    Crap, I just saw this challenge. I would love to join but a little late. I will just participate from 06/24/11 to 06/26/11. Better late than never!

    Exactly!! Love the attitude!


    200 Jumping Jacks completed

    Just saw this challenge! I'm in, and I'll start tomorrow. Also, love the idea of a Totally Tall Women banner!