What Really Annoys you???



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Here's something that really annoys me. And it just happened today.

    It seriously pisses me off when you tell me that I can't reach my goals. If you think that I will fall flat on my face and fail, keep it to your self and DO NOT send me private messages!!!

    Yes, I want to wear size 2 clothes. Yes, I want to have 12% body fat. But what's NOT stated on my profile is that YES, I want to compete in figure competitions!!! YOU might be happy at 20% body fat, and that's super duper OK with me. That's YOUR goal. BUT, you will never see anyone WIN a FITNESS COMPETITION at anything around 18%. In fact, you see someone like that walk onto the stage, and they'll be laughed off the stage really fast...

    So you better think twice about private messaging me and telling me some crap about how you feel about my goals. K??? Cause all you will get is a pissed off non-censored PM response, and quite possibly an "ignore user" from me.
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    When someone puts down extreme *kitten* as their exercise log. Talk about too much information! :indifferent:

    Boggles the mind.

    cleaned up my response...:-)
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    When people post things on social network sites that are obviously meant to illicit a response... ex: "well, i guess i'll never be good enough" and then when someone comments, they say "oh, its nothing" don't put it out there if you don't want the questions!!!!!!
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    That's mine. Not "mines." Mines explode.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Right this exact moment, my office mate is BLARING hillbilly redneck music. I'm in an office with 2 other people, so my music is down at a reasonable level. My music is so quiet, that if I lean too far back in my chair, I can't hear it. HER music on the other hand, I can hear down the hall IN THE ELEVATOR. Someone has no concept of common courtesy
  • Leothelioness
    When someone says they're going to do something...................................................and they don't!!
    My son, leaving all the lights on, his computer on and everything else electric in his room and being downstairs watching the tv.
    And lastly, Waiting in a huge queue at the checkout, whilst the person serving is having a good chinwag with one of their mates!!!!