


  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    Animals were put on this earth for us to eat.... simple as that. Yall can cry all day long about animal cruelty, but at the end of the day we were made to eat meat... canines and everything. why defy nature?
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    The point of meat ether being good or bad for you is not the issue .. It's not the meat that's 100% unhealthy, it's whats in your meat and the facts behind your meat..

    Cattle are castrated and horns removed with no pain killers or Antibiotics, this is often done with bolt cutting type tools that are dirty, rusty and often lead to infections. They are branded over and over again and wounds are left untreated. The USDA allow meat from animals with cancers lesions and pus filled wounds to be certificated as USDA pure, so these wounds and injuries go untreated. After years of living in these conditions Cattle are forced into shipping trucks and shipped to slaughterhouses some are so sick they have to be pulled and dragged from the trucks, these sick dying diseased Cattle are USDA certificated and approved to be on your plate..

    Do you realize chickens and turkeys are forced to live in the worst living conditions known? Crammed into sheds by the tens of thousands forced to live among their own waste and deceased. Pumped with Antibiotics and growth hormones to supply bigger and meatier chickens. Most chickens legs brake due to the abnormal sizes from the growth hormones, lay in their own waste and starve to death.. Most of these birds are diseased and have infected flesh wounds, due to being pecked by other birds that have gone mad as a result of these living conditions..Some of them don't die but end up on your plate and are USDA
    approved. Sounds Tasty huh?

    Some of you may say this is bull crap and not true other may agree with these facts... Words can be disputed, but Images and Video speaks a thousand words.. Look it up!!

    even watch for yourselves...

    Yes, and as many people have already said on this topic; you can purchase meat products that are not raised in these conditions, as I and many others do. The bottom line is that humans were designed to eat animals and plants and you all have 32 pieces of evidence in your mouth that support this fact.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Are you honestly telling me that you believe global warming is a myth and cows don't release methane gas? If so, there's no need to continue the conversation lest I say something that offends you.

    Now see, honey(lol I know this drives liberals crazy), we are not on a talk show where you can try your slight of hand and get away with it. I said manmade global warming, and then you said global warming, two different things, if you are going to try and call me out you better try a little harder. YES MANMADE GLOBAL WARIMNG IS A MYTH. Shall I pull up the e-mails from all the “scientist” and their lies, distortions and omissions of facts on MAN MADE global warming?

    And again stick to the facts and to what I said, I never said cows don’t fart. Honey I’m from the country I actually know what a cow looks like before it get plastic wrapped and put on the shelf.
  • H8T3D
    H8T3D Posts: 77 Member
    Ture... But most people shop at supermarkets and butchers and most of those places do not get their meat products from ethical sources. and when you DO find an ethical source it is usually much more expensive and even ethical and organic farms still have inhumane practices. either way people are still uneducated about whats on their plate and where it comes from.
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    The point of meat ether being good or bad for you is not the issue .. It's not the meat that's 100% unhealthy, it's whats in your meat and the facts behind your meat..

    Cattle are castrated and horns removed with no pain killers or Antibiotics, this is often done with bolt cutting type tools that are dirty, rusty and often lead to infections. They are branded over and over again and wounds are left untreated. The USDA allow meat from animals with cancers lesions and pus filled wounds to be certificated as USDA pure, so these wounds and injuries go untreated. After a years of living in these conditions Cattle are forced into shipping trucks and shipped to slaughterhouses some are so sick they have to be pulled and dragged from the trucks, these sick dying diseased Cattle are USDA certificated and approved to be on your plate..

    Do you realize chickens and turkeys are forced to live in the worse living conditions known? Crammed into sheds by the tens of thousands forced to live among their own waste and deceased. Pumped with Antibiotics and growth hormones to supply bigger and meatier chickens. Most chickens legs brake due to the abnormal sizes from the growth hormones, lay in their own waste and starve to death.. Most of these birds are disease and have infected flesh wounds, due to being pecked by other birds that have gone mad in result of these living conditions..Some of them don't die but end up on your plate and are USDA
    approved. Sounds Tasty huh?

    Some of you may say this is bull crap and not true other may agree with these facts... Words can be disputed, but a Images and Video speaks a thousand words.. Look it up!!

    even watch for yourselves...

    It's not that hard to find ethical farms-

    That's 4 of the dozens and dozens of local farms that frequent 4 different farmers markets in my area, and stock at local grocery stores.

    They do not grow chickens to where their legs break..... I raised 14 pound chickens for FFA when I was a little kid and their legs never broke.... I'm sure they don't grow them that big because they are too tough to eat at that point... Most chickens have a problem in how their feet grow, some kind of gentic condition which makes it hard to walk, that is what you are seeing
  • H8T3D
    H8T3D Posts: 77 Member
    The point of meat ether being good or bad for you is not the issue .. It's not the meat that's 100% unhealthy, it's whats in your meat and the facts behind your meat..

    Cattle are castrated and horns removed with no pain killers or Antibiotics, this is often done with bolt cutting type tools that are dirty, rusty and often lead to infections. They are branded over and over again and wounds are left untreated. The USDA allow meat from animals with cancers lesions and pus filled wounds to be certificated as USDA pure, so these wounds and injuries go untreated. After years of living in these conditions Cattle are forced into shipping trucks and shipped to slaughterhouses some are so sick they have to be pulled and dragged from the trucks, these sick dying diseased Cattle are USDA certificated and approved to be on your plate..

    Do you realize chickens and turkeys are forced to live in the worst living conditions known? Crammed into sheds by the tens of thousands forced to live among their own waste and deceased. Pumped with Antibiotics and growth hormones to supply bigger and meatier chickens. Most chickens legs brake due to the abnormal sizes from the growth hormones, lay in their own waste and starve to death.. Most of these birds are diseased and have infected flesh wounds, due to being pecked by other birds that have gone mad as a result of these living conditions..Some of them don't die but end up on your plate and are USDA
    approved. Sounds Tasty huh?

    Some of you may say this is bull crap and not true other may agree with these facts... Words can be disputed, but Images and Video speaks a thousand words.. Look it up!!

    even watch for yourselves...

    Yes, and as many people have already said on this topic; you can purchase meat products that are not raised in these conditions, as I and many others do. The bottom line is that humans were designed to eat animals and plants and you all have 32 pieces of evidence in your mouth that support this fact.

    the teeth that are cited as an example to people being " made " to eat meat were created through evolution. if you look at prehistoric examples of teeth they are much larger and more flat as would be found in strictly or mostly herbivore animals.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Ture... But most people shop at supermarkets and butchers and most of those places do not get their meat products from ethical sources. and when you DO find an ethical source it is usually much more expensive and even ethical and organic farms still have inhumane practices. either way people are still uneducated about whats on their plate and where it comes from.

    $2.50/lb ground beef from my extended family's farm.

    Depends on the cut, depends on the relative market that you're buying from. In most rural areas you can find pretty affordable and sustainable meat and produce.

    I'm the posted that posted earlier about working around a slaughterhouse and hunting as a kid. Also raised a garden and canned and froze the proceeds. So count me in on the educated crowd.
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    Ture... But most people shop at supermarkets and butchers and most of those places do not get their meat products from ethical sources. and when you DO find an ethical source it is usually much more expensive and even ethical and organic farms still have inhumane practices. either way people are still uneducated about whats on their plate and where it comes from.

    $2.50/lb ground beef from my extended family's farm.

    Depends on the cut, depends on the relative market that you're buying from. In most rural areas you can find pretty affordable and sustainable meat and produce.

    I'm the posted that posted earlier about working around a slaughterhouse and hunting as a kid. Also raised a garden and canned and froze the proceeds. So count me in on the educated crowd.

    I kill most of my own meat that ends up on my plate.... so I guess I get to join the educated crowd? haha
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Ture... But most people shop at supermarkets and butchers and most of those places do not get their meat products from ethical sources. and when you DO find an ethical source it is usually much more expensive and even ethical and organic farms still have inhumane practices. either way people are still uneducated about whats on their plate and where it comes from.

    $2.50/lb ground beef from my extended family's farm.

    Depends on the cut, depends on the relative market that you're buying from. In most rural areas you can find pretty affordable and sustainable meat and produce.

    I'm the posted that posted earlier about working around a slaughterhouse and hunting as a kid. Also raised a garden and canned and froze the proceeds. So count me in on the educated crowd.

    I kill most of my own meat that ends up on my plate.... so I guess I get to join the educated crowd? haha

    Yes, join the meat slayer dark side :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    The point of meat ether being good or bad for you is not the issue .. It's not the meat that's 100% unhealthy, it's whats in your meat and the facts behind your meat..

    Cattle are castrated and horns removed with no pain killers or Antibiotics, this is often done with bolt cutting type tools that are dirty, rusty and often lead to infections. They are branded over and over again and wounds are left untreated. The USDA allow meat from animals with cancers lesions and pus filled wounds to be certificated as USDA pure, so these wounds and injuries go untreated. After years of living in these conditions Cattle are forced into shipping trucks and shipped to slaughterhouses some are so sick they have to be pulled and dragged from the trucks, these sick dying diseased Cattle are USDA certificated and approved to be on your plate..

    Do you realize chickens and turkeys are forced to live in the worst living conditions known? Crammed into sheds by the tens of thousands forced to live among their own waste and deceased. Pumped with Antibiotics and growth hormones to supply bigger and meatier chickens. Most chickens legs brake due to the abnormal sizes from the growth hormones, lay in their own waste and starve to death.. Most of these birds are diseased and have infected flesh wounds, due to being pecked by other birds that have gone mad as a result of these living conditions..Some of them don't die but end up on your plate and are USDA
    approved. Sounds Tasty huh?

    Some of you may say this is bull crap and not true other may agree with these facts... Words can be disputed, but Images and Video speaks a thousand words.. Look it up!!

    even watch for yourselves...

    Yes, and as many people have already said on this topic; you can purchase meat products that are not raised in these conditions, as I and many others do. The bottom line is that humans were designed to eat animals and plants and you all have 32 pieces of evidence in your mouth that support this fact.

    the teeth that are cited as an example to people being " made " to eat meat were created through evolution. if you look at prehistoric examples of teeth they are much larger and more flat as would be found in strictly or mostly herbivore animals.

    yes. and those teeth you are looking at? They do not belong to modern humans.

    We EVOLVED to be omnivores. It helps us to populate the world better. It's why it's called survival of the fittest (for the purpose)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Truth about cattle ranches.
    1) they do not try to give their cows infections, it cost them money.
    2) MOST cows are bred to not have horns, Polling (that’s what it’s called when you cut off their horns) if it’s done is done while very young and the buds are treated to avoid infection.
    Before dehorning, sharpen the blades of all dehorning instruments on an oilstone, then disinfect them in a bucket of antiseptic solution. Disinfect dehorners also between calves. This will allow dehorning to be completed smoothly and cleanly, reducing stress on both the operator and the animal. Blades will need to be re-sharpened if they become dull.
    3) Most cattle are not branded at all, let alone over and over again. And if they are and there is a wound that has not healed it gets treated immediately, again sick cattle are not profitable cattle.
    4) Most cattle spend most of their lives in open pasture, free to graze on green grass, chew their cud, and swat flies with their tails. They do not spend years living in “these conditions” (meaning the deplorable conditions alluded to in a previous post) even if they are destined to end up in a “factory” feed lot, they only spend a few months there. Again MOST of their life is spent in cow nirvana.
    And to finish animals don’t “feel” pain the way we do, to apply our feelings, our thought process to an animal is,,,,, well foolish. I have worked on cattle ranches, I have worked cattle, from roping to mugging to castrating, branding, and everything in between. If castrating and branding a calf was so traumatic they would surly show signs of this distress. But within minutes of being “worked” they are back with their mom, nursing of chomping on grass. With NO signs of distress whatsoever. And WTH, if you didn’t castrate calves you wouldn’t have mountain oysters, and OMG are they good. Oyster fry, and cold beer, now that is heaven.
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    Truth about cattle ranches.
    1) they do not try to give their cows infections, it cost them money.
    2) MOST cows are bred to not have horns, Polling (that’s what it’s called when you cut off their horns) if it’s done is done while very young and the buds are treated to avoid infection.
    Before dehorning, sharpen the blades of all dehorning instruments on an oilstone, then disinfect them in a bucket of antiseptic solution. Disinfect dehorners also between calves. This will allow dehorning to be completed smoothly and cleanly, reducing stress on both the operator and the animal. Blades will need to be re-sharpened if they become dull.
    3) Most cattle are not branded at all, let alone over and over again. And if they are and there is a wound that has not healed it gets treated immediately, again sick cattle are not profitable cattle.
    4) Most cattle spend most of their lives in open pasture, free to graze on green grass, chew their cud, and swat flies with their tails. They do not spend years living in “these conditions” (meaning the deplorable conditions alluded to in a previous post) even if they are destined to end up in a “factory” feed lot, they only spend a few months there. Again MOST of their life is spent in cow nirvana.
    And to finish animals don’t “feel” pain the way we do, to apply our feelings, our thought process to an animal is,,,,, well foolish. I have worked on cattle ranches, I have worked cattle, from roping to mugging to castrating, branding, and everything in between. If castrating and branding a calf was so traumatic they would surly show signs of this distress. But within minutes of being “worked” they are back with their mom, nursing of chomping on grass. With NO signs of distress whatsoever. And WTH, if you didn’t castrate calves you wouldn’t have mountain oysters, and OMG are they good. Oyster fry, and cold beer, now that is heaven.

    haha I had my first fried mountain oysters last week, and I must agree they were quite good :)-
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    haha I had my first fried mountain oysters last week, and I must agree they were quite good :)-

    Love your avatar, theat is a beautiful Golden you have there.
  • H8T3D
    H8T3D Posts: 77 Member
    Animals were put on this earth for us to eat.... simple as that. Yall can cry all day long about animal cruelty, but at the end of the day we were made to eat meat... canines and everything. why defy nature?

    Some people and cultures feel the same about your dog, would you agree with them and eat man's best friend?

    ALSO.. I tried to avoid any topics of cruelty in any of my posts. I was more pointing out the unhealthy aspect of things... Animal cruelty is a whole new topic. But I will not get into moral and political topics on a diet form!

    Not sure if it was mentioned already but meat is a source of creatine, very important for resistance training and sprinting. If you stop eating meat I'd suggest that you look into taking a low dose of a creatine supplement.

    There are many sources protein for herbivores and Vegans, our body’s natural ability to synthesis creatine. "the body can produce creatine from amino acids made available during the digestion of foods"
  • littlebones14
    Not sure if it was mentioned already but meat is a source of creatine, very important for resistance training and sprinting. If you stop eating meat I'd suggest that you look into taking a low dose of a creatine supplement.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Wow, this is a fun thread, though probably not what the OP had in mind. It's always amazing to me how strongly people feel about meat.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Animals were put on this earth for us to eat.... simple as that. Yall can cry all day long about animal cruelty, but at the end of the day we were made to eat meat... canines and everything. why defy nature?

    Some people and cultures feel the same about your dog, would you agree with them and eat man's best friend?

    In a survival situation, yes I would eat my own dog.
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for the past 20 years for ethical reasons. I would not kill an animal to eat it, so I don't believe in eating animals that others have killed for me. That being said, do I think meat in unhealthy? Absolutely not! I think people eating the standard American diet tend to eat too much of it, but I don't think it's unhealthy in moderation. As far as health, you can be an unhealthy vegetarian just as easily as you can be an unhealthy meat-eater. I was vegan for 15 of my 20 vegetarian years, I was both my healthiest and unhealthiest as a vegan. It had nothing to do with meat, eggs and dairy, but everything to do with eating junk and too much of it.

    I would encourage everyone, even with no interest in vegetarianism, to look into vegetarian cooking. It opens up a whole new world of food that you might not be aware of.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for the past 20 years for ethical reasons. I would not kill an animal to eat it, so I don't believe in eating animals that others have killed for me. That being said, do I think meat in unhealthy? Absolutely not! I think people eating the standard American diet tend to eat too much of it, but I don't think it's unhealthy in moderation. As far as health, you can be an unhealthy vegetarian just as easily as you can be an unhealthy meat-eater. I was vegan for 15 of my 20 vegetarian years, I was both my healthiest and unhealthiest as a vegan. It had nothing to do with meat, eggs and dairy, but everything to do with eating junk and too much of it.

    I would encourage everyone, even with no interest in vegetarianism, to look into vegetarian cooking. It opens up a whole new world of food that you might not be aware of.

    Well said.
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    Animals were put on this earth for us to eat.... simple as that. Yall can cry all day long about animal cruelty, but at the end of the day we were made to eat meat... canines and everything. why defy nature?

    Some people and cultures feel the same about your dog, would you agree with them and eat man's best friend?

    In a survival situation, yes I would eat my own dog.

    I agree... I love and respect animals and I love my dog to death... but if it came down to it..... its still just an animal.