What is your job?



  • irishk8lin
    irishk8lin Posts: 15
    I am a Registered Nurse. I actually just finished my BSN degree in May.
  • maritimemom
    maritimemom Posts: 192
    I'm a library assistant at one of our city's public libraries. :) I love it!
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    imma subrogation collections specialist. basically, i get called a ***** all day and then hu on. thats my fave part of it. LOL.
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom, lead a couponing group at church (teach classes on it as well), and sing and play piano in the praise and worship band each Sunday. I love being home with my kids and watching them grow.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    non-stereotypical accountant :bigsmile:
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    I work in events management for a non-corporate organisation. The best part of my job is that I have about 4 really good friends here and we all have loads of fun.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I'm a Set Decoration Coordinator/Production Assistant for movies and TV shows. Best part of my job is working with super creative and talented people, many whose work I've admired since I was a kid growing up watching movies! And of course the getting to see celebrities thing can be a perk at times, depending on who it is. :laugh:

    Soo many interesting and varied careers on here! I love it. :drinker:
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I am a night shift labor/Dleivery/Post partum nurse. I love my job! I get to be there to see the first momnets of new life and share the joy with my patients and families.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I'm a Set Decoration Coordinator/Production Assistant for movies and TV shows. Best part of my job is working with super creative and talented people, many whose work I've admired since I was a kid growing up watching movies! And of course the getting to see celebrities thing can be a perk at times, depending on who it is. :laugh:

    Soo many interesting and varied careers on here! I love it. :drinker:

    Cool! Can you bring back Guiding Light (soap opera) LOL. Sounds like a very interesting job!!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Cool! Can you bring back Guiding Light (soap opera) LOL. Sounds like a very interesting job!!

    HAHA! Unfortunately I have absolutely no connections in the soap opera world. :laugh:
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I am a night shift labor/Dleivery/Post partum nurse. I love my job! I get to be there to see the first momnets of new life and share the joy with my patients and families.

    That would be so cool! I always find myself in tears when I watch the "birthing shows" on TV.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I'm a cashier at a grocery store. Can't wait to graduate from nursing school and get out of there!
  • Cadenpet
    Cadenpet Posts: 79
    heh I have two jobs. Lead Senior Certified Pharmacy Technician for Walgreens but I am also our Third Party Specialist for the district. Basically I clean up insurance mistakes my district made. I am handling 33 stores.

    And come August 22 I will be starting on the path to my Pharm. D in pharmacy school.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm a Set Decoration Coordinator/Production Assistant for movies and TV shows. Best part of my job is working with super creative and talented people, many whose work I've admired since I was a kid growing up watching movies! And of course the getting to see celebrities thing can be a perk at times, depending on who it is. :laugh:

    Soo many interesting and varied careers on here! I love it. :drinker:

    I used to do PA work and some production coordinator/director work. Challenging and fun (and I agree about it being cool to see people whose work you've admired for years), but insanely stressful!!!

    It is definitely amazing to see the diversity of work out there...and see so many people who like their job! So different than how the media portrays us all as pointless cubicle dwellers...
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm a bookstore manager. I'm basically my own boss, which rocks most of the time. There's only 2 volumes in my store; SUPER busy or SUPER slow. I love my job, but it's not my passion. I'd eventually like to make it back to school for a field like marine biology or maybe veterinary to work with animals. I worked in a pet hotel for a mere 3 months and had the time of my life. <3
    Oh! I'm also a certified pharmacy technician but decided it was too boring for me.
  • zen_cln
    zen_cln Posts: 10
    I am a manager at Goody's Dept Store! What I love the most is a combination of my associate discount and working with some great coworkers :)
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I currently have two jobs at the moment. I work at Best Buy as a Sales Operator [ we answer 98% of the calls that come into the Best Buy store] and a Teller at Wells Fargo. Lately I prefer Wells Fargo because I working with more polite customers and I am standing so I don't feel as lazy :P
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom, lead a couponing group at church (teach classes on it as well), and sing and play piano in the praise and worship band each Sunday. I love being home with my kids and watching them grow.

    Dream job!
  • mental_release

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mental_release
    ...wish I had ninja skills. Prolly wouldn't be on the litter crew if I did.....

    You do have Ninja skills. I never see you!